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Fantasy The Adept


The Infinite Being
On the Continent of Waipara, there are people known as the Adept. They are born with eyes that are different colors from each other. When an Adept turns 6 years of age, they become property of the king. This is because the Adept are more skilled in one field that they easily surpass any normal human. Some say that they are supernaturally gifted. If an Adept is deemed useless to the king, then they are sent back to their parents. Most parents will disown the child because there is a general prejudice around them.

You are an Adept. Where you are working for a king, on your own, or in another situation, you find yourself with other Adept. Some are trying to form a group that will allow them to live in peace while others are preparing for war.

This is supposed to be a player driven RP, so don't hold back any ideas you may have.
Thomas approached the king's castle in Banswara, Bandar. He didn't understand why everything in the country needed to have Ban at the beginning of everything, but it wasn't his choice. He was just getting back from a mission in Devarr, Deva. Rumor was that an advisor there was trying to persuade the king to engage in war with Bandar and Hassa. The king of Bandar and his advisors thought it best to avoid war all together, so Thomas was sent to make sure these rumors were true and, if so, eliminate the advisor.

Thomas had been spying on the advisor for a little under a week and was positive he was looking for war. He waited until the advisor was headed home from a night at the pub when Thomas ambushed him. He first twisted his arm behind his back and covered his mouth. Thomas then dove, literally, into a dark alley. The impact shattered the advisors arm that Thomas was still holding. He was told to try and make it look amateur to avoid suspicion. He took out a simple knife that could be found in just about any kitchen and stabbed the advisor several times in the torso. Once he was sure the advisor was dead, he disappeared into the night to return home. News of the murder traveled fast, but Thomas had a head start. News of the murder arrived at Banswara the day before Thomas.

He snuck into the castle grounds unnoticed. Even if someone saw his figure walking through the courtyard, they would either not recognize him and not worry about it or not process he was there at all. Most people thought he had locked himself in his bed chambers to work on his "masterpiece." He was not a writer at all, but telling the kingdom that's what his adept was sure came in handy sometimes. He opened the large doors leading to the great hall and entered. HE moved silently down the hall, but was not hiding his presence at all. Despite this, he made no noise as he walked where the normal person would create echoing footsteps.

The sun was just rising over the horizon. Soon the entire castle would be awake. He would present himself at breakfast and, with luck, know a bit about what people thought he had written in his absence. He hoped Harley wasn't up yet. He needed to wash up before breakfast, when he hoped to see her next. If Aurora showed up before he reached his room, he would not be surprised.
Axel walked up the steps of the clock tower with his hand gently riding on the railing, whistling a military song as he looked up the spiralling staircase. It was a walk. He sighed as his feet went one after another, going into thought about the last time he'd seen her. He had no idea how she would react to his request, and it bothered him, he liked to be sure of these things. Though this wouldn't be the first time he took a chance by any means. His hand slowly went to one of his leather holsters, pulling out the flintlock inside of it. This was his favorite; Accurate, quicker to reload, and strong. It was a puncher alright, and it'd done him good in the past months he's had it. Before he knew it, he had reached the top of the steps with a short heave, looking over the door in front of him. With his teeth bit down on the straw he kept, mostly for looks, he spoke up to the door. "El?!" Soon proceeding to give the door three heavy knocks with his free hand, waiting for the woman's response.

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A yawn escaped her lips as Aurora finished latching on her last strap of armor. She stood up from her queen sized bed and stretch her arms up in the air. She didn't like getting up this early but it was the best part of the day to go out and ride and get in some practice. The King had an archery range made up for her. The typical ones were too easy and she needed something harder to satisfy her. Walking across her lavish room she reached down she grabbed the quiver and strapped it on before grabbing her long bow. Each piece was crafted by the best blacksmith and had intricate designs spiraling all over them, making them worth a fortune. Opening the door to her room she stepped out into the hallway, closing the door again behind her.

