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The Butterfly Effect.

Will you join in this deathly dance?

  • Metamorphosis: I shall.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Caterpillar: I shall not.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

Mordecai Lester

{The Butterfly}


Mordecai could not bring himself to move from the car. Even after Iris had gotten out of the vehicle and he caught a glimpse of Hernandez doing the same from out of the passenger side window, he remained fixed in his seat, hands gripping the armrests until his knuckles turned white, and dreading what awaited him as soon as he entered that house. When his sister emerged out onto the verandah, he squeezed his eyes shut, forcing himself breathe. It was evident by the smile that Iris wore that she had no reservations regarding her ability to knock Rosaline down a few pegs, and by the fire in her eyes that she had no qualms about doing so, either. From this, Mordecai tried to draw some form of comfort, but the fact remained that he was petrified. Hernandez had promised protection, but what use was a gun in facing a woman who used words as weapons? Iris possessed a great deal of skill in verbal warfare and manipulation, that was true, but so did he, and where had that gotten him so far? Granted, there was a more personal connection between Rosaline and himself, but that was just another thing that the woman could use to her advantage. Underestimating her was not a trivial mistake to make. Because with all things considered, Mordecai was not worried over what she could do to Iris and Iroya; no, the two women were very capable of holding their own. What truly frightened him was the greatest tool that Rosaline would have at her disposal, the one person she knew she already had a hold on, the weakest link in the metaphorical equation: him. No matter how intensely he tried to prevent it, she always had a way of getting through to him, and the last thing that he ever wanted was for either of his companions to see him in such a state. With these concerns weighing heavily on his mind, the man forced himself to take one last deep breath before prying his eyes open and exiting the car with as much grace as he could muster.

Rosaline met them at the bottom of the staircase. Mordecai scarcely had time to blink before her hands were clasped around his face, her thumb moving gently over the bruise that still covered his eye.

"Oh my God, who did this to you?" she breathed out as she studied the mark, her expression a mixture of horror, concern, and, most frightening of all, love. Her brother resisted the urge to tear her hands from his cheeks, but settled for a gentle removal of them as he caught the not-so-inconspicuous glare that she shot Iris's way.

"Before you go making rash accusations, Iris had nothing to do with it. And I would appreciate it if you could refrain from encroaching upon my personal space."

"I see...." It was obvious by her tone that she didn't believe him, or simply chose not to, and she completely brushed off both his request and the murderous look in his eyes. Perhaps the underlying terror made it a bit less intimidating. It was then the she appeared to notice Hernandez for the first time, and her expression brightened so suddenly that it was almost uncanny. "Hello," she greeted the detective with a sweet smile and a wave. "I don't think that I've had the pleasure of meeting you just yet. I'm Rosaline, Mordecai's younger sister. And hello to you too, Iris. You're looking incredibly well. Why don't you all come inside, and we can talk about whatever you want. Oh! And later, I can show you around our new home, if you'd like, Mordecai. They really did a beautiful job!"

Her use of the word "our" made Mordecai's skin crawl, but he chose not to address it. The smile that his sister gave Iris when she spoke to her made it quite clear that she would rather set the place on fire all over again than let the other woman inside, but no doubt she knew that he wouldn't enter without her, and so she held her tongue. Without a word, he followed her into the building.

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-Iris Mason-

-The Caterpillar-


It's unfortunate that when we feel a storm, we can roll ourselves over because we're uncomfortable.
Massive Attack

Iris could literally feel Mordecai's uncomfortable state, it was radiating off of him in waves and even the most oblivious person would recognize disdain for what it was. Apparently Rosaline was an exception due to her contact with him, Iris immediately tensed up and filtered her thoughts as Mordecai spoke up due to the glare that was sent in Mason's direction. What? Rosaline assumed it was her harming him? Of course she would, it was in the woman's nature to speculate over things she knew nothing off. It surprised Iris when Rosaline greeted Iroya kindly despite not knowing who the woman was, sending off an air of concealed hatred through the form of a smile at Iris after inviting them into the house. The young woman could practically feel holes being burned into her back by Iroya and followed after Mordecai, instantly being pulled in the opposite direction as soon as she made it inside before spinning around to face the detective.

