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Realistic or Modern The Blood Wars-Reboot

New York, a town full of smog, traffic, and people. Despite it's bad qualities, people still see it as a popular tourist attraction. For what reason, some may question it. The real reason, however, is most of the the 'tourists' in and out of New York aren't exactly...human. New York is a popular hub for supernaturals of various kinds to gather, meet, and generally have a fun time. Vampires and werewolves in particular visit New York on a constant basis, either looking for work, a good time, or to join up with one of the shady factions that may or may not actually exist. They do, however, in-fact exist unbeknownst to most mortals. The Blackbloods, the vampires. The Silver Moon, the werewolves. And The Mix, the hybrids of the two or even a human.

Not everyone gets accepted, not everyone is liked, not everyone makes it out of New York alive. Normally, there is peace between the three families, a contract binding the three not to begin war or interfere with the others business. This was followed almost flawlessly for three hundred years, only the occasional 'slip-up' would occur, which was dealt with relatively quickly by the respective families hitman or cleaner. Over the past year, however, each family has been dying off at a rapid pace to where only a few remain. Currently The Silver Moon is the only faction with an active head, and even they are in complete disarray.

No one is sure what happened for sure, but everyone is blaming the other, and it's taking all their willpower not to start a full-blown war. Is it one of the family members murdering the rest? But why would they murder their own? The perfect set-up or the perfect betrayal? Or perhaps it's an 'external' force offing the supernatural?


Anya hummed merrily, swinging her legs back and forth while perched on a bar stool. Her families bar, to be exact. Well, one of them, anyway. The Zone, pretty corny right? Yea, Anya thought so too. But it still served the best blood infused drinks out of all of them. Only vampires or vampire hybrids were allowed to step foot into the bar, the bouncer out front was VERY discriminatory too. Werewolves mixed with the rest just caused way to much of a hassle. Anya continued humming, sipping her drink and swinging her legs while looking out at the crowd. No one she particularly knew had shown up yet, she was getting kinda bored and lonely, not to mention hungry.

Even though the drinks were infused with blood, that didn't mean it was enough blood to particularly sate her thirst. She sighed. Maybe she'd go out and get some 'food', or maybe she'd sit here and order another drink. Probably get another drink, yea, sounds good, she thought. Ordering another drink she remained in her place, smiling and humming.
Kino sat atop the roof of the Silvermoon building, singing quietly. He was singing a song that his brother had taught him, and he was watching the stars.

"Come Little Children

I'll Take Thee Away,

Into A Land Of


Come Little Children

The Time's Come To Play

Here In My Garden

Of Magic

Follow Sweet Children

I'll Show Thee The Way

Through All The Pain And

The Sorrows

Weep Not Poor Children

For Life Is This Way

Murdering Beauty

And Passion

Hush Now Dear Children

It Must Be This Way

To Weary Of Life And


Rest Now My Children

For Soon We'll Away

into The Calm And

The Quiet

Come Little Children

I'll Take Thee Away,

Into A Land Of


Come Little Children

The Time's Come To Play

Here In My Garden

Of Shadow."

Kino always found the lyrics both haunting and peaceful, and as he sat atop the Silvermoon building, he sang to the stars in a voice as sweet and as clear as a lark song in the forest in May. He sang as a tribute to his brother, for today marked the four years that Kolby had been killed. Today had been a sad, but good day. He untucked his tail from his sweatpants and let it swish behind him. He sang a reprise of the verse, taking off his bini and letting his ears feel the cold night wind.

"Come Little Children

I'll Take Thee Away,

Into A Land Of


Come Little Children

The Time's Come To Play

Here In My Garden

Of Shadow."

Lyrics found <a href="COME LITTLE CHILDREN Lyrics - BOOK OF SHADOWS" rel="nofollow">here</a>
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Justin Dracula stepped off the plane, feeling incredibly sick. ".....Urgh....how do humans stand such barbaric forms of transportation?" He clutched his mouth, leaning on a railing for extra support. He took his bags, enduring the torture of people checking if he had grenades or something, and finally—finally—made it out alive. He looked at a very discreet map of New York City. "Now, where is this 'Zone' place? Must be somewhere. Yellow magic chariot!" He waved at a taxi. "Can you take me to the Zone?"

