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The Butterfly Effect.

Will you join in this deathly dance?

  • Metamorphosis: I shall.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Caterpillar: I shall not.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

{Act 3}

"The Illusion"



|Iris Mason|

-The Caterpillar-


"Fell in your opinion when I fell in love with you."



Iris had never had someone to hold her throughout the night, it felt amazing which was something that she had been experiencing quite often lately. It was a complete feeling of ecstasy that Iris was slowly becoming addicted to, the hypnotizing way Mordecai seemed to make her feel; the woman wanted all of it and more. Iris could hear the gentle assault of the rain against the window, could feel the bliss due to the man beside her, and the scent of Mordecai was prominent..she could stay here for days if given the chance and she didn't want to move in fear of disturbing the wondrous moment. There was something to be said about waking up with Mordecai Lester, people were missing out to be honest. Unfortunately, with happiness came the daily bout of aggravation and it was at this moment that Iris remembered something that should not have been forgotten.

The woman did not panic, a smile spreading across her face at the mere thought of telling a certain psychologist all she thought of him. She simply couldn't wait however there were more important things at hand, namely the man beside her. Somehow, her and Mordecai seemed to get even more tangled up within the night and Mason did not mind this state although she knew she would have to move soon. Iris turned carefully in order to wake the man up and--


He was awake. Had anyone ever told him how his appearance was enough to make one feel on the verge of passing out? Iris felt as if she needed to do that. The man could not possibly be human, he was simply too breathtaking for that generalization. Mordecai appeared even younger than usual, the effects of rest seemed to smooth out his sharpened features and make his eyes shine despite the depressive state of the world outside. Iris opened her mouth, closed it, and then opened it once more before struggling for something to say.

"Good morning, Mordecai." A subliminal reminder of the fact that it was Friday and they needed to get moving was shoved aside temporarily, Miles Jackson was a patient man when he got what he wanted.

Mordecai Lester

{The Butterfly}

Mordecai was not prepared for the sudden breathlessness that swelled up in his chest as Iris met his eyes. Gorgeous. The woman was absolutely and undeniably gorgeous. Every aspect of her being, every feature of her face was surreal, from the soft curve of her lips to the hollows of her cheeks, which were filled with soft shadows in the half-light of the morning. How was it that this woman did not have men falling at her feet wherever she went? Looking upon her was like looking upon the face of an angel, so radiant that it was nearly blinding, and Mordecai could not pull his eyes away. He heard Iris speak, but he himself could only stare on in wonderment. They were so close, their noses only inches apart, and in replacement of a response, he closed the small distance between them and captured her lips in a kiss, gentle and long, as he brushed a lock of hair behind her ear.

"And good morning to you, Iris," he finally spoke once he had returned to his original position, offering her a soft smile as he gazed upon her once more. As he did so, the question that he had been meaning to ask echoed in his head, but he no longer found it of any importance. In the presence of a woman like Iris Mason, time had no meaning, and he didn't want to disrupt the supernatural beauty of the moment by bringing up such mundane things. So instead, he asked her, "Were you able to sleep well, love?"


|Iris Mason|

-The Caterpillar-


Iris was enraptured by everything Mordecai did, love could often have that effect on a person and she knew that she would not mind being able to wake up to Lester everyday if given the chance. She savored the gentleness of Mordecai, feeling fuzzy as he pulled away from the kiss and smiling brightly as she looked upon him. The question he had asked was very simple to answer; she had slept well, better than any other before Mordecai had come around and she hoped it would remain to be that way. Iris sat up slightly before extending her arms and stretching, glancing at the window before focusing on Mordecai.

"I did, it was great. Are you well-rested?" Iris had been concerned with Mordecai's lack of sleep from the very start, he looked healthier than he had been when he was arrested and Iris was glad to see that. She didn't ever want to see him in such a state as he had been again. Somewhere from within the room, Iris could hear her phone buzz erratically.

Scratch that, Miles was not at all patient.

Mordecai Lester

{The Butterfly}

Mordecai sat up alongside Iris, stretching out his spine with a contented sigh and smiling tranquilly as he watched her do the same. Her answer was one that he was both pleased and relieved to hear. Iris had looked painfully ragged the night before; it was obvious that she hadn't slept in days, and seeing her in such disarray had weighed heavily on Mordecai's heart, especially knowing that all of the suffering that she had been forced to undergo was on his account. Now, in great contrast, she looked vibrant and refreshed, and for that Mordecai was thankful. To think that his mere presence was enough to bring Iris the comfort of sleep was both humbling and empowering at the same exact time, but he was happy to be able to do at least that much for the woman who had given him virtually everything.

Of course, the answer to Iris's own question was equally as positive. Mordecai had slept like a child, peacefully and soundly. The demons that usually came to him in the night, with their horrible, grotesque faces and their voices that bore an unnerving resemblance to the chilling so sounds of screams and crackling flames, never manifested themselves when Iris was present. In fact, he hadn't dreamt at all. It was as if evil was afraid to approach Iris. She had the power to keep all monsters at bay simply by being there.

He was about to tell her all of this when an incessant buzzing sound broke the comfortable silence of the room, causing Mordecai to jump slightly (Since when had he been so on edge?). Quickly enough, he was able to identify it as the sound of Iris's phone, and he relaxed considerably before speaking.

