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Fantasy The 'Abnormal' Academy

If you had powers would you be good or evil?

  • Good

  • Evil

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Marry snapped her hands and Stella's luggage vanished. "You bags are in your room" she said
"Thank you... I wish I could do that. I suppose I'll find my room and get myself accommodated."

Stella was about to go, but stopped short.

"Is there anything else I need to know? About the school? Or perhaps the other students?"
"Thank you... I wish I could do that. I suppose I'll find my room and get myself accommodated."

Stella was about to go, but stopped short.

"Is there anything else I need to know? About the school? Or perhaps the other students?"
Mary smiled and said "ill show you, Severynd care to join us?" She shrugged. Mary had thought of some stupid answer. "Just dont get in to any fights. I dont need to heal any more burns this year" she said
Severynd Severynd
Stella Fleuré Stella Fleuré
Severynd looked a little flustered before he pulled away, tightening his mask and looking to the side. "Yeah, whatever. You'll do great." He glanced at the Headmistress. "By the way, are there any sports? I haven't noticed any..." Stella Fleuré Stella Fleuré The Outcast The Outcast
"Well, what are we standing around here for?"

Just then, Stella floated slightly above the ground, eager to find her room.
Lucius finished his coffee quickly and smiled as he stood up "Thank you." He placed his payement down on the table and then turned leaving without another word. He headed back towards the school. The strange book in his hands still as he quickly sprinted back towards the school. Arriving at a scene where the headmaster, mike, and a strange boy who seemed oddly familiar were standing and talking. Lucius smiled, finally some people who arent boring. He thought to himself as he waved "Hey!"
The Outcast The Outcast Severynd Severynd Stella Fleuré Stella Fleuré
"Well because magic lets people cheat easily" she said and lookes at the new boy. "Ah hello Senior" she said to him. Then said to the witch "yes lets go" she said and began to walk
Lucius looked to the boy and he gritted his teeth holding the book close to his side "Your book? Im pretty sure you stole this!" He said as he walked towards the three of them "Why do you like such a stupid book anyways?" He asked as he walked up beside the headmaster
Severynd Severynd
The Outcast The Outcast
Stella Fleuré Stella Fleuré
She looked at the book and for a second her face expression changed, then whent back to normal. "What. Are. You. Doing. With. That?"
Stella's attention turned to the new stranger and Severyn. She watched intently as she thought the two were about to fight. She also figured that the Headmistress was angry.

"Um... Is this a bad time?"

She slightly covered her lips with her fingertips, holding her breath.

The Outcast The Outcast
Severynd Severynd
ThatOneLunatic ThatOneLunatic
She sighed and shook her head. "Did you steal it?" She asked at him. Putting a and on the witch so she could wait. Marys hand was uncomfortably hot
He gasped. "I would never steal a book!... I would steal a cool map though." He pulled a map of some oddly formed continent. "I mean come on! How cool is this??" He smirked. The Outcast The Outcast
"Do you wanna spend the rest of the day as a toad?" She asked snapping her hand and the map appears in her hand.
"Well if you wanted to find out who you are." She said "i could help"
Lucius had watched the interaction between the two and he couldnt help but smile. Although tensions were rising and he was preparing for a fight he seemed rather calm. He looked At the two of them as he put the book into his shirts inner compartments. And as the teo kept talking one of his hands began to spark and lightning soon covered it. The lightning swirled around his hand and made a hissing noise as his other fist burst into flames. "I havent had a good spar in a while. If you can land 3 hits one me. Yoj can have your book." He smirked devilishly

Severynd Severynd The Outcast The Outcast Stella Fleuré Stella Fleuré

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