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Fantasy The Clan


New Member
In the olden days Vampires Shifters and Wolves fought. not anymore, in the new day in age they realize that they are not all different. they live together in different clans, but there are still out-lying conformists who don't agree with the allegiance. they gather in *separate* droves and attack the Clans. as there is the combined efforts of the Shifters Vampires and Wolves they have been unsuccessful. There is a stretch of Peace in the UK England Clan. but for how long?

((If you wish to join do so on the OOC thread, or your post will be deleted and ignored))
Zeek and Zelda ran through the forest side by side, Zelda was in her wolf form and above Keila was flying just above them. this was a regular thing, Zelda would sniff out their prey after Keila had spotted it ahead with her powerful raptor like vision, and Either Zeek or Zelda would take it down. which ever took it down would take it to their sect, and Keila would take down large birds as she flew for her sect. this was their daily routine, and occasinally one of the Betas or a couple vampires would join the hunt, and after the hatch lings grew old enough Keila would take them along to teach them to hunt, life was peaceful.
Erik was playing with his own fire. It annoyed him how Evie's power was more mature than his.

Oh for Heaven's sake, she's an ice user!

He summoned a fire ball and threw it towards a tree, watching it burn into ashes.

Evie on the other hand had been strolling through the woods as she sensed some movement around south of her position. She tried to trace it but was caught off guard when a huge fire destroyed a tree within her sights.

"Jeez Erik, what the hell was that" she sighed as she walked up to him, her fiery red hair dancing in the wind as she stared him down with an icy stare.

"Just testing out my strength, whether it grew stronger or not" he folded his arms.

She rolled her eyes, "Well at the rate you're going, you won't be maturing any time soon."

"Oh shut up!" he yelled back.
Zelda had been creeping up on a herd of deer when the yell of "Oh shut up!" had scared them off. she snarled in frustration, that had been the first prey they had seen all day. She snarled and gave chase for a few hundred yards, but it was clear even her advanced speed she wouldn't be able to catch more than one. and feeding her whole pack plus the vampires blood thirst one would not suffice. she growled low in frustration. Zeek walked up next to her and placed a hand on her shoulder, running his fingers calmly through her fur, "Calm Zelda, there will be another herd." the large russet wolf dipped her head in agreement as kaila landed gracefully next to them, her red silk robes fluttering softly to hide her clawed feet, "Zeek, Zelda, the disturbance was caused by two of the Vampire young-lings, Evie and Erik." Zeek nodded, and noting that there were about three(that he could see) Hawks and vultures stashed in the trees, he smiled at kaila, "Why don't you go feed the Hive, we can take care of the hunting fr the rest of the time. hanks for your help kaila." kaila nosed and extended her wings and took off. Zeek walked in the direction that the noise had come from, Zelda in tow. they came upon the two younger Vampires, "You ruined our hunt, Eric, Evie." Zeek said darkly.
The twins look at him with confusion in their eyes until Erik started to chuckle.

"Oh you were hunting? My bad, I was just testing out my powers" he stood up proudly.

"Sorry about that," Evie knocked her brother on the head and sighed, "He's too stupid to see his real strength."

"Whose side are you on?!" he growled back.

"Certainly not yours" she snarled at him.
Zelda growled lowly, her voice projected into both their minds, "Knock it off you two! your supposed to be siblings!" Zeek shook his head, "Zelda, just because their siblings doesn't mean they get along, Vampires are not like wolves, sharing a sibling bond their whole life." He sighed and shook his head, "You two will join the hunt, and the coven and pack will know that if we do not bring home food, it is your guys's fault.
Erik folded his arms and scoffed, "But---"

"We will gladly join the hunt, just tell us what to do" Evie knocked him in the abdomen as he fell back, coughing dryly "Or if it's possible, why don't you take only him so he learns to obey orders?"

"Excuse you, we're twins. Shared the same womb, same birthday, same blood and same name. We are indeed close and the fighting helps contribute to our closeness" he wrapped an arm around Evie and chuckled.

Riley on the other hand had been watching the 4 since earlier and she was amused by the idiot male twin and the cunning female twin.
Zelda shifted back to a human and ran her hand through her dark hair, "You two are impossible. you will both join the hunt. use our advance sense of smell, do not use your magic, as you will destroy any prey that you do"

"Yes, as neither of you have control over your elements, you would risk ruining the food. as Vampires, you know we have stronger reflexes and more improved speeds to keep up with our werewolf brethren." Zeek continued, "Now lets go. " Zelda nodded, and then paused, "You three continue, I'll catch u in a moment." She walked off towards the scent of one of her pack mates. as Zeek began leading the way for the others, Zelda came up on Riley, She smiled slightly, "Hello Riley."
Riley smiled at Zelda as she walked up to her. "Hello Zelda, what's going on over there?"

Erik and Evie sighed but eventually admitted defeat.

"Alright we'll help" Erik sighed but Evie punched him on the shoulder.

"Think of it this way, if we help, we get to pick which part of the meat we want best!"

(last post for now, i got classes)
Zelda smiled at her, "Oh just a disturbance from two of the younger vampires, you know the ones." SHe laughed softly. she liked the Beta, even though she knew that the Beta fashioned herself an alpha. but she ignored that fact.

Zeek lead the two younger vampires towards a herd of elk. "Ok, I'll use my Illusion magic, and once they go into trances go in and kill enough of them for the Coven and the pack. Zelda is dealing with one of her packmates right now, so she wont be able to join us"
Riley smirked, "Ah those two. I'm sort of thankful that they're here, they somehow relieve the stresses of a beta with their comedic personalities." The sky was cloudy and blocked the sun out of her eyes, revealing the soft and timid nature of her hair and skin. It was about time she got her daily run, "Say Zelda, are you going to join the hunt as well?"

