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Realistic or Modern The Best Years In Grandview High (Always Open)

Celeste felt embarassed and a bit flushed. She kneeled behind him and rested her head on his shoulder. "That nights a blur, I hardly remember." She lied, Celeste goes on and on about Drew being honest but not even herself was capable of telling the truth sometimes. She wrapped her arms around him and gave him a slight squeeze. "I want this, I want us to be happy together, but the only way we can stay happy is if we're completely honest with each other." She smiled at herself and ruffled his hair. "It's okay if you don't want to tell me what you were planning on earlier, but please tell me if you actually went along with doing it or not." She got up from her bed and kneeled in front of him and grabbed his hand. "I'm really happy that I'm finally with you."
Drew smiled at the show of affection, and her declaring that she wanted to actually be with him. When he was asked about his plan, he was hesitant. "Look, there's alot I want to tell you about me. About who I really am. I don't want to because I know it'll probably scare you, and might make you leave me, but...I need to know that you can accept me for who, what, I am before I commit to this" he said, and he pulled her to her feet and sat her beside him, with one arm wrapped around her shoulders, and he told her about what he really was...

..."I am much more than a football player. I am much more than a criminal. I am much more than a stoner. A liar. A asshole. Much, much more. Some say I'm like a monstrosity, belched from the depths of the Underworld. I'm a very scary, manipulative, dark person. Capable of doing the unthinkable. I'm scaringly Intelligent, I'm a predator, and everyone in Grandview is my prey. Maybe I'll play with them. Maybe I'll try to be friends. Lovers. Maybe I'll attack them. Injure them. But never, ever, will I go for the kill. I am vowed not to, unless beset upon by another Predator. I do these things to maintain my position of Alpha in a pack of wolves. Keep myself at the top. As you do, Queen Bee. Don't get me wrong, we're nothing alike in the sense of how we do things, but we both fight to stay on top, weather it physically or in a more refined way. But...I'm not like that. Not to those who are friends. Those who I hold close, who I care about. Those who don't deserve it or those who don't provoke. I'm a bad person with good moments. And that message we were going to send? Elizabeth Blackwell has been saying some stupid things, dissing me, dissing the Jocks in general, so we were gonna and still are gonna beat on her boyfriend and film it, to keep it from happening again. To win the first fight, and the next one, and the next one, so that there doesn't have to be another confrontation. But...I'm not the beast I'm made out to be, by others and by myself. I know there is good inside of me. You've seen it. But that's the only side I've let you see, and you just won't leave it be. So...there's my dark side. All out in the open...there's the truth."

Taren was sort of surprised by how serious she got and how quickly he did it. He blushed a slight bit, unnoticeably, and he stuttered a bit. "I-I guess I could get into a real relationship with you...if you want to do that kind of thing with a stoner" he said.
@Chinoma Yamagata

Marco waved to her as he saw her approaching and hopped up from his seat on the porch. His house was just plain dirty and he didn't like being around it, so he met her on the sidewalk. "How was the dreaded first day?" He smiled. He could predict the answer, but he may as well find out what he missed. "Smoke?" He asked after a moment. He was able to determine when someone was around smoke because he often smelled it on his parents, but he wasn't sure if she smelled like smoke or if it was just him.
"Sorry to go from silly to serious but... I just want to see what Im getting into. But yeah, I dont care if you're a stoner Im not Celeste. But if you start experimenting with other drugs then its over. I like you. So its official? Taren and Chanel? Damn thats a weird combo." she said starting to laugh towards the end. .

"Are we almost home? Im ready to ride." she winked at him.

(updating my CS ^~^)
Celeste was so attracted to him in such a weird way, she loved his attitude, his vocabulary, his mindset, his physical appearance, and just everything about him in general. Celeste gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Thank you." She found it quite ridiculous that she was still actually planning on staying with him but come to think of it, she liked the whole bad boy thing he had going on. She crawled more onto her bed and got into it, patting next to her, motioning for him to come over. "You may as well spark a joint now, I think I need one." She said.

Celeste quickly checked her phone and saw a message from Chanel. Was she actually planning on fucking Taren? Why was she whoring herself out to him? She decided not to reply, not letting it get to her that much. She was with Drew now, and that's all she ever wanted.


Ebba raised her arms up and shrugged "Busted." She then pulled a pack of gum out of her back pocket, took a piece and began to chew it. She offered the pack to him after. "I skipped out on most of my classes. Didn't see you at sewing class so I wanted to check up on you." She then pulled out a very wrinkled paper out of her messenger bag that she used as a backpack. "Here are the things you'll need for some classes. I know you being Mr. Genius and everything we don't share many classes but if you need anything let me know."
Taren smiled. "We're home, baby." He said. He got out and helped her out, and he took her hand and led him into his house. As soon as they got through the door, it got wild. Kissing, caressing, dry humping, biting, you name it. Taren's father quickly withdrawed to his room, not wanting to disturb. Taren brought her to the bedroom, and let's just say he used that box of condoms. (Fade to black)

Drew was amazed. She was barely phased by what he had just said! He had never opened up to anyone like that. Frankly, he was disappointed by her reaction. But, he couldn't say he wasn't relieved. He scootched up and sat beside her, lighting up a joint and handing it to her. "So you really...don't care about...what I am?" He asked, still in shock.
Yarrow walked along the street kicking rocks and listening to his music. He wasn't walking home, he was just walking. He walked up on a girl and a really cute guy.

