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Realistic or Modern The Best Years In Grandview High (Always Open)

Taren laughed. "Wow. Okay then. We'll get you something healthy. At least, as healthy as you can get in a fast food resteraunt" Taren said. About a minute later they pulled up to the McDonald's, and Taren walked in and ordered a Big Mac, Large Fry, and Large Coke, ordering Chanel a hamburger with lettuce extra lettuce, since they didn't sell salads any more, and water.
Celeste quickly jumped to grab her phone off her table, both Lucas and Drew texted her. Celeste could hardly see the writing on her phone, her eyes were blurry and she certainly felt drunk.

Celeste's head was all over the place, it felt like her brain was jumping up and down. For such a petite girl, she can drink a lot.

"You know what Lucas, don't worry about it. I feel great, nothings wrong, and well because Lucas is your name, like your official name right? I mean, I'm pretty sure it is. I just prefer to call you by your original name, we gotta problem big man?" She said and pressed send. Drunk as fuck. She suddenly changed her mind, she didn't want Drew at all to show up, mostly because she was wasted and and couldn't even walk straight. She would prefer if Lucas or Ashley came over instead, to help her sober up, cuddle, and watch a film together. She ran her finger over Drew's message, she wasn't quite sure if she wanted to open it or not, but of course, she kinda had too.

"Don't mind at all. C u soon." She decided to be as blunt as possible with Drew, he really pissed her off earlier and she wasn't one to forgive so quickly.

(I'm on my phone and I really couldn't be fucked to put any codes in c:)
Drew read her text as he drove, and he shrugged, not really noticing bluntness, and he put his phone back in his pocket. He continued driving, and he turned to look at a oncoming pickup truck. It was Mark Armstrong, and 3 of his buddies. Of course they had to stop, get out, and demand he stop and do the same, getting in front of his car. But he didn't. He just kept driving, flipping them off. All of them managed to roll aside, but Mark rolled and then threw a brick into Drew's back windshield, cracking it severely. "Fuck! Fuck you, asshole!" He yelled. The Ballers didn't pursue. Drew pulled up beside Celeste's house, parking neatly on the sidewalk. He got out, rolled his neck, and prepared himself, having five joints and a lighter in his back pocket. Trying to remember what he planned. What he wrote down. Reminded him of that Eminem song. "Tryin' to remember what he wrote down, but the words just won't come out"...is that to be his fate? He walked up to the house and pressed the doorbell, slightly nervous.

Chanel looked at the food and put it back in the bag.

"I dont mean to be stuck up but Im not eating that." She said sipping on the water and stealing Tarens french fries.

"So stoners are supposed to be deep right? How about you tell me what you like about smoking." she asked trying to not scare him off. Celeste said their relationship was broken up because he loved the weed more then her and she didn't want the same thing.

Maybe I should text Celeste and make sure I have her blessing... Yeah Ill do that.

She discreetly took out her phone.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/upload_2015-8-7_19-0-44.png.a811397b73f8399281cbc3c94197b98e.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="67235" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/upload_2015-8-7_19-0-44.png.a811397b73f8399281cbc3c94197b98e.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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"I like the aspect of it that completely detatches you from reality. For a hour or so, you don't need to worry about grades, parents, any of that bullshit. You just gotta think about what you're gonna do while your high, how you're gonna satisfy your munchies, who you're gonna share your weed with, and make sure you don't OD. Speaking of weed, you smoke?" He asked, taking a bite out of the Mac.
"Mom, can you make me a sandwich?!" Luke shouted from upstairs biting on his tongue as he shot at his targets. Biting on his tongue was something he did often when he was either very focused or stressed and he believed that it somehow helped him in a way.


Using his one hand Luke grabbed his phone next to him and sighed in frustration seeing that he couldn't pause an online game. A text from Celeste. 'It was about damn time she texted him back', he thought. He figured texting would be too much work and decided to call her instead, placing both his headphones and controller on his lap. He then sat back and waited patiently for her to answer with his phone pressed gently against his ear.
"Thats cool..." she said thinking about what he had said.

