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Realistic or Modern "Teenagers Scare The Living Shit Out Of Me" (Teenager rp, accepting now!)


Kayla walked out her class and headed straight to Lunch, With her Posey following behind her, Which include The Girls on the cheer leading team with her which were her best friends. Kayla sat at her table and waited for Ashton to show but meanwhile as she waited, She caught an eye of a Certain jock. She bit her lip and winked at him. Kayla didn't find anything she was doing wrong because well , Ashton flirted to but she didn't like that because he's a guy but for some reason she finds it fair when she flirts. But Kayla does more than flirt but nobody knows even Ashton.

Kayla folded her Hands and she waited, A Couple of boys came up to her, She raised a eyebrow.

"I Can Help You Losers? Are You Lost, Well I can't help you so move along" She said shewing them away.

"We Heard You needed help with your homework assignment and we'd be happy to help Ms Thomas."

Kayla smirked, "Hm, Well Then that case Your welcome to sit right there at the end of this table" She explained. She took out her homework and passed each subject to the boys in front of her. "There. And when your done you will be rewarded" She said giving them a fake smile.

Jennifer Came out her class and she asked for her new friend from her math class and she finally met him around the hallway. She ran behind him and tiptoed and covered his eyes "Guess Who?" She questioned smiling. As she had her hand covered on his face. Girls were glaring her Down but she shook it off. Jennifer isn't the type to really care about what people think of her. "Jennifer I know it's You" He said and he removed her hands and shook his head smiling.

"Of Course, You would know" Jennifer laughed.

"So, anyways who are you sitting with in lunch?" She asked wiggling her eyebrows. "Definitely not you" He Laughed.

"Shut up Jeremy, Anyways I think I'm going to sit next to Ashton" She said smiling. "Ashton? Ashton as in Mr King who dates Kayla Thomas as in Ms Queen?" Jeremy questioned.

"Yup, That's him."

With That said, Jennifer walked to the cafeteria and sat down at a table waiting for Ashton's arrival. @QueenOfDisaster


The most dreaded time of the day, lunch. Cassie hated lunch with a passion, she didn't like all the teenage sweat and the fumes coming from everyones food, it was too much for her, but somehow Cassie managed.

Cassie walked down the halls quickly to the bathroom and began to search through the rest of her bag for her drugs, "Shit!" She yelled and some girls peeked their heads out of the halls, staring at Cassie oddly. Thankfully they quickly went back to doing what their doing.

Cassie remembered the bag she gave to Scarlett and groaned, "Must of accidentally gave her all of it..." Cassie sighed, annoyed at herself, "Stupid, stupid, stupid!" She yelled to herself before recuperating and take out a tiny bottle of pills and putting one into her mouth. Thankfully she brought extra of her "coping" along with her.

With the pill settling into her system she walked into lunch, running fingers through her hair she took a seat at an empty table and sat down on the table, crisscrossed right in the center.

Cassie pulled out an apple and began to take a few bites of it while watching everyone do their things and continued waiting for the drugs to kick in. @ anyone


Ashton got out of his science class like he was leaving from hell. He was so happy that lunch was finally just around the corner... Literally around the corner.

With a grin he walked into the cafeteria. Without even realizing it he walked to the table where he usually sits at. Ashton doesn't really mind it but he just dislikes everyone's attitude. Then again he just needs to get by this year than he can leave all these snobbish people and be himself.

Ashton sat down next to Kayla and kissed her cheek, "Hey baby." He grinned and wrapped an arm around her.

Secretly he was hoping to god that he'd see someone to go sit with, but not really noticing anywhere he just sat there acting like he enjoyed it all. But, Ashton did really like the attention.

Ashton looked down the table and shook his head watching the boys do Kayla's work. Looking back at Kayla he tilted his head, "Really? I thought this semester you were actually going to try..." @Mariam


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c88d405dd_images(2).jpg.71fc3bb128325b28d053f81b44612a3d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="112915" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c88d405dd_images(2).jpg.71fc3bb128325b28d053f81b44612a3d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/images.jpg.e5014417b47413a4c8949bbbdbdd0dd0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="112916" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/images.jpg.e5014417b47413a4c8949bbbdbdd0dd0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c88d45914_images(1).jpg.3c683a936c9882458d6f9545d173a49c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="112917" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c88d45914_images(1).jpg.3c683a936c9882458d6f9545d173a49c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Daniel, Destiny, and Clarity Taylor

( All in that order)