Walking down the hallway a smile formed on her lips thinking about her trusty steed. She was the best at mounted combat and had hoped that would catch the King's eye. In a way it had, for she had her own range but Thomas was still his favorite. He was treated more like a son than an Adept and Aurora wanted that for herself. Even know others didn't know this, Thomas had been gone from the castle for a while now. The only reason she knew was because she had, what most people thought, was a weird obsession but was just a rivalry with him.

Speaking of the devil himself, if Aurora hadn’t looked up she would have ran into him. “Well look what the cat dragged in.” A grin formed on her face. “Silent as usual. How was your trip? Couldn’t help but notice your missing presence.” Most people weren’t challenging enough for her. Only one other one was and he wasn’t here and hasn't been for a while.
"Weather could have been more desirable, but Devarr has a certain charm to it," Thomas replied. "I visited some great pubs, explored some of the king's palace, ate some exquisite food, and stopped a war. Come on, you don't honestly expect me to believe that you didn't know where I was. Just remember, most people think I was in my room the entire time."

He quickly scanned Aurora up and down. While he was preparing to freshen up, and maybe catch up on some sleep, she was up early and ready for practice. He watched her earthen-toned eyes for a reaction. "I don't even understand why you insist on practicing so frequently. You're the best archer in the world and no one could hope to surpass you. Regardless, just be sure to be back for breakfast."
Eleonora had quite literally woken up only mere seconds before the banging of her front door was heard throughout her tower. With a slew of slurred cuss words, the woman would rise from her copper silk sheets and walked to the door. Her sleepy self could barely make out the voice, but she knew it was male. As the woman opened the door, the first thing Axel might notice is that the woman barely wore anything to sleep but of course he would know that from his stays with her in the wondrous tower. The second thing he might note is her very..er..interesting bed head. It was likely the worst he would of ever seen on the woman, because well.. it was sticking up..a lot and there were numerous amounts of tangles. Eleonora looked Axel up and down before a huge toothy grin crossed her pale newly woken face. "Well well. Axel you're back again?" She asked him; her impulse control was really lacking right now so without hesitation, Eleonora pulled him into a tight hug then pulled away and leaned against her door frame and assessed the man before her.

It had been quite the time since she last saw him, but not much had changed about him other than his manors of actually knocking this time rather than just barge in and wake her though either way she was happy to see he was alive and well.
"How long has it been since you last visited me here in my tower in the 'ever so great' city of Devaar? Weeks Months? Years?" She let out a short laugh, "Ironically I live n a giant clock tower but time seems to escape me, so refresh this memory eh?" She asked before pulling away from the frame of the door and walking inside, beckoning him in with a calloused finger.

Amori laid in bed, drifting in and out of consciousness (and annoyance) as her cat rubbed against her feet attempting to wake it's owner up. "Go away..." Amori murmured. The cat proceeded to lick her big tow and Amori giggled, "I'm getting up Meeki." She murmured, slowly forcing herself to sit up then stretch. The morning light bounced of her walls as she quickly got dressed in flexible leather pants and a white shirt, did her hair in a braid and grabbed her dagger, strapping it to her thigh. She was going to go down for breakfast with her books and practice her negotiating skills with yet another assigned hypothetical situation.

She got quite bored of those "Hypo's" as she called them seeing as they were so repetitive. After breakfast she had a history lesson, Offensive fighting practice (which she needed dire help with) and a short dance practice. Busy day as usual, and seeing as she was supposed to be a "proper lady" She was supposed to make about 4 outfit changes; all of which involving dresses, then decided just that morning that, that wasn't going to happen.

As she entered the dining hall she waved at a few servants, as well as stuck her tongue out at one of the chef's who just laughed, "How are you today?" She asked in a singsong voice, "Just fine ma'am, and yourself?" He responded, his mustache crinkling as he talked, "Great as always!" She chirped, lying through her teeth before sitting down and opening her book.
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Axel grinned back to her as the door opened, though was taken a bit by surprise from her hug. Especially considering her wear. Despite, he hardly minded and he was soon listening to her words, his hand still loosely resting the pistol against his hip. He looked her over a moment, before finally speaking. "Been a few months since you gave me this puncher.." He paused briefly, tapping it on his leg. "Mind I come in?" Axel's voice was always.. funny to a lot of people. It was rugged, lacking any whimsical notes to it, some would call him accentless, others might say he has a voice of his own. He seemed to be trying to keep his eyes at level with her's, letting a chuckle before looking away, beginning to step in as she would be answering him.