"You should probably check on that, dear. It might be something important. By the way, while I'm thinking about it, do you happen to know what day it is? I seem to have lost track of time in my absence."


|Iris Mason|

-The Caterpillar-


Iris scowled as she slipped out of bed, readjusting her shirt before heading towards the source of noise. "It's Friday, love...not exactly the best Friday we'll ever have." Iris snatched up the device from where it lay on a folded pile of clothes before tapping the green button which would connect her to a man she had hoped to avoid. There was a brief interval of silence but Iris knew whom it was instantly, the telltale slither of classical music prominent in her ear before there was a distasteful snort on the other end.

"You should honestly treat your superiors better." Iris rolled her eyes, glancing at Mordecai as she steadied the phone with her shoulder and rooted through the closet in order to find something that happened to be clean. She didn't want to speak with Jackson however there was no way it could possibly be avoided, the man had an aggravating tendency to worm his way into things which were none of his business and he ensured that everyone knew he was in charge. "And you should really reconsider your tone, Dr. Jackson." Iris was successful in her exploration, pulling out a navy blue dress before tossing it across the room and inwardly cheering as it landed on the edge of the bed. She returned to Mordecai, pushing aside her pillow in order to wrap one hand around his middle. It was almost comedic how often she felt the need to touch him.

"Such rudeness is uncalled for and dispose of the formalities Iris, we've been through quite a lot. I was merely calling to remind you of your appointment." Iris scoffed quietly, Miles had not scheduled an appointment he had enforced it and they both knew that the statement was bullshit. "Yes, I believe I have a brain and a functioning cognitive system which is capable of recalling such things in case you did not know. Mordecai and I will be at your appointment, until then Miles." Iris instantly ended the phone call, carefully placing the phone down on the bed before shaking her head in disbelief. The audacity of a man such as that was wondrous and she couldn't help but ponder how she had ever been able to consider him a companion.

"We have an event to attend today Mordecai, if you don't want to go then we can do whatever you wish."
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Mordecai Lester

{The Butterfly}

As Iris removed herself from the bed, Mordecai was enveloped by a sudden cold. Wrapping his arms around himself to compensate for the lack of the warmth that she had previously provided, he followed her with his eyes as she moved about the room, listening intently to every word that fell from her lips and paying close attention to every expression of annoyance and distaste that passed over her features. Friday. The implications were decidedly lost on Mordecai until he heard Iris speak the man's name, and it was then that he realized why she appeared to be so unenthusiastic. Today was the day for which Dr. Miles Jackson had scheduled their second meeting, a follow up of the disaster that had been their first encounter. A frown weighed at the corners of Mordecai's lips. Just the mere thought of Jackson ignited a fierce, burning rage within him. It was Jackson who had set the trap that had spurred on the series of unfavorable, agonizing events that both Iris and himself had been forced to undergo due to the divide that his words had created between them, a trap into which Mordecai had been foolish enough to fall. For this the psychiatrist would never be forgiven. It was a mortal sin for which he would pay dearly. However, Mordecai knew that he would need to take great care to keep his anger in check; Jackson could manipulate such negative emotions to his advantage, and Lester had learned that the hard way. He would not make the same mistake twice. Last time, Jackson had caught him off guard. This time, he had the advantage of careful preparation.

Mordecai couldn't help but smile once more as Iris rolled her eyes in his direction. The witty, caustic tone which she utilized while speaking with the man was undeniably impressive. Despite his worries for her safety and well-being, it was clear that Iris could handle herself perfectly well on her own, and Mordecai felt overwhelming pride at the fact that such a capable, formidable woman had chosen him as the object of her affections. He instinctually moved closer to her, leaning into her embrace as she sat down beside him and wrapped her arm around him once more. Iris's touch was something that he had grown to crave, and this he had accepted. Lester laughed quietly to himself as she hung up the phone before Jackson had the opportunity to utter so much as a goodbye, imaging the resulting look of frustration on his weasley little face - he didn't seem the type to enjoy being hung up on.

"Oh, I wouldn't miss it for the world, my dear. I couldn't very well pass up the opportunity to watch you smash that worm into the pavement, now could I?"


°°Iris Mason°°

••The Caterpillar••


Mason felt somewhat relieved as she heard Mordecai laugh, happy to see that he remained to be in good spirits before giggling at his statement. Giggling, childish. Truth be told, Iris was only trying to protect Lester from the worst although she knew the man would be able to handle himself should the need arise. Iris had known Miles long enough to know that no one ever escaped from his grasp, she would do whatever it took to keep Mordecai from the suffering the of what Miles had in store.

The woman reached towards the dress before using her other hand place it beside her; a nervous tactic that she often utilized when she needed something to touch.
"Men like Miles have a blatant need to make others worship them, a God complex centered around their lack of self-restraint. Despite what you think, Miles can get very angry quite easily. Many have provoked him and he has shredded their self esteem, I've seen it done. If he should try and demean you, we are leaving with no exceptions. I don't want him getting close, if he gets under your skin then he wins. He is worser than my mother because he is aware of what he is doing."

Iris had psychologically profiled Jackson before, she hadn't liked what she saw. The cunning devil would do anything it took to harm Mordecai and she just didn't want that to happen.

She would destroy Miles first before it came to that.