The taxi driver looked at him as though he had gone insane.

"Good sir, that is an order," Justin said, his voice darkening. The taxi driver groaned and let him into the cab, muttering something about all the lunatics that came from other nations. "Thank you."

The ride was ridiculously fast. Justin felt like upsetting his breakfast all over the uncomfortable chariot, but he decided not to. Finally, it stopped. Justin staggered out, walking as casually as he could into a bar, sitting next to a small girl. "Bluh...."

About the time Anya had decided to leave someone dressed way, way to fancy to come into a casual vampire bar in New York walked in. She just simply stared at him, just, stared as he walked over and sat down next to her. He looked sick, as if he was about to throw up all over her and the bar counter. She scooted over to the edge of her seat just incase and looked him over once more before speaking. "Are..you alright?" She asked him, looking up at her. She had heard some weird guy from trannslyvania or somewhere was coming, but this guy seemed too weird. "You uh..need some medicine..or...?" She added.

Seriously, if this guy threw up on her and her clothes she'd end him, special new guy or not.
"Tea....I need tea....lots of tea...." Justin muttered. He sat up. "How do humans sit through such fast-moving vehicles....? First a bird that eats them and magically takes them where they want to go, and now a magic yellow chariot? I was hoping that I could just take a boat, but they were all full. How terrible!" He groaned, taking off his top hat and wiping his brow.


(Lol he probably sounds like he has a screw loose)

Anya simply stared at Justin in shock as he rambled on like someone that just escaped the psych ward. "You my friend are high. Or possibly insane." She told him, laughing. What kind of person orders tea from a bar then rambles on about magic yellow chariots and getting eaten by a bird? Nonetheless she motioned for the bartender to get him some tea, luckily for him her father Marlin kept some for the more 'special' guests, aka those too 'refined' to drink booze.

So..uh. Names' Anya. Who're you?" She asked him. She expected his answer to be something completely random, seeing as his previous words were..well..insane.
"Justin Dracula," Justin said. "I have come from Transylvania to help the Blackbloods. Though I must say," he added, taking a guidebook (circa 1700) out of his pocket. "I expected a lot less magic from around here. Where are the horse-drawn carriages? The....the peasants plowing the fields? The servants? Why are there a lot of lights without a candle? Where are the castles?" He took a deep breath, accepting his tea. "And isn't America at war with England or something like that? Where are the Englishmen?" Justin took a sip of his tea, relaxing as he drank it. "America is much different than I expected."


So, he was the new member of the family. Even still, this guy was either incredibly stupid, high, or just weird. She stared dumbfounded at the ancient guidebook he pulled out. That...explained a lot. Did they not have internet in Transylvania or was Justin one of those 'sheltered' types? Regardless...the guidebook explained part of his craziness. She couldn't help but laugh at him, though. She found his lack of information adorable. "I think we left the peasants and servants back west, along with Sir Arthur and Merlin at Camelot. And, yes. You should see the southern states, ravaged by musket fire and cannonballs. I think we're losing, sadly. Might have to pack up and leave, Russia might be a nice alternative." She told him seriously, waiting for his reaction. Hell, if he called what she presumed to be a taxi a 'magical yellow chariot', he could possibly believe anything.
Lucifer had been in his own little building across from the Blackbloods family bar which he used as an art studio. Working on a mask he had yet to finish. He hardly ever had time to himself, working at one of the night clubs often took up a lot of his time and when he wasn't doing that he would be doing something else of interest to his own health or the Blackbloods power rise.


