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Realistic or Modern The Academy for the Unusually Gifted

Colten watched from the corner of his eyes as the guy snagged the cigarette and looked it over. "Wasn't hard." Colten said tonelessly, "It's not like there is a lot strict security." It was a this moment Colten decided to finally move a bit. He turned around in his seat with the back now press against his chest. He laid his chin on the back and covered his mouth with his arms. "It may look like a lot of secure measures, but I've seen houses with better systems than this place."

He glanced out the back window and watched the wind blow through the trees a bit. "Besides, I don't think the headmaster really cares about juvenile things as cigarettes." He glanced at the headmaster out of the corner of his eye as he left the room, "He seems more interested in more enigmatic manners." Colten didn't know why, but it seemed there was something about the headmaster that just didn't like. Something seemed off with him.

Colten placed his elbows on the table and rested with his weight in his arms. He looked back out the window. "I'm Colten; Colten Zen. Some people call me Z. Don't know why though." He grabbed the lighter from his pocket, "Need a light or do you already have that covered?"
Jordan had woken up and was walking down the hallway when she saw the hole in the wall. She walked through it and began laughing, "This is so cool! Oh my god i wonder if Patrick ever needs help with anything?" She smiled as she looked around, impressed by everything in this secret room. She wondered why it was even down here when it was legal to keep it up there. As long as you did not kill anyone.
[Noo, not my secret underground bunker! >:3 Great idea for a plot twist, though. Maybe we could say it's like, the only escape route out of the academy, since it's so high-security? And all the weapons and stuff could totally be for if a war breaks down.]


we'll go down in history - remember me for centuries.

Patrick shrugged lightly, letting his shoulders bop up and down, as he glanced at Denaley, and began walking down the hall.

"In all of my years of owning his academy, I've noticed that everyone does appreciate being cared after. Although, just about everyone who likes being looked after - or even needs to - always deny that they don't need what they really do need. Maddy is probably cursing under her breath in pain over her knee, but insisted to the nurses that she didn't need any help."

He threw a look back at Delaney as he paused, a gleam sparkling in his eyes. He stopped in his tracks of walking, and swiftly crouched down, bending his knees low and holding his weight on the tops of his feet. He dragged two fingers across the pristine white tiled floors, and popped back up to standing straight. He held out the two fingers to Delaney, to show the student the deep scarlet liquid smeared across them.

"Maddy just so happened to leave a trail of her injury all down my hallways."

He laughed gently, wiping his hand across his thigh on his black jeans, getting rid of the sticky blood.

"I know that even you could relate to denying the help you need. You were being discrete, I must admit, but I did very well notice the blood you happened to be coughing up during your breakfast time. I realized you brought up your medication in conversation - but it was perfectly fine for you to ask me for them. No one here really gets "special care" - every care is special to everyone, because it's what they need."
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Delaney nodded as he spoke, walking fast paced to keep up. Her pace fell however, when she smelled the blood. Her skin went a shade paler if possible when it came into view.

Biting her inner bit of lip, she soaked in what he said and... how much she seemed to bleed. It truly disturbed her the thought of Maddy rejecting the attention.

"I suppose.. youre right." She muttered. "My scenario has to do with comfort. Meds wont change a thing, so in a way its my being selfish to put them as priority."

"And everone lives under different circumstances. Must be hard to accomadate and break barriers to teach... huh?"

we'll go down in history - remember me for centuries.

Patrick flashed a smile smile at that, biting the tip of his tongue, and gazing at the floor. He continued his steady pace down the hall, pausing for a moment before responding.

"Teaching is like a whole other story to tell, really. Even though I'm not like your regular high school professor - teaching math, science, language - I still regard myself as an educator. Rather just, I'm just teaching my students about their powers, how to control them, and to not fear themselves."

Patrick held his breath for a heartbeat. He shot a glance at Delaney, then looked back to the floor.

"My... My younger brother, Pete, always dreamt of becoming a teacher. Although, he never wanted to become a homeroom teacher or a gym teacher -- he pictured himself showing his students on how to successfully preform an entity transfer or how to create a healing elixir. I thought that fantasy was exceptional -"

With an even broader smile, he kind of motioned with his hands, to himself with a flourish.

"-And here I am, living out that dream for him."
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Delaney moved to half watching the floors as they passed across. Patrick knew easily what he would do for a time it seemed. Delaney was almost envious

And Pete. The name held a sort of importance in her own mind, as though cradled by the sentence it was born to. And by his last words, it was evident of his death.

"It..." she searched for the words in mind, "that dream was too wonderful not to live, sir. Its one that improves many lives."

"If i got to have a future, i would have wanted to help you too.. or be a doctor for those who got refused care. Either really."

we'll go down in history - remember me for centuries.

