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Realistic or Modern The Best Years In Grandview High (Always Open)

Dani had jumped at the sound of Ashley's voice. "I- what? No. We're best friends... Uh..." she struggled in shocked and in offense. She stood there for a moment, at a loss for words, not helping her cause. She didn't even know who this person was. Dani watched as this girl hopped in the car and drove off. She almost turned herself around but she still went to school. She went to her locked and exchanged her binders for the ones she needed. She slammed her locker shut and leaned against her locker.

God... what the fuck... Dani, stop thinking about what she said. Stop thinking about how you feel about Trey. Nothing will ever happen now... Dani thought to herself as she stood there for a while, unsure of what to do. She should head to homeroom, but she didn't move. She was so upset by everything.
Brit got off the bus and brushed some hair out of her face. She saw Ashley and Evan get off at the school. She walked over to them and turned to Ashley, and quietly asked, "Did ya hit it yet?" Asking about Evan. She didn't know anything, but she knew Evan was attractive. @AkwardWriter
Celeste moaned when Drew pushed her, another day at this shithole we call a school. "Fuck." Celeste didn't care that she was late, she wanted to sleep, forever.

She got up and walked over to the mirror and looked at herself, she looked as if she'd gotten on a mad one the night before and passed out.

She gave Drew a quick kiss on the cheek and walked outside, hopping into Drew's car.

(Sorry this is short, I'm so fucking knackered atm xD )

Drew began driving toward the School, checking texts from friends. It had been three days and the fight between the Ballers and the Jocks was still on everyone's mind. That, and the Homecoming. Oh, right, the Homecoming. He turned to Celeste "We're going to Homecoming together, right?" He said with a smile, putting his phone away.
(sorry just got out of school )

Ashley jumped a bit hearing Britney's voice. She blushed at her words and bit her lip. She hadn't told anyone other than Celeste that she had never actually had sex before, the topic itself was awkward for her considering all of her other friends have. She shook her head and looked at her.

No Brit I haven't. He did ask me to Homecoming though." She said with a small smile, but it quickly faded. "But don't get any ideas. Me and him aren't dating, being asked to Homecoming and dating is a different thing. But I might get him to come around soon." She said with a small smirk.

She started walking once again motioning for Britney and Evan who was still at the car, to follow her.

@TheGrimPickler @thefan1
Evan got out of the car and closed the door before stepping next to Ashley and winking at her and then winking at her friend Britney. "Hope you didn't miss me babe, what class do you have now? I think I have gym" he asked as they walked towards the building. "Oh and about homecoming, should I pick you up at seven?"

Jonathan got down from the bus and walked towards the school avoiding the glares of his brother's friends who had been staring at him strangely for some reason. Perhaps his brother told them something about him that they didn't like or thought be was some kind of loser but that wouldn't be new for him. When he finally reached his locker he leaned against it and waited for Elizabeth or one of his friends to pass by so he could talk to them.


Amy3173 said:
((Don't be afraid to bully me. I won't take it personally. Just to let y'all know.))
((Do you want Evan to bully her?))
thefan1 said:
Evan got out of the car and closed the door before stepping next to Ashley and winking at her and then winking at her friend Britney. "Hope you didn't miss me babe, what class do you have now? I think I have gym" he asked as they walked towards the building. "Oh and about homecoming, should I pick you up at seven?"
Jonathan got down from the bus and walked towards the school avoiding the glares of his brother's friends who had been staring at him strangely for some reason. Perhaps his brother told them something about him that they didn't like or thought be was some kind of loser but that wouldn't be new for him. When he finally reached his locker he leaned against it and waited for Elizabeth or one of his friends to pass by so he could talk to them.


((Do you want Evan to bully her?))
((Go for it. It'll make good drama))

Ashley thought for a moment before answering.

I belive I have Biology." She said with a groan.

She wasn't fond of Biology at all, but at least it wasn't math. She gave him a small smile and a slight nod.

Sure." Was all she said as she made her way to her locker.

She opened it and tossed her bag in there. She took out her phone seeing she still had 8 minutes before she had to go to Biology.

How long until you have to be to gym class?" She asked, before seeing Dani.

She gave her a roll of her eyes, before turning her attention back to Evan.

Evan took out his phone and pretended to check how much time he had before gym class. He never really cared about being late to gym class since he was one of the best players in the football team and the coach wouldn't give him detention when they were so close to their next game. "I have like ten minutes, too bad you won't be there" he said with a small smirk as he rested his arm in one of the lockers. He saw Dani and smirked as he slowly walked towards her. "So, where's your boyfriend? Did he leave his little nerd girlfriend behind to get a better slut?"
Dani shook her at at the sound of Evan's voice and snapped back into reality. "He isn't my boyfriend. He moved," she replied, emotionless. "What does it matter to you?" She had asked before turning her back to him and walking in the direction of her class.

Ashley just gave a roll of her eyes, and giggled. She walked over to Evan who seemed to be talking to Dani and sighed.

Oh c'mon Evan she's just a nerd. We all know that Trey woudn't fall for her. I mean he's been with me, nothing will make him sink that low to like her." She said, holfing his hand and lacing their fingers between each others. "What should we do before class starts other than waste our time with a pathetic nerd?" She said, holding his hand and lacing their fingers between each others.

She looked at him wondering if she should ask if they were a thing, or just Homecoming dates and then, nothing. She let out an almost inaudible sigh and looked at the floor. She still kept her smile to hopefully avoid any questions.

@Amy3173 @thefan1
Britney couldn't help but laugh at Evan's comment and added, "He moved? What, did your pussy stink so bad he had to leave the state?" And laughed harder.
Dani shook her head, and started walking faster, ignoring them because that's what you're supposed to do with bullies. When Trey was here, she was safe. He stood up for her, he cared about her. He always played his new songs for her first. He was her best friend and these pathetic people were trying to take that away from her. She didn't even recognize Ashley because she looked more like a wicked witch than a teenage girl. She recognized Britney from study hall last year. And Evan. She wasn't sure if that was his name, and what he even did in the school.
"Don't run after him! He might get a restraining order!" She was laughing so hard at her reaction, Britney had to support herself on a nearby locker. She wiped a tear, cleared her throat, turned to the couple and said, "There. Dealt with," pleased with herself.
Zatanna said:
((Fights. Hook ups. A few people pulled out so we wrote out their characters. Uhh. We did a time skip to the 5th day of school. There's a better summary i think on the last page.))
Zatanna said:
((omg. well where should i start can you help me there? lolol)
((Who's your character again? I'm still trying to memorize them all. I don't think few of them has even posted yet.))
Zatanna said:
((Aha! Okay. So you left off with taren. You can write a quick summary and get to school. Rn Dani, my character, is now being bullied because Trey moved, so you can jump in on that. Or interact with Britney if you guys are friends.))

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