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Realistic or Modern The Academy for the Unusually Gifted

[Oh, I'm not a main character at all! I'm not even the owner of this RP, my friend is. I was just saying, since the posts were going so quickly, and I was starting to get a bit stressed out.]
(Just got back from eating lunch and computer crashed.)

"Well... I'm bored. What time is it?" asked Ken. How dare Amy ignore him! Well, he was bored, and he wanted to do something, so he walked outside, and saw another boy on the field. "Want to play soccer with me?" asked Ken. The boy nodded, and made a soccer ball appear out of thin air. So that's his power...

They played soccer for a long time, and ended up tied.
Gage was immediately aware of Patrick's presence and even though the man was quite a bit shorter than Gage he still was intimidated by him. Gage had always had a problem with authority figures and especially rules, so even just Patrick being at the table was enough to make Gage uncomfortable and uneasy. His lips unconsciously twisted into a snarl when he caught sight of Patrick across the table, "So, looks like you run a pretty tight ship here, huh?"
Lane smiled at the girl a bit deeper. She said something sort of cheesy but felt it fit.

"I really want us to get along, and i know thesr are bad circumstances and im no mind reader, so i hope to know you all a bit better."

She opened her mouth again to ask about the black bottle but a cough tickled her throat and the covered her mouth with the soiled napkin and more blood came up.

She looked to the headmaster meekly, cheeks almost reddened and asked.

"Sorry.. i know theres no reason to recieve special treatment.. but is there a chance my meds made it here a few days ago?"
Jen stayed inside the cafeteria, feeling really awkward with no friends at the school. She heard Ken talk about someone in the infirmary, going to the cafeteria, so she went to the infirmary to meet Maddie.
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we'll go down in history - remember me for centuries.

He pulled the bottle down from his lips, letting out a small sigh of pleasure. As he was drinking, he heard Gage speak to him, but didn't make any sign of acknowledgement until he was finished. He raised an eyebrow at the student across the table, and half-shrugged, pressing his lips together in a thin line.

"I guess that's one way to put it. But, I've had this academy running for as long as I can remember, and not once have I had any trouble keeping guard of the students who attend here."

He gently shook the tiny bottle in his hand for a moment, letting the liquid slosh around, before finishing it off. He almost winced, like the last drops of the drink had an extremely sour taste, but shook it off. Hopefully, this drink that he had specially requested from his stash, would choose to work and calm his nerves for now.

He placed the bottle on the table as Delaney spoke from beside him. He lifted up one of his hands to rub furiously at his sore eyes, pressing until he saw kaleidoscope patterns. He peeked open an eye to glance at the female student, the blazing yellow colour slowly beginning to melt into their original, light brown hue.

"Don't worry - all the medications that the students here had ordered arrived just yesterday. I believe, the nurses were hoping to hand out the daily doses once everyone had finished breakfast."
Ken and the green haired boy were tired and thirsty, so they went back inside. "What's your name?" asked Ken.

"My name is Leon." answered the green haired boy. "Why's your hair green?" asked Ken as he opened the cap of his water bottle. "It's given to those few with my powers..." explained Leon. Ken realized that his sister was gone, and he told Leon "Wait. I'm going to go look for my sis."

He used his mind to use a sort of radar (Making his eyes go green), and saw his sister at the infirmary. He ran over there, and surprised his sister Jen. "Maddie... should be... around... here..." panted Ken.
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Lane nodded thankfully at Patrick but watched him with natural concern. For two reasons. Her meds werent distributed regularly and the provider lost his medical license a while back. Still, she doubted it was too looked into.

The other thing that brought her concern was the magnitude of his discomfort. Knowing he didnt want anyone to worry, she put on a grin.

"This place is surprisingly nice despite first impressions... um, sir if theres anything i could help you with.." she half offered discretely. Well, it wasnt a direct are you okay.

we'll go down in history - remember me for centuries.

Patrick had his elbow propped up on the table, that hand rubbing his temple. The pain of being in the disconnected state he was in before was beginning to fade, and his eyes had finally returned to their normal colour, giving himself a softer and slightly less intimidating appearance. Even so, he still had a headache that just wouldn't seem to leave him.