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Eleonora let out a chuckle as she made her way through her tower, stopping once she was in a kitchen like area, where she promptly hoisted herself up and sat on the table. Briefly she looked the man up and down again before her duo tones eyes settled on his. "You'll have to excuse my lack of..decency. I'm used to you waltzing in and waking me." She said with another chuckle before placing her hands on the table and leaning back on them. "But yes..I remember that gun. Helluva thing to make, but I did enjoy it once finished. How's she holdin' up?" Eleonora asked. Of course she knew well enough that the man before her was here on business as he likely wanted her to make him another gun. Normally that's how his visits were. Business first then he was gone. It was very rare that the man ever had to stay past a week, depending upon what he asked of her of course; though as usual..Eleonora enjoyed his company, he was a nice face to see since she spent post of her time isolated from everyone.

Axel continued throughout the inside of her home made within the single large room of the clock tower, his eyes wandering from the golden bed to the messy kitchen. "Nice as new." He cracked his neck at both sides as he made to lean on a table by her, holstering the gun as he looked out the window o the large city below them. "I'm going to get to the point.." He paused briefly, knowing there would be more time to catch up later. "I got a mission here from a private client. Not on the king's work. I need somewhere to hole up during my job. This seemed to work nicely." He spoke briefly, taking his eyes from the giant city. "Thing is, I don't know where the hell he is. Could take me a while, and it's going to put you at risk." He finally finished with a flat expression, his arms crossing over one another.

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Eleonora yawned softly. "That all?" She asked as if it were no big deal at all. In fact, to her it wasn't. The woman was used to being targeted, or being at risk; which..is exactly why she lives in a clock tower. She knew the place inside and out, she also was smart enough to place lots of..'traps' here and there and only her and Axel knew them well enough. As for anyone who wanted to visit her, they'd better have a seal from either the king or a damn good reason because Eleonora wasn't one to play around when it came to life or death. A few more seconds would stretch out between the two of them before she looked over at him. "How long will you be staying?" She tilted her head at him. She had no quarrel with how long he'd need to stay, her only issue was..well she'd have to share her bed..her comfortable comfortable bed that she loved dearly and rarely shared.

"Of course I did." She snorted. "Doesn't mean I can't ask how it went. Sounds a lot more fun than what I've been stuck with doing. Wish I got sent on trips like that." She muttered the last part. Sometimes this happened. Thomas would be gone on one of his 'trips' and she didn't have anything to do, no guard duty or escorting people, and this was one of those weeks. Hearing him speak again she had to keep herself composed for she was not expecting praise like that from him of all people. The only thing that gave away her surprise was the slight widening of her eyes, but after a split second they went back to normal.

"Because of my adept I'll always have a good shot but if I don't practice all the time I'll lose my beautifully toned muscles. And I know no one wants that." Her grin grew bigger. But apparently not enough to get special treatment like you do. And with that thought her smile faded. "I'll make sure to be back for breakfast." Aurora took a step to the side and continued to walk past him. She did need to practice though. To be able to shoot a long bow on horse back required a lot of strength and muscle memory. Thomas didn't really need all of that with the help of his adept. He made no noise when he moved as it was and as the years went by he grew harder and harder for Aurora to find. If she were being honest with her self she was a little jealous of it. Yes, she learned of her adept at a young age but it took her forever to be able to hold a long bow for any long amount of time and even more so on horseback. She worked hard and Thomas made everything look so easy and didn't break a sweat. He even got to go off the castle grounds. The only time she is ever allowed off is when she is escorting someone or hunting, and that's with permission.

