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Fandom Teen Titans: New Generation

Discharge removed his hand from the computer, and stretched it relaxingly as the plethora of new information tunneled into its ever-expanding mind... "So, the rumours. Prove true! Newly formed heroes, TITANS! It. Would be rude of me, to not introduce myself to them..." Discharge grinned curiously, as he left the massacred wharehouse, its first course of action was to simply walk... Walk towards the new heroes, and there it would create chaos! Chaos, in the name of order. These 'heroes' were as corrupt as the rest. And like the rest, they had to be cleansed.
Soul sighed, as he wouldn't want to argue with the person who he guessed was the new Teen Titan's leader. "I'm pretty fast, so don't blink or else you'll get hurt." He warned, while putting the goggles in his forehead over his eyes. As blue fire began to engulf his feet and fists, Soul gave one more warning before getting ready to go head-on against the apparent leader. "This blue fire will burn anyone but me, so I'd try to avoid it. Blue fire is much, much hotter then normal fire. Plus it's made from the energy from my soul so even IF you can somehow control it, I can just make it disappear without it effecting my speed much." @Steel Zinogre
"Excellent, shall we get started?" Vlad asked his team telepathically as Minerva sniffed out a new scent, and opened the door to find a stranger leaving. she grabbed the person and sat him in front of vlad. "Hello there, are you here for the recruitment?" he asked the person telepathically. @Archangel Galdrael @Reaper
"Oh... Uh sorry if I'm intruding, but yes actually. I would like to know a little more about the teams moral values first, if you don't mind."

He said, approaching until he realized the man didn't move his lips to speak. He cocked his head, puzzled.
"We fight for the same cause as the original titans did, the safety and prosperity of our fair city. We might be bigger and stronger, but here, we are family." He said telepathically as he drank blood from a wine bottle he opened and drank out of before. Minerva looks at the person, and sniffs him. @Archangel Galdrael @Reaper
Discharge finally stood outside the huge tower of the Titans... And with the simple placement of its metallic hand, a small wave of electricity sweeped the first floor of the building, and in an instanct, all electronics on that flooe belonged to him, and masterfully, he used those to then take control over the rest of the electronics in the building. It would be impossible to trace from anything but the first floor... And Discharge doubted any heroes were on that floor. Patiently, he settled down, and listened in on the Titans, and watched what they were doing.
"I dunno about everyone else, but as you can see I'm ready for a real fight." He said to the telepathic boy, then turning to the new stranger that showed up. "If you don't have the willpower to fight with your life and others on the line, then this ain't for you. I don't want anyone gettin-" Soul stopped talking, when the demon soul inside began to speak through his voice, however it's voice sounded very feminine yet sadistic. "-Get in our way, and your blood will be everywhe-!" He managed to regain control of his voice, however knew that the others may have heard the demon's voice. @Steel Zinogre @Reaper
Tabitha and Midnight soon arrived at the tower they stood there for a moment just memorizing the beauty before Tabitha walked over to the giant glass doors but just as Tabitha was about to push open the entrance and go inside Midnight had once again begun to growl as she sniffed the air her growling growing more fierce by the second before she had broke into a run dashing around to the side of the tower "Midnight where are you going come back!" Tabitha screamed as she chased after Midnight but to her surprise when Tabitha found Midnight she was in a battle stance letting off a low warning growl but there appeared to be no one there "You have been acting strange all day come on" Tabitha said grabbing Midnight by the neck as she pulled Midnight towards the entrance of the tower Midnight struggled a little bit before admitting defeat taking one last look at the spot she was growling in before agreeing to go with Tabitha.
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Minerva went to the first floor, to go outside and move around. but she saw discharge and looked at his armor. She grew curious about this new comer. "BOYSSSSS! Relax." Vlad shouted as he clutched his head, since the blood he was drinking was actually wine. "Dang it! Mind as well chuck this out." he said to him self. @Archangel Galdrael @Reaper
Discharge grew annoyed at the interruption. And he stood from the ground turning to face the animal and its... Owner. "Ah, are you a titan? Please. Do not, let my appearance worry you. as you may see, I am, a robot." Discharge kept his hand on the wall, control over the tower was still his. The two before him had no way to know this, or if he was a threat. Though the current situation offered some... Problems. Discharge's mind worked rapidly to think through it.

"Uh huh......" this barrage of strange people and sniffing, made him a bit reluctant, but he ultimately regained his thoughts.

"How are you?... Everyone. My name is Andrew. I like Justice."
Jay was worried when the question of training has risen, she had little to no idea how to control her powers, yet for some reason she was here, turning to the boy who was speaking, she was not ready for any sort of fight, especially not with the other team members who she had no idea how they acted, she just hoped they could all work together soon enough. Turning back to the conversion she greeted the newcomer "Hi! My name is Jay, nice to meet you Andrew!"

