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Realistic or Modern The Academy for the Unusually Gifted

After randomly wandering the corridors, getting lost more than he would admit, and failing to find any more hidden secrets, Oliver eventually found his way back to where he started, by the melted painting. Oliver only thought if someone had gotten in trouble for something he destroyed in a passing moment. After all, why would he are for anyone other than himself? He had gotten used to the gloves already, walking like he didn't even notice their existence. He wondered if everyone else had gotten typical orientation papers or an actual, official tour, and thought he she go find everyone else.
Colten glared at Patrick from the top of his eyes. He made sure not make direct eye contact with lest he replicate is Persona. He had a bad feeling about him from the moment he met him, just something about him screamed that he couldn't be trusted. Colten shrugged it off at first, but after he saw Delaney's Persona, Colten knew Patrick had something to do with it. And the fact a random child appeared bothered him as well. He didn't like the headmaster, nor did he want to be near him much longer. But for now he had no choice.

He watched as Delaney went off toward the office as Patrick had suggested. Colten didn't bother moving right away as he leaned against the wall and closed his eyes. "You'd like to talk to us?" He stated emotionlessly, "Well, I guess I have no choice then." He placed his hand behind his head and looked down at the boy. "Who are you? and why are you such as secret?" he thought as he glanced as the gate once more before moving down the hall after Delaney.
[i'm sorry for not noticing your character at first @TurtleGod ! I'm a bit confused by your post, though. Patrick's already out in the hall with Delaney and Colten, and they were all on their way to his office. But if Leon is really curious / confused about Patrick, you could maybe make up an excuse to follow them all to his office? You don't have to if you don't want to - just a suggestion.]


we'll go down in history - remember me for centuries.

Patrick began his pace towards the end of the hallway with the students, his head tilted down, and his shoulders slumped. He visably looked tired out of his mind, and appeared about 5 years older than he should look. His nose, however, had finally stopped bleeding, which was a plus. He still looked like complete crap though.

The little boy hugging Patrick's limp arm seemed completely unfazed by his guardian being soaked in blood and looking so rugged. He bright green eyes were hungrily soaking in all the details of the school, even though they were just walking down the empty hallway. Pete had his head tilted all the way back to look at the designs on the high ceilings, then back down so his chin touched his chest to look at the tiled floors, then to the walls on either side of him at the paintings hung on the cream-coloured walls. He was like a toddler in a candy shoppe- wanting to buy everything he saw.

Patrick's focus was torn from watching his boots walk in a rhythm from Colten's statement. His eyebrows knotted together, and he narrowed his eyes at the student.

"It's not that you don't have a choice, Mr. Zen, it's that you've heard and seen some things that you shouldn't have. You were in no rush to go to your dormitory room I believe, so you have a minute to hear what I have to explain. Also, I realize that we've all had a long day today, and I'm taking this time to give Miss West the medication that she had been needing. If you yourself need anything that I might have for you, feel free to ask."

He almost mumbled the last part of his response, pulling a hand through his messy hair in attempt to fix it, and let out a long sigh.
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Delaney arrived to the office, refusing to allow herself to look back to them. Her eyes trailed up the walls and at every thing possible to avoid contact as they came closer. Adorable kid or not, she was now far from interested in any sort of talk with him now. Isnt it sort of funny how fast an opinion can change.. and-

Her stomach lurched, and made sleepiness slip in rather fast. As she was thinking.. AND she can think of a much better place to be right now, but she ruined that opportunity too, apparently.
(@Crookie Sure.)

Leon made the winds hide him, making him go invisible He waited as he eavsdropped on Patrick's conversation. What was this secret? Was there a secret in the chamber? Leon was tempted to go down the chamber, but realized that he might get more out of the conversation Patrick was going to have. He followed them to Patrick's office.
[Quick question: what are Delaney's medications? Like, pills, or something else?]


we'll go down in history - remember me for centuries.

Patrick barely waited for an answer from Colten, knowing that the student was following along either way. His pace quickened until he reached the door to his office, stopping in front of it beside Delaney, and tugged a key out of his pocket. The door, tinted to a deep black, had a sign under the words indicating that this was the headmaster's office that read "KEEP OUT" in bold red letters.

Patrick glanced to his side at Delaney as he unlocked the door and twisted it open, shooting her a slightly confused and concerned look. He had just noticed her sudden change in mood, which I guess you could say was rather reasonable, after all that happened. Really, everyone was irritable and tired, and those who weren't, it rubbed off onto others. The atmosphere was much more tense than what Patrick wished it was.

He shoved the door open, and quickly flicked on the lights to illuminate the room. The office seemed smaller on the outside, or that the whole room included other smaller rooms. It looked like your usual principal office at school, complete with a desk and a computer and two chairs for discussions. A few bookshelves lined the walls, and a large filing cabinet stood along the wall opposite of the door.

The only thing was, it was Patrick's office. And the last thing he would want to have is a "normal" office. All the original headmaster-y things in the room were crammed into, draped over and completely smothered by strange things. Beads and jewels hung over the bookshelves - which themselves held not only antique-looking books, but unique bottles filled with weird liquids. Papers littered the floor and oak desk, some looking important at first glance, and others scrawled with unusual words that definitely weren't English. Peculiar pictures and sketches were hung or tacked to the walls. There was even a bloated-looking black cauldron resting up against the filing cabinet behind the desk, coated in dust.

