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Realistic or Modern The Academy for the Unusually Gifted

Oliver went into the hallway, but it turned out to be more of an alcove. There was an ajar door there. Oliver curiously opened the door and poked his head, and smiled at what he saw there. "I think I found the dorms!" he proclaimed happily as he sped ahead to look through all the rooms t pick the best one.
Ken slowly followed Oliver while looking around. When he got there, there were colors on top of each dorm. He guessed this was for organization, and went into the red one, his favorite and least favorite color.
"I call this one!" Oliver shouted from farther down the hall. He had found the perfect room. Well, it looked like every other room but this one had a huge window overlooking the outside. He thought it would be awesome to see the sunlight coming through the window every morning. And, since it was one of the only two rooms to have such a large windows, he felt it was made for him.
(Is it on the right, the left, in the middle? Is it near Red, or any other color? Just saying I want to know about it so I can picture it.)
((We can have the red on the right and blue on the left of the hallway, and have many rooms per color. This dorm room will basically be just for red and blue and there could be others in other areas of the castle.))
(Sure... This room is just for red and blue? I thought the dorms would be lined up. Whatever. I think we should have one outside.)
((I imagined the corridor to look like this:

with one side being blue, and the other with red. You get it? Since it is a castle, it'd make sense that it would have a huge amount of excess rooms.))


we'll go down in history - remember me for centuries.

Pete's face shone with new excitement - if that was possible - now having the knowledge about at least one of the students in front of him. Once Delaney asked who he was, he instantly scooted closer to the desk in the rolling chair that was rather too big for him. He reached across the surface of the desk, having to climb up to sit on his knees to grab something that was placed near the edge of the desk.

"I'm Pete!" he breathed out the words with a huge smile, flopping back in the chair. He held up the thing he had grabbed - a long thin plaque that read
"Headmaster - Mr. Pádraic Stamos" in golden letters. "And I'm not sure - are you a real ghost? I've seen some ghosts before that were really into playing pranks on me and Patrick. They were crazy."

He placed the plaque back down on the desk, and leaned back in the chair.

- - -

Patrick opened the door to his office, leading Leon into the room, and gently closing the door behind them. Now he had three pairs of ears to explain to - one of them having not even met Pete yet. At least for the moment, he had been distracted from worrying about his appearance. It was rather blissful, forgetting about his ruined sticky shirt and leather jacket he would probably have to throw out later.

He walked into the office, glancing at Delaney and Colten, and almost snorting at Pete. He made his way to the tall, silver filing cabinet, bent over to yank open one of the drawers, and scanned through what was organized in there.

"I apologize about the wait for your medicines, Miss West," he said, tugging a medical-looking Ziplock bag out of the drawer. He pushed the drawer back closed with his knee, and turned to walk up and hand Delaney the bag. "I assume you can take them yourself, if you chose to bring them to the infirmary or your dorm room."

He turned back around, making his way back to the back on the room. There was a long, velvety-looking cloth pinned against the wall. He tugged the cloth aside, to reveal a white door. He walked in, but stopped, to glance over his shoulder.

"I'm just going to go change and clean up. And Pete,
get out of my chair."
Leon looked at the white door in interest. White places? Insane people, those were for, right? It's a changing room. Weird. Leon was tempted to go inside the white door but stopped himself. Didn't want to get in any more trouble, now did he?
Delaney laughed hard at what he said, not yet acknowledging the name. She swept a hand through bangs and cocked her head, unsure as to continue to mislead the boy or have him understand. After a half second of thought, she had settles on the second.

"Im human... but if something happens, i can make myself like a ghost." She replied simply. Her smile faded when she thought more about what he said. Pete.. Patricks brother if she remembered properly. And.. he was dead. Right? She took in a breath, realizing he was an innocent child. Such confusing matters werent meant for him to worry about. As she told herself this, the smile came back naturally.

" Its nice to meet you.. Patrick told me some nice things about you."

When Patrick came in, her eyes dropped and her smile faded very slowly. His face and shirt covered in the dried or drying substance, she felt a bit nauseated. When he came with her bag, she looked up for a moment to take it. She looked at the syringe and was tempted to stick herself now, but in company decided against it. Instead, she awaited punishment and or explanation.

"Thank you."

(Thank you! Feeling better today!)
Colten hated how Patrick called him by his last name. His last name didn't fit him at all, but he had no choice but to keep it. He held back any rebuttal he was going to make to Patrick; didn't want to get him riled up or something so trivial. "He doesn't have anything to explain to me. I never butted in on any of this whole mess. Whatever mess this is." he thought to himself as he continued his stride down the hall.

He followed Delaney and into the office and was soon followed by Patrick, the boy, and what appeared to be another student. Colten didn't care about him, he just wanted to get this over with and eventually get to his room. He leaned against the wall and closed his eyes trying focus on the situation.

He heard Pete go all over the room and assumed that it was his first time in here. "So you guys are stuidents here right? But isn't today the first day of classes? Shouldn't you guys be in classes right about now, where everyone else is? Or are you guys like the total trouble makers of this place?" he heard him say. Colten didn't bother to answer any of his questions since it seemed like Delaney was already at it.

