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Fantasy The Clan

"Blech! Berries? They're way to bitter." Luka growled in disgust. "But nothing beats a nice grub or two." He smiled and sat, patting his stomach with a paw. "They taste great, well, to me at least. I suppose you could say it's an, 'acquired' taste." He grinned.
"Strawberries and blueberries are sweet excuse me," Riley scoffed as she sat and pet her tail, "I guess you can consider berries to have an acquired taste as well" she smirked as she shrugged off the intention of even letting her soft white fur touch the dirt which they crawled in. "Any other snack you omegas-- err I mean, gammas like to eat?"
Luka rolled his eyes. "While we're not waiting for you higher-ups to finish taking your merry old time at feedingtime, yes, we do eat other things. For example," He turned and padded a short way away to the large stream. Motioning her over with his tail, he crouch down and peered into the crystal clear water.
"Fish?" she tilted her head as she walked over to Luka's side and looked through the crystal clear water. The day was rather how and the water looked really tempting to jump into. But she looked over to Luka and decided to play it by ear. If she's up to it, she'll push him in.
"Yeah, fish." He said with a grin without looking back at her. "Now the trick here is," Luka murmured, inching closer to the bank and positioning himself so he wouldn't cast a shadow. "You can't let you shadow fall over the water. And you have to be reeeal quiet." He murmured, not really knowing or caring if she was listening. After a few heartbeats Luka spotted a few small minnows swim lazily right under his nose. Small, and not very tasty, but they'll do. He thought, wiggling his haunches and lifting a paw, preparing to catch one.
Riley grinned at his effort. It was really something else to watch wolves other than alphas hunt since everyone has their own way of doing the job. It almost made her giggle when Luka looked really concentrated on what he was doing. Should I push him now..? She shrugged it off for the mean time and decided to watch him do his magic. "You can do it," she snickered.
"Shush." Luka growled and flicked his tail once. Raising his paw above the surface he quickly flicking his paw into the water and scooped out about 3 small minnows, sending sparkling droplets of water into the air. When the minnows landed on a flat rock nearby, Luka turned to Riley and grinned. "Easy." He stated, moving over to the fish and bending down to snap one up. "C'mon, try one," Luka gestured with his head for her to come over.
Riley smirked as she walked over to him and crept a bit lower to avoid having her shadow casted along the surface. Her tail wagged as she giggled inside. She remembered every single detail of Luka's position including his little twitches and mannerisms along his joints. But she didn't come close to him to hunt. She dipper her paw into the water and felt the cool water flow against her fur. She eyed him mischievously. "I hope you can swim," she smirked and nudged him hard enough for him to lose his footing and have some water splash all over his face.
"Ack!" Luka yelped and toppled into the stream, making a large splash. Standing up, his thick grey fur was plastered to his sides and his normally bushy tail was now thin as a rat's. Glaring at her with a grin, Luka pounced over to her and pulled her in with him.
"Hey wait!" her eyes widened as she splashed in with him. She felt a jolt of cold streaks travel all over her body as her thick white fur became heavy and dense with water. Despite this, she couldn't help but let out a laugh and splashed the gamma with more water. "It feels so nice!" she laughed, "That was fun wasn't it?"
Luka chuckled and nodded, splashing her back. Standing up, the water barley even brushed his dewclaw. Luka purposely got close to Riley and shook himself, water flying everywhere. His soaked pelt was now damp and spiky. This is gonna take awhile to dry, but who cares? I've done the impossible, actually having the Beta have fun!
Riley covered her face with her soaked tail away from Luka's spray of water coming from his shaking. She snickered at his actions as she pushed him until he lost his balance and fell on his side, "I told you I know what fun is!"
Falling into the water again he sat up, letting the water tug at his tail and underfur. "Sure, whatever you say." He grinned and stood up, shaking himself off again, and padding out of the stream and back onto the bank. Sitting there he started licking his belly fur and tail the wrong way, as to get himself warmer and drier quicker.
Riley shook her fur to get rid of any excess water as she spotted a mound of fresh and dry grass away from the bank and headed towards it. There she laid on it and began rolling into the grass, using it as a towel as some stiff stalks also acted as a comb to keep her fur straight and untangled. After which, her fur was just between damn and dry. That was rather fun, I had friends in her previous clan but didn't consider anyone else here a "friend" since I considered everyone only by rank. She began licking her paws and brushing her face with it.
After he had finished, his chest fur, tail, and underbelly were puffy and soft again. Laying down, he reached his neck to get his flanks and back. He was fairly decent at this point, in terms of being dry / damp. Padding over to Riley he sat near her, letting her finish.
She finished as soon as Luka walked up to her. "Damn it," she snickered to herself as she sat up and maintained a "strict" look but failed anyway. "So this is what you do when you're not being a gamma."

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