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Fantasy The Beginning Of The End(Open)

"301!" He said in a gruff voice that sounded abused from years of alcoholic tendencies and smoking. She shown the flash light in his face. It was covered in dirt with a five o'clock shadow. His eyes were cold and blood thirsty, his black hair stuck out from the bottom of his helmet. And there was a small tatoo on his neck.
"I know. Are you okay?" He spoke quietly and in a low tone, trying his best to make his voice barely audible.
"If being afraid is okay, I'm doing great." She said as held her hands together. She did so to stop then from shaking but it didn't work. Why do I get so worked up about this?!
Megan slowly slipped from her hiding spot over to Lilly. "So now what do we do with him?"Megan questioned while looking at the guy
He tilted his head and gave her a sympathetic look. He reached his hand out. "Come on, you'll feel a lot better if you get out of this damn closet." He whispered.
Chel agreed and took his hand. "Where do we go? I don't want to kill anybody right now." She admitted. She looked in his eyes for the first time after all that happened. She desperately wanted him to keep hold of her hand, but she let go and stood beside him.
"I counted 6 sets of footsteps, there's more outside though." Lilly looted the guy for anything and took his gun. Here, take it," Lilly said handing it and two mags to Meg.
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He looked at her for a short moment, then at the door. "We can stay in the farthest bedroom until they clear the place out. It'd be safest there." He looked back at her, waiting for an answer.
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Chel nodded, feeling glad that he was coming with her. She looked back at him, smiling lightly. "When I said that you weren't ever going to be my boyfriend, it wasn't true. I thought if I told them that they would stop." She clarified feeling slightly better.
He hesitantly nodded and stepped out into the hall with Chel not too far behind him. He lead the way to the bedroom at the end of the hall and shut the door behind them.
Megan took it and loaded it. She placed one of the mags in her back pocket. "Ready to kick ass?" She questioned Lilly with a smirk.
Chel sat on the floor to the right. She took a drink and messed with her hat. Her head felt hot but she left it on anyways
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"Yeah, be careful though. Aim for the head and heart. A son as we kill them, loot them, get any weapons. Hand me a grenade and go back upstairs. I'll e up shortly after." Lilly commanded. She walked down stirs and made sure her numbers were right. And they were. 6 men, who couldn't see her or meg at the base of the stairs. "3. 2. 1. Go!" Lilly whisper shouted, pulling the trigger and hitting one in the head.
Kaden leaned against the wall near the door and ran his fingers through his hair. He felt good to have his mind starting to clear up again. He looked over at Chel and then pulled out his knife again, keeping it close to him for safety.
Megan nodded her head. As soon as she said go Megan shot one of the guys in the heart and got another one in the chest. "Damn."
Chel heard their gunshots and jumped. It scared her at first but she soon got used to it. She started messing with the carpet floor and she drew circles and swirls.
A spray of bullets made Lilly duck behind the over turned couch, but not before she was grazed by two. One grazed her right temple, the other her left hip. "Fuck!" She stood back up and shot two more in the head, and one in the chest. One being made that they were dead the bodies were looted. Lilly's hands were covered in blood, a trail went down her face and her clothes were stained. She then found a grenade. She took the mags from a fallen soilder and his gun. "Meg back upstairs. Now."
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A bullet got Megan in the leg before she could take cover. "Son of a bitch." She growled while standing up and taking one more out. "Hey you okay?" She asked Lilly while hobbling toward her.
"Yeah, fine. I'll take care of that wound in a few minutes. Make your way back upstairs now." Once mag had, she pulled the grenade pin, and threw it out the door. It landed under one of the trucks. A few moments later, when Lilly had gotten back upstairs. The sound of an explosion rang through their ears.
Hachi Heard trucks a fair distance away. Judging by the sound, HAchi figured there mist be another entrance to the base he'd seen earlier and it apparently roads which also meant a town or city nearby... possibly. Taking some time to make his way back to the heavily guarded base. There he saw men and women rushing around like an agitated bees nest. radios and various other transmissions and communications could be heard. "the hell is happening now?" A sudden light flashed in Hachi's eyes and a voice yelled for him to come out of hiding. If you asked him how the armed man had spotted him, Hachi would tell you it was because a motion sensor had been triggered as he'd unintentionally gotten to close.

Hachi stood and walked from his spot and faced the man who now pointed a fully loaded assault rifle at his face. "is this how you were raised? to point a weapon at strangers? same on you." HAchi had decided if the man was gonna kill him, then'd he was at least gonna have some fun.

The man dug the barrel of the gun into his forehead. "shut up, who are you and why were you hiding?" the man asked as more armed personal gathered around.

"well see my name is f**k you and i was hiding cause your face is a weapon of mass destruction." HAchi's joke had made someone laugh but the person had been quickly silenced.

"f**king comedian aren't you?" The man growled and then pistol whipped Hachi. "say something funny again".

"i would, but some little B*tch just hit a guy who can't fight back without being filled with lead." Hachi was not going to back down and even if the ended up taking him alive. He was not going without killing at least ten of them.

"you have a death with don't you? besides i bet you couldn't fight to save your life." The man said patting hachi down and stripping him of the pistol and extra ammo. The knives hachi carries were concealed inside the cloak and wouldn't be felt by a pat down.

"woah there, we just met. at least buy me dinner first." Hachi said when the man patted his lower wait in his search for weapons. Agina Hachi had made someone laugh.

"you smug little f**k!" the man roared now pissed off and used the butt of his gun to hit Hachi on the back of the knee. "i wonder if you can still calmly crack jokes with a bullet in your head."

The group had dispersed and ordered back to their posts aside from two guys making a total of three watching him. That man who'd just hitt him had screwed up. In the moment it took Hachi to drop to his knees he'd pulled two of his four concealed knives. "you sirs, have screwed yourselves for not being wary enough." Hachi thrust the knife in his right hand into the gut of the man who hit him twice. with his left hand HAchi stabbed into the same guy's jugular and threw the body spouting a fountain of blood at the other two who'd raised the weapons and fired at the body. Grabbing the pistol he'd been stripped of, Hachi fired off two rounds one for second guy and one for the woman.

"sorry, but if you want me dead. bring better skilled people." he taunted and turned to run as other personal realized what was happening and started to to open fire. Hachi kept running but turned back sparingly to return fire. Hachi had no clue where to go now since most likely those people were going to looking for him now. A sudden pain in his shoulder told him he'd been hit. "persistent bunch, aren't they." He murmured to himself as he ran.

Hachi found a place to hide and catch his breath for a moment. Looking around he saw the trucks he'd heard earlier and men searching a house. He heard sudden gunfire being exchanged in said house and figured there were people inside. Luckily with the Guys all alerted to the house due to gunfire, Hachi patched up his shoulder quickly and moved towards the truck that had only two guys near it. Hachi dispatched both men and grabbed their guns and started to fire on the guys at the houses porch. "might as well cause some confusion" He thought open firing.
Lilly took Meg's leg and wrapped it with a ripped up shirt. ""I'll take care of the rest tomorrow morning, but that should stop the bleeding." Lilly sighed, before passing.

(Going to bed too, night guys)
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