Mordecai Lester

{The Butterfly}

Despite his outward display of confidence, to say that Mordecai wasn't feeling anxious would have been incredibly false. He had made the mistake of underestimating Jackson once, and this was error that he was determined not to repeat. However, Iris's statement carried a challenge, and with that challenge came the usual usual, uncanny excitement at the chance to meet it. Mordecai felt a surge of adrenaline rush through him; it was almost as if he were looking forward to provoking Miles's anger just to see if he could come out on the other side unscathed. It was certain, as Iris had said, that Miles would use any means at his disposal to send his victim over the edge, and that he had already succeeded in doing so once before, but a man such as Mordecai thrived off of danger, and this time, without his sister to interfere, his feet would be planted on firmer ground to begin with.

But although he himself was feeling a rush at the prospect, it was clear that Iris was not, and her bubbly laughter did nothing to mask her nervous energy, although it did cause his heart to pick up speed. Feeling the need to comfort her, he reached out and took her hands in his, flashing her a disarming grin.

"A shame for him that I have no need for such petty things as self-esteem, then. I never have taken a particular liking to God, or the men who try to pose as Him. But there is a difference; God I respect, His posers I do not. To fall at Jackson's feet would be in clear violation of that philosophy, and as such I strongly intend not to allow it to happen. But overall, I do not wish for you to worry for me. I am stronger now than I was, and I will not place myself in the way of any compromising situations."

As much as he wanted to piss Jackson off, for her sake he knew that he wouldn't, at least not if it could be avoided. There was no telling with a man like Miles Jackson. After a few moments of looking into Iris's eyes to drive home his point, Mordecai stood, motioning to the dress that sat beside her on the bed.

"I will give you some time to ready yourself. I will be downstairs if you need me."


|Iris Mason|

-The Caterpillar-


{Jesus Christ that power walk.}


"Ain't no rest for the wicked until we close our eyes for good."



Iris felt her heart sink as she pulled into the spacious parking lot which was directly in front of the entrance to Jackson's office, she had been plenty of times but somehow this felt different as if she was walking on foreign land. She looked over towards Mordecai, reaching over and kissing his cheek before returning to her; this was bound to be melodramatic. Miles had something in store for them and Iris knew that seeing as she could picture his smug face without needing to catch sight of it, it would be up to her and Mordecai to dissuade the man's advantages and not allow him to slip his way through. Control was needed and Iris wasn't entirely concerned that Mordecai wouldn't be able to remain calm, the first she had met him the man had been gracious despite her behavior and had used the situation to his advantage. Funny how that worked.

Iris recalled the visits she had made here, the time that she had spent within the very walls of this building when she had blown into town with barely any money or food let alone a job. The man could be resourceful when he needed to be and Iris would always keep that in mind however this job wasn't for the weary or faint of heart, everyone had metaphorically screwed each other in order to climb their way up through the ranks and Miles was alarmingly close to the throne. He had everything within his hand and it scared him to death that someone could just as easily take it. Iris was fully intent on exploiting that, the thought brought a disturbing smile to her face and the woman was going to say something of the situation when the man of the hour strolled out of the entrance with renewed purpose. Iris shot Mordecai a confused glance before turning to look at Miles whom was making his way towards their car, his hand gripping his cane and his crisp burgundy suit prominent against the shine of his expensive shoes.

Miles had never looked like that before he had become well-known, Iris despised this. The woman cursed silently before removing her seat belt and opening the door, the man really could not wait for them to even enter the building. Miles had reached the car by the time Iris exited, his arms instantly sliding around her in a feigned companionable embrace. What the hell? The man looked inside of the car and smiled coldly at Mordecai before gesturing towards the building.

"I apologize, it is rude to not welcome guests once they arrive and I wished to do just that. Come along you two." Without waiting for an answer (which was certainly revenge for what happened earlier) Miles retreated and made his way back towards the building, Iris hesitated before sticking the middle finger up at his back.

She really could not stand the man.

Mordecai Lester

{The Butterfly}

(Damn girl, fucking work them legs. I apologize, I shall change my gif as soon as my computer quits being a piece of shit.)

It was truly amazing how easily one could be hit with the desire to rip a man's arms off. When he stepped out from the passenger side of Iris's car and watched Miles Jackson take the woman into his embrace, Mordecai was struck with the fiercest urge to do just that. How satisfying it would have been, to hear sickening snap of the bones, to watch the man's Crimson blood spray out across the pavement and mix in with the rain...However, the stone cold look in Jackson's eyes as he flashed him that patronizing grin reminded Mordecai exactly why he couldn't allow petty feelings of aggression to get to him. The action was obviously meant to spark his anger, and it had almost worked. Mordecai forced himself to breathe. Iris was fine. He couldn't give Jackson any headway, or his fate would be sealed. So instead of forcefully removing a pair of the psychiatrist's limbs, he simply returned the smile with a grin of his own, an equally icy expression in his eyes. This was a game that two could play.

As Jackson disappeared back inside the building, Mordecai came to Iris's side, barely able to suppress a bout of juvenile laughter as she held up her middle finger at the man's retreating form. It was an odd comparison, to say the least, but Mordecai was suddenly hit with the notion that the two of them were like a couple of school children on their way to meet with the principle: defiant, yet afraid of what was to come. Of course, Miles posed a greater danger than any elementary school principal, and he and Iris made for some pretty fucked up children.