Around him where a bunch of manikin heads lined up, although some found this creepy it served a purpose as he used them to mold the mask for the right fit. Normally he wouldn't create a mask unless someone had paid him for it, but this was an exception. After a few more edits it appeared he was finished, carefully placing the end of his fingers on the mask and gently lifting it up he faced it towards himself his expression seeming pleased with his work. Placing it back on to the manikin head he left the building and made his way over to bar across the road, taking a short stop before entering he looked up to one of the bouncers who had to stop him for regulation reasons, however once seeing his crimson red eyes it was obvious what he was and they stepped aside allowing him inside. Lucifer took a seat at the bar near where Anya was, spinning around in his chair it appeared that she was in the company of a male. Musing as he made his comment "I like your new boyfriend Anya, he's cute." he said with a warm smile on his face. He knew Anya and the Blackbloods family very well. Having been with the family for nearly five hundred years now looking to the bartender, he lifted his hand as a gesture to get him a drink and focused his attention back to Anya "So Miss. Blackblood, what's the latest news? I haven't kept up with the recent news lately."


(I'll make Tremki's intro later)

Anya waved to Lucifer as he walked in and summarily spit her drink out when he commented on Justin being her new boyfriend, bursting out laughing and neary choking herself with what drink remained in her mouth in the process. "This guy? My boyfriend? Please. He still thinks we're in the age of castles. Careful, he might have you executed for being a witch or something." She told him after she managed to calm herself. "Well, the most recent and most interesting is this guy." She told him gesturing to Justin before continuing, "He's apparently Justin Dracula and he came here on a man eating bird and a magical golden chariot. Oh, he also got sick from it too."

She looked up at Justin and grinned innocently before turning back to Lucifer, "
What about you? Make anything interesting lately?" She asked.
Giavani "Vani" Smith was feeling in a particularly festive mood tonight. He had just closed the book on a big weaponry deal and decided to go out to celebrate. He put on his best robes and left. The destination for tonight was the Zone. It was a very high-class bar and served exquisite wine. His word held value among both the Blackbloods and the Silvermoon, so he was 1 of extremely few, if any other, non-vampires allowed in that bar.

Vani was really well known among the families, and his presence was greeted by quite a few vampires, briefly increasing the volume of this usually quieter bar. It silenced after about 20 seconds. He made his way to the bar and spoke to the bartender. "I'd like my usual, pure as always." The bartender giggled. "Not iron-manning it today?" she asked, getting his drink ready. Vani scoffed. She liked pulling his leg. "Iron-manning" was a Werewolf term for spiking it with blood, and Vani wanted no part of it. Werewolves had their sustenance from normal food, not blood like vampires

"It's true,"
Justin said, hearing the girl-Anya-talking to a man named Lucifer. He was a bit unfamiliar with the term "boyfriend". Must be American slang for one you are courting. Now, that's enough, Justin. I can't believe it-they're actually falling for my dumb, old-fashioned vampire act. I'm only confused by all the magical chariots and birds carrying people around. Oh, goodness. If I weren't such a gentleman, I'd be spitting out my tea and pounding on the tables. This is so much more fun than at home~! I knew that running away was worth it!

He cleared his throat. "So....that's interesting attire you're wearing," he said, looking over his prop and silently thanking his servants for the wonderful guidebook. He needed a history lesson on how this new country worked. All he knew was that in the 1700s, they fought England (and won) then fought each other. "I really like the tattoo." Crap. Tattoos didn't exist in the 1600s. Maybe they won't notice.

@Mitchs98 @Sinister Clown
@femjapanriceball @Sinister Clown @Kylesar1

Anya noticed Vani walk in shortly after Lucifer, smiling she waved at him and spoke before turning her attention back to Justin and Lucifer "Hi Vani.". Anya arched a brow when Justin referred to Lucifers tattoo. It was a bit suspicious..but she paid it no mind, for now. "Lucifer is clearly an Indian coming to scalp us all, Justin. Do you not notice the tribal warpaint? I thought you knew all about America." She told him as seriously as she could. She couldn't help but wonder if he knew more than he was letting on, however, especially after the remark about the tattoo.
Vani heard Anya address him, and it caught his attention. This was the owner, Marlin's, daughter. Marlin was the unofficial head of the Blackbloods, and ran this place strictly, which is why it not only lasted so long, but became the best bar for states around for vampires.

