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Fandom Teen Titans: New Generation

"That would be me," the space officer responded to him. The guy he was staring at looked like a normal person, well if you define a green haired and red eyed person normal. And other then the mask thing, he didn't look like a villain either. So Adam was brought to the conclusion that he was a Teen Titan.
Hero- Soul

He nodded in a rather friendly way, and decided to ask two questions, before sending a hand-sized ball of fire towards the lantern guy. "You don't mind if I don't hold back right? And I bet you do haven't even heard of Soul Energy, huh?" Quickly jumping back to gain distance, Soul looked around at his surroundings to make sure he wouldn't corner himself.
Adam quickly constructed a shield to block out the flames. "No, I haven't. What is it? Some ghost magic or something!? And please give me a warning if we're going to begin fighting," he quickly removed the construct after the flames dispersed and he made his first move. He quickly shot a few blasts of green energy at him.
"Dang they are sure having a battle out there or something" Tabitha said as she peered through the windows down below the group that Tabitha had once snuck past was now battling outside but they appeared to be split up into groups fighting suggesting that they are just training which meant that Tabitha wouldn't have to get involved. Soon finally Tabitha and midnight arrived at a room at the end of the hall on one of the highest floors it appeared that the door was covered in layers of dust proving that it had not been open in some time finally Tabitha toke a deep breath and waved a hand in front of the door causing it to slide open and there it was Tabitha's old room in the exact condition Tabitha had left it in. Tabitha quickly ran in the room and jumped onto her old bed landing on her back as she starred at the ceiling followed by midnight who had joined the pile "Wow it has been some time since we have slept in this bed huh midnight" Tabitha said as she petted Midnight's head who was now resting on her lap but Tabitha's reunion with her room was cut off by the battling going on outside and Tabitha couldn't take it anymore she couldn't resist a fight and nether could midnight soon both Tabitha and midnight found themselves rushing back down the tower to join the fighting outside.
Hero- Soul

"Tch." He quickly dodged two of the blasts, and tried to block the third one with a shield of his own soul energy, however it merely slowed the green blast. Soul barely dodged it, thankful that he now knew what effect the Latern guy's green stuff had on soul energy shields. "First off..." Soul began, as black flames enveloped his left hand, and his right hand became covered in white flames.

"Soul Energy isn't magic. Magic is something only some can use, and as far as I know magic ain't present in everyone. Soul Energy is the literal energy of the soul, so to think it's ghost magic is pretty stupid, and I said I wanted to fight the guy who fell from the sky. I'd be willing to teach you, but I dunno if your soul is strong enough..." He explained with a serious tone, slightly annoyed that the guy would even think Soul Energy was some kind of stupid magic and thinking an enemy would just tell him when the fight would start.

The two colored flames were absorbed into his body, and Soul used them to triple his speed. Quickly rushing at the Green Latern, zig-zagging back and forth just as before with Duke, however built up as much Soul Energy as possible while doing so. Soul planned to get as close as possible to the male, and then use Dragon's Roar as those green shields had the advantage over his flame shields. @Pyosimros
"I feel like my soul is strong enough," he said looking at his every move. To attack him now with his superior speed would just lead him to a counterattack so instead he encased himself in a coat of armor and a sword. "Let's do this the old fashioned way," he said trying to sound an intimidating as possible, though it probably didn't work. Adam quickly stabbed in his direction and he hoped for the best.
Hero- Soul

Slightly dodging the sword strike, however let the green sword nick his left cheek. Soul liked that this guy had tenacity to take on a challenge, however didn't want to cause someone to get killed by his hands again. Not moving an inch, he simply stared at the Latern Boy before coming to a decision. "If you, or your armor, can take this next attack without your soul getting sent to hell, I'll teach you the basics of Soul Energy." Soul promised, before slowly taking his gas-mask off, revealing several shark-like teeth.

Taking a deep breath through his nose, as a large amount of Soul Energy collected inside his mouth, his cheeks puffed out. "Dragon's..." Soul managed to say, just before a huge fireball of white fire larger then his own head erupted from his mouth. "ROAR!" As it was made of Soul Energy, and the guy's green shields had blocked his past fireballs, this one was very different.

Despite the type of move was different only in scale, the Soul Energy made from it was what made it more dangerous. While the energy before was from himself, this move was made with the energy from his angel soul, which made it 3x as strong then it would normally. Soul knew this could possibly kill the Green Latern guy, he wanted to see if the guy would dodge it like a coward or take it on as a challenge also. @Pyosimros
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Adam prepared for the strike. The thing was, he knew when to get ready because he'll just say someone like what he said then. He quickly thew his shield in front of him and he pointed his other hand on the wall behind him, creating a large cushion to hopefully break the impact of what's going to happen. "Come on, hit-" he was slammed into the wall with great intensity. First, the cushion didn't help that much, the construct immediately smashed like a broken piece of glass and he sat there in pain on the wall. Second, was the blow itself, the pain was everywhere and he had trouble moving in general, though the ring could still move him. He created a full body cast around him and he lifted him into the air. "I'm not... I'm not done yet..."
Hero- Soul

Soul lightly laughed, however felt the brunt of the exhaustion, as that last attack had nearly used up all of his angel's Soul Energy. In order to prevent the demon soul from taking over, he had to use up and convert it's soul energy into his own. Since both his demon and angel Soul Energy was now weak, Soul's body changed from that of a Magi's to that of a human's, due to the fact his human soul was stronger then the two. From green hair to brown, red eyes to green, and his mouth returned to that of a normal human's.