Nonetheless, once the thought had passed, Mordecai leaned over to kiss Iris on the cheek, returning the gesture that she had offered him earlier. Wordlessly, he reached up and grasped the hand which had been previously raised in contempt, intertwining his fingers with hers and giving the hand a gentle squeeze. Miles already knew of the nature of their relationship; there was no use trying to disguise it. Besides which, he couldn't so easily exploit something that they had so obviously accepted. Appearing before Jackson as a single unit would serve to knock out one advantage that he might have had over them. At least, Mordecai hoped it would. He told Iris as much to check of the two of them were in agreement on the matter before gesturing towards the door with an overly exaggerated flourish.

"Shall we, my dear?"


|Iris Mason|

-The Caterpillar-


{Babes, I love your gifs so don't worry.}

As Mordecai slid his hand into hers, Iris knew that they would be able to face this together. It was certainly cheesy but she would be able to withhold the worst when Mordecai was right there with her, the woman inclined her head before walking alongside Mordecai and entering the building. The place was oddly quiet which led Iris to believe that Miles had possibly cleared his schedule in order to make room for them. The man really was eager. Iris didn't even see the receptionist which was usually milling about as they passed through, instantly swerving around a corner due to her familiarity with the place. The corridor leading to Miles's office was unusually wide and Iris had always felt uneasy at how similar it was to an asylum, she strolled down the hall and her grip tightened as they stopped directly in front of Miles's door. The man in question entered the room before gesturing towards the plush leather seats as he passed and situating himself in the dark brown chair which was behind his desk, the soothing sounds of neoromantic contemporary music did not fit the obvious tension and Iris felt a smirk grace her features as she gently removed her hand from Mordecai's in order to sit down.

Miles cleared his throat quietly, abandoning his cane before steepling his fingers underneath his chin; it was a subtle action that Iris knew Miles did in order to gain someone's attention. Time seemed to draw out before the man chose to speak, his blue eyes running over the two as if he were cataloging them.

He was, it was not simply a bluff.

"It has come to my attention that our dear Lester has committed an unruly crime, I need not know the reason but I would ask you both to tell me why you've chosen to continue your association. The punishment was quite lenient, wouldn't you take this time to seek help?" Iris tensed up at the mention of help, she knew what Miles had meant by that statement and shoving electrodes into Mordecai's brain would certainly not help. As if slipping on a coat, Iris straightened before fixating a calculative gaze on Miles.

"Given the nature of your inquiry I am afraid it would not help to place Mordecai in such circumstances, the body is naturally affected by its surroundings and placing someone who has a general distaste for others would only make aforementioned person retaliate. We both know this Miles and I am sure Mordecai knows it as well, dissuade yourself from suggesting anything." Miles chuckled lowly at Iris, shaking his head fervently before sliding open a drawer and removing a file folder which was, oddly enough, blank. He placed it on the desk before leaning back into his chair, looking at Mordecai before pointing towards the document. "You know, I have a little project for the two of you; think of it as a way to get to know one another. Inside of that folder contains a psychological analysis of a common arsonist, another report contains an analysis of those who are obsessed with them. Open it please, I promise it'll prove useful."
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Mordecai Lester

{The Butterfly}

(*vigorously ignores Chemistry*)

Help. The implications of the word, made tangible by Iris's pointed retort, darkened the smile on Mordecai's face and sharpened the daggers in his eyes. He was fortunate enough to say that he had never come across the opportunity to experience life in an asylum, and didn't intend to have himself admitted any time soon. Images of straight jackets and padded rooms, doctors who utilized patronizing tones, and pharmacists - a certain man in particular - who were all too willing to administer immobilizing quantities of medication found their way into his foremost thoughts. There was no doubt in Mordecai's mind that in such a place, he would be treated like the animal that he would have most people believe him to be, and this concept was, understandably, not entirely appealing.

The man's gaze shifted from Jackson to the file as it was placed in front of him, and he grimaced internally at the accompanying instructions. Whatever was in the folder was sure to be something that Jackson was planning to use to his advantage; he certainly looked confident enough in the matter. This revelation, along with Jackson's overtly smug expression, made Mordecai determined not to bend to his will.

"Oh, silly Dr. Jackson. Don't you know that animals can't read?" he responded in a low, mildly provocative purr, sliding the folder right back over the desk. If Miles could pull the gentleman card whenever he saw fit, then Mordecai could just as well throw the part of being mentally inept right back into his face. While it had not been his original intention to rub the man the wrong way, he was stuck between to equally unfavorable alternatives; obedience and blatant, aggravating defiance. Out of the two, the second was definitely the more amusing. "Besides, I believe that Dr. Mason and myself already know each other quite well enough, don't you? Now, if you have questions, I suggest you ask them. I am not interested in playing games. Surely Iris feels the same."

He would not fall into Jackson's trap. He wouldn't. Not that he wasn't curious...


+Miles Jackson+

"The Worm"


If I don't tell a soul, then who else shouldn't mind?



The man was being quite stubborn for someone who was in a sticky situation. Miles placed an index finger on the file before sliding it towards his person and disposing of it in the waste bin beside the desk, there was nothing inside of it anyhow. It was simply a bluff and Jackson was not surprised that Lester had not taken the bait, it was a shame that the man had not chosen to become a psychologist seeing as he would have done superb in the field. Miles clicked his teeth in disapproval before adjusting his sleeves, the room was significantly cool seeing as his patients had a tendency of speaking faster if they were cold. "Since animals can not read and that is the way you seem to see yourself then allow me to explain to you the given statistics of your fling with Ms. Mason surviving. It is little to none, you two seem to be attracted to each other and I am sure "I love you's" have been exchanged but the simple fact remains that both of you have a questionable disorder. Iris was always attracted to danger and it happens to be that she found you, it's a funny thing seeing as she studied your behavioral patterns; I do not know how far you intend to go with this petty charade but it is foolish to think that you two would last."