He moved towards Anya. "Hello, Anya. What brings you-" His words were cut off as his phone rang. "Excuse me while I take this." It was a Silvermoon for another weapons deal. "While I'd love to chat, duty calls. Maybe we can get together some other time. You too, Draculas. I'm sure I'll be meeting you in the near future, as your presence in the States will bring up questions." He bowed, then made his exit. Business always took precedence

Marlin made his way out to The Zone, his bar. He had gotten a report that Anya and the Draculas were there. Why the hell were the Draculas in the states? The Dracula presence could be a good thing, but it could be just as bad. He walked in and his presence was heavily greeted by the patrons. Marlin loved engaging the patrons, as they were usually very classy and friendly, but not snobby with their nose in the air.


@Sinister Clown

Vani made his way towards the Silvermoon building. When he got there, he noticed a werewolf sitting up top, singing. "Oi." Vani called out when it appeared that he finished his song. "Quite a song you're singing there, but is it really safe out here, what with Vampires out and about and it not being a full moon tonight?" Nights in the city belonged to the Vampires, as bigass werewolves couldn't manuver well in the big city, whereas Wolves owned the forests.......... that is until the Full Moon, where Werewolves took over. It was Slaughter Night, where werewolves in Anti-Vampire guilds actively hunted Vampires.

Vani was here for his weapon deal, and was welcome among the Silvermoon due to his weaponry and his Enhanced Senses, which was gifted from Silvermoon.

Kylesar1 said:
Vani heard Anya address him, and it caught his attention. This was the owner, Marlin's, daughter. Marlin was the unofficial head of the Blackbloods, and ran this place strictly, which is why it not only lasted so long, but became the best bar for states around for vampires.
He moved towards Anya. "Hello, Anya. What brings you-" His words were cut off as his phone rang. "Excuse me while I take this." It was a Silvermoon for another weapons deal. "While I'd love to chat, duty calls. Maybe we can get together some other time. You too, Draculas. I'm sure I'll be meeting you in the near future, as your presence in the States will bring up questions." He bowed, then made his exit. Business always took precedence

Marlin made his way out to The Zone, his bar. He had gotten a report that Anya and the Draculas were there. Why the hell were the Draculas in the states? The Dracula presence could be a good thing, but it could be just as bad. He walked in and his presence was heavily greeted by the patrons. Marlin loved engaging the patrons, as they were usually very classy and friendly, but not snobby with their nose in the air.


@Sinister Clown

Vani made his way towards the Silvermoon building. When he got there, he noticed a werewolf sitting up top, singing. "Oi." Vani called out when it appeared that he finished his song. "Quite a song you're singing there, but is it really safe out here, what with Vampires out and about and it not being a full moon tonight?" Nights in the city belonged to the Vampires, as bigass werewolves couldn't manuver well in the big city, whereas Wolves owned the forests.......... that is until the Full Moon, where Werewolves took over. It was Slaughter Night, where werewolves in Anti-Vampire guilds actively hunted Vampires.

Vani was here for his weapon deal, and was welcome among the Silvermoon due to his weaponry and his Enhanced Senses, which was gifted from Silvermoon.


Kino yelped and nearly fell off his perch when Vani called out to him, then he realized who it was. His ears flattened against his head and he smiled sheepishly. "Thank you," he said quietly, knowing that Vani could hear. He jumped down from the roof and landed much like a cat would, very gracefully and quietly. "I'm not scared tonight," he said in his soft spoken and polite manner. "I'm always careful after dark, and besides, I'm near the Silvermoon den." He didn't tell Vani why he was singing, though. Kino didn't know if Vani knew about his brother's death, and it wasn't something the young Werewolf talked about openly. "I'm glad you liked the song."
Avalin dressed herself in her razor heels, slutty clothes and combed her hair into the best way possible. Her galaxy hair tumbling around her as she turned towards the stage. Walking out with a kink in her step, she had many cheers and quickly took to her routine. Slowly stretching and spinning around the pile with fluid movements as she kept her eyes on the species in the room. This was the most popular...'bar' so to speak and she smiled at the thought.