Once Delaney asked if there was anything she could help with, he tore his head from his temple and held it up, to motion silence.

"I have no need for your assistance, nor for your worry for my current state. In the nicest way possible, of course." He flashed a large, fake smile, before sighing again. "I do appreciate your compliment of my academy, though. Everyone here worked very hard to return it to the state it should be in. I'm just getting old, that's all."
The albino managed a full on smirk and she sighed. Her eyes picked up little things such as the change in his eye color. Something told her that such little chamges would be predictable enough.

"Alright. Im done worrying. I promise." Blue eyes turned pink as she looked out the window, thinking deeply for a moment. Canine chewing bottom lip, her smirk slipped back into a more genuine grin.

"Yeah... im sure some here would be happy to have someone worry for them though. Its actually really nice to meet people who see you as a human though. And its not a compliment. Its honesty. You created a haven for people who convinced themselves.."

She whispered the last part "they are the monsters people treat them as."

She got up and dumped her trash as though it wasnt on her mind.
Maddy woke up from her sleep if in the infirmary, she got up and went to her room, with Alden standing in the door way. "Im okay Alden, don't even bother!" She said as he tried to help her. She went over to her bed and layed down to go to sleep Alden did the same on the other side of the room.

Jordan had been walking around, and found a really pretty garden around the back in a fenced off area, she had jumped the fence and fell asleep there.
Jen had opened the door, and saw the scene. She, wanting to make new friends, went over to Maddy's side.

Ken was confused. Why did Jen want to go here? "I'll be going back to the cafeteria." said Ken

As he arrived back at the cafeteria, he saw Leon sitting at the table, holding a rock. Ken sat down and, slightly suspicious with one eyebrow raised, asked Leon "Why're you holding that rock?"

"It calms me down." answered Leon.

"What happened? I thought you were calm when I left." said Ken

"Well, I need to get in touch with my inner element." explained Leon.

"Oh, so you're an elementer, and your favorite element is earth?" reasoned Ken.

"Yep." answered Leon plainly.
Maddy had awoken at the sound of the door opening, "Hello?" She said as she opened her eyes to see Jen, "Oh your Kens, sister right?" She asked in lowered voice
"How did you know that?" asked Jen as she sat down on the chair near the bed. "I've been quiet all day. No one noticed me."
"Well, you walked in with him around you right? I can.... this is gonna sound weird.... feel him in a way." She sat up and looked at her knee, it was all bruised and it looked a little out of place, she stood up and walked to the door. "Come one, we shall go and explore the Asylum!" She said as she smiled and opened the door.
Jen liked Maddy. She was nice. She wondered how she could sense him? Ken could do that too, so does she have the same ability as Ken? No, no way... Anyways, I should get to know her more.

"Sure! Where shall we go first?" asked Jen

we'll go down in history - remember me for centuries.

Patrick had worn a faint when Delaney was sharing her thoughts. He had pulled his hand that was originally rubbing at his temples to resting his chin in his palm. He looked like he was enjoying this conversation, between headmaster and new student.

Although, her last words hit him hard.

He watched the pale young girl drift off to put away her tray, then let his eyes fall on the surface of the table. Monster. He absolutely despised that word. It was almost beginning to become a swear nowadays. I guess, you could even say that it was like Patrick's trigger word. It made his skin crawl at the very mention of it.

Yet, ironic enough, he could be considered a monster himself.

He virtually created this academy under the whole aspect of people being referred to as "monsters." Himself and his late younger brother, Pete, were labelled as monsters their entire lives. That little deformity of them virtually tore them from their parents, sent them into dangerous scenarios, and caused them both to never believe in trust. Sure - it had it's surely downs - but being almost completely inhuman got him to where he was now... Right?

Stressed out, in constant pain, risking my life because of 17-year-olds, and living with the fact that being a 'monster' killed my only brother.... he rolled off in his mind, with a grind of his teeth. He sighed at once, burying his face into his hands, and shaking his head to shoo away the thoughts.

He tugged his fingers through his already messy hair, shoved his seat back, and rose to his feet. He pocketed the empty black bottle he drank from, and made his way back over to the entrance of the cafeteria.