It was not meant to be harsh although it was intended to be truthful, Miles had seen many destroy themselves when it came to relationships and it was even riskier when both parties had severe mental conflicts. He was only exploiting the dangers of such an endeavor, he expected them to understand. "It won't be long before you begin to get urges Mordecai and Ms. Mason can no longer soothe your need to burn things, you are an arsonist and no one can alter that. Tell me, what will happen when you quench your thirst and prove Ms. Mason wrong? You are not a monster Mr. Lester but you are an addict, it will never stop. What happens when you two begin to manipulate each other? You're both very capable of harming and yet you share this foolish belief that you'll live happily ever after. It is pathetic, I would not recommend you continue your association." Miles noticed a slight flinch from Iris and could not help but feel pity for the two. They were truly blind to how much damage they could cause.
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Mordecai Lester

{The Butterfly}

There the man went again, placing the attributes of their relationship in the light of discussion. A barely noticeable movement from Iris caused Mordecai's mouth to twitch downwards at the corners before he pulled them upwards again into what was now a very tight-lipped smile, obviously forced. He sat stone still - save for his hands, white knuckled with tension, which he wrung together in his lap - as he took in Jackson's advice, suddenly feeling a chill in the room. Did Miles honestly believe that the very observations and predictions that he was making had never crossed their minds? He himself had been the one to force them to confront the possibility of mutual destruction in the most arduous way possible. Yes, he was an addict, addicted to the flame and the permanent scars that it inflicted. No, it would never stop, and it would never change. Mordecai had shouted words very similar to these right into Iris's face less than twenty-four hours prior. She knew of his affliction and the dangers that it posed, but it hadn't mattered to her. Iris had accepted him for all that he was and would always be. And yet...

Attracted to danger? Yes, Mordecai realized after a brief moment of contemplation. He supposed that she was. Why else would she have sought out the company of a man charged with such heinous crimes as serial arson and animal murder? An icy feeling crept its way into Mordecai's blood, not related in any way to the low temperature of the air around him. Was it truly possible that the two of them, in the end, would only serve to manipulate one another? Even more dreadful of a thought, was he manipulating Iris already? Using her addiction to fill his own need for human connection? Could it truly have been that they were just a couple of lonely, screwed up people, using each other for their own intents and purposes out of loneliness, desperation, or what have you? Contrary to Jackson's accusation, Mordecai had never believed in a happily ever after, unless one counted an anticipation of the fire and brimstone of Hell as such, which, to his knowledge, most people did not. However, what he had been expecting, hoping for, even, was a great deal brighter than what these questions seemed to imply.

No. He was doubting. He was letting Miles get to him. The one thing that he absolutely could not do, he was allowing to happen. Mordecai blinked once, squeezing his eyes shut ever-so-subtly to clear his head. None of it was true. None of it. It was all mere speculation, brought on by paranoia. But even he knew that this was not true; as much as he hated to admit it, Jackson had a point. There was something that Mordecai found interesting, however. Whereas before Jackson's voice had carried an air of blatant indifference, Lester now detected undertones of...care? No, that was true strong a word. Concern? Maybe. Warning? Definitely. But why? What did Jackson, whose soul purpose for calling their meeting into being in the first place was predicted to be the intention of shattering Mordecai's spirit, have to gain from attempting to preserve their wellbeing? The thought was so outrageous that Mordecai decided to dismiss the notion that he'd heard it at all. If anything, it must have been just another ploy to separate them from one another.

"The matter that you speak of is a rather personal one, don't you agree, Dr. Jackson?" With this, Mordecai leaned closer to the other man, resting his elbows upon the desk in imitation of Jackson's earlier position. When he spoke again, his voice was barely above a whisper. "In simpler terms, none of your damned business."


+M I L E S+



This time is different, not like the time before.
The White Buffalo



Miles sighed in plain exasperation, aggravation etching his features before he stood and walked towards the bookshelf behind him. The man thumbed through the books before pulling one out and striding over towards Iris, placing it carefully on her lap before resting against his desk. The man had not needed the assistance of his cane due to the short distance but already his right leg was beginning to strain under the pressure applied to it however he needed to clarify his point, the man watched as Iris brushed her fingers across the title before placing a hand over her mouth and looking up at Miles. "Where did you get this, Miles?" The question was firm and sturdy however Miles knew that Mason was reeling from the revelation, it was obvious in the slight tremor in her left hand. It wasn't a question of where he had happened to get it, it was a question of how he managed to acquire it. The answer was staring the two directly in the face and yet they refused to face the true conflict which was at hand.

"Your mother certainly has her ways." Miles scoffed in disgust at the mention of the woman from his own mouth, he had known she had been cruel however this was possibly the most shadiest thing she had done in order to 'protect' her daughter. Miles was not expecting an answer and he didn't get one, Iris immediately sprung from her seat and left the room. She would wait for Mordecai and that was something that did not need to be verified by Miles so he focused his attention on Lester, it was a cruel move but it was necessary in the name of saving two lives and preventing more deaths. "I do not expect you to ever trust me or to ever leave Iris, you two are too connected and are bound to fall together. Would you like to know how I got this injury on my leg?" At this Mile gestured towards his wound, a pained expression on his face as he did so. "It was love, pure and simple; it was love for a bad woman. She did this to me and do not think that Iris would not be capable of such a thing, I am truly afraid for you two. It is bound to destroy you both." Miles waved his hand in dismissal, he had foretold them of what was to come and it was up for them to heed his warnings.

