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Realistic or Modern The Academy for the Unusually Gifted

Ken read Oliver's mind, and noticed that he was overconfident. Well, he would wipe that overconfident feeling away like he was wiping away marker on a whiteboard. "*sigh*, you don't understand. If they attacked the school itself, if they managed to rip it apart, the ceiling would collapse, like you said, but the iron room would not be seen. Leon sealed it back up and made it into a door. Anyways, it can't follow us through a small iron door. If we fly out, the rest of the jetpacks would be wasted. If the jetpacks are there for emergencies, why are the guns and mechs there? Plus, why'd they even try to hide it?" explained Ken.
"I don't know, maybe because they can't just have students taking jet packs willy nilly." Oliver said matter-of -factly.
"How many students would find an underground bunker, which is disguised by a picture which is actually a door, which has weapons? If it's for emergencies, what are the guns and mechs for?" replied Ken
"Maybe you're just over thinking things." Oliver said, grimacing. What an ass, he thought to himself, his ego successfully deflated.
[im on mobile, sneaking on in school! But I think the reason why most people don't post is because of school and homework. When I get back home, I'll post right away. Hopefully, the RP will pick up on te weekend when everyone is free!]
Jordan had made her way over to a secret room in the bunker. She had found the door by chance, after having the handle jabbed into her side. She had picked up her favorite weapon out of everything. A small knife, she was throwing it around and laughing the whole time but only quietly, so no body would notice her.
secrets. You know, the whole lot. Sound good enough?]

[Side-note: Patrick's coming after you snooping little kids in the secret chamber!]


we'll go down in history - remember me for centuries.

Patrick let out a small, airy laugh, as he pulled his arm off of Delaney, and back down to his side.

"Working alongside me, in your future, I'm not so sure. To put it kindly - this job of mine is probably going to be the death of me. I've been having thoughts about retiring soon, before anything too serious happens to me. It was an exciting run, sure enough, but I've ha--"

The words suddenly caught in his throat.

Patrick had stopped in his tracks, almost in mid-step, like he had been frozen in spot. His light smile and calm expression disappeared in an instant, being replaced with a wide-eyed, fear-filled pale face. It looked as though he had just seen a ghost - no irony directed to Delaney - and was paralyzed in shock. His shoulders were tensed up, his entire body rigid in place.

Swiftly, his eyes flooded with a piercing yellow colour, his pupils shrinking.

Now, this probably looked rather concerning from the perspective of Delaney, or even silly. But that was the utmost last of Patrick's worries - he had became unresponsive, and disconnected from himself from reality for the time being.

In Patrick's mind, something was screaming at him that something was wrong. In a flurry, images came and passed, in a blur. Melted paper, an iron surface, a small sharp knife, and two large gate doors. The sharp pang of knowing that something dangerous was going to happen ate at his chest. It wasn't until the pieces were put together, did he get a vision of what was going on, and realization surged through him like an electrical shock.

Without warning, he took in a large, sharp gasp of air, and stumbled forward. It looked like he was just broken from a spell, suddenly returned to his own body. He took a few steps forward, legs shaking, and his head bowed. He was still panting, trying to desperately catch his breath from the vision that just ensued.

Patrick hadn't even looked back to see if Delaney was still behind him, or if she had bolted off down the hall in fear. Part of him wasn't even sure that he was able to feel her presence. He slowly pulled his head back, looking forward, his toxic yellow eyes impossibly wide.

Someone has broken in.
Jordan, had thought she heard someone outside the picture. But she was probably just paranoid so she continued playing with the knife. In that cool looking secret room she found. She laughed a little too loud. "What would it matter anyways? Its not like im breaking any rules yet." She smiled as she threw the knife at the door.
Delaney watched as Patrick seemed to have an episode. First it seemed he looked at her in fear. Rather confusing really. Then it was evident that this wasnt the case. She watched his eyes change.. becoming an evident effect of his episodes. he was actually looking past her. One could assume he was looking at something not actually there.