Dropping down to one knee after the change, Soul breathed heavily, as it was rare for him to be reduced to his human form. "S-sorry, but I am done, plus you survived so I have to hold up my end of the deal. Not to mention, if I use anymore, we both might be in-" He was forced to stop to cough roughly, as his throat was somewhat dry. "...Trouble. My body ain't been back to human in two years, so just ignore me if it's a bit hard to use it." Soul explained, remembering how a cult had tried to kidnap him. Sitting down in the floor, he got out a candy bar out of his pocket, which luckily hadn't been damaged too much.

"I haven't taught very many people...actually only one person besides you..so bare with me if it's a bit confusing or sounds stupid. Like I said before, Soul Energy is the energy of the soul. The two rules that don't change and don't have any loopholes, those are that A) Soul Energy is in every living thing which means anyone or almost anything can use it, and B) Using it all up will send your soul to hell. I wanna make sure you understand that, cause there can, and is, quite a lot of loopholes to get around the other limits of it." Soul said, warning and re-hashing his past statement. @Pyosimros
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Illianna had slipped from the rest of the group and had gotten outside to watch Soul's fight with whoever was daring,but in truth she wanted a chance to corrupt him. She was going to actually fight him herself,but the green lantern showed up. Illianna watched the lantern and magi fight,but it came to a halt shortly,with Soul giving an explanation for why he had stopped,"Uh...S-soul are you OK?"Illianna asked as she walked over to Soul.Illianna was tempted to attempt to corrupt hi,but the Lantern was there and she didn't know his strength,"H-hi....I'm Mystic,nice to meet you. If you don't mind I can step in for Soul." The sorceress still appeared to be innocent.
Suki19 said:
Although Vivian was now exhausted, she decided to keep going, pushing herself to a new limit she had not been able to reach on her own. In a matter of seconds she quickly divided herself into two, the first of them attacking with punches and kicks while the other rested and re-gain energy to make another shadow attack, as soon as the first had gotten tired, the other lifted herself up as turned her hands into two shadow blade throwing her hands forward.
Vlad was caught by the blades, and launched into the wall. "Nice..... Work." He said with his voice as he gets up. "I believe you are awesome." He added.
Hero- Soul

"U-uh...yeah..." Soul was slightly shocked, as it seemed that Mystic, as the girl went by, came out of nowhere. Although he couldn't sense souls, usually his demon soul would be able to tell him where nearby people were by sensing their sanity, but guessed that maybe it was too weak right now. His thoughts snapped however, when she offered to take his place. Quickly getting up, Soul didn't care if it sent his soul to hell, he wouldn't let anyone hurt a girl. "Sorry, but I ain't gonna let 'em fight you. I'm not saying your weak, but I won't let someone even try to hurt a gal." He said, however had trouble keeping his balance, as his human body was much weaker then his Magi form, not to mention it hard very hard to even control his Soul Energy into fire-blasts in this state. @Jailbird @Pyosimros
"No offence, but I'm a Green Lantern, are you sure you can stand a chance against me?" Adam smirked. His cockiness was getting the better of him. Other his that he still hurt all over from the last fight.
"Well this is quite something" Tabitha said to midnight as she silently slipped outside unnoticed watching the fighting going on "Should we join in on their little playdate?" Tabitha snickered as she leaned against the wall of the titans tower debating if she should join in on the fighting going on around her midnight just watched in silence lying on the ground next to Tabitha before finally nodding as she shoke her fur stretching while getting up "You sure are lazy huh" Tabitha chuckled giving a fake yawn before finally she and midnight wondered into the battle field waiting for someone else to notice them and invite them to the fight.
Illianna chuckled at Soul as he attempted to protect her,"It's OK, I can protect myself."the young magi had earned a genuine smile from her,which was feat nearly none had reached. A spellbook appeared in Illianna's hand,flipping to a page with a blue check mark,Illianna began to chant. With a small surge of energy from Illianna to Soul and Adam,she had cast a healing spell on them,"Your welcome and I'm not worried,"turning to Tabitha she held up two fingers,"2vs2! I'll take Soul since he seems to dislike girls fighting and because I want to wipe that smirk off your face,Mr....?"The girl elected her idea as she looked at Adam for him to reveal his name and invited Tabitha to join in.