Aurora sighed and continued walking down the hall, towards the direction of the stables.Maybe she would meet someone else along the way. Usually Thomas isn't the first person she wanted to see in the day. It always spikes up the need to improve her skills which tended to tired her out by mid day. Whelp today I going to be a long one.
Axel looked her over once she said 'That all?' A brow raising up at her in short surprise. He worked with the woman but he had only thought them partners of business, and didn't quite know why she decided to take the risk. However, he hardly dwelled on it as his mouth opened back up to speak to her. "That's the part I don't know. Could be a day, a week, a month. I'll give it a week, doubt this one's good as they say he is. Usually ends up that way." He said this with an offhanded shrug, quite obviously trying to show off how much 'better' he was than the man he was hunting. It was a habit of his, a bad one. Axel's attention somehow got immediately caught back to the city outside after his short ramble of a brag, his thumb resting under his leather belt as he finally finished his request. "So, can I stay?"

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Eleonora tapped her chin as she debated his question. She of course was going to let him stay, she didn't care at all whether the man was a wanted criminal or a hobo..she cared for him and he was good to have around. "Of course Axel. You know I never mind." She said with small smile before she hopped off the table. "Now make moi some breakfast will yeh? I need tu dress." She said with a small chuckle at her Scottish accent slipping through. Eleonora then sauntered her way to her makeshift bedroom and closed off a little area with a curtain she'd hung years ago just for the purpose of dressing.

It took the woman little to no time to slip out of the huge male white button down shirt and into her more..eccentric outfit. (The one in her CS) A few more seconds and Eleonora's hair was up in a ponytail, her bangs positioned just right, googles on her head, and hair accessories in. With the addition of her boots, the woman would now be as tall as Axel.

Thomas smirked ever so slightly when Aurora widened her eyes. He wasn't sure what was so satisfying, but something about the whole scenario sure was. He continued down the hall and into his room. On his bedside table he found many sheets of paper covered in writing. He supposed this is what he was supposed to have been writing during his absence. He sighed and decided to look at it later. He stripped from his travel cloths to freshen up. Afterwards he put on nicer cloths (like what he is wearing in his CS) and started reading. He couldn't keep his focus and instead found himself skimming the writing like he usually did. Yet, he found that he had trouble focusing on even that simple task.

Once he worked through it all, he stopped to wonder what could possibly be occupying his mind. It didn't take long to discover that it was his run-in with Aurora this morning. He wouldn't describe her as bitter, but she always seemed off around him. This he was used to, being an Adept, but so was she. He racked his brain to think of most of their interactions and found that she didn't seem to care for him all that much. This was no surprise nor a revelation of any kind. Up until now, he just hadn't bothered trying to figure out why.

He pulled out a fresh sheet of paper, a quill, and an inkwell. After flattening the paper, he started listing their major differences as well as any reason he could think of as to why she would act the way she does. When it came right down to it, Thomas just had more freedom than her. Admittedly the king couldn't keep him contained in the castle if he wanted to, but he didn't seem to care. It's true that he was the kings special pet and secret weapon, but Aurora was perfectly capable as well.

Thomas wasn't a people person, that much wasn't a secret. That said, everyone needs someone. The two of them had grown up together, often competing it seemed, and they were both Adept. It would only seem logical that they should try to get along with one another. He had no missions that he knew of coming up, so he decided to put some effort into getting along with Aurora.

He looked at the clock and realized it was time for him to head down to breakfast. Many people seemed surprised to see him and a few greeted him along the way. He found the dining room and sat in his usual spot, waiting for the others.

(@Ch3rryBlossom28 @SheWhoMustNotBeNamed and anyone else in the castle in Bandar please make your way to the dining room in a timely manner)
Axel on the other hand, could not cook for the life of him. The man going to rest his back on her bed as he pulled a brown cloth bag full of dried meat, "Breakfast!" He yelled over as she was quickly dressing, taking one of the dried scraps and bringing it to his teeth. He enjoyed the chewiness, the salty taste, and the meat itself. This is what most of his diet had consisted of, along with water and liquor, Axel hardly treated himself to full meals, par when in the castle. His eyes closed as he laid on the bed, realizing how long it had been since he'd slept. A whole day? Although he wasn't going to pass out so easy, the idea was appealing to him. He opened his eyes up to see El walking back out in her better outfit, cracking a short smile at her. Maybe her company would be good to keep for a while.

