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Fantasy The Awakening reupload (always open)


Some guy
In a world not quite like ours, The world has been engulfed in war. The third world war has started long ago, but never ended. This war has not been fought with nuclear technology, but with airships, magic, and men (women too, but the term 'men' is often used when referring to people). Australia, New Guinea, and Indonesia have formed the Oceanic Alliance, and their ships are the only ones that can fly or sail the treacherous area around it. North America has started a conflict with the army occupying Africa and South America, and is winning, currently occupying North and South America, As well as all of Africa except for Madagascar, where the last reserves of the South America/Africa alliance holds out, but for how long? Europe and Asia have formed one army, occupying the whole Eurasian landmass. They've been mostly peaceful, striking up an alliance with the Oceanic forces. The only areas not occupied by any military are around Quebec and the entirety of Greenland. Those areas were overrun by monsters long ago. Giant walls have been but up around Quebec in North America, and the Eurasian army closely guards Iceland. Everything goes on like this, until something odd happens. Attacks on Ontario, the western area of the United States, and Iceland have occurred, spreading beyond the walls and guard stations. The governments send troops to investigate the areas around where the monsters inhabited, and found them uninhabited, abandoned and breached.

Sorry for any tense changes, it was long and confusing and I'm very tired. But, aside from that, I hope this looks interesting. Your characters can be soldiers, civilians, politicians, whatever. Some humans possess the ability to use magic, so that could happen. The post length can be simple or detailed, whatever, I'm easy.
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A man in the British isles looks out his window. Soldiers occupy the streets, dressed in blue and green cloaks. They mingle with the Civilians, relaxed. Though the Eurasian landmass is peaceful and not currently in conflict with any particular alliance, the Eurasian Alliance is prepared in case of an attack from the North American army from Alaska, or an attack in any of the areas around Africa. But for now, all is well in the Eurasian landmass. He watches the throngs of people in the bustling street, the humanoid-type monsters that have gotten into the Human world are most concentrated in the areas around Iceland, meaning Britain and Scandinavia. They converse with the regular humans and the soldiers, and go about their business like anyone else. The grey sky doesn't seem to put a damper on anyone's moods. He smiles and goes back to his writing.

A woman in Western Australia gets out of the massive ship she was taking a part in building. The woman goes to change out of her dirt and grease-stained work clothes and gets into a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. She takes a swig of water and looks up at the bright Australian sky, then looks to the horizon. The ever-present storms surrounding most of the Oceanic Alliance's territory seems distant, barely visible on the horizon. The only ships able to get through those storms are ones made by the alliance she's part of. All is well.

In Alaska, a soldier drinks a canteen of coffee. He knows of the Eurasian Alliance fortifying Kamchatka, as they all do, but they all know that it's truly for defensive purposes, and keep Alaska lightly defended. He looks up at the grey sky, the falling snow. He moves inside, knowing all is well.

Somewhere in eastern America, a family sits around the breakfast table. The children run off to school, and the parents discuss issues like the war and the legal and illegal immigrants from Greenland and Quebec. They then go their separate ways, to go about their business of the day. All is well.

A soldier in Madagascar sits in a trench, behind a barricade. He checks the ammunition in his rifle, he has three shots left. One of his comrades is shot next to him. He goes to help the fallen soldier, but sees that the man is already dead. He pulls the pin on one of his two remaining grenades and throws it over the barricade. An explosion and screams on the other side mean that it served its purpose. He then runs out from behind the barricade, screaming all his rage and grief, putting it into one syllable. He unloads his rifle on the North American soldiers that have invaded, making sure every shot counts. He feels something rip through his leg, but does not feel the pain of the bullet nor the blood loss. He continues running, using the rifle as a bludgeon and pulling the pin on his last grenade.