Soon Tabitha and Midnight once again stood at the entrance of the tower Tabitha placed a hand on Midnight's shoulder while kneeling down on one knee "Alright the titans are doing try outs today so be prepared to meet some new people but just try to stay out of sight out of mind. Now the new titans don't know us but the old titans did but then they got disband if you remember so we should be allowed to join the new team since we had old experiences with the old titans" Tabitha said standing up as Midnight nodded in agreement before they entered the first floor of the titans tower.
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"Oh.... Okay." He walked inside. "Tryouts? There isn't an interview process? What do you mean tryouts?" He said scratching his head.
Soul winced when the supposed-leader yelled, and the fire around his fists and feet went out for a moment. Regaining his composure, the flames came back, more fierce then before. "I hate yelling. Don't yell and I'll consider not burning anything. People tend to call me Soul, so I don't need any stupid nicknames about fire." He said, openly showing his anger towards the leader. However since nobody else had done anything to him, Soul didn't mind introducing himself. @Steel Zinogre @Reaper @Dlabell9
Illianna took this time to sneak away from the group to go find what she had been looking for. It didn't take long since she could feel the demonic aura drifting from Raven's old room. Illianna took out an orb as big as a soccer ball and began to chant,but as she chanted dark spirits and energy entered the orb,"Well,that's is done. Time to go!" Illianna slipped back into to the group,but now with a new goal,convert the guy with the demonic presence.Walking over to Soul,she looked him in the eye,"What was that voice before? A-are you a d-demon?"Illianna played her role perfectly,but the fear on her face did not reach her eyes,which appeared as if they were laughing at him.
"Demon?" she turned to Soul and the girl talking with him, his reaction had been a little of for someone who was just new to the team, but Jay though maybe he was just like that, she had never considered him to be- in the middle of her thoughts the power in the Titans tower went out "Guys, what just happened?" a little flame surrounded each of her fingers, serving as candles, she began to think training would have to wait.
Soul blushed and his fire immediately disappeared at the sight of the girl seeming to be scared of him. "N-no! Well, sort of, but I'm not gonna hurt you!" He nervously tried to explain what exactly he was, however didn't notice in the slightest bit that the girl may be a threat. "I'm a Magi, it's someone who has more then one soul! S-so, don't cry K?" Soul said, now feeling guilty for losing control of his demon soul.

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[undisclosed Location]

In a large room, a thin young woman tapped her sheathed sword against the floor periodically as a man in military gear nervously checked his Machine-gun again. From under his helmet sweat poured down his face as he checked again, waiting for his boss to comment. It had been this way for a straight twelve minutes, the woman tapping her scabbard to the floor and the man rechecking his weapon. Finally, she stopped tapping and blinked.

"Markus windhelm," she said slowly, letting the name settle as she glared at the man "I have to be honest... I expected more from a loyal employee of Crescent Industries."

"Mistress Z!" he quickly blurted out "You don't understand! I didn't know-!"

"Oh I think I understand perfectly, your words seemed very clear." Mistress Z stated as she raised one finger and swirled it in accordance with her words "Remind me, what was that oh so specific comment about me on all fours?"

"I didn't know you were listening Mistress, I-I swear I would-" Markus seemed to start choking on his words "It was just playful banter you know! Hanging with the guys and all, making jokes!"

"It wasn't funny." Mistress Z retorted as she began drawing her blade from its scabbard "I just don't understand what it is about men these days thinking with their lower head instead of the actual brain, it's just mindboggling I swear. Just because I'm more feminine than your 'buddies' gives you no right to see me as anything other than your generous employer, so now I'm going to retract that generosity with passion now that it seems you refuse to view me as nothing more than another womb with legs."

She finished drawing her sword and let the scabbard fall to her side, "Let me make something clear:" she said as she stretched her sword-wielding arm a bit "by the time this is over, you are going to be crying like a little girl unless you kill me."

Markus swallowed his words and raised his gun, taking aim at his boss. The moment she took her first step forwards, he opened fire.

Mistress Z closed in as she swerved around the bullet fire, the speedy slashes of her sword destroying any rounds that dared to get to close to her. Markus backed away more as his situation dawned on him.

Finally, Mistress Z got within range, and suddenly the front half of his gun clattered to the floor. Mistress Z stood straight and held her sword behind her back as Markus slowly turned his weapon to see just how close he was to losing his hands. As he looked back up in terror, he saw naught but another quick slash before he lost feeling in both of his hands. Mistresss Z idly looked over her sword as the sound of eight fingers falling to the ground resonated around the room. Markus screamed as he looked over the spots where the missing digits once were. He was only faintly aware of loosing feeling in his knees as well before he suddenly stumbled onto them without their support. His screaming resounded once more before being cut off by the residual agony of being impaled through as the words dug through his lower body and into the ground below.

