The Corrupted [A Pokemon Gijinka Roleplay] [Inactive]

"Sound's like fun" Bishop said Sarcastically "Well your here now. Although this place gets boring fast, you can trust me on that one. Ive been living here for as long as i can remember."
agemt g continued to fly untill he crashed into the ground right by bishop. the impact created a large crater, as agent g eye locks and looks around "zzzbzzz zzzizz
"BWAAAAHHH!!!!" Bishop said as what he thought was an asteroid crashed into the ground next to him. "Nikki you ok!?"

Location:Iron Island

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Zara looked behind her and found something headed for the island. It was a crater like object that amazed her. "Cooool!" Zara shouted seeing the crater crash in front of Bishop. Without thinking she ran after it and stopped behind Bishop to get a good look at it. "Whoa...!" She said right behind the group.

Location: Iron Island
"Umm... Who might you be?" Bishop asked the strange girl who had suddenly appeared behind him. "And uh how did you get here?"

Location: Iron Island
Although Tsura seemed to be unconscious, she was very much awake. However, her mind was in the near future, seeing what needed to be seen. After several minuted, Tsura opened her eyes, looking around frantically. "Oh, no. This is bad."

Location: Iron Island
"Tsura you ok?!" Ollie said hearing the Espeon say something "what's bad? Does it have somethin' to do with the thing that crashed a little bit ago?"

Location: Iron Island
The Ninetales was sent flying, wailing, before crashing into a rock on the beach, with a thud the pretty fox went down like a sack of potatoes. She didn't move for several minutes.

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"Me? I'm Zara Kai! And I came here 'cause I wanted to travel! I don't stick around one place for long ya know? And it looks like your friend just went flying!" Zara said pointing to the beach up ahead.

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"I... I'm fine." The espeon said, looking at Oliver. She was obviously a little shaken, but otherwise okay. Her eyes widened at his words. "A crash? Its starting then." She bit her lip, nervous for once. "We need to get out there."
"Nikki!" Bishop shouted noticing Nikki lying on the ground a few feet away. Her scrambled to her and picked her up. "Nikki. Nikki! Nikki Please Wake Up!" He shook her a little.

Location: Iron Island


Oliver Nodded At The Gijinkas statement. He turned and walked towards the entrance of the cave. He looked out. "
Oh S***" Was all he could muster when he saw the crater. He started down toward the crater.

Location: Iron Island

(@the\-lich I am finding myself constantly distracted by Ghirahim… Its mesmerizing……..*zones out watching the dance*)
The Ninetales didn't react for a minute, then slowly, she began to shift in her place, groaning in pain as she did. "Sh*t... Ugh, that hurts... Like a f***ing b****..." She muttered after laying on her back, staring up at the sky.

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"Can you move?" Bishop asked holding her in his arms "Or do you need me to get you to Bobby or Lotus?" He was worried about her. If she got injured he knew Lotus wouldn't be happy, and neither would he. He kinda grew to enjoy having her around, along with everyone everyone else. "Please be okay…" He mumbled to himself.
"I'm fine... Really..." She said, kind of... Flattered, that Bishop was so worried. Sitting up slowly, she got up shakily. "OKAY, WHO'S THE MOTHERF***ER WHO JUST SMACKED ME INTO A ROCK!?"

Luke suddenly appeared beside the Lucario, the beak on his head closed. "Yeah, she's fine. She feels okay enough to swear

