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The Butterfly Effect.

Will you join in this deathly dance?

  • Metamorphosis: I shall.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Caterpillar: I shall not.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
NimbusTheCat said:
One post coming up and I love Kandinsky.
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-Iris Mason-

-The Caterpillar-


I'm gonna pick up the pieces and build a Lego house, if things go wrong we can knock it down.
Ed Sheeran

If there was any state Iris loathed seeing Mordecai in it was this one, the one where it looked as if the world was weighing him down and he was on the verge of breaking. He was a screen door in a hurricane, banging against the wall before he was eventually ripped off by the sheer force of the storm and Iris wondered whether that had already occurred and if it was ever able to be prevented. He didn't look at her and Iris knew that this was another factor of his pride, she knew that the man was trying to grasp on to what was left so she did not force him to make eye contact. He wouldn't have listened if she had. It was as if the stench of defeat hung in the air, heavy and thick like a blanket although Iris couldn't decide what had been lost. It was hard to approach him but she did so anyway, quietly shutting the door behind her and nearing Mordecai. She would give him space if he needed it, she would give him anything if possible.

She couldn't give him the answers. It was better left unsaid that at the end of the day, Iris was merely someone who gravitated around Mordecai as a planet orbited around the Sun; he was the one who had picked her up from whatever dreary trench she had been mourning in and he was the one who had altered her perspective on life, they were in this together but she never wanted him to feel alone. If he didn't want to speak then that was fine too but Iris found herself scrambling for something to do, choosing the less talkative route and wrapping her arms around him. It was laughable how easily she could do this now, leaning over him as her brain whirred frantically as she searched for something to say.
"You're not alright, we're never alright, this isn't alright and that's okay. I want to know what you're thinking but if you do not wish to speak then we will remain here for however long you please, I think today has been...eventful and I am sure you will agree. Just tell me what is wrong and I will listen." That was one thing she could certainly do, her hand resting on his back as she embraced him. Listening was a part of her life, perhaps Mordecai would feel better if he vented his frustrations.

She hoped so.
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NimbusTheCat said:
It's official. I hereby renounce my position as angst queen.
My heart.

What have you done?
*Puts crown back on your head*

I learned from the best.

I did nothing that you wouldn't have.
Annabella said:
*Puts crown back on your head*
I learned from the best.

I did nothing that you wouldn't have.
I am so proud but also so wounded.

A post is on its way.

Mordecai Lester

{The Butterfly}


If Rosaline was a storm, then Iris was the period of sanctifying calm between driving bouts of wind and rain. She was, in her very essence, a safe house, a light where the sun refused to shine. With her embrace, the thunder and lightning that raged in his head and had previously been on the verge of tearing apart what little stability that he had been able to hold together were reduced to a dull murmur - still present, but lacking considerably in their original sense of foreboding. The woman's patience was awe-inspiring. No matter the situation, no matter his current state of mind, she never pushed, never pried, never demanded anything of him that she knew would put strain on him to give. She was always simply there, to make her presence known and to let him know that should he need anything, she would always be there for him to turn to. It was this exhibition of pure and selfless love that reminded Mordecai why he had already deemed it acceptable to denounce his pride to Iris on more than one occasion. He needed not to fear judgment from her, and judgement was what pride feared the most.

It was all very new to him, this concept that he was no longer alone, left to wander in the darkness and to singlehandedly overcome whatever obstacles he happened to face. Essentially, Iris was his guiding light. She had given him direction where before there had only been a form of controlled chaos. She was a fire of a new variety, one that did not destroy, but illuminated and radiated a sense of warmth in a world that was so perpetually cold. He had been cold, too, before he met her. With a deep, shuddering breath, he allowed himself to relax into her arms without protest, wanting only to be closer to her. Iris was correct; neither of them were alright, possibly never would be, in truth, but together, they were certainly more alright than they each could ever been on their own. She was asking him to vent, and so he would.

"I feel afraid, Iris. Afraid and so very violated. It doesn't make sense that Rosaline should be able to get through to me in the way that she does, but she can, and she exploits my weakness and the power that she has over me for all that it's worth. This house...this house is exactly the same as it was before it burned to the ground. Not one detail is out of place, and believe me, I have looked over and over again. She's gotten access to my office, my home, and Lord only knows what else. Every ounce of stability that I once had, she has taken from me. There is no privacy anymore, and part of me is convinced that there is nothing about me that she does not know, as paranoid as that must sound. My sister can read me like a book - has always been able to - and it terrifies me. And the way she looks at me, with such...desire. It's as if I already belong to her, and she's just waiting for me to realize it."

Here he paused to take another breath, feeling some of his strength return to him at having gotten the majority of his laments out of his system. Now he could move on to the business at hand.

