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Realistic or Modern The Academy for the Unusually Gifted

Ken slowed down behind the others. He sensed someone who was also in the hallway. He stopped, and used his radar again. They were far behind, so Ken wasn't worried. Still, Ken waited for them, waiting to see where they would go.
"Hello?" Oliver called out into the hallway. It seemed like everyone else already left. He sighed audibly, and decided to just explore on his own. He started walking down the hallway, mostly looking up at the ceiling. He still couldn't believe how high it was, and he refused to believe that it was only this high for aesthetic purposes. There must be some kind of huge... thing here. He thought to himself, wondering if he looked hard enough there'd be more evidence for his theory along the walls. He was so preoccupied with his study of the ceiling and walls that he didn't look where he was going and accidentally bumped into Ken.
Ken heard someone. He could tell from the voice it was Oliver. He saw him walking towards him, staring at the ceiling when he bumped into Ken. "What's up?" asked Ken. "As in, what are you thinking, looking at the ceiling? Watch where you're going! Anyways, you pose no threat. Want to come with me, Jen, Leon, and Maddie? We're exploring this gigantic asylum."
"Oh sorry," Oliver apologized for bumping into him under his breath. "Uh, sure I guess. I still can't get over this high ceiling. There has to be something really big here. No way would any architect in their right mind build something with such a high ceiling with no plausible reason." Oliver scratched his chin in thought. "What do you think?"
"I think they're hiding nothing. They might be using it as a shield to the whole school. If there was something, the ceiling would be shorter, but from the outside it would be bigger." replied Ken.
"It's not that there's something hidden here, exactly, but that something big uses these halls. That's why they're big." Oliver said, still frowning at the ceiling. "And if it really were a shield, wouldn't it be a little more reinforced? Since the ceilings are so high, when they crash down they'd do more damage otherwise."
"... That's true..." reasoned Ken. This boy, Oliver, was smarter than he thought.

(Going to eat lunch might not reply for some time.)
Oliver sighed and looked down at the ground. "It could just be a precaution against all these freaks here. Or maybe the headmaster really is crazy enough to have a high ceiling ordered despite its disadvantages."

((LUNCH? Damn, what time-zone are you in? I only ask because right now for me it's 8:28 pm. Feel free not to answer if you feel uncomfortable answering though, haha.))
(I'm in America xD Actually, correction, I'm eating dinner. It's 5:00 though. Went away from my lunch to type this. My lunch is sad, I'm gonna go comfort it.)
(LOL I'm back from eating lunch.)

"The headmaster... I've never seen him, now that you mention it." said Ken. "What was he thinking? We all have powers here, someone (wink wink) can just tear the iron apart.

we'll go down in history - remember me for centuries.

Patrick was shaking his head the moment Delaney began speaking again to him - he already knew that she was going to apologize for what she said earlier - and even so, he was right. He dragged his teeth through his bottom lip, before speaking.

"You don't always have to apologize for something you said, no matter how truthful, and even if it sounds hurtful." He tipped his head down as he spoke, glancing at Denaley from time to time. He tugged his black glasses out of his back pocket, unfolded them, and put them back on. At least having some of his eyesight back would help with alleviating his headache.

"Either way, I'm more than used to tough honesty, Miss West. It's understandable, and forgivable."

He turned to watch the students mulling out of the cafeteria doors. He took a deep breath in, and exhaled slowly, crossing his arms tightly over his chest. His eyes flickered at Delaney for a moment, and he flashed a smile - one that felt genuine.

"Are you going to go take the tour around the academy for yourself?" He jerked his chin in the direction of the students, talking loudly to their friends, curling around the bend of the corridor and disappearing. "It appears as though Miss Fex had just been exaggerating about her knee injury, and doesn't require my assistance anymore. I do, however, need to make my way down to my office, which is on the other side of the academy. I could accommodate you, if you so wish."
"Maybe the walls are reinforced in ways we can't see." Oliver shrugged, looking straight ahead of him now. He didn't want to awkwardly bump into someone else again. "I think the headmaster was that crazy guy who practically had a meltdown at the entrance of the school this morning, and I don't know how you missed that." he chuckled lightly, though he didn't mean to come off as snide.
"I arrived late, I matched my pace with the swarm's, I grappled to a kid, I got tripped by a kid, I carried a kid like a princess to the infirmary, and I played soccer outside. I think I saw enough."

(Oh, I see. Okay, then. Miss Fex is on her way to somewhere.)
"Wait, so you willingly came to this hellhole!?" Oliver said in plain disbelief. "Why would you do that to yourself?"
"I didn't willingly come here. They threatened me. I could easily escape the first time they went to get me, so they threatened me with killing my sister, Jen, and my mother." said Ken "Although, killing Jen was probably a lie, seeing as she was also put into this hell..."
"I see," Oliver muttered, though he really didn't care about his back story and was already losing interest. "Hey, what's that?" he said, pointing to a nearby painting that so happened to reach all thee ground. It pictured a young woman looking away from the artist, looking up at a flying kite with a colorful tail suggesting that the wind was a little peevish that windy day.
"... What is the point of this picture?" asked Ken. "Oh yeah... We're getting off topic. We need to follow my friends... Wait... Which way did they go?" said Ken, looking up and down the corridors. *Sigh*
"You don't think it's weird?" Oliver reached out to gently touch the strokes of the paint. "It reaches the floor. Don't you think it should have been placed higher up the ceiling?"
He sighed lightly when he overheard that the cafeteria would be closed in a few minutes. "That means I'll have to move again." He thought closing his eyes, "I was just getting relaxed too."

His thought was interrupted by a slam on his table as someone sat down next to him. Colten didn't move anything but his eyes towards the guy who sat next to him. Looking out from the corner of his eye, he was careful not to make eye contact with the guy. "Who is this guy?" Colten thought. He turned his eyes back toward the table.

"You have any cigarettes?" He heard the guys say. Colten still didn't move.

"A cigarette? That's what he wants?" Colten thought as he looked at him once more out of the corner of his eyes. He closed them and thought, "Whatever."

Only moving his arm, he reached into his pocket and grabed one from the box. He pulled out the cigarette and twirled it between his finger and thumb before extending it to his new tablemate. "Anything else?" Colten asked tonelessly. "A light, maybe?"
Delaney listened, at first half heartedly and then quickly with more apreciation to patricks words. She smiled pleasantly and nodded. She would hate to explore alone after all, and despite being her headmaster he was the most understanding one she had met so far.

"I would appreciate it greatly." She replied, smile hinting in her voice.

"Thanks. And dont hold it against Maddy. Im sure we are all getting adjusted and being cared for might feel like a nice change now."

She leaned off the wall and opened the door.
Oliver used his power of giving thermal energy to the painting to melt it. "Maybe there's something behind it, like a door." He said, now even more curious than before.

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