He looked down at himself. He didn't look great but he could've looked worse. He was wearing a green 'Grandview High' sweat shirt with black skinny jeans, and forrest green vans.

He paused his music and took out his headphones, tucking them into his pocket as he got closer to the two people.

Should I try and flirt with this guy right here? I might as well. Maybe make a friend or two.

(idk what to post for Chanel lmaooo)

Celeste took the joint out of his hand and took a long toke, inhaling and slowly exhaling out. It was crazy how Celeste could hack a fuck load of alcohol and weed together, most people found it hard to do.

"I mean, I knew who you were Drew, I knew about your past, there's no point getting with you and then trying to change you. No one should ever try to change a person, especially someones partner because if they were planning on changing you, they shouldn't of gotten with you in the first place. Now, I'm not gonna say I like it but I have to accept it, just please be safe. I'm scared that one day you're gonna get hurt." She passed the joint back to him and held his hand. Celeste was really just chatting a load of shit because she's drunk, she didn't know what she was saying.
Marco thanked her and took a piece of gum. He smiled a bit and began to chew it. "Well, I can't exactly say anything about skipping class, I did, too. I just hate all the first day stuff, so I stayed home," Marco said, laughing a bit. He took the paper and looked it over, comparing the schedule to his own and reading over the supplies. He then handed the paper back to her. "I do plan on being Dr. Genius or Sir Genius in the future," he laughed a bit before turning to notice the boy out on the sidewalk. Of course, being the out going person he was, he waved him over. He was in no position to turn down a conversation with someone, especially this guy. He was pretty attractive.
//Yo some of us are RPing rn

Ebba squinted her eyes at the new comer. Pretty much weirded out at seeing someone so close by her and Marco's home. She simply kept staring at him, trying not to look too intimidating for Marco's sake but failing at doing so. She had a natural bitch face you could say. So instead she adjusted her Bass case to be safely on her shoulder again.
Yarrow walked over to the hot guy and the girl, since he was called over.

"Hey there... Im Yarrow. I go to Grandveiw what about you guys." he said with his friendliest smile. The girl looked like she was already pissed off at Yarrow but he has quite alot of training with bitches. I mean Chanel was his sister.

"Thats a nice Bass." he said trying to get her to sweeten up a little bit. Then he looked back at the guy. He really was cute. Yarrow stood there for a second grinning like an idiot then went back to his normal smile.
Drew listened to Celeste speak carefully and quietly. Analyzing what she was saying, taking each word separately and then putting the dialog back together again. He was good at listening, especially when he was sober. "That's a very valid thing to fear, Celeste, and I won't say it's not going to happen, because one day it probably will. But I'll do whatever I can to protect myself. And to protect you. I'll do everything in my power to keep you uninvolved." Drew said. As if on cue, just to counter act what Drew said, there was a harsh knock on Celeste's door. Drew looked out the window, seeing Mark, with a knife in hand, and eight friends. Drew quickly drew his phone and sent a mass text out to all of his men, and barked a order to Celeste without thinking. "Hide. Now."

Evan, Ted, Justin...
Listen up, boys. It's time for a battle. Eight Ballers at Celeste's house, Mark has a blade. Get here as soon as possible. Make sure you're packing. Guns, blades, brass knuckles, but if you're bringing a gun keep it holstered unless I say so. But just bring something. Don't care. Bring something.

After sending the text, he looked out the window again. "If only I could get to my car...my gun is in the Glovie..." He muttered to himself. He looked at a side window, and ran over to it, and began opening it. He could drop down into the bushes, silently, then creep over behind there backs, grab his gun, sneak back into the house through that window, and then meet them at the door when his guys came, gun aimed. He didn't intend anyone to get killed, but it would work well as an intimidation factor against Mark, get him to drop the knife and face him in hand-to-hand.

@thefan1 ^
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"Thanks" She said before looking at Marco. Looking back at Yarrow she added, "Name's Ebba, We go to the same high school actually." She didn't show much emotion in her voice. Very much just gave an acceptable introduction and waited until Marco sweetened it up.
Marco glanced over at Ebba and raised an eyebrow with a bit of a crooked smile as if to ask what she thought of him. When he walked over, Marco looked back at him. "Well, I'm Markus, I just skipped my first day back at Grandview," he smiled. He bit his lip a bit and looked back at Ebba. He was pretty cute, but he didn't tell anyone that he was bi except Ebba. He didn't know if this guy was gay or not, and he surely didn't want to expose his secret if he didn't have to.
Celeste's eyes started tearing up. "You promised that I wouldn't see this side to you, now you're actually bringing trouble to my door step and endangering me." Celeste sat on her bed and stared at the floor. "Why would you do this." She looked up at him and wiped her eyes. "I want you to get out now." She suddenly started crying more. "I want you gone, how could you put me in danger like this Drew?"

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