"But there is something. Something that we could possibly use to be rid of her for good. When I met with her before, she mentioned knowing the one who set the fire in my kitchen. She was attempting to frighten me into giving into her demands with the threat that she could use that knowledge to harm you, but the point is, if we can somehow have her written off as an accomplice, we may be able to have her incriminated."


-Iris Mason-

-The Caterpillar-


Love, love is a verb.
Massive Attack

{I just had to do the theme song from House.}

He was afraid. Iris had known that Mordecai had possessed feelings ever since she had stepped over the threshold leading into his cell, he had kept them very well-guarded and it would've been terrifying in anyone's eyes if someone had managed to slip through the cracks. She felt herself relax as Mordecai did, kneading small circles into his back as she listened to him speak. The fact that Rosaline had not only duplicated his former house in its entirety but had somehow gained entrance to his office was truly disturbing and she felt her grip tighten slightly as Mordecai told her of the statement that Rosaline had made about the events concerning the fire in his kitchen. She had known. Why had Iris ever doubted that? The woman was capable of more than she let on and that frightened Iris as well, if there was an accomplice then she would do her best to make sure that the anonymous source would not be able to cause any more damage. At this moment in time, Iris wanted nothing more than to return downstairs and hurt the hell out of Rosaline Lester but that would not be recommended.

All they needed was time and evidence but where could that possibly be found? The girl had made sure that everything was absolutely perfect but Iris was determined, she would find a flaw in her system or she would die trying.

"If you want to be scared then be scared, Mordecai. Fear is what makes us human and what keeps us from being foolish creatures, I know that you are a strong man and I would never think any less of you, I would rather you feel than keep everything contained. I'm sorry that I can't do anything to make Rosaline disappear but if what you said is true, we'll have to find some form of evidence in order to convict her. Rosaline does not own you, that is why she is resorting to such levels of intimidation, she wants to own you and that is a very large difference. If you allow yourself to be swayed by her then she will continue to think she has won and you can not do that, no matter what she attempts. I won't let that happen, I will go to Hell and back to keep her from getting to you..there is a difference between you and Rosaline; you have someone and she doesn't. She is desperate and quite manipulative but that won't feel the hole in her heart and you won't either, I need you to remember that. We should possibly speak with Iroya if there is reason to think there was a partner involved, that will give her enough of a headstart for some motive and we can go from there. Do you think can stay here for a while longer or do you wish to leave? Just say the word and we'll go."
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Mordecai Lester

{The Butterfly}


(*cries profusely*)

(Also, incest possibly incoming next post. Fair warning. XP)

Did he think he could stay? The question was a loaded one, but the answer to it was a simple yes. Yes, he could remain within his sister's presence for as long as it took to accomplish what they had come in the first place to accomplish. He didn't want to, and it would most likely be akin to a fate worse than hell, but he could. Iris's offer of a speedy exit was a thoughtful one, and Mordecai knew that she would make good on it if only he said the word. In effect, though, what would it solve? Sure, it would provide him with instant gratification in the form of peace of mind, but otherwise it would just leave yet another problem unsolved, one crucial variable in the metaphorical equation left uneliminated, and a dangerous one, at that. No, Iris was correct. Rosaline did not own him, not yet, and he could not allow her to think that she did by turning tail and running off. For him to break her hold on him, he would need to prove to her that he wasn't afraid.

This, however, was more easily said than done, because, in reality, even with Iris's reassurance, he was still deeply frightened of his sister. And it wasn't as if he had been
letting her get to him before. She had a way of forcing herself into his subconscious whether he wanted her to or not. But the soothing motions of Iris's hand on his back, combined with her promise of protection and her assertion that it was only natural to be afraid, was slowly filling Mordecai with a new resolve. The key would be to not let his fears get the best of him. Rosaline could read him, that was true, but maybe there was a way to use that to his advantage.

As a plan of action began to take shape in Mordecai's mind, he gently released himself from Iris's hold, transfixing her with a smile that he hoped was reassuring, and was once again struck out of the blue by just how deep his love for her truly was. Indeed, he did have someone, someone whose brilliance made the stars in the sky pale in comparison, and whom his sister could only ever dream of convincing him to leave behind. He had done so once, and once had been more than enough.

"Thank you for your encouraging words, darling. It never ceases to amaze me just how easily you are able to calm my nerves. I can stay, if it is absolutely necessary to our cause. You needn't worry, I am feeling a great deal stronger now. I agree that Iroya should be aware of our intentions; however, Rosaline would undoubtably become suspicious if both of us were to speak to her at once. So I...I will keep her attention while you speak with Iroya."

The thought of being alone with his sister was far from appealing, but if it was necessary, which he believed that it was, then he would just have to persevere. Besides which, he had one single tactic up his sleeve which, though terribly unfavorable, could possibly work if all else failed.