Hopefully the book would prove fruitful. Iris would forgive him possibly.

Mordecai would not.
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Mordecai Lester

{The Butterfly}

Rage. Dread. Confusion. Fear. All of these emotions and more yet indistinguishable ones arose in Mordecai with the suddenness akin to that of a dam breaking, and the resulting deluge was almost too much for him to handle. As Iris fled from the room, an instinctual impulse told him to follow her, but he found himself unable to rise from his chair, as if he were being held there by some invisible yet inescapable force. There were so many inquiries to which he had no answer, so many strings with nothing attached. The book was his, the only possession saved from the fire in his home. He had caught a glimpse of it as it was placed in Iris's lap, though her reaction alone would have been enough to tell him everything.

Emelia Mason. Jackson had mentioned Iris's mother. She was the one from whom he had acquired the book. But when had the woman infiltrated Iris's home to obtain it? Mordecai recalled seeing it upon the coffee table in Iris's living room just the night before. While they were sleeping? That appeared to be the only feasible answer, and it shook Mordecai to his very core. If she could enter Iris's dwelling any time she pleased, then there was no limit to the dangers that she could pose to her daughter's safety. And why had she given the book to Miles? Did she want them to know of her transgression, or had Miles shown it to them of his own accord? And how had she known about the book's significance in the first place? She couldn't have. Unless....unless she was involved with...

Lester's frantic thought patterns were brought to a screeching halt by the sound of Jackson's voice. The arsonist was amazed that throughout the entire encounter he had been able to keep a straight face, but at that moment, out of the cloud of confusing emotions that was wreaking havoc inside of his mind, anger finally won out, manifesting itself in the form of a fierce and daunting glare.
Trust him? Oh no, Mordecai could never trust him. As far as he knew, Jackson was just as deserving of suspicion as Mason was, though a tiny, insignificant voice in the back of his head nagged at him that this assumption was incorrect. The pained expression on his face was too genuine to have been fallacious, and from it Mordecai concluded that he really had experienced what he claimed he had; pain at the expense of love. But it made no difference. He wouldn't believe that Iris was capable of doing such a thing. He refused to. Not the woman whom he had held in him arms the night before, the one who had accepted him back into her home without hot so much as a hateful word after he had caused her so much dismay. It was foolish and he knew it, but he refused all the same. So what if their connections destroyed them in the end? If it were to end up that way, then it would be of their own volition. Neither of them had been living entirely fabulous lives as it was, and their well-being was none of Jackson's concern.

Mordecai resisted the urge to break the hand that was waved dismissively at his person and instead growled out a response.
"On the contrary, Dr. Jackson. The ones that will destroy us in the end are those that make it their business to interfere."

With that final remark, he stormed from the office, unable to spend another second in Jackson's suffocating presence. He found Iris in the hallway and latched onto her arm as gently as he could manage, leading her towards the building's exit.

"Come along, love, we're leaving."

He would inquire about her feelings and state of mind once they were out of the building. At that moment, he only wanted to be gone.





Sick of screaming, let us in.
The Neighbourhood



Everything felt as if it were on the precipice of tilting and twirling, Iris could feel the room spinning underneath her feet and the only thing which served to anchor her was the pressure applied to her arm by Mordecai's hand. The woman clutched the book as if it were the only source of life and a terrified expression was plastered to Mason's face as they made their way towards the car; as soon as they reached the vehicle Iris swung the door open and rested her hands on the sides before turning towards Mordecai. What was she going to tell him? How could this be explained? Iris struggled to breathe and realized that she was having a panic attack, her lungs felt as if they were slowly expanding in her chest and felt as if they would burst. A series of black dots blurred her vision and Iris blinked in order to chase them away, pitching forward slightly before resisting the urge to vomit. That book.

That book.

What she had seen in the damned pages was enough to certify anyone's insanity and it also confirmed the fact that her mother reveled in watching her own daughter suffer. Iris realized that she was still holding it and wrenched it open, the pages had been marked out and pictures had been carefully laid upon the top; a photo album of sorts. Each picture depicted various corpses upon medical tables and every one of them happened to be male with the bold imprint of
"WHO'S YOUR DADDY?" in red lettering upon the top, Iris could not bear to look at it but she found herself unable to look away. Each picture was exceedingly more graphic then the other, bodies had been torn open and the faces had been brutalized.

Iris lurched forward, hands wrapping around Mordecai as she sobbed into his shoulder. Her mother had done this, there was no doubt about it and Miles had even admitted it.

Her father was dead, he had been killed. Iris knew that it hadn't been an accident.


Mordecai Lester

{The Butterfly}

Mothers were truly powerful figures. If they chose to use it, they had the ability to decide from the very beginning the course of their children's entire lives. Those mothers that were deemed to be good cared for and nurtured their children, always kept their health and mental stability in mind and put the needs of their young ones before their own. Others, who were deemed to be bad, neglected their children and left them to fend for themselves. Some even went to the extent of locking their offspring in the basement of their home, with no connection to the outside world and a disorder that they would be forced to come to terms with on their own. But Emelia Mason was on another level all together. She was the type who enjoyed putting her child through agony under the guise of love and concern, and this contradiction of mind sets was quite possibly the worst of all the scenarios which had preceded it, as it left a child fearful and confused, yet still nauseatingly eager to please. Essentially, it broke them, which was what Mason was very explicitly aiming to accomplish.