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"Yeah it's pretty cool huh?" Zara grinned with her sharp teeth staring down at the crater with Oliver. She looked over at the other group near the beach. From the looks of it they seemed just fine. She kneeled down next to the crater, "Should I poke it?" She asked.
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Tsura stared at the scene, frowning slightly. "There." She said quietly, pointing out agent G. There's what I saw...
Fyre ran up on the site and stood infront of Agent G. Her eyes narrowed. "Leave him alone." She held her head up regally and her eyes flashed fire red, tue color of her corruption. Her ears twitched towards G trying to hear any movements
"Aww I wanted to poke it...wait it's alive?" Zara looked back down at the crater with wide eyes. "If that's the case then what Pokemon is he?" She asked the other Gijinka.
"A genosect." Tsura said, keeping her voice low and calm. "Now, we don't want to fight." She told the vicinti, hoping against hope that shed calm down. This isn't going to work.... Tsura could see the corruption in her.
Vitani walked through the halls. For once she wasn't in the library and had decided to explore a little, although she had her nose in a book as she did so. She didn't even see the Reshiram or notice he was there until she ran right into him. "Oh!" With the small exclamation she fell backwards, the book flying off to who knows where.

Location: Hallway of Soltae's Castle.


Tahl shrugged. "Otherwise you would have known it was me, or you would have attacked me when you sensed it." He smiled slightly. "And I get no reward for your dragon plate, my goddess?"

Location: Soltae's Castle


Sighing Ion brushed himself off. "Its okay. Not like you can control her anyways. " He looked at the girl again. "I was just walking around."

Location: Outside Pastoria


Aelliat stared at the gijinka before shaking his head and sighing. "Yes, frozen like you were, that 100ft drop would have been lovely to your figure I'm sure." He knelt down and scooped up the cyndaquil. "Come along little one. I'll find you some nice people to take care of you." With one last stare/glare at the gijinka he turned and began walking back to the nearest city.

Location: Near the Connecting Bridge


Fyre snarled in warning at the purple clad gijinka. Nobody would touch G with her around, she'd make sure of it. "Then let us go about our business and no one will get hurt."

Location: Iron Island

Cierra111 said:

The girl was still breathing, however, it was labored. Something had attacked her. Eevee then cautiously made her way to the Gijinka and nudged her softly, looking back up at her injured trainer.

(My notifications have been whack. I was never notified by the rp starting)

Somebody on Iron Island Please Reply to This Post. It was Directed at Nikki so someone near her should reply

Johan was looking out of the window when someone bumped into him. "Ah my head." He said putting a hand on his face and covering his eyes. "Please watch where your going. I've already got one Legendary Gijinka on my kill list an i don't need another." Johan was frustrated. He wanted to get out and torch something, but he didn't want to vanish in case Soltae needed something done. "Are all Gijinka this careless!" He exclaimed his hand still covering his face.

Location: Soltae's Castle: Hallways


Oliver leaned close to the stranger. He had already begun to like the gijinkas presence "
Hey dude." Oliver whispered to the garchomp gijinka "If you're really sneaky you could still poke it." He laughed at the though of sneaking around the scary chick with the wing hips just to poke the thing in the crater.

Location: Iron Island
Cathryn glared at the human. He knows nothing. It means nothing. She thought, but the rage wouldn't go away. Almost as if of their own will, vines came out from her sleeves, aiming to grab the trainer's arm.


A coy smile made its way onto the tainted arceus' face. "It depends." She said, looking straight as him while she let the plate disappear. "What do you want?"

Location: Soltae's Castle


Alexis shook her head. "Even if I couldn't, its no excuse." She thought for a minute. "Let me make it up to you." She offered, smiling. Aellas made what could only be a noise of approval.

Location: Near Pastoria

Tsura sighed. "If he's hurt, we can help him." She offered.

Location: Iron Island
Vitani blinked at the sound of the voice and stood up. "My apologies, I was reading. Although, I am not a gijinka..." She spoke softly towards the voice, keeping her head and eyes looking at the floor.

Location: Hallways of Soltae's Castle.
"What?" Johan said removing his hand from in front of his hurting face. He saw a trainer, The Ex-Champion, in front of him. "Oh it's you." He said looking at the girl "Watch where your going. If it were someone else, or if i were in a more pissed off mood than i am, You'd be toast." He crossed his arms "Where the hell are you even going, don't you just sit a read all day in the library?"

Location: Soltae's Castle: Hallways.

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