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Realistic or Modern The Academy for the Unusually Gifted

[Okay, bear with me on this idea, but I need all you guys' opinions on this. Now, obviously, Patrick's all worked up about the students breaking into the chamber without his consent. That got me wondering - what could actually be down there, to get him so angry and worried? //If you didn't know already, of if I need to explain this again - Patrick built the academy under the memory of his younger brother, Pete, who had died tragically after an entity transfer gone wrong. What if Patrick was able to revive Pete, and had him locked up behind the gate in the chamber, in the heart of the academy?]


After taking the moment to poke at his now blood-soaked front, and rub his wet fingers together in confusion and dizziness, Patrick had just noticed that he had reached the last landing of the stairs. The last door, that would enter straight into the underground chamber, stood in front of him. The blackness of the stairwell, however, was disorienting, so even on his uneasy legs he was stumbling around.

At first, he hadn't heard the shouting from the top of the stairs, some faceless person calling his name. He thought it was his mind playing evil tricks on him again, so he had disregarded it completely. It wasn't until Maddy jogged down the stairs to his aid that he jumped in startlement, twisting around to glare at the student.

He hadn't even had time to speak - nor did he think he was able to choke out a sentence in this state - before Maddy bolted back up the stairs, apparently unfazed by the state Patrick was in. He watched his student climb back up to the top and speak to someone for a moment.

Panic shot through him, as he looked helplessly up at the top of the stairs. His mind was still fuzzy and filled with too many things at once, so in desperateness, he cupped his bloodied hands around his mouth to call up towards the hallway light.

"Suh... Someone's broken in!" was the most he could choke out, trying to at least sound alright enough. He was the opposite of alright, though. He took a few steps forward in the darkness - he felt like a baby, taking their first wobbly steps - and ran into something hard. He let out a growl, low an animalistic in his throat, and stuck out a hand to grasp the cold wall. He wished he could regain his sense of balance, or his sense of reality, at least.
Delaney heard him and exhaled. She came to the headmaster and turned intangable as she found herself bumping into things out of her sight. Also for her own protection. She got close enough to see the blood and gagged, unable to handle the smell or sight for so long.

"H..hey. we arent here to see anything. Not that we could.. me and Maddy are trying to get the lost student.. alright? We wont leave your sight... but we need to get them out of here. No questions asked and this wont be brought up again." She said, in her silver tongued manner. Hands up in surrender, she tried not to slip into a wall or shelf. 
(I love the idea.. but why lock him up?)
She laughed "Yes yes they did." Then she looked at the wall "Theres someone still in here."

Jordan heard the voices and closed her eyes, hoping no one would find her, but she knew who Maddy was. So she knew they probably would. 
(I have to go, bye guys!)
[Hm, good question. Possibly, because Patrick doesn't want Pete to be wandering the school for himself while there are students around? Or, because he's dangerous! Just kidding. But Patrick obviously wouldn't want anyone else seeing Pete, so he wouldn't have to answer any awkward questions.]


we'll go down in history - remember me for centuries.

Patrick's pupils shrank at the sight of two silhouettes coming down the stairwell together. In fear of their (actually, rather calm) advancement, he stumbled further back into the darkness, until his back bumped against the last iron door. He stood there like he was being pinned to it by something invisible, but couldn't help slightly hunching over. He watched the two students come closer, his toxic yellow eyes blazing through the darkness, the glow from them lightly illuminating his face. His face, being screwed up in monstrous anger and fear, and the glistening blood dripping from around his mouth.

He stared at Delaney and Maddy, his eyes wide, flashing between their faces like he was trying to desperately remember who they both were. But, with his mind in the state it was in, everything seemed like a threatening blur.

