The Corrupted [A Pokemon Gijinka Roleplay] [Inactive]

Nikki smiled at Lotus, then pulled her close and sat cross-legged, with Lotus in her lap. She ran her fingers through Lotus's hair once, then let her hands drop, her smile fading slowly as she let her tiredness settle in again... "Oh god, why am I awake right now?"
"Lets go back to Bishop's home then so we can sleep." Lotus says, yawning, her gracidea flowers on the sides of her head still not the brightest they could be.

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"Well, that is a brilliant idea. You're so smart." She tapped Lotus on the nose, then hauled herself to her feet and trudged off, trying to find Bishop's cave-house again.

Location: Iron Island
"I remember where it is!" Lotus started walking fast enough to be ahead of Nikki, the Shaymin leading the way. There was a bit of wind, blowing Lotus's hair away from covering the back of her neck. What the Ninetales didn't notice before was bright red marks on the little girl's neck, now only visible for the brief moment that her hair was pushed aside.

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Nikki didn't really notice Lotus's neck until moments before it disappeared. "Huh...? Lotus, whats wrong with your neck, honey?" She said, reaching down and picking up the little girl, moving her hair out of the way to get a good look.
Lotus's eyes widened as Nikki had noticed her injury, the one on her neck from being chained up by the Resistance. She covered her neck with her hands, becoming stubborn. "N-nothing!" She said, moving away from the Ninetales's grasp. The mark was a dark pink and covered up most of the back of Lotus's neck. There were also indents and bruises here and there, where the metal may have been pushed into the Shaymin's skin, or if she was just plain jerked around by the object.

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"Tsura, you ok?" Oliver asked her as she looked around. "You wanna go for a walk or something? You seem distracted."

Location: IronIsland


Johan walked towards Soltae. "
Mistress, if I may point out, I don't believe Cyrus has returned from his mission yet." He said to her "it might be in our best interests to see what might be keeping his attention."

Location: Soltae's Castle
Tsura turned towards Oliver when he said her name. "I am a bit distracted, aren't I?" She asked ,as if she just realized it. She then looked back at Bishop. "I'd like to go for that walk, but..." she looked at Bishop with concern. "Will he be all right here?" Was leaving him alone a good idea right now?

Location: Iron Island


Soltae looked at the risheram and nodded. "Agent G." She said, looking at the genosect once more. She didn't personally care about the metagross, but he was useful. "Find Cyrus for me. He should be easy enough to get to... I believe he headed to Iron Island. When you find him, have him return here and I'm sure that I can find you a task more suited to your skills next."

Location: Soltae's Castle
Azrael scrutinized him. "I mean if they ask you to. The legendaries. I can and will hurt you over my sister." She shook her head then smiled. "Im not on either side. I just go where the visions lead or where my fights lead."

Location: iron island


Tahl took the cresselia to her room and set her on the bed before grabbing an ice pack and placing it on her head. Shed probably have a head ache when she awoke.

Location: Cresselias room


Fyre stood next to Agent G while he got his mission. She knew Cyrus wasn't one to dawdle, and she frowned thinking about it. She stepped up to get Soltae's attention.
"Mistress, I haven't been out of the Castle in a long time. Would it be okay for me to accompany Agent G as he goes to fetch Cyrus?"

Location: Out side the Castle


Ion watched the Mewtwo before going back to his food. Once he had finished he got up and began walking outside. He glanced to the side and saw the group with Arceus. He knew better than to approach since his master didn't particularly get along with the Mistress of the Castle. He did however move enough to catch Soltae's attention and sign out in short hand that he was leaving for a bit and She was once again the Watcher of the Castle. It was a unique experience every time he felt the connection with the Castle bleed back into Soltae, for just one second he could feel her and it was... disorienting. He shook his head to clear the feeling and began the trek to Pastoria.

Location: Heading to Pastoria
Soltae tilted her head to the side at Fyre's request. It was a little unusual, but not so much as to be suspicious. "If you wish, you may go." For a brief moment, a softer expression showed, but it was gone just as fast as it appeared. "It's not healthy to remain here as long as you have anyway."

Location: Soltae's Castle 
Alexis sighed once more, looking at her Arcanine again. "Maybe we should just try somewhere else for now." She shrugged, then headed for the town exit with Aellas by her side.

