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The Butterfly Effect.

Will you join in this deathly dance?

  • Metamorphosis: I shall.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Caterpillar: I shall not.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Annabella said:


I need more Eric in my life to be honest.


We will always be connected.

I just had a horrifying image of conjoined twins.


Poor us.

*whimpers in fear*

Aw, beb you're too sweet. Don't know when I'm gonna post again to be honest though because describing Twitchy's smoking excursion would make for a pretty short, boring post. XP



We have a very difficult life ahead of us.

Good thing we're married.

NimbusTheCat said:
*whimpers in fear*

Aw, beb you're too sweet. Don't know when I'm gonna post again to be honest though because describing Twitchy's smoking excursion would make for a pretty short, boring post. XP



We have a very difficult life ahead of us.

Good thing we're married.


*Hugs you* It is alright. It isn't..

*Hopes Jadran interacts with you* Oh wait, he said that if he was needed--


There'll be a way.

We really didn't think this through..
Annabella said:
*Hugs you* It is alright. It isn't..

*Hopes Jadran interacts with you* Oh wait, he said that if he was needed--


There'll be a way.

We really didn't think this through..

*hugs you back* I know...I have complete faith in your ability to ruin me.

Someday. Someone might take interest.


We hardly ever do...That is our chief charm.
NimbusTheCat said:
*hugs you back* I know...I have complete faith in your ability to ruin me.

Someday. Someone might take interest.


We hardly ever do...That is our chief charm.

*Snickers inappropriately* "Ruin." Suuuuure..

Key Word:


Nah, just joking seeing as people fucking love Eric.

Annabella said:
*Snickers inappropriately* "Ruin." Suuuuure..

Key Word:


Nah, just joking seeing as people fucking love Eric.


*glares defensively* Ok, well...ruin me further than I am already ruined, then!


-Iris Mason-

-The Caterpillar-


I will be there.

Iris was stunned by Mordecai's expression, a huge grin spreading across her face as they walked towards Detective Hernandez before she caught the look the woman in question was giving her; a mixture of smug and concerned. It would appear that she knew but they had been quite obvious, Iris seated herself in the booth and somehow managed to keep a grip on Lester. It was amusing but there would have to be some form of support for what was to come however she was more distracted by the overpowering scent of food which had been laid out on the table. As if reading her mind, Hernandez raised a hand in dismissal before casually slouching.

"You need it and I bought it, don't complain." Iroya fixated on them both with an indignant stare before gesturing towards the plate. Iris hesitantly pushed a croissant towards Mordecai before resting her other hand on the surface and ignoring the glare from the detective that she received. Food would have to wait, it was best that they get this out of the way. "I have only just had the chance to meet you Detective however I wished to thank you for the constant generosity you have been providing us with, things have not been easy as of late." The older woman once more waved this off, shaking her head in what appeared to be amusement.

"I did it because I know you're both good people, I assume that no one has been threatening you and Mordecai?" Now here came the more complicated part. Iris would have to incriminate her mother which was not easy, never in her life had she thought it would end up this way but she could not help but feel guilty..extremely so. It was for Mordecai's security, it was so he would not end up like her father, and he wouldn't. Iris would rather die first then see the man come to harm and this was what solidified her actions. "The perpetrator behind the deeds done in that book could only be done by one Emelia Mason whom was has been making it very clear that she does not like my choices as of late. The woman never liked to speak of my father around others and most people rarely ever asked, the book was given to me by a colleague of mine and it belongs to Mordecai. The book was within my...our home and someone would have had to have broken in in order to obtain it."

Iris glanced towards Mordecai before feeling queasy at the thought of someone sneaking in whilst they were resting. The intruder could have done worse..

The look on Hernandez's face was unnerving and the other woman tilted her head in thought.
"Tell me, Mr. Mordecai. Where is that woman you mentioned earlier staying? Rosaline, I believe her name was."
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Mordecai Lester

{The Butterfly}

Hernandez had honestly outdone herself. The spread that he and Iris found laid out before them upon joining the detective not only must have come at a great expense on her personal funds, but was also more than either of them could ever dream of consuming in one sitting. Naturally, at the thought of accepting the woman's generous gift at all, Mordecai's underlying pride came back out to bite him. However, common courtesy was not lost on the man, and he knew that it would be highly disrespectful to let the food go to waste. Besides which, his newly discovered hunger was bound to get the best of him at some point. He shot a sideways glance at Iris as she passed one of the plates in his direction, and in response, he pushed another, containing some type of pastry, back at her. If he was going to eat, then so was she; she needed it just as much.