Stereotype: Goths

Location: School/lunch period

Interacting With: @anyone

Mentioned: @TuffBbg

Daniel, Destiny, and Clarity all walked into lunch but they didn't bother to eat anything. The food here disgusted them but they just got soda from the machines next to one of the exits. They sat at a table that already seemed to have a blonde girl there. She must be a goth since of course she was sitting were goths usually do. Clarity looked at Destiny's purple hair and smiled but that quickly faded when she seen what she was wearing. It was pretty revealing in the chest and thigh area but it was clear that her sister didn't care. Daniel sat on top of the table with his legs on the sitting place. He looked around at the preps in disgust. He honestly hated them all and not just because the way they all act. They just didn't associate well with goths . Well at least some of them didn't. Destiny looked at the blondy again and spoke. " You a goth?" she asked. She didn't even bother saying hi or hello.She waited for a response from the girl, while Clarity and Daniel looked at each other nervously. They both knew that Destiny didn't like non-goths sitting here and this girl would definitely be screwed if she wasn't one. Clarity turned her attention to a guy sitting down. It looked like he was eating something colorful. She smiled a bit thinking he was cute, but quickly stopped before anyone had a chance to see.​



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Evan and Easton

Evan and Easton were the first out of their siblings to arrive at the cafeteria, although they each basically had the same friends they still liked to sit together. Evan walked over to one of the tables placing his notebook on the table before going to get his food, while Easton on the other hand was already up by the counter. The four of them enjoyed being in the preps or popular circle of their school, mainly because the four of them enjoy sports and they don't see their friends as being mean or rude to others. Once Easton got his food he went back to their table, he noticed his sister Elianna walking in, she set her bag down on the table and went up. Evan smiled at his sister as he passed her walking back to the table, he didn't bother waiting he was starving. Ethan on the other hand was running late, his teacher wanted to talk to him, but once he did arrived he really wasn't very hungry so he sat next to his brothers. Once Elianna got back to the table the four of them started talking


Ethan and Elianna


Brenton smiled as Phillip bumped into him and rushed away to the cafeteria seemingly embarrassed. Nice people do exist. He began making his way to the cafeteria, knowing his excuse for when he has to explain it to Mr. Yale. He cleared his throat, rubbing it. He had just been recovering from a cold due to rain day practices for soccer, and was starting to regret ever going even though he had the option not to. Oh well.

Brenton dropped his things off in his locker on his way to lunch, walking into the busy room and watching as everyone was socializing along themselves. He looked around, seeing none of his friends were around, if they were even real. For a guy on the soccer team, he didn't have much of a social life at school. Usually it's the football players, the cheerleading squad, and so on with the kings and queens of school. Poor Brenton was just there. He turned his head to find a spaced-out blonde girl sitting alone at a table, eating an apple. She was rather skinny. And by that, somewhat close to anorexic. Brenton decided he needed to socialize with someone at least and walked over to the table and took a seat in front of the girl. "Cafeteria food disgusting?"



Liam blew out the puff of smoke, finishing the cigarette and flicking it onto the ground, stepping on it his black converses. He didn't bother going to first period, due to Samantha being there. He didn't want to hear her pleads of them getting back together, was just too annoying. Lunch rolled around and he began making his way back into school through the back entrance, closing the door silently because it was beside the nurse's office. He quietly walked to the cafeteria, finding his usual spot empty. Liam sat down in one of the seats and pulled out his phone and a bag of skittles. Even though he was on the rebellious side, didn't mean he couldn't have a sweet tooth.




Cassie was zoning out by now, she was unconsciously staring at the apple. She was eating it, but it was just a few bites. Cassie was thinking about absolutely nothing, her mind went blank... Like a black hole swallowed all of it up and it was just the dark lost hole and her. Cassie's mind was getting rather vivid again actually... Memories began to come back to her, but instead they were changed, seemed almost violent. And no, Cassie hasn't been diagnosed with anything. The last time she was checked for any disorders was when she was 8... The psychiatrist said she didn't have any and that was that... But Cassie never really believed that.

She looked up from the apple quickly when she heard a male voice. From where Cassie was sitting she was able to look down at the boy, since she was sitting on top of the table. Cassie tilted her head at the boy and stared at him, getting to know every part of his features, from his eyes to his jawline.

Cassie nodded at the boy's question, "Oh wow... Actually it quite is I suppose. Not my favorite." Cassie shrugged and rested her chin on her hand, "You seem familiar, were we ever in classes together?" Cassie squinted her eyes at him, thinking if she recognized him or not. But she didn't... Maybe just another figment of her imagination...