Emelia Mason was certifiably insane.

Emelia Mason was a twisted, sadistic bitch.

It all happened so quickly that Mordecai felt as if he had been swept up in a whirlwind. One moment they were sitting in Jackson's office, and the next they were out on the parking lot, Iris crying heavily into his shirt and clinging to him for dear life. And the images. The images that he had managed to catch a glimpse of when she opened that wretched book. They were ghastly, sickening, horrifying - or at least they would have been, had he been anyone but himself. No, he and Emelia were quite similar, and that in itself was becoming increasingly terrifying. Dismembered limbs, pools of blood, and charred corpses did nothing to faze people like them. But understanding her only made him despise her more. What really got to him were the words atop the page, printed in bold, red lettering. This whole thing, this vile, heartless display, was in reference to the fate of Iris's father. Emelia had killed him, the man who the father of her child, and now, when it suited her, she was flaunting her morbid deeds in order to ruin the sanity of their daughter, to shred her very soul to pieces.

He was going to kill her. He was going to kill her. He was going to -

Mordecai's attention returned to the sobbing woman that he held in his arms. He hadn't noticed before that he was holding her so tightly, almost alarmingly so, and he loosened his grip only slightly to rub what he hoped were soothing circles on her back, rocking her back and forth. With the other hand, he gently slipped the book from her grasp; she would never lay eyes on the thing again, if he had anything to say about it. No matter what he did, however, he knew that he could not fix what had been broken here. He could not chase away those images; they would stay with Iris for the rest of her life. He could provide some form of temporary comfort, yes, but what was that worth, in the long run? The feeling of helplessness that settled over Mordecai in that second of time was enough to make his anger flare anew, at himself this time, but he pushed it away, for Iris's sake.

What were they even to do? They couldn't go back to Iris's home, not when Emelia had access to it. If anything, he had to take precautions to try and assure that this never happened again. His earlier statement to Miles had carried more truth than even he had known at the time. Those who interfered would surely bring them crashing to their knees, and Mordecai was forced to admit that he would need assistance in dispelling them.

Later, he would seek a confrontation with Emelia Mason, one on one. But for now, as soon as Iris had regained some semblance of stability, they were going to see Hernandez. Until then, he would hold Iris for as long as she needed him, even if it took all day.





Once the sobs had dwindled down into nothing, Iris pulled herself away from Mordecai's grasp before wiping at her eyes. She doubted that she looked a pretty sight but this had managed to take her by surprise and uproot everything, the cold numbness which seeped in was welcome and Iris fought back the urge to scream in sheer frustration. How had Emelia managed to enter the building? It was a terrifying thought alone to know that her mother had access to anywhere that she pleased to go, the woman had connections and Iris knew that there had been another involved in this. Iris shook her head in confusion, unable to process everything. It was even worse that this had been a message, Emelia had not done it on purpose and it certainly had been directed towards them; it was an unspoken threat and Iris vowed to strangle the woman if she ever saw her again. They had to leave immediately, it could not be back to her home seeing as Emelia knew how to get in.

Iris climbed into the car before moving into the passenger seat, Mordecai would have to drive seeing as Iris would possibly end up wrecking in her daze. She turned her back in order to face the window and curled up onto the seat, it would be best to retain some shred of pride and not allow Mordecai to see her in such a state. If she cried again, it would be quiet. She had never expressed as much emotion as she had in front of Mordecai, she possibly looked weak and puny compared to the man's steely reserve and it was not in her interest to cause him to be stressed because of her emotional breakdown. She had allowed Miles to get to her this time, it was her fault this time, and she was sorry that it had played out that way. It wasn't as if she had ever met her father, she had never spent time with him and it shouldn't have disturbed her so much..but it did.

Iris did not turn, focusing on the bleary world outside.
"I'm sorry, I let Miles get to me. It should have been handled better."

Mordecai Lester

{The Butterfly}

(So the computer still isn't working, but guess who doesn't have homework tonight? ^.^)

To see Iris in such a fragile, defeated state drove nails into Mordecai's heart. How any mother could even fatom going to such an extent to inflict psychological wounds of this magnitude upon her child, although the man knew all too well that the occurrence was much more common than it should have been, was an utter abhorrence. Mordecai didn't love very many people, nor, to the same extent, did he hate them. He was mostly indifferent towards other human beings, but it was safe to say that he hated Emelia Mason, with a fire that could only be extinguished once the woman was either seven feet underground or transformed into a pile of ash.

Iris's dazed, distant apology only served to drive the nails in deeper. What had she to apologize for? What human being would not have reacted in the same exact manor at being faced with so dastardly and grotesque of a truth, especially with images supplied that were more than likely to linger in her nightmares for years to come? Why was she the one apologizing, when she was obviously worse for wear than he himself was? As he settled himself into the driver's seat with these questions in mind, taking the precaution of slipping the book underneath of it, he did not look at her, for he knew by her mannerisms that she wouldn't want it. She thought herself weak, no doubt. She was ashamed to show emotion, a feeling with which Mordecai himself had only very recently become familiar. But he did not think her weak. He never would. For a fact, Iris Mason was the strongest person whom he had ever met in his life, even stronger than himself, than Miles, than Rosaline, than even her mother. But after so many successive blows, it only made sense that one would fall. Mordecai knew he had. He had cried, too.

