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Fantasy The Beginning Of The End(Open)

"Good morning, sleepy." Chel said as she handed him the rest of her can. She reached behind the fridge to find a water bottle. She opened it and took small sips on it.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/superthumb.png.0f621d8a4a0e3c961157682c36b4ca8b.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="117017" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/superthumb.png.0f621d8a4a0e3c961157682c36b4ca8b.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

((This is what Lilly looks like btw))



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Kaden leaned against the counter and looked down at the food. He knew he had to eat or Chel would throw a fit, so he decided to start eating it. "You sleep well?" He asked, setting the can on the counter after a small serving of breakfast.
Lilly sighed, and through her hood up. "Damn it kid, where'd you go?" She muttered. She then took a risk, "Chel? Kaden?" She called, cupping her hands around her mouth. Hopefully if they were near by, they would hear her. So, she waited to see if she got a response.
Chel nodded. "Yeah, I dreamed of ponies and unicorns!!" She laughed and handed him a water. "You should drink. We're looking for supplies today. We'll most likely be gone all day."
He nodded and took a swig from the water, then put it in his backpack and grabbed his knife off of the counter. "We should look for Lilly too." He suggested.
She sighed getting response. "Well, thankf-- damnit to hell," Lilly muttered, seeing a few infected. Well, more like 6 and she couldn't take care of them all at once, so she ran past them. She ran maybe three miles, and found herself at a small convince store. She ducked inside and looked out from a window. "Damn, those things are persistent," she heaved. They passed by the store though. For a moment, Lilly let her guard down, then looked around the store. She found packs of cigarettes and a lighter. "Thank you store," she said, lighting one.
"She must be freaking out..." Chel said and strapped on her backpack. She pulled on one of her hats and reloaded her pistol.
Kaden hesitantly nodded and looked at Chel's gun. Since when has she had a gun? He didn't put much thought into the subject and ran his fingers through his hair. "We should go looting soon. We don't have much for the two of us, and if we find Lilly we'll be at a quick shortage."
Lilly danced aroud the store with a colt 45 in her hand. It's been awhile since she's had a drink. She began to munch on chips and cantpy, putting alcohol and packs of cigarettes in her rucksack and pockets. She was a grown woman and she couldn't do this while on duty. "Haha, today's a good day," she sighed. She did remember to put useful things in her back too, but sat it down once she got another colt 45.
"Should we split up? One look for her and the other find supplies?" Chel asked while turning the safety off and putting it in her pocket. She looked around, trying to spot anything she missed that she needed.
He pondered it for a moment. Splitting up could end up terribly, but it could also be very beneficial. He nodded. "I'll look for her, you look for supplies." He said, fixing his backpack on his back to make sure it wouldn't slip off.
Lilly sucked on the cigarette, and reclined on the chair behind the counter. She sipped her booze and ate a bag of popcorn. "Hmm, I wonder if I still have the same alcohol tolerance?" She asked outloud. She finished the rest if the colt and took to get a screwdriver. Once she opened ir, she put the opening to her lips and took a giant sip.
Hachi walked calmly in the streets as he glanced expressionless at the occasional zombie eating. People eating people, where He was from. This was an everyday occurrence necessary for survival. During the initial stages and even now, Hachi had not been impacted by the outbreak. If anything, it gave him a new reason to kill. Now that their weren't many people nowadays that needed a professional killer. "....." Hachi stared at a zombie as it drew close to him. The zombie lunged at him and knocked him to the floor, but Hachi merely waited with his alway emotionless face. "bite me... if you can." He sighed calm, but still bored.

In the instant the decaying corpse reared back to bite into him. Hachi pierced the dead things skull with one of his four knives and watched as the dead corpse fell off, Now it really was dead. "again... it happened again." Hachi sighed and continued to lay in the street a moment longer before standing and using a torn store banner to wipe the black blood from his knife. It always ended up like this... Hachi's strong survival instinct is the reason his attempted suicides always failed.

Hachi put a hand to his chest, his heartbeat was steady and calm. "...." He had forgotten long long it'd been since he'd lost his 'humanity' as others in his field of work often told him. But Hachi questioned whether he'd had it to begin with. While lost in thought, a group a five zombies had gathered from the noise made by the one he'd just killed. Hachi with his skills could take five at once and if he got backed into a corner, then one might as well consider him a cornered animal with nothing to lose.