"Yuh... You can't enter h-here..." His voice was wobbly, yet angrily deeper than his original voice. It sounded as though he was trying to fight between being frightened and being furious. He pressed his back harder onto the door behind him, straightening himself up on the toes of his boots, so he would appear taller and larger to the two intruders in front of him.
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Delaney frowned as there seemed no spark of recognition in his eyes. She advanced slowly and decided to do as she best knew how. Verbal negotiation. Yes. As awkward as it sounded, she was most tactical with a photographic memory and speach soothing and familiar enough to feel she knew him.

She thought back to how scared and anxious he got before the freak out. How he managed himself, and avoided help. His name, patrick she believed she saw scribed in a stack of forms before she arrived. In a smooth voice, she spoke. Pinkish blue eyes now entirely blue, but cool and welcoming. No not a power. Blood vessels in her eyes nolonger visible in such lighting.

"Patrick.. we both know how you get.." she spoke slow enough to let him absorb it, but naturally without moving forward.

"There is. Another person down here... and you dont want them figuring it out, do you?" A shot in the dark. Whatever has him down here is something that has him spooked... so something secret? "Now.. dont act rash. We will all be upstairs.. alright? Nobody gets hurt and nobody finds out."

we'll go down in history - remember me for centuries.

Patrick had focused his fierce glare on Delaney as she spoke. Her smoothing, careful words didn't seem to work him up more, nor calm him down as much as they should have. He just stood there, frozen, holding his ground and place with a furious l'air.

However, his ragged breath did hitch in his throat once Delaney spoke of him. He barely heard the last of her sentence after that, his eyes sparking with new rage. Part of him screamed to blast his arm forward, to grip his hand around the pale student's throat and spend her into the wall in pure furious wrath. But he wasn't able to - not that it was his own student that he had to care for - it was that his body was frozen in place. His mind wouldn't let any of his limbs move an inch, more than to throw a teenage girl across the room. It was like if he was to move, even a step forward, that his secret would be revealed without him stopping it.

Instead, Patrick bared his teeth out at Delaney, keeping his firm spot against the door. He felt the blood from his nose splatter off of his lips and dot onto the floor, as he growled:

"No one is to enter here. No one is to escape."
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Delaney took in his words with more thought than such a small phrase would usually request. Her eyes never left him and she sighed with great frustration. She could hardly stand it next to so much blood, in such a suffocating atmosphere. She felt a combination of dizzy, nautious and repulsed.. to the point of finally coming to the conclusion that she didnt have to care what happens to the student inside the room.

She finally lowered her gaze from her stand off to look away and cover her mouth and nose, feeling sickened. Shaking her head slowly she turned and started back up the stairs. Through anyone elses eyes, it would seem she was exiting slowly, like moving through something thick in a seemingly open way. In her own, her powers were wearing off after staying intangible long enough and it took some bit of effort to pass through the obsticles, especially when they were out of sight.

"Noted.. thanks for the tour, and please clean yourself off. Its unhealthy to bathe in ones blood, let alone bleed so much." She stated, calm but almost tiredly.
[Ohmygosh, I'm starting to run out of gifs of Patrick being all demon-y. I might have to start re-using a few.]


we'll go down in history - remember me for centuries.

Before, Patrick had seemed to only hear and understand snippets of what Delaney was saying to him, in the midst of his frenzy. It was her next words that not only confused him, but caused him to halt his glaring and growling. Not necessarily saying that she had cured him, he just wasn't able to get angry at what she responded with. He had heard it loud and clear, yet didn't seem to understand what she meant. Was she going to leave, just like that? He could almost picture Delaney walking back to her dormitory or even walking out of the school altogether - and forgetting about this life as best she could.

Not saying that he wanted her to make him angry at all. Just, in the blur of being so worked up, he needed something to work with, and leaving without warning seemed to kill it all. Patrick wasn't even sure if he would be able to turn back to normal on such a short notice, nor calm down his nerves so easily.

He slowly lifted his hand to touch his nose, which hadn't seem to chill about dripping blood. He watched Delaney and Maddy for a long heartbeat, almost hesitant to move, or to take into consideration what Delaney had practically ordered. With a tiny grunt, he doubled over, and balled up the white fabric of his shirt to wipe at his face. It didn't help for that long, but at least it was something.

