The Corrupted [A Pokemon Gijinka Roleplay] [Inactive]

"Not even a playful poke?" Bishop asked. He was playing with her. "And what if we have a battle. Are you saying I have to let her end me without ever attacking?"

Oliver gulped "Well then... Remind me never to piss off your sister."

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"Well that's not the same." The Shaymin replied. "And she would easily win because she's a fire type and you're a steel type and she's super duper strong." The little grass type added.

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"That doesn't mean anything." Bishop said crossing his arms. "Strength means nothing if she can't hit me." Bishop smiled "I have ExtremeSpeed, so I can zip around and avoid her attacks."

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"Well she would beat you anyways because I believe in her." Lotus pouted, laying down on the armrest of the couch next to NikkI's head with her chin on her folded arms.

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"Yeah, lets be honest here." Bobby said, sitting on the couch next to Nikki, "She's is gonna hit you anyway. She is not going to stand at range and let you run around. She'll be in your face and blowing up with fire. If not crawling on the walls." He said, looking at Bishop.
"Don't touch me, please." Lotus sits up and moves backwards a couple inches. "And I'm just sleepy." She added while yawning.

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"Sorry, you just looked like you needed a pat." Bishop said "Also five words Bobby. Bone Rush and Close Combat." He turned to him "If she gets close I'll catch her with those."

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"Well no because you aren't going to touch her." Lotus says frowning.

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"Will you now." The Skarmory and Luxray looked at each other, then started to quietly crack up.

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"So I'm not allowed to have a little friendly competition?" Bishop said, then he heard the two laughing. "I wouldn't laugh. I have type advantages on both of you."

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The two continued to chuckle, "You just mention that you wanna spar to Nikki, then you'll see." The two bumped fists, then Bobby got up and they both moved off to a different corner of the room.

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"Lotus!" Bishop said mimicking a child who was disappointed. "Why!!" Bishop chuckled

"Thanks" Oliver said to Tsura. He looked up and saw that everyone had gone into Bishops Cave. "Should we go join up with everyone?"

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"Because I'm a big girl who is going to help her!" She says as she sits in a cross-legged position.

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"No I'm not, you are! And I'm going to help her no matter what you say!" The little Shaymin argued with Bishop, crossing her arms.

The female trainer escaped off to a cliff on the island after the battle, sitting on the edge, her legs dangling off the precipice. She was contemplating about everything that had happened since she had came to this region to investigate the Pokémon-human hybrids. She was sitting with her hands cupping her face, gathering all her information of what she had learned so far. Sure, she was tired, but she needed to put all her thoughts and such about the gijinka in one place. She pulled out a little notebook and wrote down all the information, organizing the bits into groups and sections. She then let her Eevee out of its capsule for company as she started to doodle on the side of the page.

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"How am I being a meanie?" Bishop said putting his hands on his hips. "I'm sure Nikki would enjoy having a battle."

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"Well only if she says so." Lotus turned away, her arms still crossed.

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With a shove, the Ninetails shoved the Houndoom off of her, and hissed, "Get off of me, Dominik."

"Awww, but why? I thought you missed me." He growled, letting himself get shoved off. "Why would I?" She growled, getting up and standing up, brushing her clothes off. "Well, we ARE a couple, aren't we? I thought you'd miss the "love of your life"." He said, mocking her.

"You are such a dick."

"Awww, I feel so special."

The Ninetails growled and shoved Dominik away, but he dragged her with him, an arm wrapped around her waist, before he pulled her into a kiss. The pair stayed there, until Nikki shoved the Houndoom away, breaking the kiss.
"Hey, why'd you stop?" He asked, looking at her, slightly insulted. "It's over, Dominik."


The Ninetails began to shift on the couch, but didn't wake up quite yet....
Tsura looked around, realizing that he was right. "Yes. Let's go." She said sea she stood. She looked at Corali, but then shook her head. She would let her talk to her sister.

Location: Iron Island
The little Shaymin's cheeks turned the pale-est shades of pinks at Bishop's comment, making her embarrassed in just the slightest. 'Maybe he can be trusted, but he's going to have to do more than calling me nice things.' Lotus thought to herself as she noticed Nikki move in her sleep. "Nikki?"

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