Patrick was honestly listening to Delaney's every word in her response, but her last sentence seemed to hit him so much that he almost didn't hear the ending. He declared in his mind, that officially, Delaney was one of the few people he knew that were brilliant with words.

He couldn't help but let out a whole-hearted laugh, which felt like a bellow of laughter, but was much more gentle than he expected. He rose up a hand and cupped Delaney's shoulder, virtually putting his arm around the student - which to be honest, was different. Most of his past students either cringed away from his touch, and became unresponsive to something like a pat on the back.

"Nonsense, Miss West! You shouldn't speak with such a lack of confidence about your future. I'm here, as my job, you make sure you have a brilliant and bright future ahead of you, that's looking forward to. And, if you ask me, I believe you have a great life ahead of you. Bold statement, I understand. But I think you'll.... I think you'll see."

He took the moment to pause, beaming down at the pale girl. Even though they were walking down an empty and rather silent hallway, aside from the voices of a group of excited students coming from the other direction, he bent his head down to lower his voice.

"I'm more than aware that some people here refer to my academy as an asylum of sorts. I assure you - I'm housing students with great potential, that just require a bit of a push. Not trapping those who are mentally insane."
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Delaney felt the warmth of his touch and smiled, in a smaller form than she had before. She had confidence that she could learn if she had the opportunity. And this indeed was a perfect opportunity. No. If it wasnt for a man who made it his job to save lives to decide who got to, she would begin working this moment to achieve her goals.

She chuckled at his final statement, and replied "i would hope im not insane.. but than again how would i be able to tell?"

Her pale eyes slide over to where others were entering and she swiftly reached her head to near Patricks ear. The words were so quick and quiet it was questionable as to if they were spoken at all. Not just a thought.

"And.. if its not confidence.. do you promise to not let me fail..?" What ever the answer, she would believe it.
Once Oliver was out of the hold, he wondered if he should even try to put the painting back in place, since now it's obvious that someone had broken into the supposed to be hidden bunker. It's not like I have some special ability to do that, he thought to himself as he walked farther down the hall. He smiled a little as he realized that if the bunker was found open, it would be Ken and Leon getting in trouble rather than him. The good mood caused him to start whistling a random tune he knew, content.

After a while not encountering anything significant or out of the ordinary, he looked back down at the gloves that he had never put down, for some reason. He didn't really like the color, or how the gloves felt at all. To his expensive tastes, the material seemed cheap, yet he was still drawn to them. He put one glove on and wiggled his fingers in it, stretching the somewhat small glove to better fit his larger hands. Just as I thought, cheap, Oliver thought with disdain. Despite his distaste for the glove, he found himself putting the other one on and stretching it as well.
Ken, halfway up the tree, noticed that the gate was still open. "Leon, can you close the door? It feels weird with all this amazing scenery and that single spot of grayness."

Leon closed the gate from the outside, and continued to watch Ken. "You know you can levitate yourself?" said Leon as he controlled the rock underneath him and started to hover up to the top of the tree. "Come up here." Ken levitated himself up to the top, and looked at the stunning view. "This is heaven... Hey, Oliver should be done by now. Go get him up here so he can see this beautiful scenery."

"Sure." said Leon as he went to the iron door. He opened it and saw that the painting mush was still there. He returned it back to it's normal state, and closed the iron door. "He's not here. He left."

"He ditched us? Well, he won't get to see THIS." said Ken, grinning.

"I'm going to go explore. You going to do the same?"


Ken and Leon went their separate ways as they explored the gigantic field of grass.
[This is gonna be my last post for the night - and apologies - my computer is making me so unbelievably frustrated that it won't let me search through my properly saved gifs, so I think I'm re-using this one. Goodnight everyone!]


we'll go down in history - remember me for centuries.

Patrick was about to respond to Delaney's first question with another laugh, not at first realizing how serious of a thought it was, but the chuckle got caught in his throat.

His eyes had drifted back to the tiled floor as the words bounced around in his head. He had never actually had one of his students ask the topic of "insanity" to his face - but he knew, of course, that they thought about it a lot. Whether it was him catching glimpses of his student's faces screwed up in doubt, worrying themselves so much they became sick, or just mentally hurting themselves that it shown physically. He couldn't lie, but it made his chest go tight at the idea of children so young, beating themselves down into oblivion, just because they were so different that they regarded it as something negative.

He opened his mouth to answer the sensitive question, but his notice of the other students passing by was delayed, nor did he at first notice Delaney slightly tense up at the newcomers down the hall.

Her next whispered question caused a chill to run down his spine, which made his shoulders tense up, yet he heard her words loud and clear. He turned his head slowly, to gaze at the young girl, his expression unreadable, but his eyes still held a small glimmer.