@nighttimecatplayer @Pyosimros @Silvey
"Mr. I-Probably-Don't-Wanna-Fight-Someone-That-Looks-Like-You. There's a lot of hyphens in there," Adam smiled. Though he was speaking the truth. Though he decided to drop both the cockiness and the body cast. "My name's Adam," he stated simply.
After finishing her last attack Vivian dropped to her knees, unable to fully stand up, though that didn't prevent her from blushing at Vlad's complement, luckily, her hair made sure to cover most of her face "Thank you" she simply stated, a trying to catch her breath. After a few seconds she managed to put her hand against the wall and stand back up, stepping outside the room she looked through a window, seeing her teammates probably setting up their own training "It looks like most of them have decided to train outside"

@Steel Zinogre
Hero- Soul

About to reply back to Mystic, however stopped when a spell-book appeared in the girl's hands and his body returned back to being a Magi's. Stunned at how she had healed him back to normal, Soul couldn't help but doubt if it actually really restored him back to normal. "Demon? Angel? You two awake?" He whispered, and filched as the two yelled at him for wasting so much of their energy. Stretching his arms for a moment, Soul stared at the girl, as it seemed her personality had changed a bit. Brushing it off as her being competitive, and decided to join in the conversation a new fighter had joined in. "I'm for it. Adam huh? The name is Justin, but people usually call me Soul. I might take a break though, cause there's another thing I have to worry about that I'd rather not share until I can really trust this team." Soul said, as he could feel the demon soul already attacking in his mind again, but really wanted to train himself with them. Before putting his gas-mask on, he gave a large smile, which coupled with his shark-like mouth seemed slightly creepy. "Mystic and Adam? I remember faces more then names, so sorry if I forget before it sets i-!"

"GET AWAY FROM HIM YOU STU-" Soul managed to cover his mouth, and waved to them to go ahead without him, before quickly running inside a nearby quiet room.

Villain- Bloody-Star

She suddenly felt back to normal, however was furious that the girl from before, which apparently was named Mystic had helped Justin. 'Die!, JUST DIE YOU!! RAAGHHHHHH!!!!' Bloody-Star wanted so badly to just rip apart this witch's body, and it only intensified when Justin seemed just sooo surprised the girl had healed him. She yelled at him out of anger that he'd wasted her energy, however regretted it as he filched. When he mentioned something to worry about, she knew he obviously meant her, but was glad that maybe it would force him to get away from that stupid witch. Bloody-Star used as much as her might as possible, and yelled at Mystic through Justin, happy with his reaction to get away from them.

((Chose to color-code them that way it would be easier to know who is talking when QwQ''))

@Pyosimros @Jailbird @nighttimecatplayer
"Well that was quite odd.." Tabitha said as she watched the boy who had dubbed himself soul run off as midnight for some reason had started to follow him her head hanging low sniffing at the ground before Tabitha gave a single and waved her hand making midnight trot back over to her side "Names Tabitha by the way" Tabitha said figuring she might as well introduce herself at some point "And this is midnight" Tabitha continued with a smirk doing a little bow before stepping out of the way revealing midnight who was kneeling on one leg "Soo uhh is this happening or what we can still battle 2vs2 you both can fight me and midnight since she is my partner we always fight in a duo so it would be a little unfair with the extra guy anyway" Tabitha said pointing off in the direction soul had ran off in.

Suki19 said:
After finishing her last attack Vivian dropped to her knees, unable to fully stand up, though that didn't prevent her from blushing at Vlad's complement, luckily, her hair made sure to cover most of her face "Thank you" she simply stated, a trying to catch her breath. After a few seconds she managed to put her hand against the wall and stand back up, stepping outside the room she looked through a window, seeing her teammates probably setting up their own training "It looks like most of them have decided to train outside"
@Steel Zinogre
"Maybe we should watch them. Who knows what they are doing." Vlad said as he got out a flask of animal blood and drank it.
While the others had been training, Jay had managed to slip away without anyone paying much attention to her, she got back inside the tower and looked for Vlad, who seemed to be in charge around here "Hey Vlad, are we supposed to be doing anything in particular?"
Illianna giggled inside,but on the outside the scared face of a 12 year old was the only thing pictured,"Hieee! W-w-what did I do!?"Unless you looked in her eyes. Illianna quickly looked from Adam to Tabitha and back to Adam,a confused look on her face with a hint of fear. Taking a deep breath 'Mystic's' composure reformed and it appeared as if she was gonna try to ignore the experience,"Well...Let's get on win the sparring match!"

@nighttimecatplayer @Pyosimros
Minerva then starts to swing from the tall trees in the front of the tower. She can see part of jump city from the tallest tree of 30 ft. And then lands on all fours, shaking herself of any dirt or foliage.
"Erm... What was that?" Adam asked Illainna. He wasn't sure what he just experienced. It seemed like she freaked out at nothing. "And what did you do?" Adam asked the next question.

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