He returned to the world around them it seemed, in a sudden moment. As he nearly toppled forward or at least what looked like it, Delaney did as instinct told her. She lurched forward and steadied him with sturdy pale hands.

As she barely knew him, she was unsure if this meant she crossed a barrier, but her concern had overridden the previous thought. In fact, within panic one of her hands phased through him and it took another second to hold grip again.

"Hey.. sir." She said, letting go as soon as she knew he had a hold of himself. "I know i said i wouldnt ask again.. but what happened.. i mean.. what were you looking at?" 
(Wow. Ive got matching eyecolor xD minus the glowing)

we'll go down in history - remmeber me for centuries.

Patrick's eyes were still stretched wide, glowing the dangerous colour, and staring at the wall over Delaney's shoulder. He seemed to not hear his student talk for a long moment. It took him a pause before his eyes flashed to look at Delaney, then they flashed down to where she had her hand on him, in attempt to hold him up. His attention seemed to slide in the middle of looking back up and looking at the floor, his eyes going in and out of focus.

He took a breath in, jerking his head to look back up to Delaney's face, and suddenly shook his head.

"N-No... It's fine, I j-just..." He stumbled out, his voice wobbling. He kept shaking his head gently, and straightened up on his feet. He said something else - but the words didn't seem to leave his throat - his lips moving to silence. He wanted to, and tried, to explain to Delaney that it was just a vision and that they happened all the time, but he wasn't able to get any words out. His mind was still fuzzy and thundering with thoughts and images. So much, that he was starting to lose control of his limbs.

He detached himself from Delaney, and slowly began walking towards the bend of the hallway in front of them, his legs still shaking. He bumped his shoulder into the wall, almost not realizing at first, and put a hand out to hold himself up against the wall. He took the last few steps around the corner, his eyes locking on something along the opposite wall, and the ragged breath in his throat hitched.

"No. No. No."

[You guys 'bout to get in trouble for destroying Patrick's very expensive painting --- I mean, for finding his secret chamber! xD ]
This time Jordan was sure she heard someone, they were some where near the picture place thingy. As she liked to call it. She opened the small door she had found and poked her head out. "Nothing!" She pulled her head back in and closed the small door yet again. She laughed a bit more, and began to throw the knife some more. "This is fun! No people and no loudness! Wow things are nice for a change!" She smiled.
Delaney frowned deeply. This was.. sort of frightening and sad to watch. Patrick seemed to be having a breakdown. Now she knew what he meant by needing a retirement. Too bad her abilities were basically useless in such a situation.

"Hey.. try to breath easy for a minute.. okay? Ill be back."

She frowned and sprinted off to where the nurses office was. Only reason she knew was through Maddys blood trail and watching her run off as well.

Upon reaching the room, she shouted inside.

"H.. hey! Somethings wrong with the Headmaster!" 
(Now.. a question arises. Should i play whomever comes to aid, or any other solution?)
[i'm not sure why, but I think it would be a tad bit strange for me to RP as a nurse, running after my own character? I'm not sure. But, all I had in mind, was for the (let's say only) nurse in the nurse's office just shoo Delaney away, since they were so used to Patrick's episodes. Usually, Patrick's more of a medical doctor than they all are. Either that, or you could say that there were no nurses to be found? Just some suggestions ewe]


we'll go down in history - remember me for centuries.

Patrick didn't even hear Delaney's reply, nor had the knowledge that she spend off towards the nurse's office. He was lost, disconnected, and slowly becoming trapped in his own powers.

That's the one thing that was so terrifyingly strange and unnerving about this man. This short, leather-jacket-wearing, kindhearted and sophisticatedly laid-back man. It was his powers, his abnormalities, that engulfed what he could have just been. Completely unexpected, his episodes could act, without any sign of warning. Remember me as I was, not as I am - he used to say.