A soldier in Madagascar watches as the man he had shot continues running to him, unaware of the blood he was losing. He watches as the other soldier unloads his rifle, ending ten of his brothers-in-arms' lives and wounding two of them. He raises his gun to aim, but can't get another good shot, as his hands tremble. Fear. The last emotion the North American soldier feels as the other soldier pulls the pin on a grenade and tackles him, before the explosion rips the two men's bodies apart.
Clint looks up at the snowy Greenland sky, as men do when urinating on a wall. He soon finishes, and walks away, zipping up his pants and fastening the belt that both keeps his sword on his back and keeps his tattered, faded red coat partially closed. He walks along the abandoned town, picking up interesting or useful bits and pieces of anything. He walks along the empty streets, relaxed. His tattered scarf flaps behind him in the wind. Clint whistles a tune as he walks, the sound of his whistling made eerie as it echoes along the empty streets he walks, the only thing interrupting the absolute silence.
Lilly was cooking something gigantic,she had to broil one part,bake another,fry a different part,she had used every cooking technique she knew of to make a master piece. The room she was in was hot as hell,she was sweating a lot,if this went on for another half an hour she was going to dehydrate if she didn't drink something,though she took a second to drink some kool-aid that started boiling in the room and hydrate herself.She then opened the window and the door to the outside to let some heat out,she had been cooking in an abandoned building on the first floor,so nobody would bother her,the heat vaporizes in the cold Greenland air,looking more like smoke than vapor.
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He felt the air ripple as he stepped to the side. A paw ending in jaggedly hooked claws passed by his face and slammed down, shattering the ground beneath. A roar of pure rage echoed in the empty streets of a town long forgotten by society. A creature not unlike a wolf.... if a wolf were nearly eight feet tall and weighed about a ton. It's yellow eyes shined a wicked light as it continued to assault the human.

Rathial had grown used to this kind of situation, but that did not mean he did not feel the danger. If one of those swipes hit him he would walk away with more than just a bruise, even with his gear protecting him. The wolf made a short jump and lunged at him, just the kind of opening Wrath had been looking for. With a sudden burst of speed Wrath ran at the wolf and went down into a slide. As he came up under the leaping wolf he curled his legs and pushed up off the ground in a savage upper cut. Wrath could feel the bones splinter and organs rupture under the weight of his fist. The wolf's momentum abruptly halted and it fell off to the side whining in pain.

Wrath spun in a short circle, his foot trailing behind him in a vicious kick. The impact tore the lower jaw of the wolf clean off, blood and saliva flew freely as it helplessly flopped around, trying to escape this 'monster'. Wrath reached into a small pack at this side and spun back the other direction, his hand flicking towards the heavily injured wolf. A metallic glint caught the wolf's clouded eyes... in fact it sunk straight into it's left eye socket.

"Acellero" Wrath said in a cold voice, he could feel the energy building inside of him. With a growl he suddenly sped forwards and slammed his open palm onto the hilt of the dagger. It drove deep into the wolf's head and through the back of the skull, embedding itself into the brick wall behind it. The wolf gave one last whimper and collapsed to the ground.

Wrath leaned against the wall and took several deep breaths. It was careless of him to get cornered like that. He caught sight of himself in the broken glass of a window. Crimson blood was splattered across the side of his face from his last attack. With a sigh he rubbed the offending marks off his face with his sleeve. It seemed to Rathial that he had come by his call sign "Wrath" honest. Another sigh escaped his lips as he retrieved his blade and set about to continue scavenging what he could before more monsters came to investigate the heavy scent of blood in the area.
Corliss absentmindedly tossed her dagger from hand to hand, bored to death at this meeting of the North American alliance. The old men were going on and on about some bombing or something in Europe. She was itching to go out into the field again, to do some actual fighting. What was the point of a mercenary who just sat around?

"Miss Corliss, were you listening?" The general cleared his throat and looked at the young girl who was clearly not paying any attention.

"Was it important?"

He sighed and pointed to the glaring white monitor with a world map, covered in notes. This map outlined the different alliances and war zones. "I ask that you refrain from bringing your weapons to the table, or at the very least from playing with them at the meeting."