The look on Hernandez's face was one of sheer suspicion and Iris warded it off with a confused gaze before Iroya shook her head in disbelief. "I know what you are thinking, Iris. It would be wise not to pursue Ms. Lester." Iris sighed quietly before cautiously slipping her hand out of Iroya's grip and gesturing back to the two figures who had wandered off down the hallway. The fact that Iroya already knew of her motivations was surprising to say the least and yet, she could not put it pass the woman. "I have no intention of harming Rosaline, I was merely being civil." The detective scoffed and placed her hands on her hips, glancing behind Iris.

"Civil, my ass. If looks could kill then I would be dealing with a triple homicide." Iroya let out an unexpected snort before immediately sobering up, Iris had wondered what the woman had seen to make her rarely ever laugh anymore. It was somewhat comforting to know that she still remained to be on their side and Iris felt her anger waver just slightly...not enough to banish all thoughts of revenge but that would have to be amended later. There was a moment of quiet as Iroya looked at Iris and the psychologist felt as if she was under intense scrutiny, feeling relieved as Iroya shrugged casually. "Look, if it helps I want to cuff Rosaline and I don't even know why. She gives me the creeps and it is obvious that Mordecai feels anxious around her, there is no doubt that there is some funky business going on with the deal Rosaline made and I promise that if I can find something to incriminate her with then she'll be placed in a cell quicker than you can say 'guilty'. Let me do my job first, I know your scared for him but you have to wait..I promise it'll be worth it."

The expression on Iroya's face was determined and Iris couldn't help but nod slowly, watching as the older woman slid back into her grim features before slipping pass Iris and trudging down the hallway after Mordecai and Rosaline. As much as Iris loathed to admit, Iroya was correct; this was about protecting Mordecai and Rosaline was great at placing people in vulnerable situations. Mason knew to never trust her and although she wanted to crush her, she had to let Hernandez do her job first. If it ended badly then the woman would take matters into her own hands. With this in mind, Iris set off to find the other three.
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Mordecai Lester

{The Butterfly}


As unnerving as the visit had been from the second it commencement, the looming cloud of unease that hung in the air increased ten times in size when Mordecai stepped into the house. The place was exactly the same. From the colors of the walls and the style of the furniture, down to the smallest details, like the texture of the carpet and the trim around the baseboard, the new building appeared to perfectly resemble its predecessor in every way, shape, and form. Nothing was out of place. It was if the fire had never happened, as if it had all been just a dream that he had just awoken from that very morning in Iris's bedroom. But he hadn't dreamt it, and the jarring reality of the matter made his head spin. How had Rosaline managed to replicate so perfectly something which she had never even seen?

"Your office wasn't too difficult to get into," she said with a shrug in answer to his unspoken question, no doubt upon noticing his deer-in-the-headlights expression. She looked almost sheepish at the admission of having broken into yet another one of his private lodgings. He wanted to strangle her. "I found the old plans in there; I majored in interior design too, you know. Of course, it helps if you've got enough money, and you know the right people...But please don't be upset! I did it for you, so that you'd feel comfortable. I know how set in your ways you are...I just want you to be happy, Mordecai."

"There is no doubt in my mind, dear sister," her brother growled out in a voice that wavered surpringly less than he'd expected it to as he allowed himself to be led into the living room, although he knew the way. He shot Iris an uneasy glance as she and Hernandez, who had been previously absent, joined them, and could almost feel the burning stare that Rosaline shot in their direction. He knew that their conversation was far from over, but for now a recollection of purpose had thankfully returned to him.

"Unfortunately, the purpose of this visit is not a purely social one," he continued in a more even tone, taking a seat on the milky white couch and motioning for Iris to sit beside him. Unfortunately, he was unable to keep Rosaline from sitting to his other side. "In fact, I had nothing to do with it. It was Detective Hernandez who suggested that we come and speak with you."