The main thing that Patrick regards himself as his a medium. He's able to see into the future, occasionally the past, to uncover important or dangerous things that are to come. When a vision comes, anything could happen to him in his state of trance, especially since he's so vulnerable in that time. It's usually hard to shake off the aftermath of having a vision, and his body reacts in strange ways.

Another thing that Patrick is aware of himself, are his "anger issues." Of course, they're more supernatural than your regular case of easy frustration, or so on and so forth. It's more of an opposite to when he experiences a vision, though. He becomes hyper-aware of his surroundings, he feels physically stronger and more powerful, and he becomes threatening. Then again, it's almost like someone else has taken over his body.

Now - this has been on very rare occasions, where Patrick would experience a vision, and grow into this angry monster of threatening-ness, at the same time. Too much is going on inside his mind, his body is screaming to do something opposite of what he is currently doing, and he becomes disconnected to what's going on around him.

This just so happens to be one of those times.

In the midst of his fury, and the extreme concern of the "danger" that was to pursue, Patrick had stepped through the melted gooey mess that was his thousand-dollar painting - that he now could care less about - and threw his weight against the iron door to open it. Within the thundering sea of commotion going on in his mind, the only single thing that seemed clear was to get to the children who had broken into his underground chamber, and stop them, before too many secrets were revealed.
Delaney found no help. No.. it seemed nobody was there. As she returned though, she saw patrick move from his previous spot. Something felt off.. his movements harsh and delibrate. She followed, shedding a jacket and forcing her body to become intangible. Oddly, albinism allowed her to fit into this sort of surrounding. Not much.. but she figured he wouldnt care too much in this state. Chances were this would end in some brutality and curiosity or not, she had a fair excuse.

She phased right through the objects in the way. One being a poor victim of a painting. The other being an already half open metal door. Still, she was avoiding line of sight. The poor sucker he must be after.. huh? Well, it was about to be her as well.
[Ahh, sadly enough, this will have to be my last post of the night, since I gotta jet to bed. Goodnight everyone!]


we'll go down in history - remember me for centuries.

Patrick had successfully busted the iron door open and out of his way, and had thrown himself into the darkness of the stairwell that lead down to the chamber. The stone walls and steps were cold, giving the pitch black room an uncomfortably wet and freezing atmosphere. Although, his yellow eyes pierced through the darkness, blazing like flashlights.

He stumbled forward in the darkness, making his way lumberly down the stairs. He hadn't cared of the noise he was making - the students down there would know that he was well on his way. And, with him blocking their only entrance, (aside from the gate, of course), they were trapped in his grasp.

There were still quite a few steps to go until Patrick was to reach the door, when he noticed something sticking to the front of his shirt. He slowed down to a stop, tilting his head around for any source of a light, but all there was for light was the hallway's lights melting through the very top of the stairs. He rose his hand to the collar of his white shirt that he was wearing under his leather jacket, gripping at the now very damp and gross-feeling fabric. With the curiosity, he lifted his hand to touch his upper lip. In the midst of his anger and fury, he hadn't noticed that he nose began to bleed down his front. How perfect - like he wasn't scary enough - now he had added the aspect of blood into the formula.
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Jordan had heard all the noise and backed into a coroner, in the secret room. She smiled, whoever was down here was pissed. She decided it would be better to stand up, she stood right by the door but far enough away that she could move in time if the door was blown open. She looked around the room and started playing with the knife again. "Oh well, if I die, I die. At least i'll die normally." She whispered

Maddy had an odd feeling all day, as if something was about to happen. She was walking down the hall when she felt it again, so she let her sense guide her to where she found the ruined picture. She laughed, "Great someones really done it now!" She began walking down the stairs, she actually felt a little worried, which was odd for Maddy. She got to the first landing and there was nothing, so she began walking down to the last where she knew there would be something.
Delaney who had been following curiously, saw Maddy from the corner of her eye. The pretty twin wore a slight look of concern, maybe. Delaney slipped out of the wall and into her plain sight. Hey maybe she would think she saw a ghost and run off to safety! Her mind had a cruel and dry humour..