Colten cracked open one eye and watched as Pete quickly made friends with Delaney. Colten huffed under his breath, "What is this kid?" He glanced at the boy deciding that he needed to know more about him, "His Persona...I'll make a copy of it." He starred at the boy until he looked his way. The two made eye contact real quick and for Colten it was as if time stood still in that moment. But Patrick broke that moment.

"I'm just going to go change and clean up. And Pete, get out of my chair." Patrick had said which caused the boy to look away. Colten felt a bit concerned though. Colten had made successful eye contact with the boy, but he wasn't able to copy his Persona. To Colten, Pete's Persona was unreadable. It was almost as if he didn't have one. "What are you?"

(Night everyone.)
A trouble maker? No, classes hadn't been announced at all. In fact, where was the map of the place? Leon wondered these things as he still sat down, now twiddling his thumbs out of boredom.

(Nite :D
Ken woke up after falling asleep while unpacking his stuff in his space in the room. He was hungry. He went to the cafeteria once again, trying to do the amazing
over the tables. He succeeded, and got a bag of chips. He went back to his room, and started unpacking stuff once again.

(LOL Sorry just HAD to put that AMAZING GIF somewhere xD )
[Homestuck's always the best for gifs xD ]


we'll go down in history - remember me for centuries.

Pete shuffled around on his knees in the chair, so thrilled about hearing these details from Delaney that he had to move to get into a more comfortable spot. He ended up just sitting on his knees, for he would be too short if he were to sit normally. He propped his elbows on the desk, almost smashing into the keyboard, and rested his chin in his palms. He caught eye contact with Colten for a long heartbeat, before looking at Delaney with sparkling eyes.

"What kinds of stuff? Hopefully he didn't tell you about my fear of spiders, or that I'm actuall--"

He was silenced when Patrick walked in, causing him to firmly clamp his mouth shut in the middle of his sentence. He tilted his head down at the sudden change of atmosphere to the room, pretending to focus himself with the dark oak surface of the desk. His green eyes flashed at Delaney every now and then, and he was trying to wipe away his smile, with no success.

He glanced quickly at Patrick before he disappeared to go get changed. He hesitated, holding his breath until he was sure he heard the door lock, before turning back to looking at the students, and the new student who had arrived at the office.

"You can tell me later, if we have time," he whispered, flashing a smile at Delaney. He leaned back in the chair again, gently rolling back a few inches from the desk.

- - -

Patrick returned into the room a few minutes later, looking considerably better than he did before. He had put on a new, clean shirt, clean jeans and washed his face. His hair was still a mess from him nervously running his fingers through it, but it was an improvement. Regardless, he looked just as tired as his students.

"I apologize if you're still confused on why you're here," he began, tugging his glasses out of his pocket and unfolding them. "I was hoping to keep this meeting short and sweet, but there might be a change of plans in that."

As he pushed his glasses up his nose, he glanced to his side at Pete, who was still lounging in his chair. Patrick lightly jerked his chin in motion for the boy to get up, but was simply returned with Pete huffing and tightly crossing his arms over his chest. He shot Pete a stern look, but to no avail, and a furious shake of the head said that the youngster wasn't moving.

Patrick drifted to looming overtop of Pete. The little boy still wouldn't budge from the leather chair, silently mouthing the word no, still baring his huge smile.

Suddenly, Patrick bent down and scooped up the boy from under his arms, and lifted up up and out of the chair. He squeaked in protest, squirming in Patrick's arms, until he was placed back down in the opposite corner of the room. Pete looked up with a furiously childish glare, making an animalistic grrr face up at his guardian, before plopping down in the carpeted floor to sit.

Patrick made his way back to claim his desk chair, pinching the bride of his nose in obvious frustration of the child.
( xD , IKR?)

Leon looked at Patrick as he took Pete off the chair. Weird. Actually, who was this little kid? Hmm...
Maddy saw that Patrick had a new child and she laughed, then walking up to him she said in a quiter voice "Hes not the real Pete, nor will he ever be. But i will still babysit for you !" She said smiling as she looked at Pete with sweet and caring eyes
(@HollyLeafForever What the hell? Where are you? Why did you forget Jen?)

What the hell? She was adventuring in the halls, wasn't she? And why was she even in the principal's office?

Jen wondered this as she saw through Maddie's eyes.
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(Maddy has not even talked to Jen in a while lol, she like completely ditched her un-knowingly and she is everywhere!)

Maddy turned and looked around "Oh, hello!"
Delaney smiled, and rubbed Petes head.

"I promise"

She whispered back, hoping Patrick would see what she said as her natural reaction to kids. When he was scooped up, she nodded to Patrick, still a bit afraid of him.

"S...still.. take as much time as needed. Unless we need to be somewhere."
( xD How is she everywhere? I'm kinda sure you're just looking for conversation anyways. The only issue is that you never walked in the door. I'm being serious here. You never walked in the door. What type of witchcraft is this?)

"Hello..." said Leo, staring at the girl. Wasn't she the one Jen was following? "Where's Jen?"

Wait a second... HOW THE HELL DID SHE GET IN HERE? Leon panicked and tried to get out of his chair and out the door.
((I agree with @TurtleGod, I mean it wouldn't have taken that much extra time to write out you walking in instead of just popping up anywhere you want...))
((Haha, yah. I'm still waiting to find a place to jump in correctly without it being too forced.))

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