"Just give me a job already, I'm so damn bored and all you old farts do is argue. Send me to a battlefield."

"If you had been listening you would know we are sending you on a scouting mission to Greenland; we believe that an enemy informant is there, listening in on our transmissions and then selling the information. You are to go there, find the informant and bring him back alive. Do you understand?"

She pouted childishly. "Ah, but general, they're so much easier to deal with when they're dead."

Another counselor chimed in sternly. "Miss Corliss, you have been hired by us for this specific job, you must not kill this informant!"

"Whatever." She pushed herself away from the table and left the room.

She stopped by her temporary quarters grabbing her backpack before heading to her private ship. It wasn't anything big or fancy, but it was dependable and the fastest ship the North American Alliance had, that is if they owned it. This was her own private ship, a necessity when she was always bouncing around the world to fight different battles.
Clint walks around, bored. He suddenly stops when he hears a low growl. The tall man smirks, some cocky monster's approached to challenge him for this territory that was once a town. He turns around, his red coat billowing behind him. He takes his sword off of his back. It's as tall as him, and decently wide, with handle as long as the base of the blade. Around midway on the handle, there's a trigger. He holds his sword high on the handle, right near the base of the blade. While revealing the monstrous sword, he turns around to face his opponent. The beast challenging Clint seems to be like a bear, a bear with horns and fur that works like armor. A bear that's bigger than a bear. Clint looks it up and down, using the one spell he knows, Libra. This spell points out an adversary's weak points, or it could be used on an ally, or himself. Whatever this spell is used in, Clint will see it's weak points if they're on a part of whatever he's inspecting that he can see. Dismissing the obvious weak point of the eyes and inside of the mouth, Clint readies his sword, getting ready to go for the beast's joints. He coils, tenses, like a spring.
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Before Clint gets the chance to strike,a door and some windows open, releasing heat that condensates the cold air of Greenland,turning it into mist. "Ahh...The cold air feels good!"a feminine voice says,though as somebody says that, the smell of meats, vegetables, fruits,and other food catches Clint's attention.
"Who the hell...?" Clint looks behind him, seeing some girl come out of a building. "What the hell are you doing here?! Get back inside! And stop distracting me with those delicious smell--" As he's turned, the beast charges. Clint, his guard temporarily dropped by this distraction, doesn't dodge as quickly as he normally would, and the beast hits the edge of his sword as he jumps to the side, sending Clint spinning in the air as a black and red whirl into the building. He impacts next to the door, his giant blade just barely missing the girl. It cuts into the stone and steel the building's made out of, causing an abrupt stop to his flight.
Corliss had just been about to check the navigation system when she heard an ominous clunk coming from the engine. She groaned and ran towards the power grid, pulling open the engine panel. A puff of white steam clouded her vision and she coughed at the warm scent of burning wires. Peering into the panel she saw that the spark plug was almost burned out. She scanned around the ship's surfaces hoping to spot a clean plug. She dug through drawers and cabinets with no luck. "Well, this'll be a tougher landing than I hoped." She murmured as she took over the manual steering and landing systems. A large empty field stood close to an seemingly empty town, she aimed for the town trying to descend as gently as she could, but the ground came up too fast, and before she knew it she was throw forward from the force of half landing, half crashing into dirt.
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"What the?" Lilly says as Clint smashes into the wall,she runs over to Clint and helps him up.She would fight the bear thing,but she had to finish cooking.
"Just. Get. In. Side." Clint pulls his sword out of the building, and hears a crash. "Great. After I ki this I have to go check on that." Clint frowns. He pulls the trigger on his sword handle, and with a series of clicks and clunks, the blade of his sword makes a right angle with the handle. The trigger on it lines up with the blade. The sword opens, revealing a long barrel inside. He braces himself, aims at the charging bear, and fires. There's a boom, and an explosion marring the bear's face. The blade closes and the sword becomes a sword again, Clint finishes the bear off and runs to the direction of the crash.