He straightened his back - which seemed like for the 18th time today - and clapped his hands for attention.

"I believe now would be the appropriate time for all of you to explore and get used to your new living situations, and take the tour of my academy for yourselves. You may leave once you are ready, but the cafeteria closes in 15 minutes."
"What do you want to do now?" asked Ken. "I just came back from the infirmary and my sister Jen's going to go meet my friend Maddy."

"Let's go with them." replied Leon.

"Okay." said Ken as he started to walk to the infirmary for the third time that day.

When they got there, Jen and Maddie were just walking out of the doorway. "May we join you?" asked Ken.
"I have no idea at all, but sure!" She smiled as she hobbled/ran down the hallway. This was the side of her, that few got to see. She hated being upright and mean, but sometimes had no choice. After her problems at home she never really talked to anyone, but Alden and now she had the chance too. Along with being away from Alden for a good period of time.
Ken, Jen, and Leon followed Maddy as she attempted to run down the hallway.

"You should take it easy, walk with us..." recommended Ken. Ken didn't want Maddy pushing herself.
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Colten watched as all the students left the yard and entered the building to go to breakfast. He debated with himself if he should go too as he took another drag of his cigarette. Breathing out the smoke as well as the sigh, he let flicked off the ashes and was soon alone in the yard.

"Is there any point of me being here or of my entire existence?" He thought to himself. Personas of people he had copied flashed through his mind. There was so much dark inside of them; so much suffering. Depression. Rejection. Suicide. Hate. Failure. All these dark emotions, and Colten didn't know what to think. He knew what they meant, he used to feel them, but it was those type of feelings that crushed his. Nothing good came from feeling was the conclusion he had drawn a long time ago. Many people had told him different, and, maybe, that is why he was here; because he still had hope.

Colten took one last hit of the cigarette and rubbed it out in the dirt. "Well, better get to breakfast." he thought as he got to his feet. He slowly walked inside and down the hall. He stepped through the doors and watched as all the students were conversing among each other.

Colten chuckled once and placed his hands behind his head had his body shifted back to its first form with the red shirt and brown hair. He walked past a group where a girl was bending blood and past his headmasters table. He ignored all conversations that took place within them as he sat down at an empty table. He closed his eyes and place his head into his hands. He quickly rubbed his face and looked up. He looked around carefully trying not to make eye contact with anyone so as not to create any Personas. He noted the large variety of powers in the room: bending, summoning, manipulation, and many others.

Colten chuckled again. He smirked, "Why do feel strange?" His hand moved to his lips, "Why do I feel....glad?" He looked around the room again. "Why do I feel...normal?" His eyes caught the eyes of a girl who was bending fire. Anger and Lonleyness flooded his mind and soul as the understanding of her past flooded his mind. Freak.

Colten looked at the table and placed his chin on thumbs as he interlaced his fingers, "It's because I'm home. It's because I'm like them. It's because I'm just another freak."
Lane stood by the door waiting. It was odd to watch his reaction. It wasnt like any of them were.. but being the way they were, nobody treated them any different. Her eyes lowered and the chatter was dissolved and bled away as her thoughts took over.

She remembered being a kid. Pitying gazes as to her condition and the feeling of hope as they were on the verge of finding a cure to her deterioration. How one day her powers showed up and they stopped trying to find a cure. She stuck to a preexisting buffer for the side effects.

Pity or fear. Which was worse? A combination was awful. She sighed as everything came back into view.

Looking to the students, then the man she obviously offended, she mumbled a "sorry. Should think before i talk."
Gage stood up abruptly and walked away from the table, he couldn't stand it any longer to be sitting with Patrick, the person who literally represented everything in the world he hated. He grabbed his tray and walked towards the trash, pausing a few steps after he past Colten. Gage spun on his heels and slammed his tray down on the empty table Colten sat at, "You've got cigarettes?"
Oliver got up from the table. Even though he didn't eat much, he still felt too full. Maybe it was seeing the blood earlier, or maybe he couldn't stomach the less-than-stellar food, but regardless he left his food on the table and went to find someone to tag along with to explore the asylum.

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