Mistress Z wiggled the handle of her sword a bit to see if it stayed true, then she let go to lean down to Markus' new eye level. She ignored his screams and removed his helmet before patting him on the head. Only once the helmet was removed did she look him over before slapping him.

"Quiet." She said as Markus instead turned to pain filled whimpers, Mistress Z glared at him for a few seconds before nodding "Just as I said, like a little girl."

With that she stepped back only to turn and kick Markus enough to tear him off the sword impaling him, send him spinning through the glass window behing him, and plummeting down into the abyss below.

Mistress Z retrieved her sword and looked over real quick before turning and speaking "Anyone else want to voice their sexual fantasies of me before I continue."

At the other die of the room were several dozen Crescent Troopers all forced to witness the punishment of their comrade.

"None?" she asked accusingly before shrugging "Very well, on with the proceedings. Meister if you'd please."

Meister was an event recorder that kept an eye on things happening in Jump City for her, he was a lanky man with rat-like features but he served his purpose.

"Well besides the Titans having their tryouts today-" Meister began

"Pass." Mistress Z stated almost immediately

"Your Husband seems to have made another appearance."

Now this was worthwhile, as the original heir to Crescent Industries Mistress Z found that he had contingencies in place that allowed him to reassert control of the company if he so inclined. She had to keep tabs on his actions if she was going to find a way to get rid of that nuisance.

She glanced towards Meister, "So where is he."

[Random Bank]


The woman screamed it over and over as she was dragged through the air. A large inky figure with a horrific figure had her legs sunken into his back and was climbing while humming a jaunty tune.

"Oh I'm ever so glad you could join on this wonderful sight-seeing adventure Madame, I will be your tour guide. You may refer to me as Mr. Grin or Grinny if your prefer darling I'm not much for restricting preferences!"

As he said that he reached the roof, climbing atop it he dropped two sacks of money onto the ground and considered them for a minute with his empty eyes before shrugging and stepping on the pile. He whistled as his foot semi liquefied and began dragging the money into his body where it seemed to disappear into him. Once he was halfway through the second one he finally took notice of the crying. His head did a 360 and he looked down at his unwilling passenger.

"Darling, are those tears I see? Well why not share their cause with me?" he asked with a chuckle


"Pardon me darling I didn't quite catch that?"

"Why are you doing this?!?" she cried

At this Mr. Grin paused, then he reached back and pulled the woman out of his back before letting his smile grow wider "How about I answer your question, with another question?"

Without waiting for another reply Mr. Grin continued "Would you like to know what my insides look like?"

The woman blinked through her tears "What?"

Mr. Grin just chuckled again before bring the woman close and stuffing her headfirst into his massive smile. She began kicking fiercely as Mr. Grin took her entire body into him with every sickening gush as he swallowed more and more. His smile never changed, and he kept chuckling as the woman sank in up to her knees. Finally her thrashing feet went still before they disappeared inside him as well. He stretched and laughed to himself before picking up the rest of the second bag and idly eating bills as he sat on the edge of the building.

"Hmm, now isn't life grand?" he said with his ever-present smile and patted his stomach.
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She sat alone outside the titan tower. "Breath deep, Autumn, it will be okay. Just be yourself," She spoke to herself as she walked back in forth. "But what if they hate myself?!" Her eyes grew big and she grumbled slightly. "Courage, Autumn. You need to do this!" She brushed her red hair from her face and took another deep breath. "For Snow," She whispered as she went to knock on the door. "Is there like a bell or something? Ugh, I'm so nervous," She shook slightly and the plants around her began to over grow above the tower. "Oh no!!" One of the plants lifted her up against the window of the common room. "Well now you've gone and done it!"
Minerva looked at the plants through the window on the 2nd floor, and opens it. She then climbs the plants all the way to the common area's height. She grabbed autumn and then descended back down into the tower, and brought her to the common room. @Archangel Galdrael @Suki19 @Silvey
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Autumn shuffled her feet and hands nervously. "I'm sorry," she mumbled low. The plants soon calmed as she attempted to calm her own nerves. "Uh, I.." She coughed slightly as she tried to get the words out. She had never been around other people but her sister and, sometimes, her parents. She straightened herself, trying to appear confident, and looked at the people in the room that she had been pulled into and bowed. "May I join you in your cause?" She asked politely, but intensely.

@Steel Zinogre
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Soul noticed the beast from earlier had brought someone to the room, and decided to use it as a way to change the subject. "Oh hello there! Y-you new here too?" He asked nervously, quickly making his way towards the girl. Soul didn't want to talk about his demon soul, as it tended to only cause the demon to get excited. "My names Soul, well that's what most all call me anyway." @DemonKitten @Jailbird
Vlad walks up to autumn, and smiled. "hello! I am Vlad Reznov, and I lead this team." he said telepathically as he held out his hand for a handshake. "Nice to meet you!" he added. @DemonKitten

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