Catching the money, Avalin smiled as she finished with a complicated finisher which consisted of swinging and back flipping off the pole. The crowd cheered and Avalin smiled, bowing before blowing a kiss and walking off her stage. "Get me out of here, I've been doing this for over 3 hours now I'm done," she muttered as the Hybrid re-changed into a pair of high waisted silk leggings and a designer crop top from Gucci. Avalin opened the door, keeping her sharp boots on and headed down the street, hoping to find her training area before anyone found her.


Tristan had been wasing up and then dried the dinner plates before placing them back in the cupboard. The werewolf quickly cleaned up the mess before proceeding to dust the bookshelves in the other room. He kept the Manor of the Head very clean and had the most sense of loyalty and devotion about him. After Tristan finished, he wondered as to where the others were.

The man stepped outside into the darkness and proceeded to place his white gloves back on as he sniffed the air for their scents. "My dear friend," he muttered in his British accent before quickly heading down the path, with perfect posture and elegance about him.
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The crisp night air smelled sweet to Luna. Her black leather boots kissed the pavement lightly as she walked throughout the lit up city. Her arms hung loosely at her sides, and for once, she thought she could feel the auras of the people around her; they seemed to be wandering souls looking for significance in life. What was hers? The darkness is my light.

Suddenly coming upon The Zone she scoffed, this was where she found a few clients that offered her large sums of cash to carry out assassinations. But it wasn't for the cash that she carried out those missions, she was simply looking for something to appease herself with. Turning she walked past the building that emitted such a strong scent of blood. Not that any human would notice. Damn blood suckers. It's so boring!

Her steps became faster, the lace dress she wore tonight swished. Stopping next to an ally way she placed her delicate hand on the side of the coarse brick wall. Panting, she grazed her fingers over the rough surface. Her eyes glowed with mischief. Hah...I can smell it. The traces of a human.

Daring to go further into the ally, being engulfed by the precious blanket of silence she stumbled upon a passionate couple touching lips. From the sight of her they giggled and excused themselves, yet as they began to walk past a spatter of blood painted the nearby wall. A scream filled the darkness as the girl covered her mouth; her lover grasping his neck that was oozing blood. The only thing escaping was a sinister laughter coming from Luna's lips.

She raised one of the blades hiding under her right sleeve. The tip was coated a crimson red.

"Hahaha, HAHAHAHA! I can be passionate too ?"

Spinning around she released many knives at her victims, slashing into their soft skin, laughing insidiously. She halted her spinning as the screams died out. Peering down, her smiled faded briefly. "Humans die so easily..." She brought the knife up to her lips, licking the blood off the beautiful blade.

"Now, where can I find myself a hybrid to play with?" She waltzed out of the ally, her hair flowing effortlessly, as her eyes cast over any pedestrian emotionlessly, as if looking through everyone rater than at them.


Takashi lifted the mug up to his mouth. Double Chocolate Caramel latte you are a dream.

He licked the whipped cream from his lips and looked out of his office window. The window was large, spreading across one wall to the other. More so it was practically a wall of glass. This was it. A wealthy yet dangerous environment he would wake up and fall asleep to for the rest of his life. He sighed and slung one of his many leather jackets over his shoulder before leaving the room; the already forgotten latte lay upon the glass living room table.

He didn't have to walk far to run into familiar scents. "Kino, Vani." His eyes were stern, but his voice was light hearted. Mostly because he was in the presence of the young pack member. "How you holding up?" He ruffled the hair of Kino casually before looking over at Vani.

"I wasn't expecting you to be here until a little later. But I suppose earlier is better than later." @sitanomoto @Kylesar1
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It was a cold evening, just like any other in the city. Zen could hear his shoes hit the paviment of the street, strangely enough, admist of the noise of the bohemian and lively atmosphere of the streets echoed around him. Perhaps because it was his own consciousness reminding him of what kind of activity would he be taking tonight? But why would that be the case? Wasn't tonight just like another that would happen again and again? Or maybe it were just his instinct telling him to be caution of the events taking place tonight? Whatever it was, it was honestly unsettling for him to be aware of such a fact... But one could never tell as he entered the club Velvet Pleasure.

