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Fantasy The Clan

Luka grinned. "Don't worry 'bout it." He shook out his pelt once more and looked around, flicking his ears. "We should probably get back to the Alpha and Beta, though. We can catch something along the way." He added, not wanting to return empty pawed.

Kevin had already headed home, he though about his older brother, and wondered if the Beta knew what Justin was really like is she would still be nice to Justin. he shook his grea shaggy head and shifted into a human as he neared the edge of the wood..

Justin bared is teeth in a smiled, "Ok"
((Time skip)) Luka had caught a large rabbit on his way back to the Beta. Dropping it in front of her he grinned and wagged his tail slightly. "See, your not the only one who can do things right." He said, puffing his chest out slightly.

Riley grinned at Luka's efforts to probably impress her. "Very good Luka," she stood up in her wolf form and acknowledged his presence by wagging her tail. "Perhaps I've been wrong about you" she remembered Alpha's advice to her and tried changing her way of using her authority slowly.

Luka let out a bark of laughter. "Was that an actual compliment Riley?" Luka sat and itched at his eat with his hind leg.
While the vampire twins had been feeding on the blood of elk earlier on because they didn't want to bare their fangs in front of their clan leader. Erik had been having a bad mood cloud floating on top of him ever since yesterday but he felt slightly better when Evie gave him the good part: the heart which pumped the fresh blood out. "Say Evie, what do you think would happen if the werewolves and vampires were to be at war again?" he snickered while sucking out its succulent juices.

"How dare you even think of such a thing," she stopped feeding and glared at him "Our parents were killed by those things and this alliance is a great way to start over..." her eye twitched.

"Admit it Evie, you want to kill some of them...."

Riley had it coming. She looked away, "Don't make me take that back Luka..." her tail stopped wagging as she fought the urge to growl back at him.
Luka stood and shook out his thick pelt before looking at her. "Well your no fun." He grumbled, his tail hanging lo as he felt the tension surrounding her.
She sighed. This is harder than I thought. Then she snickered, "Well you shouldn't have pointed that out. I could be...fun..."
Luka grinned. "You? Fun?" Luka tail wagged a little but it still hung low. "Yeah, sure. I'll believe that when fish grow wings."
"Some fish can fly without wings," she rolled her eyes as she thought of the salmon jumping up the waterfall to reach their breeding grounds. "Besides, what you think is fun can differ from my meaning of fun."
"Hmm let's see... I like to visit the territory of my previous clan when no one's looking. There's always lots of elk, rabbits and blueberries..." she laid down on the ground and thought some more, "Bossing people around is kinda fun too" she snickered "Especially when they start to act a little bit silly. Please, I'm not alpha so you don't have to follow me."
Luka rolled his eyes. "That super mega boring. What about swimming in the creek? Rolling around in a mud pit? Climbing boulders? Betcha never played tag before." He grinned.
"Sadly no," Riley sighed "I didn't have any siblings and my parents were too strict on me. Ever since I became part of the clan, no one bothered with me and didn't even mind me. But even now as Beta, they only mind me when I boss them around."

Her ears drooped down slightly as she grinned, "Unless you guys are gonna let me
tag along."
Justin watched fro the shadows, his dark violetish fur blended well he shook his head, and slowly crept away, Kevin walked up to him, his ears flopped, "Justin... stop watching them, you'll only hurt yourself." He whined. Justin just growled at him, and turned tail running into the forest. Kevin sighed and hung his head walking back to the edge of the woods. he bumped into Zeek. he yelped and looked up cowering, "S-Sorry Zeek! I should have watched where i was going." Zeek tipped his head, his single eye darkening in concern, "Whats wrong Kevin?" he asked. Kevin scuffed a paw, "Well... Justin is upset but I cant tell you why. its a secret, but don't worry it wont hurt the clan... hes just going through a hard time.. the wolf he likes.. doesn't like him and wont like him." Zeek nodded his head, "I see. maybe the person for Justin isn't a wolf? there have been cross species relationships. maybe tell your brother to set his sights beyond the Pack. maybe he'll find happiness there."

((Srry its been a while, my frind is in the ospital so I have wifi here for a while.))
Luka looked around and sniffed, perking his ears. "I actually have no idea where the others went." he murmured, turning slightly. "But, sure. We can do whatever." He said, turning back to her.

She actually wanted to walk around and just find out more about the members of the pack. As it is already, she hardly had any interest in knowing their likes and dislikes before but now that Alpha had pointed out how Riley as a Beta should care for the clan, she's been trying her hardest. "Hmm, know a good place to find a snack?" she challenged him.
Luka nodded. " 'Course I do. But not many people know about it." He grinned. This is gonna be great! He thought, chuckling a little.
Luka lifted his head. Wow. Riley is acting super weird. He thought, but quickly dismissed it from his mind and turned around, trotting into a deeper part of the forest. Eventually he stopped by a small stream and sat by a rotted log, his tail brushing over the forest floor.
Riley looked around, the area certainly wasn't familiar especially because she hasn't allowed herself to explore parts of the land where their pack's territory never touched. "Where are you going?" she stopped in the middle of her tracks and tilted her head.

Evie left Erik alone, it seems that the hot headed twin let his anger get the better of him. As usual. She then left their side of the forest and swiftly made her way towards the side of the wolves. Working with them has always been a handful ever since she lost her parents to them. But since all that has passed and she couldn't change anything, it doesn't seem all too bad to mingle with them. As long as Erik doesn't find out then it should be just fine. She stopped along the borders of the werewolf territory and sniffed. She quickly got the scent of some wolves.
"Well, you asked for a snack, so.." Luka turned to the log and lifted it with a paw, exposing a number of bugs, grubs, and other crawly things. Craning his neck down, he licked up a insect and ate it, dropping the log with a soft thump back to the forest floor.
Riley felt a shiver crawl up her spine as she stared at her fellow pack member, "Seriously..?" she narrowed her eyes at him, "We can eat..." she gulped down "Bugs??"
Luka grinned at her reaction. "You wanted snacks, sooo.." He stood and wagged his tail in amusement. "Bugs are good." He shrugged and licked his maw, lifting the log once more and snapping up another grub.
She shuddered from the thought of eating those critters that were slimy and crawled around in the dirt, "H-how do they taste like??" she inched a bit closer to him slowly, "Because honestly I thought we don't eat those type of things. Berries..."

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