"such a pain." He sighed and turned to walk away before more gathered. He didn't feel like dealing with a horde despite the small part of him that enjoyed killing. Which was just one of the many reasons he hated himself. Hachi headed into a small office building that he'd cleared out and fortified. Was it the safest place? No, but it suited his needs for a temporary shelter. He moved to the satchel bag full of weapons he'd raided from a survivor group's camp that had been overrun. There was a M16 assault rifle, a hunter's rifle, some ammo clips and two sidearms with suppressor attachments. unfortunately, the M16's spring was broken, the hunter's rifle had only one mag that was half empty, the sidearms both had half empty clips with two full backup clips.

Pulling out the four used pistol clips and put them into a small pouch on his cloak ideal for carrying the clips. Grabbing the two pistols, Hachi unloaded both guns and used the four remaining shots of the pistol to top off the clip of the second one. Which he reinserted the now full clip into a holster at his side. "the rest are useless to me." Hachi said as he threw the remaining stuff out an already broken window and heard the thud of it hitting the asphalt outside.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/united-cutlery-uc1487b-undercover-twin-push-daggers-knife.jpg.73bc9214667f52d02925b2c15cdd0ca8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="117029" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/united-cutlery-uc1487b-undercover-twin-push-daggers-knife.jpg.73bc9214667f52d02925b2c15cdd0ca8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/A19-PRB161BK.jpg.1a376037534f9883ad58b614cffb4e94.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="117030" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/A19-PRB161BK.jpg.1a376037534f9883ad58b614cffb4e94.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> (he carries two of the brass knuckle knives)



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"Alright." Chel found nothing extra in the room. She left the house and went north. Fresh snow was on the ground. It wasn't packed, but she had some difficulty going through it. Some snow started to fall as she started to walk on the road instead of on the sidewalk.
(@Shiro kurogane)

Lilly perked up at the familiar, but distant sound of something colliding with asphalt. "Fuck," she murmured. Looking out the clouded window, she saw nothing but snow, so she went back to what she was doing. She felt the tops of her ears warm up, but that always happened when she drank. She lit another cigarette, and looked at the small store. She was surprised that more stuff wasn't missing, but thankful all the same. If more stuff had been missing she probably wouldn't be indulging on booze and cancer sticks. She smiled though, and relaxed, staring at the moldy ceiling.
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Kaden walked out onto the road, going the opposite direction from Chel. He walked past many infected, but they were too slow for him to even give them a second glance. He continued walking down the street until he saw a convenience store a few blocks up. She might be there. He started to head towards it.
Chel smashed a door open. The house was in bad shape, and it moaned. She stomped inside, purposely making noise so the infected would come out. A growl from behind her made Chel turn. She held up her knife, creeping in the direction of the noise.
"Well, I should probably go see what's in back," she muttered. Standing she popped her neck, and fingers. Wrapping a hand around the faded bat handle, she walked towards the storage area. She perked up at the sounds of shuffling coming from behind the office door. She knkcked, and got the sound of a body slamming against it, and the snarls of and infected. Lilly sighed, and went back up front, looking up and down the shelves.
Kaden hurried up to the front of the store. He could hear noises coming from the inside, and assumed it was infected. He held his knife tightly in his hand as he crept towards the front door. He pushed it open slowly, trying not to make a sound. He hid behind an empty shelf and tried his best to listen in on his surroundings.
Lilly didn't notice the door open, and went to get another bottle of booze. She opened it and sighed "I am an alcoholic," before putting the opening to her mouth. She walked up the the front and saw Kaden's back. She smirked and wiped her mouth, "Well hey kid, how's it going?" She asked, a bit loud so she'd scare him.
Chel snapped around a corner. A chained zombie was inches from reach. His teeth were rotten and they snapped together with every empty chomp. She jumped back. His neck was red and looked as if someone cut it multiple times. Its chain was very unstable.
Kaden turned around and fell onto his back, much like the first time he met Lilly. He let out a hoarse sigh and sat up a bit. "Hi...Lilly." He said, staying cautious about her obvious intoxication.
AIEe said:
Kaden turned around and fell onto his back, much like the first time he met Lilly. He let out a hoarse sigh and sat up a bit. "Hi...Lilly." He said, staying cautious about her obvious intoxication.
"Where's your girlfriend?" Lilly laughed, pulling him up. "Also," she glared "what the fuck happened when I left?" She growled. She was sure being this close to his face, he'd be able to smell the alcohol on her breath, and the smoke on her clothes, but she didn't care. "Talk."

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