Annabella said:
*Is really nervous about leaving Mordy alone with Ros*
*thinks that you have a very good reason to be concerned* *regrets life decisions*
NimbusTheCat said:
I'd say Iroya. I feel kinda bad for having left her alone with Rosaline.
I do too.


Also, I finished my character for the RP I told you about.

Wanna see?

Ruth Newton

Everybody in the whole cell block was dancin' to the Jailhouse Rock.
Elvis Presley

no slide

-Ruth Isabella Newton-













*Description of Appearance*

Rue is quite a tall young woman, standing at approximately 5'11 and sporting dark brown eyes as well as curly tresses which are the same color. She is 125 lbs and has a slightly curvaceous frame however she is mostly made of skin and bone, Rue has naturally curly hair but she prefers to either pin it up with a colorful bow or don a more tame look by sweeping her hair into curls; either way, Rue's hair is usually pulled away from her face which accentuates her round features and plush lips. Although she may dress according to gender, Rue has a preference for wearing less than feminine clothes and will resort to wearing anything that happens to be clean, she is not picky over what is provided and has a rugged leather jacket which belonged to her father that she wears often.

-Elvis Presley-











-Judgmental People-

-Her Hair-


-Being unable to recall something-





{Fear of open, high places.}


{Fear of being enclosed.}


{Fear of being alone.}

The Phobia List


-Ruth aspires to be a singer.-

Ruth is quite a lively girl, possessing an uncanny ability to comfort those around her but never exceeding her boundaries in the presence of others. Ruth is realistic and does not allow her enthusiasm to hinder her ability to view the world as it was made to be seen however sometimes she allows her optimism to get the best of her which can lead to her hopes being let down, Ruth has a caring nature which may lead to people feeling annoyed by her need to help or merely not wishing to associate with her. She is relaxed but she does not like to be alone whatsoever in fear that someone will abandon her, preferring to talk with others even if they do not wish to speak, she has a preference for saying random things and dwells in the idea of spontaneity although she is not unpredictable. Ruth is unable to stand up for herself in certain scenarios which makes her easy to take advantage of, she merely wants to befriend someone and not many are able to understand her motives at time. She has a knack for quoting trivial things and speaking to others about political subjects, her talkative nature making it so there is never a dull moment in her presence; she is restless and often needs something to do with her hands and can often be found constantly tidying up things in order to chase away boredom. Despite her energetic nature, Ruth can calm down at times and those who are acquainted with her will find that she is quite skilled in assisting others with certain conflicts they may be having.

Ruth does not judge a book by its cover so to speak and has no qualms about being companions with anyone who deems her suitable, she does not view one gender differently from the other which can make others believe that she may be oblivious to the true nature of people. Ruth may be timid upon approaching a certain person but she opens up quite quickly and often associates with the people she comes into contact with, recalling their names even if she has only encountered them for a brief moment. Many people pity the girl's need for attention and succumb to her needs although most simply ignore her.

*Any secrets?*

-Ruth has not informed anyone of her sexuality.-

-Mother {Alison Newton}-

Status: Alive

Alison is quite a compassionate mother however she is strict on Ruth and does not believe in her daughter's aspirations to be in the music business, she has an ability to make Ruth somber and often hints at wanting her daughter to be a housewife rather than a singer.

-Father {Thomas Micah Newton}-

Status: Deceased

When he was alive, Thomas was a kind and supportive father and was secretly Ruth's favorite parent. Where her mother was strict and unchanging, her father was a energetic and fun man.




*Theme Song(s)*

Annabella said:

Ruth Newton

Everybody in the whole cell block was dancin' to the Jailhouse Rock.
Elvis Presley

no slide

-Ruth Isabella Newton-













*Description of Appearance*

Rue is quite a tall young woman, standing at approximately 5'11 and sporting dark brown eyes as well as curly tresses which are the same color. She is 125 lbs and has a slightly curvaceous frame however she is mostly made of skin and bone, Rue has naturally curly hair but she prefers to either pin it up with a colorful bow or don a more tame look by sweeping her hair into curls; either way, Rue's hair is usually pulled away from her face which accentuates her round features and plush lips. Although she may dress according to gender, Rue has a preference for wearing less than feminine clothes and will resort to wearing anything that happens to be clean, she is not picky over what is provided and has a rugged leather jacket which belonged to her father that she wears often.