It was at that second that he froze up in spot, tensing up at apparently nothing. He swiftly straightened back up, his eyes stretching wide in what looked like fear mixed with shock. He almost appeared as though he was about to have another episode or experience another vision - but he slowly turned his head to the side, like he was about to turn to face the door behind him. He held onto his breath.

A small scuttling could be heard, the patting of sockless tiny feet walking across the concrete floor behind the door. It stopped for a moment, like whoever was behind the door had stopped, just about to open the door from the inside. Without warning, a small, excited yet curious voice was heard, breaking the silence.

"Patrick, you out there? I could hear you - do you have friends with you this time?"
Delaney was out and back to her solid self by the time any other movements could be made. She leaned against the hall wall and panted, gagging as she finally quit repressing her natural repulsion of blood. She did so until she tasted metal and saw a black drop hit the floor. She slid down to the ground and wiped it off with her sleeve, cursing to herself as to how counterproductive that reflex was with her reaction to bodily stress.

She eyed the doorway and sighed, thinking of how likely it was he could hurt her. If she said something worse or her abilities failed.. it made her heart jump. How careless.. the sight of Patrick just.. she was one who liked fixing things beyond repair. It was something she had to remind herself when she confronts someone in such condition. Speaking of which..

She looked at the painting. When her bearings had been gathered, she got up and took the thing gently to inspect the damage. With permission she could tape it and see if she could even attempt a duplicate. Maybe just strip it and frame the salvageable pieces.. she shuddered and the word permission and leaned against the wall in surrender, hands pulling the wreckage togethet absent mindedly.
[Err, let's just say that Maddy went up the stairs with Delaney?]


we'll go down in history - remember me for centuries.

Patrick had his eyes squeezed shut as he heard the voice behind the door speak. It wasn't until he opened his eyes and gazed into the darkness, that he noticed that Delaney had indeed climbed back up the stairs in her nauseated state. His eyes searched the stairs and squinted at the light at the very top of the staircase, just to make completely sure that he was momentarily alone in the landing. He slowly let out the breath he was holding, and turned to open the iron door a crack.

"Y-yes, I'm here," he tried to whisper, but he cringed at how his voice bounced and echoed off of the walls, making him sound much louder than he wanted to. "But my friends are g-gone now -- you're not supposed t-to be out yet, too."

It was like reaching out into nothingness, Patrick trying to swallow down the rage and threateningness to appear calm to the faceless young voice behind the door. However, that voice didn't seem to notice how he was struggling, or that Patrick was still wiping blood from his lips.

"You should bring them back! I want to meet some of them! You guys were very loud, is everything alright?" it squeaked in excitement. Suddenly, it banged from the other side of the door, causing Patrick to jump in startlement.

He unintentionally let out a short, loud, rough growl in response, indicating for silence. The person behind the door stopped at once, taking the hint, and sounded to back away a few steps.
Delaney couldnt really hear anything down there, until Patrick let off another low growl. She jumped a little in her skin, than looked down at her handiwork. The pieces were put together.. but not held together. Not really caring to find a decent bonding agent, she stood up slowly.

When her sick feeling hadnt gone away, she realized she was already too stressed. Well.. being at a new place, absorbing everything and realizing how scary things could get so fast, anyone would probably feel awful and..

Well.. patrick was bloody. Its literally impossible to not care. If her murderer twisted his ankle while chasing her down, she would very well go back to givehim ice.. but now she was scared. And banned from that area.
Colten walked back toward the painting and noticed a girl messing with the pieces almost as if she was trying to place it all back together. Colten sighed and leaned against the wall behind her. "You won't be able to fix that you know." Colten said tonelessly causing the girl to jump a little. He didn't mean to startle her, but something told him that he wasn't what she was afraid of.