It was a juvenile move, to be sure, but the look of hurt that briefly flashed through his sister's eyes was oh so satisfying. But as soon as it was there, it was gone again, and the younger woman was turning to Hernandez, another one of her porcelain smiles plastered onto her face.

"Oh, what about? Is it involving Mordecai's arrest?"


Iroya Hernandez

The Ant


Rosaline was a very intriguing character, the innocent facade she put up meant that she truly had no idea that Iroya knew of the woman's intrusion into her sibling's life. She could tell where the annoyance from Mordecai and Iris came from however she did not have it in her heart to be rude to the girl, the woman would have to give her a solid reason in order for Iroya to be swayed in her stance however that did not mean that she didn't suspect that Rosaline was up to no good. In fact, it was quite obvious that there was a shadier side to the girl but the question remained to be whether Iroya could detect it; the woman scrutinized the girl, a solemn look on her face in order to reduce the chance of making her become defensive. Incriminating her directly could possibly arouse suspicion and Hernandez did not want that at the moment, it would do best to tiptoe around the subject rather than confronting her and hoping for the best.
"It is a pleasure to meet you Ms. Lester, I had a few questions that I wanted to ask and if you do not wish to respond then I understand. You are of relation to Mr. Lester, that much is obvious, and yet you have money as well..don't you believe that it is somewhat strange that you chose to reside with Mordecai? Wouldn't a young woman such as yourself long for her own personal space?"

It was a personal question but one that should have been simple to answer, Iroya was truly curious as to why Rosaline would wish to stay...what were her motivations? It was somewhat unnerving to find that she didn't know and Hernandez despised not knowing, reading the girl would prove difficult but it was even moreso when she had not motive to follow. There was a reason that she had asked Mordecai and Iris to tag along although it was risky..it allowed Rosaline to know that she wasn't able to slip pass without someone knowing. If the woman was impulsive then she would most likely attempt something when she assumed that no one was looking. All Iroya had to do was play on that, the woman moved towards Mordecai and placed a hand on his shoulder; he looked ready to bolt and she wanted to let him know that nothing unwarranted would happen if she could prevent it.

Rosaline Lester

{The Dragonfly}


Pleasantry. How easy a facade it was to put on. A sugar-sweet smile and a voice as soft and smooth as velvet; that was all that it usually took to convince most others that one's intentions were good and pure of heart. This was Rosaline's most favored form of deceit; after all, were people not liable to react more favorably to kindness than to fear (Mordecai had yet to grasp that particular concept, and it was more likely than not that he never would.)? It was this specific tactic that the young woman employed with both Hernandez and Mason, though her blatant contempt was much more difficult to mask when dealing with the psychiatrist, mostly due to the fact that she didn't quite care to hide it in that case. However, Rosaline was not naive. Besides her mention of wanting to inquire certain things of her, the detective's purpose for joining the other two on a visit to her home was still relatively in the dark, and so it was best to assume that she had spoken to Iris beforehand, and that whatever gross accusations that Mason had made of her had caused the detective to have her suspicions. And then there was Mordecai. Her brother could be so entirely spiteful when he deemed it fit, bless his soul. Perhaps he'd said something. This, though, was unlikely. Trust and the ability to confide easily in others were not two characteristics that he was known to possess, though the look of obvious relief that passed over his face as the detective laid a hand on his shoulder definitely left that particular topic open to debate.

Nonetheless, Rosaline's part in the matter was quite clear to her. If Mason was going to use the law against her, then she would simply have to discredit every possible accusation that could be made. The detective's primary question was prying but fairly uncomplicated, and her reasons for asking appeared to be genuine, and Rosaline's response flowed from her lips with relative ease.

"It's a funny thing, really. I guess that I should prefer to live on my own, given the circumstances, but I find myself getting lonely a lot more these days, and I enjoy Mordecai's company, so in the end, moving in with him just seemed like the perfect solution. And to be honest, I'm worried for his safety. I mean, with his house burning down, and now this....it's just frightening to think that something could happen to him when I'm not around."