Cassie realized how she was acting and quickly gave a fake smile, "Anyway!" She clasped her hands together, "The name is Cassie." @TuffBbg


Brenton noticed a change in the girl's eyes and judging by that, he knew she was probably on something. Almost every person here was on some type of drug. Pills, meth, LSD, anything they could get their hands on. He had never tried any of that ever. Just wasn't for him and probably wont ever be.

He smiled small and took out a water bottle with his name on it. His aunt was all about possession. "I'm Brenton, and I'm not really sure. We might have Spanish together, but I don't know." He took a sip of his water and pulled out a small bag of Cracker Jacks, pulling the bag open and popping a couple of pieces into his mouth. This was his absolute favorite snack, absolutely irresistible.



Jason's morning consisted of sleeping through his alarm, waking up fifteen minutes before school started, throwing some clothes on and brushing his teeth. He didn't even have time for a bowl of cereal before hoping into the silver 2009 BMW Z4 that he had spent all of the previous year saving for and rushing to school. Once he finally found a parking spot he rushed to his first class of the day. Classes were...classes. They weren't incredibly interesting or mindnumbingly boring, they just were just more of the same. He spent most of the time quietly tapping out his latest drum routine on the desks, no doubt to the annoyance of the people sitting around him.

By the time lunch rolled around Jason was starving. He went through the line, piling his tray with curly fries and chicken tenders, as well as grabbing a bottle of coke to wash it down. When he walked out into the cafeteria he wondered where he should sit. There were few cliques in the school where he didn't at least have a few friends, from the band geeks or goths, to the jocks or preps. It wasn't that he got along with everyone or had a wide array of interests, more just that he was usually perfectly happy to go with the flow. Today though he really just wanted to eat so he found a mostly empty table and sat down.
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Phillip finally made his way through the line, now all that was left to do was find a seat. There were some obvious places he would for a number of reasons, but there were some that could go either way. Honestly he'd rather eat in the library and read, at least then he wouldn't have to see Brenton. So embarrassing, maybe he'd have to get his prescription checked, or slow down one of the two. He took a breath an opted to sit at the table with the boy busy on his phone eating skittles. Hopefully it would be rather quiet over there and he could get some reading in while he ate and the two could just remain in their separate worlds for the most part. Phillip sat down on the other side of the table and a fee chairs down from the other male hoping he could get through the day without making a fool of himself again.




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Cassie took a bite of her red apple and smiled at Brenton, "Well good meeting you..." She nodded, "Yup, swell."

She took another bite of her apple. Cassie then noticed he was eating, "I see you're not a fan of school lunch either?" Cassie grinned then went back to her straight face but quickly shook it away, "Sorry if I'm being a little out of it... I'm so fine, tired is all..." Cassie nodded, "Yup, tired."

Cassie then thought of something to ask, "Thanks for sitting with me, I was getting a bit lonesome myself. But, wouldn't someone like you have friends?" @TuffBbg

He was late... very late. Evan rushed around, getting his things and then grabed his longboard and rode to school as fast as he could. it wasnt his fault he was late. It was his hangovers fault. He had been DJing at a party the night before and had gotten a little too drunk. He ran up the steps and into the school. @anyone
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Scarlett survived the first four periods of the day and made her way to lunch. She watched all of the other students talk to their friends, boyfriends, girlfriends, etc. She sighed and walked into the cafeteria. There was no one for her to sit with, but she quickly walked over to Cassie and another boy. "Is it okay if I sit here? I have no where else." She asked nervously as she laid her bag down softly. Scarlett forgot about the weed Cassie had given her, and was quite tempted to relax a little and use it. She knew it was wrong, everything about her mindset was wrong, but she needed the tranquility it brought her. Scarlett looked at the boy and smiled, "Hi, I'm Scarlett.. I've seen you around the hallway but I've never formally introduced myself."

@QueenOfDisaster @TuffBbg
[they won't be this long every time, i apologize lol ]

~Sophia woke to the sun shine through her Batman curtains, custom made. " Nothing but the best for sophia " her father would always speak in a sarcastic deep tone. Her mother went to bed in the am and left just a few hours later, her schedule didn't include family time. Sophia spoke softly into the head set beside her " Xbox turn on ". Her xbox was her most favorite thing in the world besides her pink elephant trunk bowl she took every where with her. She was only 17 but she bought her own food " ramen " salty noodles that take over a year to go digest. Even thou she ate a lot and smoke a lot she still looked amazing, she was a natural beauty.