Ah, how he hated that name. It was so...pretentious. But then again, his opinions never mattered to the higher-ups. Most of the time, anyway. Even as a Capo, the hybrid kept his distance from the leader of The Mix as much as one was allowed to do so. It was a habit of sorts, part of his primary behavior, something he could never fully find himself in he control of. He still felt as if he was just one of his men, shunned by society in general, an underdog who followed orders. With a few privileges, of course. Those under his command trusted and looked up to him, which he returned in full by giving them the respect they deserved, allowing himself to disband his wary nature around them. Such was the life of Zen Williams, the Schrodinger's Cat, as many inside the family addressed him as, albeit in more of a teasing fashion than out of admiration for his performance.

A cloud of breath escaped his lips, his golden brownish eye travelling upwards, staring into the wide sky above him. There he stood for a while, as if entranced by the sight of it. No thoughts came to him, no words left his lips. How did it make him feel? What would this sight inflect on him? He was lost in his own thoughts, defenseless. Or was he not...?
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Kino giggled softly when Takashi ruffled his hair and his tail swished slightly. "I'm doing fine," Kino replied. His ears twitched and he smelled the air, listening to the sounds of the late night New York with a soft smile. Then he heard a scream over the city ambiance.

A woman's.

A man's.

Then laughter.

Then it was back to the normal sounds of the City.

Kino's tail curled between his legs and his ears flattened against the top of his head, but he didn't say anything. Maybe it's just a normal, human mugger.... He reassured himself that that was all it was and he managed to relax slightly, but his ears were straight up now and he was on high alert for any more sounds or scents.
(Going to wait for Vani to reply before I post for Takashi again)

Luna's knives were tucked away nicely up her sleeve. She carried roughly 38 knives on her at a time. Depending on the blade she would carry more or less. After all she didn't do well with heavy things. Speckles of blood still shown on her dress. Well, this won't do. I was wreckless with this kill. She let out an exasperated sigh as she made her way into a uniform store. Choosing an outfit she paid for it and went into the changing room to change. As she undressed she stared at her body in the slim mirror. Scars were covering her chest, arms, and back. A black and red dragon tattoo wrapped around her waist. Remembering some of her previous torture victims made her giggle. She quickly got changed and walked back outside. She hadn't eaten in a few days. When it came to drinking, Luna was particularly picky. She wouldn't drink just anyone's blood. She passed many blood bars and the thought of drinking from them just made her sick. Maybe it was because she couldn't ever enjoy herself, being amongst so many with smiles on their faces getting wasted and high, just, having fun. I have my own fun. Once again she couldn't help but wonder what kind of person she was before...all this. She walked into one of the clubs, Velvet Pleasure- the music was loud. If the music is too loud I can't hear the screams, and, that's the fun part. She commented in her head. She went through one of the "EMPLOYEE ONLY" doors that lead her into a dimly lit hallway.

"Hey, what are you doing in here? Didn't you read the sign?" A foreign voice echoed through to her. He was several feet away, a perfect target.

Don't kill him.

Kill him.

Don't kill him.

Luna was plucking flower petals mentally.

Kill him.

Throwing her knives they plunged into the man's chest. He let out a yelp, his fangs appearing as he drew the two knives out with a painful wince. He cursed as he lunged at her with one of them. Luna didn't move until the last second, side stepping and tripping the guy, flipping back. "I'm sorry, but this outfit has to stay clean for awhile." Growling, the man threw the knives at her instead, but he lacked the dexterity to throw them fast enough as Luna drew her star blade and spun it towards his legs, slicing them clean off. "Hahaha! I'm just going to leave you like that okay?" She laughed, disappearing back into the shadows, the agonizing screams of the man dying out as he passed out.


Slipping through another door that lead to the main party floor she glanced around. Even in a room full of people she felt isolated. Her bangs hid her left golden eye, while her other crimson colored eye scanned people's faces, their scent filled her nose. Although it was troublesome distinguishing between them all as they clustered together in large groups. Suddenly pressure was applied to her left wrist as a guy grabbed and turned her around to face him. A little surprised her eyes widened, yet narrowed again as she caught sight of his fangs. Struggling he only gripped harder, pressing her back against one of the walls. Damn...he's strong.