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Eleonora chuckled as she saw him all relaxed on her nice copper colored silk sheets. "And to think, you get to share that with me." She teased before stealing a piece. It was rare for her to eat much, a bad habit that she defined with 'I'm too busy for real food.' The woman was starting to loose weight due to this, but she was still healthy..for now. Eleonora bit into the food, than began to talk with her mouth full in a very unladylike fashion. "Aye. Suh I hurve someting to shouw you. Yer gunna wet ya pants over." If he could understand that at all it might be a miracle. Normally she wouldn't be so..barbaric but Axel was someone she knew and was comfortable around enough to be her true tomboy-ish self around. One of her many 'charms'. Shortly after the attempt to speak, the jerky like substance was chewed and swallowed, leaving a huge grin on her face as she looked down at him.

Axel looked moved his head on the sheets, realizing how long his blonde hair had gotten as his head practically rested on his braid. He flicked his gaze around the room before focusing back on her, his yellow eye's brow raising up as he slowly sat back to his position. "Well, the goal's to kill people, not make them piss their pants." He finished this with a snicker, well aware of what she had been meaning to say. His feet landed down on the floor as he stood back up, looking back at her, then the room a final time. "So what'd ya want to show me?"
Eleonora snickered at him, but started walking toward the only room that was different from everything else in the tower, her boots making noise as she walked. She called it her Lab, but really it was just another room that was far more reinforced with iron and stone that had a door that was made with one of her 'special' locks. The lock wasn't really that much, just had to have a very certain key to get in and it was double locked. Any simply lock-pick could get through the first, but the second wasn't as easy since it was the one that required a certain shape of key that only had one copy.

Elenora unlocked the first lock with a basic key, then pulled the other from a necklace that hung rather low. The key clicked then the huge door pushed open by her. Upon entry, Axel could see thousands of materials, guns, unfinished products, one of which he'd recognize from their first meeting, and more.
"Now..keep in mind this is a prototype so it's no where near ready to fire." She explained as she walked to the very back where a rather large gun lay and a well drawn blueprint next to it. Eleonora picked the gun up with ease and held it up like she might take aim then put it down and handed it to him. "There's no ammo in it, but I call this lovely thing the Blunderbuss." She said with a huge grin at her work. The gun was clearly made well, but if one knew guns well then that could see the faults in her design. "It's got a long way to go before it's ready for testing or shooting."


Harley walked towards the dining room she would be performing for the king like she did at every meal, sometimes she rather disliked her adept, dont get her wrong she was really happy and lucky to have the comfort of the castle but she rather disliked the lime light, and not to mention it was not uncommon for a visiting noble to think he could grab her body when ever they wanted to.

She slipped into the room and with a start realised that the kings adopted son Thomas was among the people seated around the table but then again it wasn't often that the king made her preform at breakfast, it was usually on lunch and supper and whenever else he needed her.

Keeping herself in check as it would be unbecoming for her to gawk, as this was the first time she had seen him close enough to see his face since she had come to the castle.

She walked over to her usual spot sitting by the bottom of the kigs chair waiting where she usually sat during meal performances and listned to when she would be called on to perform. It was never really straight away.

Sitting down she made sure to kept her head down so no one would notice her peaking at Thomas and studying him as she usually did with people when they didnt notice her before she began to perform but for some strange reason she felt as if he knew she was watching him.
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Axel's eyes widened at the sight of the gun, taking it up into is hands as he quickly began to give it a full run down and did a self-inspection of its mechanisms. Parts of the gun seemed to seamlessly click and slide off and back in with each swift moment of Axel's hands. Before she'd know it, he was holding the weapon to his line of sight, before lowering it back down to a hold by his hip. The feel of this gun was natural to him, but that's not to say anything she's made hasn't been. Par a few occasions. Despite, he flipped the gun over in hand and leaned it up on his shoulder, widening his eyes back at her. "Well. How long's a long time?" He asked in short anticipation. He thought she could finish it earlier-- No, he knew she could. She had to.