The look of love that she sent in Mordecai's direction was met with a contemptuous snort that made her heart grow heavy. Why, after everything that she had done for him, did he still despise her? He was afraid: that much was obvious, and the ideas that Iris had no doubt put into his head obviously weren't helping matters. Nosy, nosy people. Why couldn't they just stay out of family business?

"If you don't mind, I have a question for you, as well. Not that I am not infinitely grateful, but how is it that my brother is allowed to walk free, after his...misdemeanor?"

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Iroya Hernandez

The Ant


Ah, she was better than Iroya expected. The girl had a sickly sweet tone to her voice which Hernandez squirm internally and she wondered how Mordecai had even gotten along with her when they were children; it would have been pure torture to be placed in a room with her for a few minutes let alone your whole life due to the bubbly way in which she approached things. It was convincing to say the least and Iroya was both impressed and slightly terrified at the real person which lay underneath the layers of bubble wrap which encased the girl, had Mordecai possibly seen this? Hernandez suppressed a shiver before smiling tightly at the question, her brow furrowing in feigned reflection.

It was simple why she had been lenient on Mordecai. She didn't wish for him to end up like her, he interested her in ways that she could not explain and she had an urge to keep him safe along with Iris. Many would critique her on her actions if they were to know but she could care less, this girl was unnerving but Iroya was certain that Rosaline knew what it was like to want to do something for someone. Iroya didn't necessarily see the good in everyone but she saw potential and that was enough, if Mordecai was able to drag himself up slowly from the depths of his own burdens then Rosaline Lester should be able to leave the two be and pursue her own motivations. Iroya had a nagging suspicion that the girl was not all that she claimed to be but she had no evidence which was infuriating, answering the question would have to do for now. The hand on Mordecai's shoulder remained firm in order to anchor herself as well as Mordecai, she was rethinking this strategy but it was too late to turn back now. If Rosaline had such an effect on her then it must have expanded in size when confronted by Mordecai and Iris.
"Well, one would assume that Mordecai has not been fully convicted of anything arson except for a minor misdemeanor. I did not wish to provide him with a full sentence since it was not needed, despite what others may think I am not completely heartless. Your brother may have made a grave mistake but mistakes were meant to be made and I assume he knows that I will not hesitate to incarcerate him should he do it again, I find your brother to be a good young man and I believe in him."

Hernandez nodded her head in order to confirm this statement, she had meant every word of it. She still could not truly reflect over her motivations but that had been a partial amount of it.

Mordecai Lester

{The Butterfly}


There the two of them went, speaking of him as if he weren't in the room - sitting directly in front of them, no less. Once again, this made him feel like a child, waiting to speak until spoken to, and this comparison was endlessly irritating. In a fairly inconspicuous gesture, he gently removed Iroya's hand from his shoulder and straightened up so as to sit taller than his sister. It was undeniable Hernandez's presence was a source of comfort, but Mordecai was not altogether pleased with the way he had been mentally clinging to her for support. With whatever strength he had in him, he was determined not to allow Rosaline to reduce him to such dependent behaviors.

He was interested to hear that the detective found him good. Not many, at least in his line of thinking, would see burning down a non-vacant church as a "minor misdemeanor," but Hernandez had chosen to view it as a mistake, and one that could be amended with time, at that. Mordecai almost wanted to laugh. What had she seen in him that had drawn her to the conclusion that he was trustworthy? Her belief in him was certainly unfounded. Sure, he had mellowed considerably in the throes of love, but in the grand scheme of things, it hadn't altered much; he was still the same man, with the same venomous personality and the same penchant for destruction that he'd had his entire life. Hernandez was an intelligent woman. It was evident in the nature of the grip that she had previously held on his shoulder and in the deepest undertones of her voice that she was at least partially aware that there was more to Rosaline than the ribbons and rainbows that she put forth on the surface. However, it would be that idealism, that perpetual idealism, that would get her in the end.
The thought saddened him more than it likely should have.