The little green glow came to the X on her video game console. A small smile appeared as she opened her eyes noticing a already rolled Lid on her small Skull shaped night stand beside her bed. " Bet " Sophia reached over grabbing the Lid and a small white lighter beside it. Sparking it up as she laid back in bed. Her thoughts raced from should i go to school. Whats the point to What am i gonna wear today . Sophia started to cough as she took a large hit exhaling a large puff of smoke, it didn't matter she had her own wing in her big house/mansion.

Her family was very rich and well connected. Sophia was down to earth and avoided using her family well known connections to cops and lawyers. She truly didn't care about money but it would be much harder for her in the long and short run with out money.

" Xbox go to netflix....yes " she even quieter now as she placed her turtle beaches on her head. As soon as she put the head phones on they started to get uncomfortable so she took the off. Netflix came on quickly " watch Dogma " as she spoke her phone went off " a text i wonder who its from ". It wasnt a text it was a reminder " Go the fuck to school bitch you got lunch then math " her phone displayed a banner.

" Oh well might as well " Sophia reached her arm out to put out the Lid in her small ash tray. With a quick motion she lifted the black silk bed sheets revealing her simple tank top and boy shorts. No one lived with her so she could wear whatever she wanted to bed or any time in the day.

She ran to her closet finding some cloths to wear quickly, as soon as she was done getting dressed in her short yellow summer dress, Green black converse and her hair up in a messy bun with straight thing pieces hanging out the bun as if spikes. " Ok all ready to go " she grabbed her skate board and big victoria secret book bag running out her door to the main stair case. Almost getting lost in the process she finally got out of her Maze of a house running to her black 1998 cedilac elder ado with a turbo diesel and pink, slightly glittery rims. Sophia pulled out a cig lighting it up as she peeled out of there long drive way to school. As she pulled into the parking lot quick and fast she was confronted by a security guard " you can't go that fast in a school zone! " he seemed angry. She shrugged it off as he walked away to sit on his ass and do nothing some more. She turned off her car opening her door and slamming it as she ran inside hoping she wouldn't get in to much trouble.

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Brenton popped another piece of his snack into his mouth and brushed the hair away from his eyes. "I thought school lunch here compared to middle school was going to be an upgrade. Boy, was I terribly wrong." He chuckled lightly and watch as some kid went to sit with Liam, the trouble maker of the school. I hope he knows what he's getting himself into. Liam loves joking around. Brenton snapped out of his thoughts to answer Cassie's question, turning his head to face her again. "Why do you think that? Not to be rude or anything at all, but I'm just asking." He smiled quickly when a girl introduced herself to him. Maybe a friend of Cassie's? "Uh, hi. I'm Brenton." He gave a short sweet smile, looking down at his bag of snacks.



Liam looked up quickly to see some kid taking a seat in front of him. He looked at him for a second, taking in his features. If he had to admit, he was pretty adorable, and yeah, it's weird having it come from Liam. He cleared his throat and looked back down at his phone, scrolling through some pictures of his recent fucks. He smirked, remember Hillary. What a kink.. Liam looked up at the boy again, thinking for a second about having some fun and messing around. "You know, maybe you should introduce yourself first to let me know you aren't the son of a serial killer, yeah?"

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Esme decided to head down the stairs to her next class. As she walked down, she suddenly tripped over something on one of the steps and was about to fall forward. She immediately bolted upright in her bed, realizing it was just a dream. "F-king Christ," she groaned and looked over at her alarm clock. She was several hours late. On the first day. Of course. She quickly took a shower, put some light makeup on, and then got dressed.

Afterward, she filled an empty pill bottle with any extra baggies drugs she found lying around her bedroom. She closed the pill bottle and threw it in her book bag. She decided to spark up a blunt before heading out. She hopped on her bike and headed to school. She had finished her blunt just before arriving. She locked her bike up and walked up the steps and through the main doors. She walked over to her locker and opened it up before texting Cassie "Got the sweets! :) ", referring to the extra drugs.




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[Locker with Esme ]

~She ran to her locker just in time to see her friend Esme at her locker not far from hers. She could smell the sweet aroma of some loud. " hey girl whats good " She quickly grabbed her math book from her locker then walked over to Esme. " your late again " she laughed admiring the smell around her locker. " What class you got first " Sophia looked around to see if there as any teachers trying to figure out where the smell came from. There was enough kids in the school to not know who was smoking and who wasn't.


