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Fandom "Tears" (a multi-fandom RP)

Serious note @Morbuskid let him Job to Ultron

Crenando said:
The answer is...


[QUOTE="Azure Sky]Hmm...I have no idea how and where to introduce my character xD

Important question who is your character and what kind of story do you see them fit in?
Azure Sky]The character is Shiki Tohno/Nanaya: [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/threads/tears-a-multi-fandom-rp.138813/page-7#post-4035694 said:
"Tears" (a multi-fandom RP) | Page 7 | RpNation.com - Best Roleplay Forum[/URL]
Shiki is fit for stories revolving around demons, vampires and/or conceptual entities which can die. But in this case, a story where he cannot easily kill, or defeat the enemies would be good.
Well AOU... but @Morbuskid's having his big moment there and he killed most of the Ultron Sentries...

WWE City has the Monokumas... and they're hard to kill

those are the only two running storylines I can remember off the top of my head
theManCalledSting said:
Well AOU... but @Morbuskid's having his big moment there and he killed most of the Ultron Sentries...
WWE City has the Monokumas... and they're hard to kill

those are the only two running storylines I can remember off the top of my head
Yeah, Snake's only doing as good as he is because he's stealthy, and destroying giant robots is kind of his specialty.
Btw...Can Ultron react to super speed? While I don't know much about the robot, I've never seen anything in the comics I've read that would suggest that particular capability.
[QUOTE="Azure Sky]Btw...Can Ultron react to super speed? While I don't know much about the robot, I've never seen anything in the comics I've read that would suggest that particular capability.

Well it's AOU Ultron so in a universe where he beat everyone... even the pantheon of gods so yes.. he can
theManCalledSting said:
Well it's AOU Ultron so in a universe where he beat everyone... even the pantheon of gods so yes.. he can
Ok, good. If he couldn't do it, someone like Shiki could 'kill' him with little to no effort xD
[QUOTE="Azure Sky]Ok, good. If he couldn't do it, someone like Shiki could 'kill' him with little to no effort xD

Ultron has a counter for almost anything at this point so yeah...
@Some_Bloke The Team of The Miz and R-Truth, THE AWESOME TRUTH kidnapped Drake and pushed him into a tear leading to the AOU Universe...

Drake's mindcontrolled into helping you guys defeat Ultron so the Awesome Truth can use that universe as their new Safe house.
Is it wrong that I'm seriously considering having the Invaders randomly swarm Titan Tower? I find the thought strangely hilarious.
TommyGun15 said:
Is it wrong that I'm seriously considering having the Invaders randomly swarm Titan Tower? I find the thought strangely hilarious.
Who are the Invaders? Is it that Golden Age Super Hero Team with Captain America and Namor?
Remember? The Dark Souls guys who appear when the bells ring and kill shit for no apparent reason?

And when they show up, Ready To Die always starts playing.
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