Perhaps there was a chance. Perhaps her thinking wasn't totally misguided. Maybe a man like him, so set in his ways, could possibly change. It struck him in that moment that Iris had been oddly silent, and he began to turn his head towards her when the action was halted by the sound of his sister's voice.

"Thank you, Detective, you have no idea how much your doing this for my brother means to me. If you can look past all the glaring and the bitter sarcasm, then you're very right. He has a good heart. He won't betray your trust, believe you me."

Softly, she placed a hand on top of his, and just that simple action was so jarring, the desire to pull his hand away so string, that he knew he had to leave the room. Without the chance to clear his head, he wasn't sure how much more of her he could stand. As casually as he could manage, he got to his feet, shooting Iris a brief glance as he did so.

"You must excuse me for a moment, but I am in need of a restroom. And before you ask, dear sister, I do not need to be shown the way. I believe that you know just as well as I do that I know exactly where it is."

With that, he made his way across the room and disappeared up the staircase.

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Annabella said:
Is that a hint for Iris to follow or does he really need to take a piss?

I'm pretty sure it was a "please save me from this crazy bitch" look. She can follow if she deems fit. Or leave him hanging. xD
NimbusTheCat said:
I'm pretty sure it was a "please save me from this crazy bitch" look. She can follow if she deems fit. Or leave him hanging. xD



I shall have her follow because I feel bad.

Dat signature is beautiful.
Annabella said:


I shall have her follow because I feel bad.

Dat signature is beautiful.

Imagine having to explain that one to my parents.

I am looking forward to it.

Thanks man, found it just this morning. :P
NimbusTheCat said:
Imagine having to explain that one to my parents.

I am looking forward to it.

Thanks man, found it just this morning. :P
I think I would be really pissed off at myself.

Pls dun die. ;_;

Oh my God, they'd be so confused.


I am getting images from 'Red Eye' when they were in the bathroom and I do not know why..

Cillian was eerily creepy and hot in that movie.
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Annabella said:
I think I would be really pissed off at myself.
Pls dun die. ;_;

Oh my God, they'd be so confused.


I am getting images from 'Red Eye' when they were in the bathroom and I do not know why..

Cillian was eerily creepy and hot in that movie.

*throws self into fire*

They wouldn't know whether to cry or just stare at you. xD Because their daughter died as she lived.

Being an idiot.

Holy shit, dude, understatement of the year. That scene gave me so many mixed feelings man.

So many.
NimbusTheCat said:
*throws self into fire*

They wouldn't know whether to cry or just stare at you. xD Because their daughter died as she lived.

Being an idiot.

Holy shit, dude, understatement of the year. That scene gave me so many mixed feelings man.

So many.

Yeah, Mr. and Mrs. Vonderhorst (did I spell that correctly? I am sorry) your daughter was a fucking idiot.

Just kidding, I loved her and I'm gonna follow after her now.

*Throws self into fire as well*

It's like "Ew" but "Yes."
Annabella said:
Yeah, Mr. and Mrs. Vonderhorst (did I spell that correctly? I am sorry) your daughter was a fucking idiot.

Just kidding, I loved her and I'm gonna follow after her now.

*Throws self into fire as well*

It's like "Ew" but "Yes."

They would probably just follow suit at that point to be honest. xD


Exactly, man. Like "stop assaulting that woman but also take me instead."


I mean.

NimbusTheCat said:
They would probably just follow suit at that point to be honest. xD


Exactly, man. Like "stop assaulting that woman but also take me instead."


I mean.


Now I'm really sad..

*Slaps your ghostly face* Dumbass motha' made me do this.

Jesus: Salty as fuck, tho'.



I was like "damn Rachel is lucky but damn would I not wanna be headbutted."
Annabella said:
Now I'm really sad..

*Slaps your ghostly face* Dumbass motha' made me do this.

Jesus: Salty as fuck, tho'.



I was like "damn Rachel is lucky but damn would I not wanna be headbutted."
Don't be sad, we'd all end up in the same place anyways. :P

*pained ghostly sounds*


She should have just let him kill the politician and made out with him in the bathroom. Everyone wins.