"You're really smart." she said smiling at him.

"I've smoked before but I dont really do it alot. It's just not something I need to do all the time." she said shrugging.

"All though I used to be really crazy. I partied, did drugs, got an STD. I was a fucking mess. But I cleaned up my act." she said tossing her hair.

"So do you have any weird turn ons?" she asked trying to lighten the mood. She blushed a little and tried to hide it.
"Oh, yeah, sure you did" Taren said, referencing her comment about turning herself around. "No, not really, but I prefer to be on bottom." Taren said, smiling. "Gives me less work to do and gives the girl a feeling of control and sometimes even dominance, which is always fun to take from her after the sex" Taren said with a devious grin, eating the rest of his Big Mac and starting out on Chanel's burger, taking out the lettuce.
"I did!" she said, hitting him playfuly.

She rolled her eyes listening to Taren. " I dont like being the dominant one. Ive done top before though. Oh really? After sex? What happens then?" she asked curiously.

She watched him eating. He even made that look good.

He eats cute? Make sure you arent starting to like him TOO much. Thats a problem. Besides. Evan's always single now. He's probably better for your social status.

Chanel shook her head lightly, trying to get rid of those thoughts. She liked Taren. Besides Evan wasnt going anywhere.
"After sex, I kiss you, viciously, and then probably act a little rough while playing with you, if you get my drift, in order to establish control again. I'm the kinda guy who plays the "guy" role to the book in a relationship." He explained. He finished his food. "Ready to head home and have sex under the influence of Marijuana?" He asked.
Celeste bit her lip as she heard the door bell ring. Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck. She quickly grabbed the bottles of alcohol and hid them in her cabinet, she didn't want Drew to notice that she was indeed drunk. She felt a sudden feeling in her stomach, one that she couldn't control. She was scared of seeing Drew, she was scared that he'll notice she's drunk and feel the need to take advantage of that. She walked back into her room and stared at herself in the mirror. Oh Celeste, you're such a mess. Even being Queen Bee had it's downs. She had flaws, she does in fact do shit that'll she'll soon regret. Drew, being one of those things she 'did.' She remembered when she had that fling with him, the only reason she had that 'fling' was because she was drunk. She soon snapped out of these thoughts and looked down at her phone in her hand, dammit Lucas. She answered the phone and she didn't even give him a split second to talk. "I'll call you later." She pressed the end call button and chucked her phone on the bed. She took one more glance in the mirror and swept her fringe to the left side of her forehead.

She hurried downstairs, wobbled a bit, and made her way to the door. She took one big deep breath and opened up, tugging onto Drew's shirt and pulling him in. She looked into his beautiful eyes for a few seconds before rushing in to kiss him, she was drunk, she didn't know what she was doing - this is exactly what happened last time. She wrapped her hands around his neck, still kissing him and pushing him up the stairs.
(I'm alive and don't feel like reading? What'd I miss????))

(OMG... I decided to read a little of what I missed and @KurtH6355 succeeded in making me laugh hysterically ))
Drew was caught off guard by Celeste's sudden show of affection. Between kisses he said "I thought you wanted to talk about-" but she didn't let him finish. He allowed her to bring him upstairs, and even though he wanted to confess about his monstrous mind, he couldn't help but want to see where this was going. He kissed back passionately, holding her by her hips, and gently caressing her ass every once and a while as well. But...He smelled a familiar smell. Alcohol. On her breath. A lot of it. As they went into her bedroom he was pushed onto her bed, and she was beginning to undress, but Drew stopped her. "You're drunk. Aren't you?"

(@AkwardWriter what made you laugh hysterically?)
( @AkwardWriter basically. Taren came and picked up Chanel, they went to McDonalds now they are about to have sex. Skyellar moved and now Chanel is head cheerleader and evan is single and Celeste is drunk and her and Drew are gonna make up))
"Hell yeah I am." she bent over and kissed his neck.