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Esme smiled when she saw Sophia. "Hey, nothing much. Smells good right?" She said grabbing her books, shoving them in her book bag, and shutting her locker. "I slept in, I don't even think my alarm went off this morning."

She started walking down the hall with Sophia, not really heading anywhere.
"We only have like 10 minutes left in this period, might as well not go. Want some sweets?" She grinned, pulling out the pill bottle from her book bag.



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" put that shit away and yes lets go too the spot " there was a small broom closet out side by the field. She liked to smoke there and chill by the picnic tables and watch the foot ball players. Sophia was a big flirt she liked to joke around with people and have a good time. Secretly she didn't have the ego to really make the first move, she was shy up front but a wild child with her friends or at partys. She started to walk faster " before the kids come out " she smiled looking back to her as she made a left out the back door of the school~

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Evan walked over to his locker, winking at 2 girls beside it, and deposited his longboard. It was almost time for social, oh happy days. he absoluely loved social... not really. @IXI @katiebaby420


Cassie looked down at her apple and sighed, not sure where she was going with the question, "Oh, well, just because you know... Just seem like that type of guy. Plus, you know..." Cassie bit her lip nervously.

Thankfully Scarlett came over right on time.

"Oh, hey, Scarlett!" Cassie said putting on her usual fake smile to the people, "Of course you can sit here." She said and then realized the whole issue with the weed.

"..." Cassie wanted to say something but she didn't want to in front of someone she didn't know very well because they wouldn't understand. Shit, no one understands. Not even Cassie herself.

"Well..." Cassie scratched her arm lightly and then crossed her arms, holding onto herself gently.

Cassie then heard her phone buzz and quickly pulled out her phone while grinning, seeing Esme brought some more of the "sweets". @BrooklynBaby @TuffBbg
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Name: Destiny, Daniel, and Clarity Taylor

Stereotype: Goths

Location: Lunch

Interacting with: @Anyone

Destiny shrugged and left the blonde girl alone. She didn't feel like talking much anyways. All she wanted

was to have fun at this point. Maybe i can go to that one new club downtown, thought to herself. As she got up to get another can of soda

she noticed that the preps talked about her as she walked. Who does she think she is? What kind of clothes are that? Her hair is pretty though...Look at the size of those....The last comment was thankfully drowned out by how much talking in there was in here. When she got her soda she walked back to the table to were her brother and sister were. They talked about how they liked it here so far, what club they should go to afterschool, who they thought was cute. The usual stuff. Clarity didn't talk much with her siblings. She looked around at the students there and sighed. She wanted to hang out and make some new friends. She didn't want to just hang out with her brother and sister the entire school year. But she did know that she should be careful at who she makes friends with. You never know how badly the treat you if you make one bad mistake.

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Andrea Ambrose had ditched class for the first portion of the day. She wasn't really feelin class today, so she'd decided to just arrive at lunch. She went back to bed until around 10:30 so that she could get ready. She showered, brushed her teeth and got dressed before doing her hair and makeup. She was finally done getting ready at about 11:55, before getting into her car and driving to hell. A.K.A.- High School.

Andrea arrived and walked down the empty halls, and to the cafeteria as she scrolled through Instagram. She finally reached the lunch room and quickly found the other cheerleaders, sitting down.


(Sorry for the late reply!)



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Stepping out into the well-polished hallway, Paige had just witnessed science class. It was funny how the information was still hot in her brain. Almost disturbing. But, all this information will become useful someday, I guess.

Adjusting her backpack strap, the dark-haired girl made her way over to the crazed canteen. Although, the usual sight of the populars was enough for her to walk back out of the room. It sickened her on how much power they possessed over the student body. The busy nerds working through sheets of homework only proved her point. Reaching into her bag, Paige found her pretzels. She searched around the numerous tables before landing her eyes upon a the friendly like table. Her social side was probably the most intoxicating thing about her.

Walking over to the two boys, Paige sat down beside Phillip, but kept her distance so she didn't give off the "freak" vibe. "The cliques in this school are really starting to piss me off." Waving one of her pretzel into the open air, the girl peered over Liam's shoulder. She hoped to get a better view of the group.

"I mean, I'm thinking about starting a revolution. You guys with me?" Paige quirked up a smile, whilst switching her gaze to the two strangers.

@TuffBbg @Oldfashioned


Esme grinned and put back in her book bag. She suddenly noticed a boy at his locker winking at them. She grinned and winked, blowing a kiss at the same time. She then continued on, hurrying out with Sophia. "We should go out to a party tonight," She said looking over at Sophia and smiling.

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