"I put all of my students before myself, even if that means risking my life." It seemed only appropriate for him to speak in a whispery tone also, at least until the other students disappeared around the bend of the corridor. "I would never give you, nor anyone else, less of the best I can give."
Leon walked and walked, encountering many butterflies and dragonflies before reaching an iron gate. He heard Ken make a telepathic connection with him, and said inside of his head Can you hear me, Leon? Leon thought Yes, I can. I've reached a gate. Have you? and sent it to Ken. Ken nodded to himself, and said Yeah. Wanna go back and check on Oliver?

replied Leon in his mind.

They both walked the way back to the gigantic gate. They both went inside, and went out of the iron door. They went down the corridor Oliver had just gone down while examining his gloves, and started debating something about soft tacos being better and hard tacos being better.
"Oh, hey." Oliver looked up to see Ken and Leon coming down the corridor. He bit his lips in confusion; he thought they would take longer to explore that vast field. "Did you find anything else interesting in that field?" He asked, genuinely curious. Even though he didn't particularly like the field since it mentally disabled him, he did want to know what was past those gates. Maybe its hypnotic quality was meant to keep something else much more dangerous hidden. Oliver flexed his fingers, still trying to adjust to the gloves, and turned to wave.
"Okay." She replied, thin smile on paper white lips. She knew it was easy to make people uncomfortable when she spoke without care as for some reason she easily leaves people hanging on a word of hers. No.. too vain. She effects people because of a slight lack of verbal filter and so far people fear or now seem to truly understand her.

A look she hasnt seen before came upon Patricks face and she couldnt help but hold faith in him.

"Alright.. i trust you." She said with a short nod.

"And one day ill work with, or like you and help other gifted people."
"Nope. It's just a large field of grass, with these HUGE gates." said Ken. "The gates are as big as skyscrapers. I'm not even exaggerating. Maybe we're supposed to have a war at the end of the year in that field. Oh yeah, you like the gloves I lent you?"
"If the gates were so tall, why didn't we see them when he first got to this place?" Oliver thought out loud. "Oh, and yeah," he looked down at his gloved hands again, still not sure why even bothered wearing them. "I mean, I guess they're okay. Not like I have anything else to keep my skin from burning or freezing off," Oliver tried to laugh a little, but he was still curious about that field they found. "Those big gates might even be meant to keep something big in the field, so it supports my idea about some big thing being here." Oliver smiled, happy with himself. "I am just too smart."
"Okay. Uh, it only supports my idea. A big area. With tons of fighting stuff in the garage. War will happen. Or even something similar. If something was there, we would've touched it already. We've seen the whole field. We couldn't see the whole gates from where we were. The field is longer than you think." explained Ken. "I have deductive skills too."
Oliver pouted. "Yeah- well-" he struggled to find something else to invalidate Ken's theory. He didn't like being inferior. "What makes you think it'll be a war, huh? Weapons don't automatically mean that there's going to be a battle. If anything, those jet packs and stuff could have been a security measure. Or something."
"Whaa?" said Ken That didn't make sense to Ken. "How can they be a security measure? If it were just a bunker for security weapons, I'm sure that the painting might've not been there. And if the painting was there so that only security could use the weapons, why do they have a gate leading to the field? If they weren't for security measure, and, let's say, they're just for "Fun", what type of fun would it be? I just asked another question you might've asked." Ken was getting a tad bit annoyed with Oliver. Didn't he even think that his idea might be right, in the slightest?
"Maybe it's an escape route?" Oliver gradually formed another point to debate. As he regained his metaphorical balance, he was able to speak more clearly, with more confidence. "If something were to attack the school by land, the gates would keep the intruder in the field, and we the student could use the jet packs to gain an advantage and weapons to protect ourselves." He raised his right hand up and smirked, almost oozing in smugness. 
((I feel like we take up like half the rp, haha. Where is everyone else?))
"... Why would they have an escape route... in such a school...? It had to be man-made. Unless the students SOMEHOW made an underground bunker, it's not possible." said Ken. It was a good theory, but unless the students made it, it's not correct. "Also, your other theory... Uh, we didn't even see this field from the outside of the school. No way an intruder would somehow fly up to the sky and fall down on that very field without a reason."

(LOL, me too. Seems like we're the most active. Although, this discussion seems important. I made one of my characters go with the cat girl, but she's not here apparently.)
(I'm just waiting for Gage to reply -_- .....I might jump back in if he doesn't reply soon)
"No, they would attack the school itself, not dropping down into the field. So it could chase everyone in the building, we could escape into the field. It could follow us out, but we could fly out while it can't." Oliver honestly felt like he was explaining obvious things to a child. It was hard not for him to take on a slower voice to tease Ken.

((I had a friend also join this RP with me, but he's a little busy now, which sucks. Not that you're boring, it'd just be nice to talk with the other characters too, ya know what I'm sayin'?)) 
((I think maybe you should just jump back in, since he hasn't even been talking to me right now. He's probably doing something else that takes priority, so.))

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