Evie acknowledged his leadership and crawled into position, the water droplets in the air guided her as to where the nearest elk was. Erik on the other hand just rolled his eyes and headed in the direction opposite to where Evie was. He wasn't really the most patient of vampires, thus his flame showed his immaturity.

The twins looked back at Zeek and nodded, giving him the thumbs up.
((Wolf Form))

Luka padded around the forest, uncaring of his responsibility in the pack. Pfft. Being an Omega was WAY more fun. Mostly because no one expects anything of you. But now I have 'responsibility.' Luka rolled his eyes and shook out his shaggy pelt, looking around for something fun to do before the pack noticed he was missing. After wandering for a few minutes he came across a grasshopper. Luka crouched down and wiggled his haunches, preparing to spring at the tiny insect.

(Oh shit sorry!)

Riley caught the scent of one of their omegas walking around as she turned to Zelda. "Remind me again, who are the other pack members..?" she looked towards the woods where she spotted a wolf, fairly larger than her, with the colors of white, gray and black on his coat just horsing around. She jumped down from her post and walked towards him, "Luka.....what are you doing..?" she raised a brow at him.
Luka quickly stood up straight and turned around to face the wolf who had spoken. Flicking an ear as he recognized the beta wolf of the pack, he tucked his tail slightly and grinned. "Oh, Riley... It's just you! I was just.. Um..." Luka racked his brain for an excuse. You idiot! Your not a Omega anymore, stop acting like it! He mentally scolded himself.

((It's fine :D @FadeAway ))
(Sorry again for the late reply!)

Riley sighed as she transformed into her wolf state, her silky snowy white fur danced in the wind as she stared him down with her poison purple eyes, "So I see that I interrupted your patrolling, am I right?" She took a step forward and didn't mind the size difference between him and hers.
((It's fine, don't worry 'bout it haha))

"Uh, yeah. I was just um, patrolling." Luka grinned and crouched down a little, his ears flattening slightly when she advanced toward him.

Somehow, a part of Riley just loved throwing around her authority because she can and another loved it because she loved it how they feared her more than they feared the alpha. Yet sometimes she wanted a friend that could understand that she's only doing it because her father was exiled and her mother died from food poisoning. She didn't want the clan to deteriorate, she'll prevent that from happening even if it means to be stern to the other members.

She watched his ears flatten as he lowered his body, his height finally reaching hers, "Alright then Luka" she smirked "What can you report on so far?"

@TheRomanHope Evie and Erik are awaiting your orders
Zelda shifted, and ran after Riley, she towered over both of them, a trait that an alpha would have. "Riley, stand down," she growled. she had no problem with the strong willed beta when she wasnt around other pack members, but it was things like this that got on herr nerves. she turned her attention to Luka, "why didnt you wait for Kevin and Justin? your supposed to go on a mock hunt with them at dusk." her voice was stern but not mean as she addressed the wolf.

Zeek began whispering in under tones, trusting Erik and Evie to cover their ears or not listen as he weaved an illusion, the elk began to sway, a few dropped to the ground with a thud and a weak cry of confusion.

((idk why but ididnt get a notification till you tagged me))

((@GoldenWolf @FadeAway you guys still alive?))

Riley growled softly, "They had me waiting for half an hour." she didn't even glance over her shoulder to look at Zelda "So I took a detour and decided to check out defenses...." Riley sometimes had to be reminded who was alpha and who was beta in her pack relationship with Zelda.

Erik smirked at the dull and dumb elks to fall under the illusion. The claws on his hands grew with fire spewing out of it. He only used the fire to suffocate the elk and kill it without spilling blood. He also did this to burn off the fur so that they wouldn't need to skin it for dinner.

Evie on the other hand, used her frost to preserve their antlers since they can be ground up to make medicines out of.

The twins finished off the horde that Zeek led them to then returned to him to report.

"Well that was easy" Erik yawned.

"We didn't damage them, don't worry" Evie smiled.
Luka lowered even more when the Alpha came over, eventually Luka ended up on the ground, staring up at them both. "I uh, got a little distracted I guess..." he rumbled softly, tucking his tail beneath his legs.

@FadeAway @TheRomanHope
Riley bit her lip and lowered her head to respect the alpha. She knew that she couldn't challenge Zelda and she didn't want to fight at the moment. Sparring was just a very dirty and messy thing for her, she never acquired the liking for it. "Sorry..." Riley mumbled as she lowered herself even more.
Zelda dipped her head and licked Luka's muzzle, "That is fine." she then turned to Riley, "Riley, You know I made you Beta fr the fact tat you are my friend, and a strong wolf. but, if you don't stop acting like an Alpha, I will demote you... and not in a pleasant way." She flattened her ears and bared her teeth to solidify her point.

"W-Wait!" came a howl, she turned and saw a large violet tinged male wolf, and a smaller brown wolf, it was Justin and his little brother Kevin. Justin skidded to a stop over Luka, "We- we oh god I need to stop smoking." he coughed. Kevin spoke up while Justin was coughing, "We left for our mock hunt and Justin and I stopped to investigate a scent, ad we told Luka to go ahead of us."

Zeek nodded, "Well done. lets take them back to the house. The house he spoke of was not a "House" n the least sense, it was a mansion, the mansion had an aviary for the young shifters to learn how to fly, and the basement lead into an underground facility where the Pack spent most their time. The coven generally spent their time in the man house, but Zeek sent alot of time with Zelda in the tunnels.

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