With absolutely silent foot falls, she came to Maddy and whispered in a hushed voice.

"Hey.. um.. Maddy, right? Im Lane.. it seems our new headmasters off on a killing spree.. im worried someones in there and gonna get hurt.." she said, a little more hastily as patrick left her sight.

"Sorta, wanna help?"
Maddy turned laughed, "He won't kill anyone, its not in his nature!" She said with a cherry voice as she walked down the stairs, with a skip "Or at least i hope he won't." She laughed, "Hey HEADMASTER YOU DOWN THERE?!" She asked yelling. Then looking at Delaney, "Are you his pet? If not then im sorry, i heard he had one..." She laughed a bit then sat down, "Lets hope hes not to pissed!"
Delaney frowned, but chuckled at what she said about being a pet, but the impact hadnt taken full effect as she was too focused on Patrick not killing them.

Welcome to your knew school! Yes.. the first reasonable person you will meet is indeed your headmaster... and he may or may not lose his head in rage.

"He.. didnt seem right in the head.." she said thinking of how he was acting.

"Also.. ill have you know im totally human. Nobodies pet. Unless paid..." she added the last part with a bit of sarcasm.

She reached and grabbed the other girls wrist, then turned her and the other intangable.

"Sorry.. if he does attack, her cant physically touch us now."
She laughed, " I knew you were not human..." She smiled and walked away from Delaney, "He won't hurt me, I know he won't." She screamed his name again and looked at Delaney. "If i don't come back then this is good-bye." She ran down the stairs and looked at Patrick.
The albino grinned in an angry way. She was totally human.. just a bit of an odd one. Before she could reply though, the girl ran off. Still not wanting any blood shed, and now suddenly feeling at fault for any harm to come to Maddy, and she was the one to tell her what was going on after all, she sprinted after.

"Ah! Noo, dont make last words to me yet!" She said, chasing after to hopefully also find the hidden trouble maker that set him off. As she moved, she could smell that metalic and salty odor. More blood? From whom?
Maddy turned Avignon come up a few stairs, "Its from Patrick." She looked around "And hes pissed." She motioned her down the stairs, "Come on we need to go and see him."
Colten sat there in silence as the boy just studied the cigarette and didn't acknowledge him. Colten sighed and tucked the lighter back into his pocket, "I'll take that as a no then." he thought to himself as he rose to his feet. He stretched his arms over his head and said, "Well, as exciting it is to sit here and watch you look at a cigarette, I'm going to look around and not get locked in the cafeteria."

Colten stuck his hands in his pockets and walked out of the room. He stood in the doorway and looked over the hall. He didn't know which way to go and just started walking. He studied the walls as he moved his way around the building. He let his fingers rub over the old stone and closed his eyes. Taking a breath, he rubbed over a particular spot repeatedly. Colten opened his eyes, "This wall here is newer the rest of the building." he thought and continued down the hall. "Someone is hiding something beneath the school."

As he continued, he soon came upon the mess of the painting as well as the gate. Colten looked it over and looked at his surrounding environment. He went through here before breakfast and remembered that this painting was in this condition. The gate had been hidden and by the looks of it discovered. Had someone broken into it? Colten was positive of it. Colten smirked a genuine smirk of excitement, "Looks like something interesting is going down in the school." and he walked on as if he noticed nothing as he shifted back into his silver haired form.
Following, Delaney wondered if he was injured. How is he bleeding. Wait. She didnt ask her other questions outloud. She looked to Maddy and chuckled, thoroughly amused.

"Pretty great. I supoose you can read my mind?"

She followed, now calmly to where Patrick would be.

"So... gotta figure out how totake care of this so nobody gets hurt.." she looked at Maddys leg and her smile dropped.

"No one gets hurt worse i mean."

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