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Eleonora could tell the minute he picked up the gun that he liked it..a lot. With a small sigh at his question, she'd cross her arms. "A long time. The parts I need to finish it come from another country and the gun powered I want for it does too. Not only that but the little model you're holding there is still incomplete. The gun is more complex than the ones you own already, also..what makes you think you're gonna get that? Hm?" She asked him with a raised brow and a smirk. Eleonora normally didn't show him items from her personal collection but she;d made an exception this time because she wanted to see how he'd react to it; as guessed..he wanted it and wanted it now. "The parts I need for it won't be arriving on ship for another month or so. Maybe less maybe more.But either way, I cannot finish that wonderful creation you have there."

Once in the stables, Aurora put two fingers to her kips and made a loud whistle that could be heard even outside said barn. There was a high pitched whinny before a blonde head popped out of the stall all the way at the end. A huge grin spread on her face as she walked down to the end and stood in front of the stall. The palomino mare rested her head on Auroras chest and lazily closed her eyes. "Ready for some exercise, Echo?" The horse snorted in response clearly not excited about it. "Food?" It was then the horse's had shot up and its ears perked towards her. "I take that as a yes." With that Aurora went to the feed room and fed Echo. When said horse was done eating, she grabbed her halter and walked her out. Even with so little light you can see how muscular the palomino Thoroughbred was.

It didn't take long to tack up her horse and in no time she was out in the woods. Echo was at a steady canter, maneuvering through the rough terrain with ease. Aurora clipped her reins the saddle, using her legs to steer Echo. Seeing her first target hidden high up in the trees, she pulled an arrow out of her quiver, aimed and fired, hitting her mark. It went on like that shot after shot, only taking one five minute break, for the horse's sake, for an hour. Realizing what time it was she gave Echo to a stable hand before running up to her room and getting changed into an almost identical outfit(one in CS) for breakfast. Granted it was a little revealing compared to what almost everyone wore in the castle, but she didn't care. She wore what felt comfortable and was easy to maneuver in.

Aurora left her room at a brisk walk to the dining room. Opening the door and seeing lots of people, but not the king, meant she was still on time. Scanning the room her eyes landed on Thomas. Of course he beat you here. She scowled and sat down in her usual spot. Seeing Harley sitting on the ground in front of whee the King sits Aurora felt a little better. She always enjoyed watching the girl perform. There were still a few more people missing but they would start with or without them when the King came.
Thomas had changed the position of his goblet just enough to allow him a view of Harley. It was slightly skewed, but better than nothing. He noted her observing him, but she was doing a good job of being discrete about it. His attention was only taken off of her when Aurora sat down in her usual spot on the other side of the table and a few seats down. The king seemed to dislike the idea of placing his Adept across from each other. He noted her scowling, but doubted that it had anything to do with her practice session this morning. There was only slight murmuring at the table and Thomas didn't like the awkward mood that always fell upon the table before the King arrived. "You know, this is a royal dining room Aurora. It would be more becoming if you were to wear nicer cloths at least to meals."
Aurora was in her own thoughts. Thinking about how great this morning went, and how excited she was to see Harley perform. Hearing Thomas's speak to her, she snapped out of it and shifted her eyes to his. The outfits she wore around the castle made it blatantly clear that she did not like the clothing the royals wore. The downside was that some of the royals, even the king, didn't particularly like it. They understood when she was out on horseback but not elsewhere. Looking around at the other females in the dining room they were all wearing nice formal dresses that looked hot and uncomfortable. A few of the said females that were close enough to hear what Thomas said, were now staring at her. She just smiled and gave them a wink and with that the girls quickly turned away, back to their own conversation.

"If I did I'd have to change outfits a minimum of three times a day." Granted she did do that when she was younger but once she hit 16 she stopped. She could never breath in those damn dresses and her it made her body all hot and sweaty. "And there is no joy in that, unless of course, you'd like to help me." She gave him a devilish grin. Aurora didn't mean any of it of course. Thomas was younger than her and also someone she currently didn't particularly like. Aurora just generally liked flirting with people, especially when half of the time it made royals uncomfortable and they would leave her alone.

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