He looked into her eyes purposefully and a Persona of her formed in his mind. Colten felt it. It was really heavy, much heavier than it normally was. Fear. Something had spooked the girl and it was something more than just a basic scare like a spider or of water. No, this was more like a psychotic blood bath of the masses.

Colten glanced at the gate, only to see it was open. "Did she go down there? If so..." He looked back at the girl, "What did she see?" Colten got to his knees and started to help the girl sort the mess. "Sorry." he said tonelessly, "I didn't mean to scare you."
Delaney tiredly shrugged, sick of feeling spooked to the point where she actually felt ill.

"Yeah.. i here that often." She replied to the first thing he said with a tired chuckle.

"Dont worry about it. This sort of thing entertains me, even if the fixings only temporary." She said, white hands touching the fabric gently as though too much force would rip it again.

we'll go down in history - remember me for centuries.

Patrick held the glare on his face for a moment longer, listening closely to the movement behind the door. From what he had pictured in his mind, Pete was leaning on the door holding it open, and had his face very close to the crack Patrick had made between them so that they couch hear each other.

He let out a deep sigh, and slumped against the cold iron door. He had calmed down, at least considerably, and fatigue was starting to eat away at his energy. He felt as though if he would stay angry, or even in this state for much longer, he could pass out in the darkness.

As he closed his eyes slowly, pressing his weight against the door, he could hear Pete huff out breaths of excitement. It sounded as though the young boy was waiting in anticipation, or awaiting for Patrick to speak again.

After what seemed like a long minute of stretched silence, Pete whispered out again, his huge smile audible.

"I've trapped your little prisoners in my evil grip!" He let out a tiny chuckle, which quickly grew to a maniacal, villain bellow of laughter.

Patrick's eyes shot back open, his pupils dilating against the darkness he was still not used to. He shot a look at the crack in the door, glaring at Pete if he was able to, and let out another animalistic growl, louder than last time to silence the child. The whole knowledge of the students being in the chamber, with Pete, had completely slipped his mind. It made his chest tighten back up with nausea.

"Keep them there," Patrick spoke back to the crack in the door, not even caring to keep his voice secluded to a whisper.
After piecing it back together again, Delaney leaned on the wall again, eyes closed. She half expected to see glowing eyes, blood, of hear the unnatural howls again but.. there was nothing. Her head was heavy. She wanted her meds, having not taken them on the trip because they were shipped here.. she was officially two days withdrawn.

Though she had company in her presence and she felt odd sitting there like this, she couldnt help it. A bed never sounded so nice, and it wasnt late yet.she still hadnt found her dorm. Blame timezone lag. Not fun either. She peaked an eye open to make sure the thing hadnt been ruined yet.
Colten looked her from the corner of his eye, "Entertains? By puzzles?" Colten thought. He looked at the painting and quickly assembled it in his mind. Puzzles bored him. He found them too easy. Even in strategy games he found lack of enjoyment. That is if he still knew what enjoyment was.

He glanced back at the girl, "How can she produce a smile after what she just experienced?" he thought to himself recalling when an over bearing of emotions killed his ability to feel. He watched her stand up and lean against the wall, "She is strong." Colten couldn't help but smirk, at least, he could still feel a tiny bit.

Colten rose to his feet and looked at the girl; her eyes were closed. "She is exhausted? From what? It's not even noon." He looked back at the door. Curiosity grabbed a hold of him, he reached for the door. He wanted...no....he needed to know what was down there. As his hand touched the gate, he felt himself draw back and look back at the girl. "Whatever it is down there....I'm not ready to see yet." He pulled back his hand and spun around on his heels.

"You look tired. Want to go find your room? I'll walk you there." Colten said trying to be polite. "I need to find mine as well." He stated plainly.
[This is gonna be my last post of the night, so it's going to be kinda like two posts in one, with a little time skip.]


we'll go down in history - remmeber me for centuries.