Of course, "eating" mostly amounted to picking apart the croissant that sat atop his plate while trying to avoid meeting Hernandez's eyes. Upon seeing the look that she directed at them at their entrance together, the smile on his face had been traded for a more reserved expression. She had seen right through them, not that doing so would have been hard, but this transparency was not something that he was used to and it made him slightly uncomfortable. In a way, it was comical; it was almost like he was an adolescent boy, embarrassed to find that his mother had known of the relationship that he was trying to hide from her all along. Even so, he never once let go of her arm, and gave it a gentle squeeze as the topic of Iris's mother came into play. No doubt it was extremely hard for her to condemn the woman whom it was obvious that she still loved, despite every atrocity that she had committed against her, and he hoped that the gesture would bring her some form of relief, or even help to strengthen her resolve. Emelia Mason needed to be dealt with, and soon. The thought of what the woman, who had possessed the audacity to break into their home - Mordecai hadn't missed Iris's comment referring to it as such, and it lightened his spirits despite the circumstances- could do to her daughter if left to her own devices made his grip tighten on her arm before he caught himself and loosened it again. However, there were still questions that they did not possess the means to answer. Why hadn't Emelia done more, when they had been so vulnerable in sleep? And had it been Emelia at all? The magnitude of the crimes that she was committing seemed to suggest that she was not working alone...

Mordecai's gaze snapped from his plate and onto the the admittedly unnerving expression of the detective as she addressed him. At the mention of his sister's name, he tensed visibly, a tight-lipped grimace stretching over his face.

"To my current knowledge, at this very moment she is inhabiting a building that she had constructed on top of the ashes of what used to be my home. Why do you ask, love?"


Iroya Hernandez

The Ant


I know what I am, they know what they are so let me be.
Band of Skulls

Iroya balanced the book on her knees as she stared intently at Mordecai who appeared to be picking at his food before concealing the amusement as Iris resigned to tapping the plate with her fork; these two were certainly an enigma of sorts and Iroya liked them. They had been through a lot and she wanted to help them in the best way she knew how but it was Rosaline who happened to be a kink in the system judging by Mordecai's reaction to her name. This could possibly be the solution, Iroya was going to propose an offer that they would not like however it needed to be done for the sake of the two and their security. The woman sighed before running a hand through her hair and studying the two men who were seated across the room. She was reluctant asking this but she didn't know the situation between Mordecai and Rosaline and it needed to be stated before someone got hurt.

She could not understand how the woman had managed to get a hold of Mordecai's former estate and judging by the murderous look on Mason's face she assumed that the woman had not known either. Or perhaps she just despised Rosaline..steepling her fingers under her chin, Hernandez focused on the tabletop before speaking.
"In order to ensure that you will not come to harm, we will have to visit Ms. Rosaline. I wish to speak with her and you are welcome to wait outside however I have a theory that I wish to test. I assure you that she will cause no injury to your person however something tells me that there is a detail that we're not looking at and it irks me. If she were to attack you.."

Iroya's eyes flickered to her purse which contained her gun before looking back towards the two. "She would suffer the consequences. There will be no need to worry but I do need you to tell me how she managed to obtain your home..please."

Mordecai Lester

{The Butterfly}

Wait...What? Was she honestly suggesting that the three of them go and visit his sister? Mordecai's eyebrows furrowed in question as he gazed back that the detective, giving her a look that seemed to insinuate that she was the crazy one. What purpose would a confrontation with Rosaline serve, besides to give him a pounding headache? Hernandez claimed that she could ensure their safety in doing so, but in Mordecai's opinion, the best way to avoid being affected by a woman like Rosaline was to keep well enough away. It was only when he remembered her threat at their last meeting and the fact that she happened to know exactly where Iris lived that he sighed in defeat, nodding his head in reluctant agreement. As much as he loathed to admit it, Iroya was not the type to act without purpose, and Mordecai supposed that he would just have to trust her. Of course, there was no possible way that he was going to avoid seeing the woman, despite Hernandez's offer for them to remain in the car - Rosaline wouldn't have it, not when he was so close.

"It isn't physical injury that I'm worried about, Detective," he confided in her, a bit too readily for his liking. But the following warning was necessary all the same. "There is no doubt in my mind that you could easily take her down in a skirmish if it came down to it, but Rosaline is a master of manipulation. She can have you doing what exactly what she wants you to do before you can say the word "brainwashed," all while convincing you that the entire thing was your idea. As for how she came to a joint possession of my personal property, she simply bought her way in. Money is a very powerful motivator, as I'm sure you know, and something that my sister happens to have a great deal of. Even the law is susceptible to her charms, it seems."

