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Realistic or Modern The Best Years In Grandview High (Always Open)

((Okay! I can do all those. thanks xoxo))

The last few days with Taren were great. He was perfect for her. They had just hung out, had sex, ate crappy food, had some more sex, and gotten high.

Today was the first day away from Taren. She had been staying at his place but figured he needed his space. She walks into school, her high pony swinging back and forth. She was head cheerleader now and she had to look and stay sharp.

Chanel saw some weird girl being harassed by Evan. Chanel walked up, placing her hand on Evans lower back.

"Come on Evan. Cant you bully someone your own size?" she smirked, winking at him then moving her attention to the girl. She looked her over and it clicked.

"You're Treys bitch! The one who has the gay dads. You know... you could be pretty... Too bad you're such a fucking dork. How about I give you a make over, you completely change who you are and you can be a galaxy." she smirked.

A Galaxy was another name for the cheerleaders.

"So what do you say Lani?" she said with a bright, but bitchy smile.
Dani stopped dead in her tracks. "Mess with me fine, but don't you dare insult my fathers. If you cheerleaders weren't so catty, I'd still be doing it. I am no body's bitch. Women deserve to be treated with respect, and calling any girl someone's bitch is disrespectful," she paused. "If you'll excuse me, I have class." With that she marched down the hallway and into her class.

Dani could be very intimidating when angry and the only way she ever got angry - not involving video games - was to insult her fathers. She had no tolerance for bashing those who belong in the LGBTQA community.

She rested her head on her desk when she sat down and held back tears. This day is only going to get worse... she thought.
"I didn't insult your fathers you slut." Chanel hissed as Dani started to walk away. No one walked away from her.

"Im sorry. I didn't know that sluts deserved to be treated with respect...? Bitch you aren't excused." she said circling her and stopping in front.

"I could care less if you arent a galaxy but... Why are you such a loser? You could be popular. You could probably date Evan if you weren't so lame. Look. I can help you be pretty and not a dork. I am willing to be that nice to you. You should take this chance Lani. If you dont. You WILL regret it." she hissed.

"Don't waste your time Chanel!" Brit called to her, catching up with them. "There isn't any amount of makeup in the world to hide that troll." She gestured to Dani's face.
Chanel whipped around, hearing a familliar voice, to see Brit coming.

"Hey bitch!" she smiled, winking at her.

"Oh realy? I think she could be pretty if she wanted too..." she sighed.

"Oh well. Lets walk and talk." she said turning away from Dani.

"Oh. Later loser." she said to Dani walking away with Brit.

"How are you?" she asked looking around the halls.

((i love fairy tail omg. your profile picture (, :) )
((I liked him better in rave master, never saw fairy tail))

"Pretty good, you need to look at your phone though. You?" She teased her. As fun as making fun of the girl was, she needed a new victim. She'd find one eventually.
(( The fuck is rave master. thats not the little sno man thingy lucy has? oh shit. )

"Im sorry! Its just when Im with Taren I just kinda turn my phone off... Well me and Celeste got in a fight. Im dating Taren. He's great in bed. Um. Im cheerleading captain now. Thats about it. So do you have your eye on anyone?" she asked tilting her head.

She giggled silently walking with Brit. The kids basically clunged to the lockers and put their heads down. They knew that Chanel and Brit could tear them apart and ruin all their self esteem in a few comments.
Celeste looked at the mirror in Drew's car, gently applying makeup to her face since she couldn't do it at Drew's.

She looked at Drew as soon as he mentioned Homecoming. "Yes! Of course I'm going with you." She gave him a hug and carried on with her makeup.

(Small posts suck so bad D:)
((Rave Master is the manga that Hiro Mashima wrote first. It is fantastic. @TheGrimPickler got me the whole manga series for my birthday and Christmas. The company that printed it license expired so it hasn't been printed in years. They're pretty rare. He recycled a lot of things from Rave Master into Fairy Tale and that is why I will never like Fairy Tale. @Zatanna ))
"Hmmm... No one right now. I haven't really found a hot single guy. Or a guy hot enough to steal, you know?" She said, thinking hard about it. A lot of the boys here were pretty hot, but none of them really impressed her. In her mind, she was a grand prize, and you have to win a grand prize. "Did you and Celeste make up? If not I suggest you don't fight in the school, you'll give half these dweebs fapping material for a year."
"Brit come on. Theres alot of hot guys. Drew, Taren, Evan. Oh well. If you can live without one." she shrugged.

"No. I haven't talked to her... I'm gonna try to make up with her today. A cat fight is just what they would want huh?" she said laughing.

"Maybe in a huge mud pit or something." she laughed.
Dani had a hard time paying attention in her classes. She couldn't stop reliving her situation in her head.

People thought I was have sex with Trey? Please. Dani scoffed at her thought but cloaked it with a cough. Trey and I were just friends. I wish there was a chance we could be more, but it would never happen now... God, why are people so obsessed with looking pretty and being skinny and being popular? Popularity means absolutely nothing. It certainly doesn't give anyone a right to be a bitch or a bully... I really need to stop letting this take over my thoughts. Focus Dani...

The rest of Dani's morning classes didn't result in much learning on her behalf. She knew she could teach it to herself this weekend. Her fathers would help her. She sighed and decided to skip lunch. She didn't want to risk running into her bullies so she decided to hit her locker and go to the library to read.

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"I don't know, its been a while so I could use some meat to chew on." Brit answered, thinking. Those guys were pretty hot, but she was sure they were all taken. Ah well... I'll just have to steal one of them. Probably the best, and weakest. Hm... She laughed at her comment, "Now you're talking some nerd dreams."
Chanel looked over at Brit and narrowed her eyes.

"Drew and Taren are taken. You can steal Drew from Celeste, but dont steal Tarren from me. We are really good together." she said crossing her arms.

"What class do we have right now...? I think its health." she said thinking about her schedule.

Ashley leaned against the locker next to Evan feeling a bit self conscious. She'd probably never admit it, but she always feels insecure around Chanel. She feels like Chanel is better than her. Better looking, better at getting boys, better at everything. She bit her lip thinking about it and gave a small sigh. She decided to ask Evan.

"Okay, so I know I'm going to seem stupid for asking this, but... Are we just Homecoming dates and then, nothing or...?" She asked, fidgiting with her hair.

She felt so awkward around him, but she shook it off seeing that's how she reacts with all of her crushes. She twirled her hair waiting for his response.[/font


Taren woke up rather late and simply didn't give a fuck. He rolled out of bed and got dressed. He reached his car, and started driving to school. He arrived about 20 minutes later, and walked into the building. He saw Chanel and a smirk curled to his lips, and then, he scoffed seeing Britney. He walked up behind Chanel and wrapped his arms around her waist.

"Hey Babe." He said planting a kiss on her cheek.


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Chanel smiled, and blushed as she heard Tarens voice. He was late as usual.

She kissed him back and wrapped her arms around his waist.

"Hey baby. How are you love?" she smiled at him.

"I'll see you later Brit. Kisses to my bitches." she winked at her, looking back to Taren.

"Wanna get lunch today?" she smiled up at him.



Taren chuckled and placed his hands under her ass.

I'm great babe, just didn't wanna get up." He smiled and began speaking once more. "So y'know Homecomings coming up and everything and I don't wanna seem like an ass if I wait 'till the last minute to ask you so, you wanna come to Homecoming with me?" He asked with a bit of a smirk on his face.

He knew how girls were when it came to dances and he didn't want to lose Chanel yet by waiting to ask her to the dance. He placed one of his hands on her's and left the other under her ass. He rested his chin on the top of her head.


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