There was another long silence that stretched between them, and Patrick took the moment of peace to rest back against the door, wipe his mouth and chin on his leather coat sleeve, and try and alleviate his breathing. It felt like only 20 seconds later, until Pete piped back up from behind the door.

"You smell like gross blood and sweat. It's really disgusting, man." The young voice faked heaving into his hands, and ended up laughing, but making sure to be quieter than before.

Patrick drank in a breath and sighed silently, pinching the bridge of his nose in obvious frustration of the child behind him. He had started to calm down enough now, so much that his eyes were beginning to fade of the dangerous yellow colour, and he was aware of the terrible state he was in. His shirt was sticking to his chest like a wet bathing suit, and he would give anything to shake off his leather coat and boots and just relax.

"You should really go get cleaned up," the voice spoke again, and added in a whisper: "and take me along."

Patrick scoffed at that statement, close to growling again. "You very well know I wouldn't be able to do that--"

"But I haven't seen the school in forever during the day, and I've been in here all day!"

Patrick huffed tiredly at that response. Pete's argument was stupidly agreeable, and Patrick really was in desperate need of cleaning up. And if he didn't take the youngster along with him, he would whine like a little toddler. And, he wasn't able to leave Pete alone for much longer with the students still in the chamber.

He cursed under his breath, too tired to argue for much longer. All of his energy was gone from today, and he wasn't up to doing anything more dangerous for at least a month. With a grind of his teeth, he heaved open the iron door.

- - - - -

Patrick was climbing up the stairwell, towards the hallway and light at the top. It was great to see white light again, after being in the darkness of the chamber for so long. He assumed that Pete was ecstatic to see the light of day, too.

Pete - the voice who was behind the door - was a little boy of about 10, 11 at most, the mere age where he had died. He was rather short for his appearance age, with large light green eyes, and a huge head of fluffy light brown hair. He was hopping as he stepped up the stairs, clinging onto Patrick's arm tightly with both of his arms wrapped around the leather sleeve. He even had a streak of blood smeared across his forehead, where he apparently hugged Patrick and his bloodstained shirt.

Patrick had noticed that Delaney was still near the door in the hallway, now joined by another student. He was too busy mentally preparing himself for their reactions of the sudden child swinging off of his coat arm to try and remember who the tall male student was, but the thoughts were whisked away.

"Don't go just yet," he called gently out to the two who were turning away. He sounded more tired than he seemed, which was saying a lot. He pulled himself and Pete up the last few steps and out into the hallway, where he was squinting against the bright lights, and Pete was bouncing like a bunny to the other side of Patrick to get a better look at the students.

[Goodnight everyone!]
She smiled, and peeked at the stranger. His concern was forced and of standard politeness. She shook her head and rubbed the skin under her bangs.

"No thanks.. just need my meds. Perk right up... and i wouldnt suggest you bother Patrick." She said lightheartedly.

He came up and all the color drained from her face, if possible. She visually relaxed however when she saw the state he was in.

Then she saw the boy. A child with lightin his eyes. Without even wasting a second, she nelt down by him and licked her aweater sleeve and took the blood off his face gently.

"Too hansome to be all dirty like that, little man." She said as though she was talking to her little cousin, casually and unaware for one blissful moment of theproblems of her actions. She barely even acknowledged the blood, only smelling it slightly.

(Sleeping too.. ive been sick and staying up late has only made me feel worse)
Oliver left Ken and his friend Leon to go explore. He wondered when there would be a sort of orientation where he'd get a schedule and his room number. Do I need any books? He wondered, almost forgetting that he was dragged here against his will and he wouldn't have been prepared anyway.
(DAMMIT! I haven't been getting notifications for this! And school made me busy! FUUUCK! Sorry for the language, just seriously, WHY!)