"But. If we have sex I want you to promise me that tomorrow morning you will drive me to my house before school and drive me to school, and also have lunch with me tomorrow. Sorry Im high mantience." she giggled.

"You're gonna love me so much after tonight." she said with a grin. Chanel was great at having sex. One guy said it was the most orgasmic experience hes ever been through. Not to brag or anything.
"Too much work. I'll drive you home and to school, but I'm skipping lunch" Taren said. He didn't mind if Chanel broke things off, anyway. He didn't even like her much, she was a bitch. As far as he was concerned, right now she was a fuck friend. He walked out to his car and got in, waiting on her to do the same.
Celeste suddenly paused and looked down at the floor, she began biting her nails and again, she had the same feeling in her stomach as earlier. "I wouldn't say I'm that drunk." She decided to look at him whilst she spoke so she wouldn't give off the impression that she was lying. Celeste's words came out a bit slurred which didn't help her with hiding the truth. She began to feel nervous and straight away wanted to pour herself another drink, but stopped herself. "Do you not want me?" She said, seductively, whilst crawling on top of her bed slowly towards Drew. "Aren't you curious of what I'm capable of, huh?" She whispered in his ear and then kissing him on the cheek. Celeste was totally uncontrollable when she was drunk, she was determined and also very confident. "Do you not want this?" She said, kissing his neck.
Drew shrugged her off, sitting up on the edge of her bed. "I've had it before, last year. Remember?" He said. "If we're gonna have sex, it's not gonna be because you're shitfaced." Drew added. "I may be slightly high and tipsy from hanging out with my friends, but....not enough. I don't want another fling. I don't want it to be meaningless. I want it to be real. I may not be some abstinent Christian, but I now the difference between a fling and a relationship. And I know which one I want. The question is, which one you want" he asked her, without looking back at her. "I want this to be real. Not something that lasts half a week, Celeste."
Chanel crossed her arms, and stuck out her lips pouting. She got into the car and looked over at him.

"You're having lunch with me. I wasn't really asking. Besides Im gonna get you some real food so you dont get fat. All this talking is going to ruin the sex, just turn on the radio." she hissed.

Yes, she was being a huge bitch. But he was being an asshole so he sorta deserved it. Besides she was hot, she had the right to be a bitch. She didn't want to loose him though. So she took off her top and her jeans and heels and tossed them in the back.

Her lingerie was white lace. She looked almost angelic, with her white lingerie and her long blonde hair.

"Im sorry for ordering you around, you're the guy. You tell me what to do, not the other way around." she said softly, leaning over and kissing his neck.
Taren laughed. "Are we having sex in the car or in the bed? At least let me get somewhere secluded, ya pornstar" he said jokingly. He slowly moved a hand down her side, caressing her curves and bends slowly, arousing Chanel effectively while she kissed his neck.
"I guess beds are more comfortable... Hey! I am not a pornstar. Im a whore. Theres a difference." she giggled.

She saw a jacket in the back and put it on. It was Tarens.

"This Jacket smells like kush and sex and cologne." she said smiling.

Then she went back to kissing his neck, while he carressed her. She let out soft and quiet moans occassionally. Along with a giggle every now and then.
Taren laughed at her description of his jacket. "What can I say, I smoke, do, and wear alot of all of those things" he said, kissing her lips before letting her return to kissing his neck. "Oh and I totally seeing you being a pornstar in the future. Just saying" he said, laughing.
"It smells good though... Like you." she smiled at him. She was falling for him which is something she did not want to do. Her heart fluttered when he kissed her lips and she blushed.

"Shut up! You're an asshole. A cute asshole but still." she said smiling a little.

"So... Taren can I ask ... are you ready to be in a serious relationship? Like more than just fuck buddys? I mean this is cool for now but eventually... I want a boyfriend." she said rather timidly. She looked at his impressive bone structure, tracing his jaw with her finger.

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