Glancing beside him at Iris, the venomous glare that he saw on her face was nearly startling. It was then that he recalled that he had never shared with her the details of his previous confrontation with his sister. It was as new to her as it was to Iroya.


Annabella said:

Fucking oops.

She's gonna kill the woman and Mordecai is all like-

Well, shit.
What can I say? At heart he is truly just a man. xD

He does not understand the magnitude of Iris's anger.

Also I couldn't figure out how else to end it. :P
NimbusTheCat said:
What can I say? At heart he is truly just a man. xD
He does not understand the magnitude of Iris's anger.

Also I couldn't figure out how else to end it. :P
Rida is gonna kill us for chatting here.


It was a glorious way to end it.

I need to respond but I don't know which perspective to take.
Annabella said:
Rida is gonna kill us for chatting here.

It was a glorious way to end it.

I need to respond but I don't know which perspective to take.
Hi Rida. :)

I'm glad you liked it. xD

I would love to see into the depths of Iris's rage. But that's just my desire. Do what comes naturally, my friend.
NimbusTheCat said:
Hi Rida. :)
I'm glad you liked it. xD

I would love to see into the depths of Iris's rage. But that's just my desire. Do what comes naturally, my friend.
It shall be the most ragiest thing you've ever read.
Annabella said:
It shall be the most ragiest thing you've ever read.
I am going to love it, I just know it.

I had the urge to respond with "Oops" but thought better of it.

-Iris Mason-

-The Caterpillar-


I bet you didn't know that I was dangerous.
Big Data

Rosaline. If there was anyone that Iris despised more than her mother it was that woman, she had been relentlessly pursuing Mordecai as if he were nothing but a piece of meat and Iris did not take too kindly to that. Not to mention that she had somehow managed to take his home, the place he had resided in, and now she was no doubt feeling smug on the fucking high horse she had climbed on. That wretched woman was going to suffer and Iris was going to be the first in line to inflict severe pain upon her, this thought seemed to replace every other in her mind and Iris was intent on acting on it. Two could play at this game if the bitch wanted to tango and Iris was rather skilled in destroying others. If anything, this would be fun. She looked forward to seeing the defeated look on her face when she stomped her into the ground, Iris gripped Mordecai's hand tightly before smiling widely and putting on an air of tranquility.

His sister had taken everything from the one she claimed to love, had intruded upon his life as if it were her every right to and she wasn't going to get away with it; Iris would simply have to bide her time until the girl was vulnerable, then she would unravel every fear Rosaline possessed and knock her down from her pedestal. It was never advised to play mind games against a psychologist and Iris wasn't innocent, the things she had to do to get this job. Her hands were dirtier than Rosaline's and that would be the other woman's downfall.

"Oh, on the contrary..I am looking forward to seeing dear Rosaline. Something tells me she has been yearning for a visit and she'll be delighted to see us. Shall we leave now?"

Iris was going to strangle her.

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Annabella said:
And that, my friends, is why you don't piss off a psychologist.
Hell fucking yeah it is.

Damn son. Rosaline had better be on her motherfucking A game.
Annabella said:
I can't fucking wait.
Should I just start with Rosaline? Also, Kaity is reading this thread. She questioned me about dog murder today. xD

And not sure whether to respond to this first or Omertá. Life is cruel.
NimbusTheCat said:
Should I just start with Rosaline? Also, Kaity is reading this thread. She questioned me about dog murder today. xD
And not sure whether to respond to this first or Omertá. Life is cruel.
Omerta. They go fast and I can wait.

Please do. It'd be awesome. Love you.


I was looking at her profile *cough, cough* and I saw it.

Props to her, she's fucking awesome but we're gonna break her heart.
Annabella said:
Omerta. They go fast and I can wait.
Please do. It'd be awesome. Love you.


I was looking at her profile *cough, cough* and I saw it.

Props to her, she's fucking awesome but we're gonna break her heart.
It is done. Doin this now.

I love you too, babes. Rosaline it is.

You sneaky little stalker, you. xD

I know...I feel kinda bad, to be honest...
NimbusTheCat said:
It is done. Doin this now.
I love you too, babes. Rosaline it is.

You sneaky little stalker, you. xD

I know...I feel kinda bad, to be honest...
I am going to respond to that while you're doing this.


