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Fandom Tale of Two Survivors { The Last of Us 1x1 with icedthemoon }

Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; Oregon

Alex laughed softly, a smile on his face. "I am only telling the truth dear." Alex told him, as he felt the blanket wrap around them. He snuggled in beside Nate and sighed happily. This was perfect to him, and a small yawn escaped him as he felt his eyes close. "Good night Nate." Alex whispered, eyes closing completely as he fell asleep, comfortable, safe and happy. He was with Nate and that was all he needed, really.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly| 21 | Current location ;; Oregon

Nate too closed his eyes and he rested his head on Alex’s. He yawned before quietly whispering his own goodnight and letting his sleepy mind wander through the events of several days past and ones from further back. Better days. Good days. He strayed from darker thoughts, and tried to stay in the comfort of the light. For now. Eventually he fell asleep, and he slept soundly for very many hours.
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; Oregon

Alex slept soundly, peacefully for the first time in a few days. No nightmares appeared to him, no sadness touched his dreams. He let all the wonderful memories of his family, of being with Nate, of their adventures through Montana with Kaleb and Carlos. Every positive thing he'd experienced appeared somehow, at some point while he slept. When the sun filtered through the boarded up windows, Alex was half awake. His mind was awake but his eyes remained closed as he laid beside Nate.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly| 21 | Current location ;; Oregon

Nate slept so hard that he didn’t notice the sun for a while. He had a lot of sleep to make up for since he spent so long being stressed and guilt ridden to sleep. That was not gone, exactly, but he was able to push it away for now. When he finally awoke, he wriggled just enough to stretch his arms and legs but otherwise did not move. He opened his eyes and then decided that he liked them better closed. They didn’t need to get up. He could stay right there with Alex attached. Though he was hungry and would probably eventually have to eat.
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; Oregon

Alex registered enough when he felt Nate wriggle and stretch, but that was as awake as he got. He snuggled closer, as his brain started to wake up more. He tried to fall asleep again but it wasn't working, so he slowly opened his eyes and he stretched himself out a little. He wasn't going to move a muscle, even though he knew that he was getting hungry. He heard his stomach grumble a little and a soft groan slipped out because he didn't want to move at all.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly| 21 | Current location ;; Oregon

The grumble of a stomach called to his stomach because it too grumbled. In his sleepy state, he laughed because he could no longer tell which one of them was making hungry sounds. “I think they’re telling us to get up,” he mumbled as he kept his eyes closed and nestled against Alex. “But tummy,” he whined, “I want to be here instead. Cuddles are more important.”
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; Oregon

Alex felt a chuckle slip out as he heard Nate's stomach grumble too and he huffed out a simple "I think so.." His voice was still thick with sleep as he sighed. Another chuckle slipped out at Nate's words, and Alex hummed in agreement. A louder grumble echoed from his stomach again which made Alex groan louder and tuck his head into Nate's chest. "I don't wanna get up.."
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly| 21 | Current location ;; Oregon

It was time for morning giggles, because here Nate was giggling at them both. As he did so, his own stomach responded to Alex’s as though they were talking. He tightened his grip around Alex and attempted a curl. “If we hide here, they’ll never find us,” he choked out through the laughter. He meant for that to be pretend serious, but he never made it that far. It was impossible really. He was so bad at not laughing when he started.
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; Oregon

Alex couldn't help but start laughing softly as his stomach grumbled again, feeling Nate tighten his grip and laughed louder at that comment. "Maybe, we can just hide and ignore them." He replied, laughing louder. It was ridiculous and silly and it was so normal and perfect to Alex. He missed this, a lot. "We should probably oblige our stomachs or they might just eat us." Alex said with a laugh, shifting his head so he could look at Nate.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly| 21 | Current location ;; Oregon

His laugh was incessant and bubbly as he listened to Alex. “Oh no!” He loosened his grip so that his hands could slide between them, fingers wiggling across stomachs. “They’re going to eat you!” He gently pushed Alex so that he could sit up to better continue this attack. No, not him of course. The stomachs. He would never. But the stomachs were hungry and this was the best way of showing it.
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; Oregon

Alex’s eyes widened when he heard Nate and felt him loosen his grip and then felt his hands slide between them. “‘No! Nono.” Alex laughed as he felt himself pushed gently as Nate sat up and continued attacking his stomach. “N- Nate.. I can’t b- breathe.” Alex managed to say in between his laughs. But he was having the time of his life at the moment. This was definitely needed, a chance for them to relax and just take a moment to enjoy each other’s company.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly| 21 | Current location ;; Oregon