Ken walked around the halls once more. He walked up to a plain, empty wall. Weird. He felt as if something was there... but it wasn't. He put his body on it, listening, and he heard hard breathing. Fast, hard breathing. He inhaled quickly, pulling back from the wall. What was that? Ken held his heart, that had surprised him a lot. He walked around the halls again, shaking his head.

Leon had separated from Ken. He went back to the iron door, and sensed that it had been open. He furrowed his eyebrows as he questioned this to himself. He slowly peeked inside the door.

(Going to make Leon take one for the team, as Ken learns another secret. G'night. Seriously though, why have I not been getting notifications? In the meanwhile, I'm gonna read what happened so far.)

(Oh yeah, when I thought of the iron door, I thought of a stairway going down leading into the chamber. So can you make it that way? You saying "going up the stairway" and stuff doesn't make sense to me. It's like those emergency fire stairways. Stairs up, small platform, new stairs with almost no distance between the top of the stairs you just went up and the stairs you're about to go up. And it's only one layer. Can you accept this description? Or are you going to describe the chamber for yourself?)

Jen followed Maddie everywhere she went, even though Maddie ignored her. Seems that Maddie wasn't a good friend after all... Everyone forgot about her, and only her brother remembers... She sighed as she stood near Maddie

(Where is Maddie though? Also, the line skips are for each time I posted.)
[i'm on mobile right now, so I can't post until I get back from school today, but I got a bit of time to answer your question. Which, I am SO SORRY about. I had a bit of doubt, thinking that someone might have gotten confused reading all the chamber/stairs/hallway ect posts. I imagined something like the first iron door in the hallway opening immidiately to a concrete stairsace that lead downward. And quite a good handful of stairs. At the very bottom of the stairs, there's a small landing, and the next iron door that leads directly into the chamber. Inside the chamber, there's all the weapons and supplies spread out on a table, and I imagined a huge blackboard behind that, with weird things scribbled on it like they were planning for an attack. If you turned to your left, there was the huge iron gate. And to the right, I believe there was another door that Jordan is hiding behind right now. Does that clear anything up at all? >.<]
better get typing, or you're gonna be left behind.]


we'll go down in history - remember me for centuries.

Pete flashed Delaney a toothy grin, thanking her under his breath. He gazed up at the pale girl with sparkling eyes, almost transfixed at the sight of a student that hadn't flinched away from him at first glance. He held his mouth half-open, like he was tempted to say something else, but nothing came. He was still clinging onto Patrick's arm, even though he had taken a few steps forward, towards Delaney. He appeared as though he wanted to reach out and wrap his arms around Delaney's neck in a hug, but he hesitated.

Patrick had been watching them with narrowed eyes, his face expressionless, aside from the very faint smile on his lips. He glanced back up at Colten - he had finally remember the name of the student - and Delaney, his fading yellow stare growing sharp.

"I understand you two were on your ways back to the dormitories, but my office is just a corridor down," he jerked his chin in the direction of the end of the hallway, "and I need to have a word with you two. And - get cleaned up, of course."

He paused for a moment, taking in a deep breath. Pete had gone back to resting his weight on Patrick's side, his small arms still wrapped around his leather coat sleeve like it was a plush toy. The young boy had begun to idly play with Patrick's hand, tracing his finger across the creases on his palm. Patrick let his focus fall him for a long heartbeat, before lightly shaking his head, and flashed his eyes back up to his students.

"And I believe the fact as to why I have a child with me requires some sort of explanation."

[sorry that this post was so short - I got some free time on the computer at school.]
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(What about my character? He's at the top of the stairs D:)

Leon heard Patrick, and opened the door a bit more. Now that he could see Patrick better... He looked... Different. Leon wanted to know more, and tried to eavesdrop a bit more on the conversation before the door was opened all the way.

(Oh noes Leon D:)
Delaney had a sudden intake of breath, reminding herself that patrick was there. She quickly stood up, line of sight dropped to the floor as her brain was brought back to the matters at hand. With a short nod, she walked off and to the office swaying ever so slightly on her feet.

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