Location: Leaving Pastoria
agent g nodded, in a commanding motion. "and if anyone gets in agent g way or attempts to stop agent g" turns charging and fires a techno burn, incinerating a massive boulder, and with that the bug transformed and zoomed off like a jet.

location: leaving soltae castle
"Lotus! Why are you hiding things from me? Lotus!" Nikki exclaimed, suddenly exceedingly worried. Who had done that? It looked like someone had tried to strangle the poor grass type! The f***er who would EVER hurt Lotus is going to pay when I find them! She thought angrily, then rushed after Lotus.
Lotus sighs, a frown growing on her little face. "I'll show you at Bishop's house." She replies, continuing on to the Lucario's cave.

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Nikki sighed and followed the little girl. She didn't like people keeping secrets from her. It made her feel like she didn't know them, and then she really couldn't trust them, could she?
Lotus and Nikki arrived at the cave, and once closing the door, the Shaymin took all of her green hair in her little hands and pulled it back, revealing her red and battered neck. "The scary people who took me did this. They put a big chain around my neck so they could hold me down so they could do their tests." She sighs again, showing the Ninetales her "injury".

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"....You know, I might have something for that." She said, almost matter of factly. She went and found her bag of things and started digging through it. "Where I grew up, I was forced to do things I didn't want to. They made me hurt people. And they hurt me back. The way they dragged us to the ring was by using chains and metal muzzle to keep my mouth shut, that way I couldn't fry anyone. There was also a little bit at the bottom that wrapped around my neck too. Except mine had sharp spikes on the inside that bit at my neck when I jerked around too much, trying to escape." She said, her eyes suddenly distant as she pulled out a plastic jar of cream from her bag.
Lotus's eyes widened at what Nikki said. "They made me hurt people too, some I was made to hurt them until they couldn't move or breathe..." She said frowning. "Oh, uh there's more.." The little Shaymin added as she slipped off her white dress, revealing bruises all over her chest and abdomen, as well as her back. They ranged from deep blues to dark oranges, scattered all over her small body, excluding her arms and legs.

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...Ohhhh I'm SO going to kill them.

"Don't worry, those bruises hurt, but they'll go away. And in the meantime," She said, soothingly as she opened the jar and started the cold cream to Lotus's neck, it soothed irritation and aches as she rubbed it in, "I'm going to apply some of this stuff," She showed Lotus the jar, so she could see the creme colored cream, "And pretty soon those red marks will be gone..." She stopped suddenly, "Unless for some odd reason, you don't want me to?"
Lotus winced at the creme on her skin, as it stung just the slightest. "Of course I want my mommy to fix it!" She gave a sweet smile. "Why wouldn't I?"

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Nikki smiled sweetly and continued to rub the cream on Lotus's neck, gently at first, then with added pressure. Once she was done, she took the excess and rubbed it on her own neck, several dotted scars in a ring around her neck. Then she stretched and yawned, put the jar back into her bag and walked over to the couch-bed and climbed on. "C'mon... lets get some sleep, sweetheart.." She pat the space beside her.
Lotus follows and snuggled up to Nikki. "Thank yoou, it already feels better." She smiles.

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The Ninetales smiled at the little Grass-type and held her close, then laid her head down, finally, and fell asleep almost instantly.
Lotus stayed up for a couple minutes and pondered a bit. 'Why is everyone here so nice to me? All people have been to me is scary and mean so why are they nice?' She thought to herself before soon heading to sleep.

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Cyrus rolled his eyes "Yes I'm sure you'd beat me up wouldn't you." He said with sarcasm in his voice still sitting beside her. When he spoke his voice was quiet and analytical. He stared up at the sky bored with this conversation "So what if we do end up meeting again?" He asked with the slightest bit of emotion.
Nikki's legs churned in her sleep. It was another one of those dreams.

Pine needles crunched beneath her bare feet as she ran full on under the pines. Fire was all around her, and the shadows seemed to chase her. She was breathing fast, her heart pounding in her chest. A chilling howl split the air, and she heard a scream- Was it hers? It sounded like it came from her... The fire and greenery blurred in front of her as she felt jaws snap on her leg. Another scream, definitely hers. The growling of a beast made her cry out, and suddenly she was knocked onto her back. The figure of a man loomed over her. The silvery horns grew from his head, his overlarge canines glinting in the night. The sleek black tail grew out of his tailbone, and he smiled cruelly at her, and it made her heart race oddly. The Houndoom smiled and said, "Hey, b*****. Whats up."

Nikki gasped suddenly and sat bolt upright.

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