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Fandom Teen Titans: Inherited(OPEN)

Still working on this first post. It's so long.

Edit: it is done! Sorry if it seems confusing it's kind of late and I really wanted to add more to the story. I'll probably make one to two more posts before she crash lands but I'll wait till everyone make their first (possibly second or third) posts :) . After all she is managing to fit 24 light years into a single earth year. That can take some time :)
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Pyromaniac said:

No I will not eat another soy burger dad.
Terra Logan

|NAME| Terra Logan

|ALTER-EGO| Beast Girl

|AGE| 19

|SEXUALITY| Demiromantic Heterosexual

|GENDER| Female

|BIRTHDAY| November 12, making her a Scorpio

|EYE COLOR| Bright Green

|HAIR COLOR| Dark Brown

|WEIGHT| 120 lbs.

|HEIGHT| 5'5"






|PARENTS| Beast Boy and Terra


Born a mistake, Terra was not expecting her to be with child when she left Beast Boy to go work for Slade. She of course, gave nine months later at a extremely young age, and abandoned the child on the streets of Gotham City. The child was born with unnaturally green skin, bright green eyes, and dusky green hair, taking after her father mostly. She was later picked up by a travelling circus who described her as the "Freak from Mars." However, she liked the attention, but soon her powers of shapeshifting kicked in. Becoming freaked out herself, the girl soon left the circus only to run amok through the streets. Someone noticed her and pointed out her similar features, gaining the attention of Beast Boy, who was shocked by the girl. Taking her in, the girl told her entire story, and Beast Boy was able to somehow connect the dots. With the help of a DNA test, the two realized of their bond and Beast Boy named her Terra after her mother. He helped her train her powers, and she soon left her father to explore the world on her own. As she explored, she found a surgeon who helped her change the color of her skin temporarily as well as dye her hair.


Terra is rather shy when you first meet her, and rarely joins in on the conversation. However, once you start to warm up to her, she'll begin to act more like her father, a typical jokester. However, she is more like her mother when it comes to personality bits. For starters, she has mixed ways of showing her loyalty, making her an extremely good candidate to send as a double agent, or a spy of something. She often has a mix of identity, not sure who to be, or who to please. One part of her wishes to find her mother and learn more about her: why she left the original teen titans, but another part wants to follow her father's footsteps and become part of the Next Teen Titans.


Beast Boy | Father | She's probably closest to Beast Boy, mainly because she sees him as some magnificent hero who saved her from the streets. She sees him as more of a mentor than a father figure though, but still wishes to become just like him.

Terra | Mother | Not much is known about their relationship, except that Terra never wanted to become pregnant with Beast Boy's child, thus resulting in her abandoning the child after she delivered her.


She often times hums the circus theme under her breath as it acted as a lullaby for her.

She keeps her starring poster as "Freak from Mars" with her as some sort of twisted comfort blanket.

Often times, especially when she's nervous, she'll shift into a kitten.


Terrestrial Metamorph: Beast Girl has the ability to morph into any animal she knows of. She can change into extinct animals and even animals from different planets. When she changes, it only takes a couple of seconds. It does not matter how big or small. It does not put strain on her to do this. She can stay in an animal's form indefinitely. Beast Girl can also change into a hybrid, which has all the animals' powers rolled into one. She cannot control this so he does not turn into a hybrid unless absolutely needed. She has demonstrated the ability to transform into animals many times larger than their actual forms: among others, she has been seen transforming into a human-sized tarantula and a giant snake.

Animal Mimicry: Beast Girl has the power to mimic the abilities of any animal she knows of while she is in their form. The ability apparently gives her intuitive understanding of the animals and what abilities they have that may be useful in the situation.

Animal Empathy


She can be extremely persuasive with her words, a trait most likely received from her mother


In both looks and powers, Terra is a carbon copy of her father Beast Boy. Despite her mother being the original Terra, some people can't imagine it and sometimes question her lineage. However, DNA tests prove that she is indeed the daughter of Terra and Beast Boy.

A downfall to her powers that wasn't seen in Beast Boy is that every time she shifts, she becomes more animalistic. She limits herself to fifteen shifts a day to avoid becoming just like an animal

[QUOTE="David Dauntless]View attachment 240346

Dominic Hunter


Hunter X


20 years (He does not age after 20 years old)












220 lbs in human form/ 1500 lbs in Hunter X form


6 ft in human form/ Over 9 feet tall in Hunter X form

|APPEARANCE| (Hunter X form)

View attachment 240341




Dominic grew up in the Phantom Zone since he was still a child and he was the last of his species. He was sent there to fend for himself by Kryptonians who had destroyed their planet due to the animalistic nature and the huge threat of their species to the existing universe. Growing up in the phantom zone taught him a lot about survival and being smart in a cunning way. He later earned a strong reputation within the phantom zone and became the top of them all as well. Although he knew he was at the top of the food chain, he still had a score to settle with the Kryptonians. All kryptonian criminals that were in the phantom zone were killed off brutally by Hunter X, leaving them extinct until he learned one day that there was one kryptonian who was above all the rest, who was like a God and he resided on planet earth. Dominic made it his personal mission to show that their so called "God" could also fall to his knees. Then one historic day Dominic managed to escape the Phantom Zone as new prisoners were being banished their, he also killed off the guards that were sending them there and he took their space ship and made it to earth. Now on earth, he has plans of his own to get to Superman but he will do it one step at a time by taking out everything close to him, friends, family and his love interest if worse comes to worse. Now his first step is to try and get close to Superman by infiltrating the different ranks of heroes including the young justice and justice league.


Dominic has a street smart personality and he always takes his missions very seriously. Dominic is not a hero yet not a villain but more of a renegade who only does the things which are right in his eyes and in this case vengeance is in his heart because everything was taken from him since he was young and he feels that he must level the playing field.



Super Strength on higher levels then Kryptonians, Super Durability on higher levels then kryptonians, Enhanced Speed (not super speed) and able to get stronger if rage increases.


Just like Kryptonians, Kryptonite has different effects on Dominic dependent on Kryptonite type


Street smart, excellent hand to hand combatant and cunning at times



How do you guys feel about these two?

I don't have an opinion on Beast girl yet, I'll get back to you on that.

I think that Dominic is Way overpowered. His profile indicates that he is Stronger then superman and can grow in strength, My opinion is that no characters should be stronger then even Superboy.
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Z! Are you back on hiatus? We can't move along freely until you post...

although if you need more time to make an introduction you know you can just ask:)

Everyone else...mingle...make your characters ask questions. The world isn't on the brink of destruction. Yet.
@lostviolence did bring to mind a great point:

The timeline has been altered. If there are any changes you'd like to make to your character, superficial or otherwise, you may do so. Just be sure to let me know that you did--not for me to accept them, but so that I don't make a mistake.
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@Pyromaniac it's alright with me...just don't go too crazy. There is a reason why we are in 2.0 mode.

Speaking of new people...didn't I accept some new faces? Where are those guys?
Ricardo has sporadic super strength, if that counts...

and he's half alien...

reppin my homie.
RedIncubus said:
Ricardo has sporadic super strength, if that counts...
and he's half alien...

reppin my homie.
That's right totally forgot.

Also, I don't think I'm bringing Red X back since this is an alternate time line I don't want it to be to similar to the last. So I'm thinking of a different villain maybe idk what do you think?
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ugh sorry guys. I have been swamped.

I have so much school work. Im in but idk when I'll be able to post so.

if you can move along without me then great. do that.
Wow...I spoke it and it happened...

(I want 2 million usd to legally be owned by myself now)

Umm...lantern corps?

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