The Corrupted [A Pokemon Gijinka Roleplay] [Inactive]

Bishop began to think about a place to go "… Ive got it." He said "There's a place that i like to go to meditate on the island. Its in the center of the island, and I'm the only one who knows the location." He picked up the bag and through into his berry stash. "Its back this way. we need to hurry." He waved everyone towards the back of the cave.
Nikki held Lotus close, and muttered, "It's okay, Lotus. It seems maybe somebody has come for you... but," She growled deep her throat, "I won't anyone touch you... Or hurt you, nobody is ever going to hurt you again..." She stopped growling, because she knew it might scare Lotus. Bobby ran up beside her as the pair began to follow Bishop, Luke staying at the back of the group.
Autumn returned her Pokémon to their Pokéballs to eliminate as much noise as possible for when they left. "I can protect you too!" Lotus says sternly, trying to wriggle out of Nikki's arms.

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Bishop continued walking until he came to a decently sized triangular boulder. "It's right through here." He said beginning to push the boulder out if the way. On the other side of the boulder there was a small tunnel big enough for everyone to be able to walk through with there backs hunched. "This way." He said as he entered the tunnel. It too a minute to make his way through to his favorite spot. The cave was large and spacious and littered with various ores. It shined in places where pure Iron had been created naturally. A clear stream flowed through the center of the cave coming in from somewhere above them. It surrounding an island which was an elevated piece of Pure Iron. Bishop turned and smiled to everyone. "Welcome to my favorite place on the island. I call it the Pure Iron Cave."

Location: Iron Island: Pure Iron Cave

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"...Okay... But stay close to me, okay?" She put the little girl down, holding her hand. Mostly for clingy mommy reasons, and the last 25% was because she didn't want the little girl out of her sight.

Location: Iron Island - Pure Iron Cave
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the sound of his eye zoomed left to right, as a mechanical monstrosity walked through the feilds, his metal feet crushed flowers into the dirt, as he scanned for his target.
Azrael shook her head at how open her sister was being. She didn't like it and walked to the other end of the ferry her headdress jingling in the wind. "Dear mother Arceus, please let us live ever into the future." It was a gypsy prayer that she still said in times of confusion or when she was going into an unknow situation.

Location: Ferry to Iron Island


Tahl followed Arceus at a distance and watched the Fire Plate be given back to her. He waited until she walked off before stepping out of the shadows to follow her to the kitchen, bumping into Johan on the way. "You really shouldn't antagonize Fyre like that. If your usefulness is outlived then she might just kill you" with a soft smile and the whispered advice he passed the Reshiram.

Location: Hallway to kitchens


Fyre finally calmed down abd began to walk the hallways, on a patrol.

Location: Hallways


Ion was currently in the Kitchens eating while he had a break. Looking up at a noise he stood immediately, "Good afternoon Mistress Arceus"

Location: Kitchens
Fyre decided very quickly she'd rather be outside then inside. She exited the castle and began walking through a feild when she saw the genesect infront of her. Moving towards him she spoke softly so not to startle him. "Agent G, what are you doing out here?"

Location: Giant Feild

(Remember to post your location like above please)
Bishop started to help to others out of the tunnel and into the cave. "Come on it's not that much of a squeeze."

Location: Iron Island: Pure Iron Cave


Oliver woke up when the little motorboat he was in hit the rocky shore of Iron Island. He sat up rubbing his head and got out of the boat and tied it up on a giant rock. "Man I hate work." He said looking at his pitiful attempt at tying up the boat. "Oh well. Now you live right there." Oliver said making his way up towards Bishops cave. He noticed the boat down by the shore. "Didn't know he was expecting visitors. Hope they're hot." He smiled as he walked to the entrance of Bishop's cave " Hey Bro! You in here!" He shouted into the empty cave

Location: Iron Island: Bishops Cave


Johan chuckled upon hearing Tahls comment "
I'd like to see her try." He continued past the Jirachi. He respected the Gijinka, but his sudden appearance puzzled him. Johan wondered where he could've been and was about to call back to him when he saw something out the window. He saw Fyre standing talking to G. "This could be interesting." He thought to himself opening the window to listen in.

Location: Soltae's Castle: Hallways

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"Alright, I promise." Lotus says, staying by Nikki. "Are you sure she'll be safe here?" Autumn asks.

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the genesect turned around, putting his finger on lips "project fyre must remain silent, as the agent g is hunting for targets". agent g continued his hunt, his cannon locked.

location: giant feild.
She sighed silently and projected her voice into his mind. "What are you hunting for today, G?" She stood behind him, relaxed but kept herself ready just in case.

Location: Giant Feild
"I hope so..." Nikki said, looking down at the little Shaymin, worried.