"Iris, I wish to make something clear; you are never to apologize to me for being human. Miles Jackson preys on human weakness. You could not have handled things any better than you did. You're not weak, Iris, you're just shaken, and rightfully so. I know very well that there is nothing k can do or say to amend the wrongs that have been done against you, but what I can say is that whenever you need to cry, or scream, or even just to complain, I will be there to listen, and I will not think any less of you for it."

That was all he had to say, and after speaking those words, he started the car and pulled out onto the road. He would allow her to have her peace for the duration of the drive down to the station. He only hoped that his words would had not added to her distress.




All your talent down the drain and it just makes perfect sense.
Foster the People


The man was a filthy, rotten liar. Detective Hernandez stared solemnly at the supposed 'gangsta' who sat before her, her eyes tracking his wild gesticulations as he accused his own father of killing the child they had found discarded carelessly into a ditch today. Iroya shifted in the plastic chair before inclining her head as his pathetic spewing dwindled off into silence, there was a split second where the man glanced towards the one-way mirror which separated them from his family who was watching the conversation intently; it appeared that Mr. Shelton had finally realized that he was going to be put away for life. In this fleeting moment three things occurred, Mr. Shelton proceeded to spring from his seat, Iroya counter-blocked the fist which came sailing towards her face, and Mr. Shelton was casually punched in the face to which he crumpled to the floor like a rag doll. The older woman straightened out her dress before flashing the okay towards the glass and stepping aside as one of the rookies from the Homicide department quickly came to the child murderer's aid, swearing quietly as he positioned the man on the wall before gazing at Hernandez with a disbelieving expression.

In her time as a detective, Iroya had encountered all sorts of violence and she was no exception to being the subject of it regardless of her gender. The woman collected her purse before strolling out of the room and walking directly pass the unconscious man's family; the rookie would take care of the situation and she highly doubted that charges would be pressed. Fools like that were too busy reveling in their pride to allow the public to know that a woman had knocked their lights out, it was quite comedic how that seemed to play out. The station wasn't as busy as it had been the day of Mr. Lester's arrest and seldom cops were to be found, certain receptionists milling about with little to do. Iroya had every intention of stopping by the bar once she was able to leave this godforsaken place, swerving into the briefing room before recovering her coat which she had abandoned on one of the chairs.

It was when she stepped out into the crisp afternoon did she focus on the car which seemed to be approaching the station, a smile spreading across her features. There was no doubt in her mind that the vehicle belonged to one Ms. Mason and she wondered whether the woman was accompanying Mordecai Lester, she had seen the car around often when she had ventured into town but she had never had a full conversation with the psychologist. Now would be the opportunity, the bottle of bourbon could wait. The detective raised her hand in order to be noticed, waving almost enthusiastically. Believe it or not, she was anxious to see how everything had turned out.


Mordecai Lester

{The Butterfly}

When Mordecai pulled Iris's car to a stop in the police station's parking lot, he was surprised to see Hernandez standing out front of the building. Even more astonishing was the fact that he nearly smiled to see her wave. Maybe it was just nerves seeking to release themselves in a positive manner, but it was amazing how such a simple gesture could do so much to set one at ease, even a man like Lester. Iroya Hernandez was a very capable woman with a keen sense of justice. While justice was something in which Mordecai usually tended to avoid getting too involved, there was no doubt in his mind that if anyone could help them with their current predicament, it was the detective. Besides, her unwavering idealism was half of the reason why Mordecai had even considered placing his trust in Iroya in the first place.

The grim circumstances of his purpose for seeking out Iroya in the first place, however, re-asserted themselves as he looked over to Iris, biting his lower lip in concern as he did so. She had not moved from her original position, nor had she spoken a single word to him following her apology. This had been expected, of course, given the horrors to which she had just been subjected, but Mordecai still found himself wishing that he could do something,
anything to ease her pain. Sighing softly in defeat, he placed a gentle hand on her shoulder before addressing her in a low voice.

"I am going to speak with someone who may very well be able to assist us. I am sure that you have at least heard of Detective Iroya Hernandez. She is the one responsible for the leniency of my sentence. You may stay here, if you wish. Take all of the time that you need."

Withdrawing his hand, he exited the car after glancing back at Iris one final time, slipping the book out from under his seat as he did so. As he approached Hernandez, he greeted her with fairly lackluster wave of his own. Oddly enough, it was only then that he realized the sun had come out.

"Good afternoon, Detective. Could you spare a moment?"





Interesting. It would appear that they had the same train of thought, Iroya wondered what Mordecai could want and nodded her head in answer to his inquiry. She was honestly open to speaking of anything as long as the man was keeping his head on his shoulders as of late, the nagging feeling that something was wrong was present and Iroya contributed this to her intuition.

In a job such as this you didn't ignore anything, paying attention to the most miniscule details could guarantee your survival and the security of others. Iroya knew that there had to be a good reason for Lester coming to speak with her, the man possibly wouldn't even set foot in a police station if it was his choice. She honestly did not blame him, Iroya noted that Mordecai was driving Iris's car. The man had stepped out of the driver's seat upon his arrival.

She would have to ask him about that.
"Feel free to speak with me about anything, I'm listening."

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