Fucking dammit Cillian. Why you gotta be so beautiful?

-Iris Mason-

-The Caterpillar-


Iris knew that Mordecai was uncomfortable but she also knew that it would be wise to hold her tongue until instructed to do so otherwise, she had no motivations to interrupt Iroya in her line of questioning but Rosaline was beginning to look like somewhat slappable now. She knew that observation would be key here, the girl was extremely slippery and Hernandez had caught onto that but the fact remained that they had nothing on her; the visit would prove useless unless Iroya had a card up her sleeve and it was beginning to look like she didn't. Iris was grateful for the detective's contact with Mordecai and the man visible relaxed..until Rosaline went so far as to destroy his peace of mind and place her hand on his. Iris caught the suspicious look flitting onto Iroya's features along with the oncoming realization before she was snapped out of her thoughts by the glance Mordecai shot towards her, springing to her feet and without another word, following after Mordecai with no amount of reservation.

Rosaline would receive a well-aimed hand to the face if she chose to tag along and Iris would have to suffer the consequences later. Iris steadily climbed the staircase, her hand sliding along the banister as she did so; she wasn't sure how Mordecai was feeling and it was selfish that she hadn't pulled the man out when she had the chance. His pride still remained and it must have not felt particularly good to be spoken of in such a situation, she felt her guilt build as she quietly made her way down the hallway to join the man. She wasn't able to read his mind and the guilt seemed to intermingle with a tingling sensation of anxiety, it struck her that perhaps being in the general vicinity of Rosaline was too much for him.


Mordecai Lester

{The Butterfly}


It would have done wonders for Mordecai's sanity just to find one thing, one tiny detail that was out of place, one trivial, minuscule discrepancy between this new house's second floor and that of the old. If he had, then maybe, just maybe he could have proven to himself that his fear was unwarranted. If his sister had made just one mistake, maybe it would have been enough for him to convince himself that she was not as formidable as he believed her to be. Finding an error admidst all of her careful planning would have provided him with solid evidence that he could overcome her. But there was nothing. Everything was exactly as it had been. As with the floor below, every aspect had been perfectly recreated, from the width of the hallway down to the painting hanging above the bed (which had been quite obviously put to use the night before.). Kandinsky. Never before had Mordecai loathed the artist's work as he did in that moment. He was too afraid to check the closet.

As quickly as he could without sprinting the length of the hall, he made his way into the bathroom, supporting himself against the sink as the room began to spin, the first telltale signs of an oncoming migraine. Even the bathroom had been perfectly recreated - not a single tile on the wall was unfamiliar. Mordecai grit his teeth in frustration. Did Rosaline really think that this...this flagrant invasion of his personal space would make him want to reside with her, to love her, even? He felt violated. Somehow, she had managed to permeate every personal boundary that had separated his life from hers in hopes of taking his very person as well. No. No, she wasn't that naive. She could not possibly have believed that this alone would be enough to reel him in. So what was it? An intimidation tactic, meant to break his resolve? His blood froze at the notion that she wasn't below such a thing, and that it also may very well have been working, and suddenly he recalled her threat back at the café, a reminder that she knew where Iris lived, along with the identity of the one who had set fire to his -

Wait. That was it. If they could prove that she had some sort of connection to whomever it was who had burned down his home in the first place, then maybe, just maybe they would have a chance of incriminating her. Mordecai wasn't exactly sure what Hernandez had in mind, but if all else failed, then his plan was definitely worth a shot. These thoughts were put on hold, however, when Iris's voice sounded from the doorway. Immediately, his shoulders grew tense, and he found that he could not face her. What would she think of him, to see him reduced to such pitiful mess by just a simple touch from his sister? Then again, he supposed that the look he had given may very well have contained an unintentional cry for help, and there was really no way for him to amend that now. Besides, there were several things that he now felt necessary to share with her, preferably in private.

"I'm alright, love. Come in."

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NimbusTheCat said:
I just have too many emotions. ;_;
It has gotten to the point where I radiate angst without meaning to.

Me trying to formulate a logical response to your post:


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