Patrick gently ushered Pete into the office with a push on his back, but Patrick didn't enter just yet. He had noticed someone approach through the corner of his eye. He jerked his chin in the direction of the door as he looked at Colten and Delaney, motioning for them to enter as he backed out of the way. He turned on his heel to walk up to who had been walking up themselves to his office.

"This isn't necessarily the best of times, Mr. Leon, but what may I help you with?"
"Tch. How did he see me?" murmured Leon to himself. "I heard you went to the principal's office to discuss something... And it sounded interesting..."

Leon's mind was bouncing around. He was confused, and furious. Did the wind spirits not hide him? And he now realized that he kinda sounded like a lie when he paused for a long time. He facepalmed in his head, wondering why he even followed them.
Delaney took a seat, thoughts clouding her outward acknowledgement to patrick as he moved through to open the door... though she did take a moment to observe the room. It sort of amused her.. as he seemed like the type to do such a thing. She looked then to the kid, not really thinking but just looking. He was cute. Sort of reminded her of her cousin. At this point, probably his age too.

Her family was mainly consisting of tanner skin people, medium brown to black hair. Her cousin Roland was not an exception, with his sandy brown hair and tan yet freckly skin. His eyes are a hazel brown, fitting everything else. This kid had his smile as well.

After a moment of staring, maybe impolitely, she looked back at where Patrick was. Caught up with another student it seemed. 
(Injections!! :D Yay for needles!!!)
(How the heck did he see Leon? He had an air shield around him D: Is it sorcery? No, this school is full of weirdos, somehow seeing invisible people is apparently normal.)


we'll go down in history - remember me for centuries

Patrick gazed at Leon for a long heartbeat, his eyes narrowing in slight amusement. His lips almost curled into a smirk as he spoke, but he held his stern-like expression.

"I admire you curiosity, Mr. Leon. Although, that sort of overhearing could get you in trouble in the future." He lifted his arms to cross them over his chest, covering up the bloody sticky mess that was the collar of his white shirt. He tilted his head back slightly, and looked at his student through the bottoms of his eyes.

"I don't see much of a reason why I would dismiss you back to your dormitory at this time, leaving you with your crawling curiosity. While you're here, I assume it wouldn't be too much of a bother for you to hear on our conversation."

He turned back to face the office door. "And, don't worry - your friends here aren't in trouble."

- - -

Pete virtually couldn't take his eyes off of Delaney and Colten as they entered the office behind him. He seemed ecstatic to be in Patrick's office for the time being, even though he wasn't sure
why they were in here - and the fact that there were students too, just made everything more exciting.

He was standing a few steps away from the door, turning his head in every way to gaze at the walls and furniture in the office. He tilted his head back to look up at Delaney, who was the closest to him for the moment, and even further back to look up at the taller Colten. He was tempted to flash a huge, toothy grin at them both, just to see their reactions.

Alas, instead, he jogged across the room, careful to not step on any of the papers lazily littering the carpeted floor. He hopped over to the large oak desk, and swung around the leather spinning chair behind it until it faced him. He climbed up into it with a tiny grunt, and plopped himself down in it. He lifted up his hands and ran his fingers through his messy bedhead hair, fluffing his bangs into his eyes, then pushing them aside before gazing at Delaney and Colten with big eyes.

"So you guys are stuidents here right? But isn't today the first day of classes? Shouldn't you guys be in classes right about now, where everyone else is? Or are you guys like the total trouble makers of this place?"
Leon looked away. These strangers weren't his friends. They were just other kids who followed Patrick. He "Tch"ed once again as he looked back at Patrick, waiting for what he was going to say.
Delaney couldnt help but chuckle when pete spoke. She wanted to just give him a hug and mess with his hair.. but unfortunately she wasnt entirely in such a mood for it. So instead she just smiled at him and shrugged.

Honestly, she had no idea. Still unaware of the schedule and a little too caught up in events, she hadnt had time to wonder until now. Givng him a full white tooth smile, she replied with small hints of mirth in her voice. Tired but cheerful.

"Hm.. maybe i am. Do i seem like a bad student to you? A trouble maker?" She chuckled more at the thought and continued.

"You raise a good point. My names Delaney, but ive been called Lane, and Ghost. How about you?"
(I always thought Delaney was a nurse O-0 And that Patrick was the principal, but apparently he's a doctor?)
(I dont understand.. delaneys a student. My chara was just sort of ignored during the intros.. and patrick is indeed headmaster)
((Oh right. Pffft. *facepalm*))

Oliver stretched out and yawned. "Do you think it's getting late?" He asked Ken, his eyes already drooping. "I'm tired already, and I still don't know where we would even go to sleep. Are there dorms and are we gonna get assigned or...?" he was mostly talking to himself at that points, just ticked off he wasn't getting the special treatment he was used to.
Ken looked to his left. Oliver was there. Guess he was so lost in his thoughts that he forgot about him. "Actually, yeah... Where are they? I've been to the infirmary, the cafeteria, and the secret room. Other than that we've been wandering these huge walls." Ken looked around as he felt a breeze go down his neck. He turned around, startled, but nothing was there. He shrugged it off.
"Let's try to find them ourselves then. Look over there!" Oliver pointed to a somewhat-hidden corridor. It didn't look like it hid any secrets, just that it was less popular than the main hallway they currently were in. "Maybe the dorms are in there,' He said, already walking toward it with a small skip in his step.
"I don't know..." Ken said. He started to get cautious of this school. Someone else might be breathing down his back, or stuck in the walls. "Let's check it out anyways." Ken was looking for ANYTHING that would cure his boredom.

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