Luke immediatley turned to look back down the tunnel. "....Someone's coming." He said.
Nikki promptly picked up Lotus and clutched her against herself. "Nobody is going to hurt you! NOBODY!" She growled again, then ran straight to walk with Bishop. "Someone is coming... You sure nobody else knows about this place?"
"Nikki! You're squeezing me too tight!" The Shaymin yelps. squirming in the Ninetale's arms. Autumn lets out her Hydreigon and Blaziken just in case their was someone following them.
"Actually there's one other person. But it couldn't be him... I'll go check." Bishop said going back towards his cave. He got to the end of the tunnel an pushed the rock back into place he sent Nikki a message saying the He was closing the entrance. He walked towards the entrance. He started running at the sight of his friend. "Ollie what's up! It's been forever." He said as they have each other a hug "Not much bro. You know that you might be getting some hot visitors." Oliver said excitably. "Yeah I saw- wait hot visitors? Nevermind. I might need your help. I'm not sure if I can completely trust them." Bishop said to his friend "Dude as long as I can get me one of those smokin' babes I'll be glad to help." "Good now let's hurry." He said. They both ran towards the entrance to the Pure Iron Cave.

Location: Iron Island: Bishop's Cave
Autumn's Blaziken stood in a battle stance, aware of the other person that was nearing the entrance of the cave, making him put on a stern, cold expression, awaiting battle if Autumn had so commanded.
Tsura rolled her eyes at her sister, then got off the boat, watching Bishop run off. "He thinks we may be a danger." She remarked, then looked at her sister. "Or maybe it's because of that prayer." She commented. She saw nothing wrong with it, but sometimes people thought that they were working for Arceus because of it. People lived in fear these days... "Now then." Her eyes began scanning the area, searching for the source of the feeling.

Location: Iron Island


As soon as she entered the kitchen, most of the servants escaped the room, except for the head chef, who was always safe. Anyone can clean a spill, but to her, a good chef was extremely rare and should be valued. She walked over to a fruit bowl and took an apple, then looked at Ion. "Hello to you." She said to him, taking a bite. "I would have thought you'd be with mewtwo." She told him, leaning against a table. He was always with mewtwo.... well, almost always.

Location: Soltae's Castle (Kicthen)
The Mewtwo teleported into Soltae's castle, hearing something about a Mewtwo, and although he honestly didn't want to have anything to do with the woman, he still wanted to see what his name was being used for by her, the first person he sees being Ion, the Pikachu clone. "So what are you talking about a Mewtwo for?" The cloned Mew asks, giving a cold look at the Arceus.

Location: Soltae's Castle (Kitchen)
Bishop and Oliver reached the entrance to The Pure Iron Cave and together pushed the boulder out of the way. "Dude Im gonna stop visiting yah if you make me do this much work." Oliver said as the boulder was pushed out of the way. "You'd never stop visiting me. Your hopeless without anyone to talk to." "That's not true. I've got about a hundred Babes just waiting for you to come and sweep them away. You say that Everytime." Bishop said smiling as they enter the tunnel. Bishop pulled the boulder so it half covered the entrance to the tunnel. "Have i really become that predictable… Man i need to step up my Ga- HELLO!" Oliver said entering the cave and seeing both Nikki and Autumn. "Dude How did you get a trainer AND a gijinka! Man You Are too good at getting' the Ladies." Bishop rolled his eyes at his friends comment. "Sorry about the slight scare everyone… Umm… Well this is my friend Oliver… Just ignore him when or if…. no when he hits on you." On that note Oliver made his way to Autumn grabbed her hands and brought her in close. "You have the Most beautiful eyes. They shiny brighter than the brightest Shiny Stones." Oliver said in his 'attractive' voice "Care to let me wander in your mind, because ever since i saw you, you've been wanderin' in mine." Bishop face palmed at his friend "Again ignore him, He's harmless… so feel free to smack him around a bit."

Location: Pure Iron Cave
"Well excuse me, but I'm kinda lesbian." The blonde Pokémon trainer says politely and gently slaps the gijinka's hands. The trainers Blaziken's eyes flamed in rage at the stranger touching his trainer."Aeris, he's friendly, I think." The Blaziken stepped back, away from the Flygon.
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"Thats a shame." Oliver said to her. "Shut down number 8,769! Good Job Ollie, Good Job." Bishop thought at Oliver "Yo, Bish, i don't need yah keepin' track of my failures yo." Oliver said turning towards his friend. Oliver then noticed Nikki and his classic Oliver face came back. He started making his way towards Nikki when Bishop grabbed his collar. "Yeah… Don't even think about it." "Why you already got dibs on that babe!" "WHAT! No! See that kid." Bishop said pointing to Lotus. "Yeah what about the little baby babe?" "Well lets just say. If you get close to Nikki, Lotus will end you." Oliver gulped. "Yeah i think you get the picture." Bishop let go of Ollie's collar. "Anyways… Hi I'm Oliver. What be your names!" Ollie said with a grin.

Location: Iron Island: Pure Iron Cave
The little Shaymin steps in front of the Ninetales, almost protectively. "Yeah, that little kid is just all over her." The trainer says. "Autumn Michelle, nice to meet you." She doesn't raise her hand for the Flygon to shake it. "I'm Lotus Dahlia Grace Fleur..." The girl says in a small voice.

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