He brought his face close to her neck and she shuddered in disgust.

I don't think so! She turned her head to sink her fangs into his cheek, ripping a piece of his skin off and spitting it back into his face. The man let out a sound of distress, as he brought his hands to his face to assess the damage Luna took the chance to run through and disappear into the crowd of people, leaving the angered man behind. She could hear him calling her a bitch, but it was soon drowned out by the music once more. She received a few stares from people who had seen but they didn't seem to care and laughed it off; returning to the conversation with their friends.

Disgusting. Disgusting. Disgusting. His blood taints my tongue. Luna growled to herself, cursing and chastising herself for walking into a place like this in the first place. It's never any different. The same- Her thought was cut short as she passed by someone, the scent catching her attention.

A hybrid.
Turning her head back she stared at the guy who seemed to be a little lost in thought. She had messed with a few hybrids already, although she had only managed to catch a few in the past personally they had all died brutal deaths by her hand. She always found them the most exciting to torture.

Reaching over from behind she cupped her hands over his eyes.

"If you keep looking up at the sky like that someone might be tempted to gouge your eyes out, then all you would see is this darkness."

Her voice was nonchalant, her eyes rather serious as she removed her hands. @Mine
Lucifer rested his left arm on the bar's bench, his glass arriving it was a deep crimson red. Blood of course, being a bar for Vampires it was only custom to serve most of the customers with different blood types. Which yes to some like Lucifer it matters, he would often only feed himself on females. However if he ever felt like committing cannibalism, he'd often aim for males. He wasn't very picky on blood types however the rare types were always the most..Satisfying. Being over a thousand years old himself, he knew a lot about those times. In fact he had a lot to do with some historic events so he could see right through the man the instant he knew of what a tattoo was "I see, thank you." however why would he shame the poor boy? Looking back to Anya "And now you mention it, before I came here I finished my latest project..I'm making no money from it but I feel it will have great personal use." Sipping off his glass he let out a sigh of satisfaction.



Tremki swooped through the alleyways which dotted across New yorks landscape. He knew that people would casually come through here and it was easy pickings. Running passed them and bouncing off the walls, spinning himself around enough to slice the two in front of him by the throat. "Hohoo Tremki's having fun." bouncing from one wall to another he continued cutting the two defenseless people with unrelenting strikes from both of his short blades at almost every angle. Once he was finished the walls were painted with blood along with his mask. At the time he was listening to music, nudging his head gently from side to side. Before long someone had saw the scene, a woman. Screaming she ran but not before Tremki began chasing her first, he saw the woman taking out her phone "Tremki knows what you're doing!!" he shouted out chasing after the woman. Running wildly he zigzagged out of the way of the cars, or leaping over them to get to his target over time he only got closer and closer. Finally catching up to her he was already too late, she called the police. Grabbing the woman by the wrist Tremki twirled her around with a three sixty spin and throwing her into the building beside them.

"Tremki's feeling hungry now..There's nothing else..And Tremki can't leave any evidence either, so what should Tremki do?" although she wasn't able to see the insidious grin painted on his face in almost a flash he appeared in front of the woman. Moving his mask up slightly to reveal his mouth, licking his lips "Tremki could just eat the evidence..Couldn't he?" the woman began screaming however quickly silenced when Tremki began biting into her flesh. The woman dropping the phone, she seemed to still have been on the phone to the police and they heard everything.

(No idea where I'm going with this yet but it's going somewhere!)
Edamus sat in a corner of the Zone with his Bloodier Mary, a bloody Mary with some actual blood in it. He hissed in pleasure and took a sip. He heard some voices louder than usual coming from the bar. "Ah," he said. "New visitorsssss." He stood, then pulled his hood up to cover his glowing green eyes. "Sssalutations, newcomer," he said to the new Vamp.

Justin looked around. More people were coming....he took yet another sip of his tea, awkwardly recovering from his embarrassing mistake. Some man said "salutations" to him. Or at least he thought the man was greeting him. "Greetings," Justin said, blowing on his tea and sipping it.


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