I am not the most best seeing as I accidentally liked one of her comments.


Rosaline Lester

{The Dragonfly}

Rosaline Lester was in an absolute frenzy. It was astounding how much one could miss by turning in early for a single night. As she rushed around the master bed-and-bathrooms of her brother's newly reconstructed home - which still smelled of fresh paint and wood chippings - trying to make herself look as presentable as possible in her panicked hurry, her mind was preoccupied by the troubling news that she had received immediately upon going outside to retrieve the daily paper - her brother had been arrested. Apparently, she was the last person in town to hear that speculated serial killer Mordecai Lester had been detained for the burning of a local church, and the thought made her feel sick inside. She could hardly fathom what had compelled him to turn himself over, as the front page article claimed that he had. Her brother was a careful man, and it had most definitely not been an act of repentance, as the concept of morals was undeniably lost on Mordecai. Only one possibility arose above the rest: it had been because of that Iris woman. She just knew it. The article had mentioned the psychiatrist as well, claiming that she knew nothing of his motivations. Lies, no doubt, mere fabrications to cover up her involvement for fear of being incriminated herself. Rosaline's blood grew hot in her veins at the notion.

More prominent, however, was the guilt that consumed the young woman over not being there for her brother in what must have been a time of great need. She could only imagine how trapped he must have felt, spending the night in a prison cell under the surveillance of men and women who most likely viewed him as nothing but a sadistic monster. Sure, he possessed a very thick skin, but such a condemning environment would take a toll on anyone, even the most emotionally distant. This regret spurred her to move faster. After quickly running a brush through her sleep-matted hair, she raced down the staircase, pulling on a pair of boots as she went. When she reached the door, however, she was surprised to hear the sound of one vehicle, then another, pulling up out front of the house. Puzzled, she peered out the front window before stepping out onto the porch, only to have her heart nearly stop in her chest as she noted the identity of the man behind the windshield of the first vehicle: Mordecai. Relief immediately flooded over her, accompanied but an underlying feeling of excitement. He was free. Somehow, he had been able to escape confinement, whether by legal means or otherwise, but as for the method, Rosaline was hardly concerned. What mattered was that he was alright, and that he had thought to come and see her. However, anger rose up inside of her once more at the sight of the woman behind the wheel of the same vehicle. That damned psychiatrist. Why couldn't she just stay the hell away?

The younger Lester rushed down the staircase to meet her visitors with this rhetorical question on her mind, the presence of the second car completely forgotten. One thing was clear; if Rosaline had anything to say about it, next time, she would.

-Iris Mason-

-The Caterpillar-


It's just a little karma, tryin' to disarm ya'.
Band of Skulls

There would be no forgiveness for the child. As soon as Iris saw the new renovations done to the house, a sour feeling came over her and ruined every shred of mercy she had left. That woman had taken it upon herself to inhabit a place that she had not been welcomed into and it angered Iris more than she could even express, she would pay for what she had done. Surely Iris could go about this the legal way and she would, there was no doubt that there was a loophole within the deal Rosaline had made and she was infinitely more sure that Iroya had possibly already found it. Both women knew that there was something utterly wrong with this situation although Iris was unsure of how Mordecai was feeling. This was going to be an eventful day..hopefully it worked in their favor rather than the bitch residing within the house that wasn't hers. The psychologist could practically smell the fresh coat of paint from within the vehicle and that only served to spur more harmful emotions within her. All of this was carefully coated in an air of polite silence, Iris straightened her outfit before fixing her hair.

One must look presentable for another and Iris was equally sure that Rosaline had gone through Hell and back to make herself pretty enough for her dear brother. The woman tapped her hand on the steering wheel twice before springing into action and immediately reaching back for her coat, she wasn't sure how long they were staying but she was intent on making it horrible for Rosaline Lester. Stepping into the lukewarm air, Iris Mason retracted into her professional state and placed a small smile on her face; there was no doubt that Rosaline could roll with the best of them however it was a question of whether she could keep up. Iris was very skilled at cat and mouse and that was one trait that she had proudly taken from her mother, manipulation was such a bittersweet tactic and the funny thing about it was that no one would ever know what was truly occurring. She could crush this woman's hopes and dreams if it was done right and no one would know the better, she was truly looking forward to doing that. Mason looked over as a car door slammed and watched Hernandez send a pointed look in her direction before strolling towards the door with purpose, Iris glided down the driveway before patiently waiting for Mordecai.

The smile never left her face.


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