-Elvis Presley-











-Judgmental People-

-Her Hair-


-Being unable to recall something-





{Fear of open, high places.}


{Fear of being enclosed.}


{Fear of being alone.}

The Phobia List


-Ruth aspires to be a singer.-

Ruth is quite a lively girl, possessing an uncanny ability to comfort those around her but never exceeding her boundaries in the presence of others. Ruth is realistic and does not allow her enthusiasm to hinder her ability to view the world as it was made to be seen however sometimes she allows her optimism to get the best of her which can lead to her hopes being let down, Ruth has a caring nature which may lead to people feeling annoyed by her need to help or merely not wishing to associate with her. She is relaxed but she does not like to be alone whatsoever in fear that someone will abandon her, preferring to talk with others even if they do not wish to speak, she has a preference for saying random things and dwells in the idea of spontaneity although she is not unpredictable. Ruth is unable to stand up for herself in certain scenarios which makes her easy to take advantage of, she merely wants to befriend someone and not many are able to understand her motives at time. She has a knack for quoting trivial things and speaking to others about political subjects, her talkative nature making it so there is never a dull moment in her presence; she is restless and often needs something to do with her hands and can often be found constantly tidying up things in order to chase away boredom. Despite her energetic nature, Ruth can calm down at times and those who are acquainted with her will find that she is quite skilled in assisting others with certain conflicts they may be having.

Ruth does not judge a book by its cover so to speak and has no qualms about being companions with anyone who deems her suitable, she does not view one gender differently from the other which can make others believe that she may be oblivious to the true nature of people. Ruth may be timid upon approaching a certain person but she opens up quite quickly and often associates with the people she comes into contact with, recalling their names even if she has only encountered them for a brief moment. Many people pity the girl's need for attention and succumb to her needs although most simply ignore her.

*Any secrets?*

-Ruth has not informed anyone of her sexuality.-

-Mother {Alison Newton}-

Status: Alive

Alison is quite a compassionate mother however she is strict on Ruth and does not believe in her daughter's aspirations to be in the music business, she has an ability to make Ruth somber and often hints at wanting her daughter to be a housewife rather than a singer.

-Father {Thomas Micah Newton}-

Status: Deceased

When he was alive, Thomas was a kind and supportive father and was secretly Ruth's favorite parent. Where her mother was strict and unchanging, her father was a energetic and fun man.




*Theme Song(s)*



*basks in the Elvis Presley*
NimbusTheCat said:

*basks in the Elvis Presley*

That man.


He could Jailhouse Rock with me anytime. (ovO)

My Mom: (
O.o )
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Annabella said:
That man.


He could Jailhouse Rock with me anytime. (ovO)

My Mom: (
O.o )

DAMMIT MAMA, WHY YOU GOTTA GO AND DO THAT? xD Worked out well, though.




If he wasn't dead, I'd-

Not gonna finish that.

Your mom is awesome, but she just doesn't appreciate a good Elvis innuendo when she hears it.



Iroya tensed up as Iris left the room, the silence seeming to settle over her and Rosaline like honey, seeping through every pore. It was uncanny how such an unassuming woman could leave such an impact on a person and Iroya did not like this feeling in her stomach whatsoever; she felt as if something was severely wrong with this picture yet she couldn't place her finger on it and it made her feel uneasy. For the first time in quite a long time, she was unsure of herself. The older woman visibly relaxed as Iris returned downstairs along with Mordecai and nodded as Iris beckoned towards the hallway, a nauseous expression on her face as one hand gripped her stomach. Was she alright? Iroya did not wish to leave Mordecai alone with Rosaline but she need to see if there was anything wrong with Iris, she placed a hand briefly on his shoulder as she walked pass and followed Iris quietly into the next room.

The look on Iris's face quickly dissipated and she resumed her normal stance, a small smile on her features as she regarded the detective. What was going on? Had she missed something? When Iris spoke her voice was low, Iroya strained to hear and leaned in as Iris whispered.
"We may be able to incriminate Rosaline, Mordecai has told me something that could be a key factor concerning her involvement." The news, while unexpected, was welcome although the key word was "could". It didn't mean they had her however Iroya knew that the smallest thing could be beneficial. "What makes you believe that we'll be able to get her on anything?" There was a brief moment of hesitation before Iris answered.

"He informed me that Rosaline hinted at knowing who set the fire in his kitchen, she could be involved." Now that was interesting, Iroya leaned back before pondering over those words. It was enough for a warrant, enough for a case but not enough for evidence of any sort. They needed something solid..

Iroya would have to see if there was more to the fire than she had thought. This meant that she needed someone on the force to help as well and she knew just the person.

{I am sorry that this is so short, everything is hurting and it is hard to type..}

Hon, don't worry about it being "short" or whatever, it wasn't even. It was perfect and I love these two so much.

It pains me to hear that you are in pain, but please just try to rest yourself. Don't worry about replying to any of this, just focus on you right now.
NimbusTheCat said:
Hon, don't worry about it being "short" or whatever, it wasn't even. It was perfect and I love these two so much.
It pains me to hear that you are in pain, but please just try to rest yourself. Don't worry about replying to any of this, just focus on you right now.
Will reply in the morning.

Love you.

Thank you.

Hope you're fine.
Annabella said:
Will reply in the morning.
Love you.

Thank you.

Hope you're fine.
I love you too hon.

I wish you a restful night and I hope the pain will let up soon.

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