"My ship!" Corliss cried, as she crawled out of the smoking mess. Luckily the exterior had only been scratched, but the landing gear was a mess of broken wires and pipes, she wasn't going to be taking off anytime soon. Corliss took in her surroundings and frowned. Where was she going to get ship parts around here? Where was she anyway, she had made it to Greenland, but had been at least another ten minutes flight away from her destination, that was what, a couple miles away? She sighed and slung her bag higher onto her shoulder. She made a mental note of the parts she would need, and grabbed the old spark plug from the engine, she would need to make sure to grab the right type when she went shopping. After locking the ship she reluctantly began to journey towards the heart of the town.
Clint stops when he sees a girl walking, walking with a spark plug. "Hey, did you come from that crash?" Clint skeptically looks the girl up and down. He doesn't need to use his spell to know where human's weak points are, nut it's best to be safe and at least check out every potential enemy. @Aquaria Wolf
"Huh? There are people in this ghost town?" She shrugs, noticing him checking her for weaknesses, her eyes narrow. A spell caster? That was unusual, she didn't like magic, she couldn't wield it herself, and hated that powerful mages were better than her in battle. "My ship's plug burnt out, and my landing was a bit less elegant than I had hoped. Where can I get parts to fix her up?" Corliss spoke casually, calmly, while also letting hand subtly lay on her handgun tucked underneath her black cloak and snugly hung at her back.
Clint sees her reach for something, and puts one hand on the long handle of his sword, which is slung over his back. "You can come look at the various parts I've collected, but I need to know if there are other people in that ship that crashed."
"No, I'm here alone, I'm a simple merchant, flying to Greenland from North American to bring legal trading supplies such as books and binders here. My ship crashed, and now I need to replace it." Corliss' heart rate did not speed up, her voice did not waver. Her father had trained her well to never give away any signs of a lie, biological or not. "Do you have parts for a EA-Starport Nav ship? I've modified it a bit, but the general landing gear and spark plug are the same."
"Yeah, I have parts." Clint doesn't change his expression. He knows the girl's lying, ships rarely fly over these monster-infested areas, and if they do, they're either military or, like the girl claims to be, merchants. But if this girl's a merchant, she'd be a bit more nervous, and she'd be traveling with a crew. He doesn't say anything, though, as long as she doesnt do anything to piss him off and minds her own business, Clint doesn't care.
Lilly resumed cooking,and finished. She had cooked a mash of different food items like ham, bacon, French fries, steamed cabbage, and many other different foods arranged like a wedding cake. The pile of food was on a large wheeled platter,she had left the building with the monstrous pile of food and the thing it was put on, she was looking for Clint,who she felt it was right to share the food with,after killing the bear thing.
She narrows her eyes and walks towards him. "Smells nice, bye the way, you have blood just here." She touches her own left cheek, referencing where the smear of crimson is starting to dry to a deep brown. "Now, where am I anyway? I was trying to get to Arsuk." She smiles sweetly, her pink hair gently swishing in the wind.
Clint wipes the blood off his face, showing that it's not his own. "We're in Upernavik, just off the coast of Greenland."
Lilly sees Clint and Corliss,and wheels the pile of food towards the two.

"Would either of you like something to eat?" She asked the two,gesturing to the pile.
"Damn, I was more off course than I thought, knew I should have updated my nav system before I left." She recalled that the general was going to give her the coordinates to Arsuk, but she had left before he had the chance. "Food? I'll take a bite to eat, sure." She brushed by Clint and introduced herself to Lilly. "Hello, my name is Corliss, thank you for the meal. What's your name?"
"I'm Lilly,pleased to meet you!" Lilly said,smiling. "Your name sounds familiar,for some reason."
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Corliss hesitated, she was an idiot for giving her real name. "Ah, well it's pretty common from where I am. Lilly, that's such a pretty name." Corliss clung tighter to her bag. "What kind of food did you make?"

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