Nate leaned in closer with a mischievous grin, or as mischievous as his grins got. “Good,” he said in a deeper tone. “That makes it easier for them to consume you.” He laughed before he slid his hands away and banished them to the sides so that they could not continue to commit crimes. “Alright, fine. We can get up and eat so that our stomachs will forgive us for starving them. I don’t know. They seem vindictive to me.” He let one arm fall off the bed but he wasn’t close enough to the bag at all. “Well, I guess we’ll starve.”
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; Oregon

Alex looked at him when he leaned in and heard his deeper tone and words. “Oh I see.” Alex said with a chuckle as he caught his breath. His eyes watched Nate’s hands move away to the sides and he shook his head with a laugh. “I can see they are very vindictive, and mean. Forcing us to move from bed or they’ll eat us.” He said as his eyes widened a little bit at the last comment. Alex squirmed a little and wiggled his way trying to get off the bed as his stomach grumbled loudly. “I’m not so sure I wanna starve though.”
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly| 21 | Current location ;; Oregon

“Starve,” he repeated. “We’ll starve!” He lifted his hand again and gestured toward the bag that was too far from him. “I could never actually get up to get the food, because my stomach is consuming me from the inside and therefore I do not have enough energy to go on!” He sighed and let his head fall to the side. “That is definitely how bodies would work. I would not lie to you, for I am a man of medicine. They would never ever say any untruths.” It had been a while since Nate was in this kind of mood. Maybe he was feeling better after all.
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; Oregon

Alex snorted a laugh at Nate, shaking his head as he did. “You are truly the most dramatic man I’ve ever met. And I have no choice but to believe you. I know you would never tell me untruths.” Alex replied, before he grinned and shifted, slipping away and off the bed. “But my body does not know what it’s doing, so I can reach our packs.” Alex replied with a chuckle as he stood there, hand on pack. He was glad to hear this from Nate, perhaps he was feeling a little better now.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly| 21 | Current location ;; Oregon

Nate laughed and then chuckled and then giggled as he lay on the bed watching Alex actually get up like he should be. He dragged himself forward and rolled himself up to a sitting position. “I can’t believe you would think that I am more dramatic than Carlos. Or that your body would defy the laws of nature.” He shook his head. “Tragic.” He slipped off the bed, landing with a thump, and put his hands out. “Okay, I’m ready for sustenance.”
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; Oregon

Alex laughed as he looked over at Nate. “It’s truly a tie between you as to just who could be more dramatic.” Alex said with a smile, taking Nate’s hand. “Let’s get some food in that stomach of yours.” He added, looking at the cans in his pack before pulling out the spaghetti. “Fancy breakfast?”
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly| 21 | Current location ;; Oregon

“Oh, you spoil me today?” Nate asked as he saw the can of spaghetti. He reached around Alex and grabbed two utensils for them. “It’s because I’m so dramatic,” he teased as he sat reasonably and not like he fell out of a bed, which is in fact what happened. “And then what’s your plan for today after we eat?”
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; Oregon

Alex chuckled as he looked at Nate when he reached around him. “I’d spoil you everyday if I could but perhaps today it was because you were so dramatic.” Alex said as he opened the can. As he took one of the utensils, he listened to Nate and thought for a moment. “I was thinking we could play this game me, Yara and Lev used to do. One of the older warriors had mentioned that he had played it once and told us about it. It’s called uh Would you rather. And it’s basically two scenarios and you have to pick one of them. What do you think about playing that?”
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly| 21 | Current location ;; Oregon

As Nate took his first bite, he laughed, which made him choke a little and then laugh more when he was fine. “Maybe I should be dramatic more often,” he posed as he tried not to choke on his food again. Instead, he worked on listening intently and eating. Would you rather. That sounded entertaining. “I think we’ve played similar things, but we did more of a coming up with scenarios without the choice? I like this idea. Okay, would you rather. That sounds fun for sure.” He took another bite, focusing on chewing and swallowing before anything else this time, and added, “Though I should finish eating first before I kill myself.”
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; Oregon

Alex felt a flash of concern when Nate choked and then sighed with relief when he was fine. “You don’t need to be dramatic more often. You’re dramatic enough already.” Alex told him. “Okay, awesome. But yes, please finish eating. I don’t want to lose you because I couldn’t save you with that move you taught me to help you when you’re choking.” He said with a laugh, eating more today that he had been in the last few days.
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly| 21 | Current location ;; Oregon

They should have been more cognizant of how much they ate, but Nate felt this was fine with how little they ate before. If they were going to make it to Wyoming, they were going to need to have energy. That would be why they were eating a little more and also taking a day not to keep moving. He took his last bite, resisted the urge to say something and instead finished chewing and swallowing first, and wiped his utensil before tossing it back in the bag. “Okay, now that I am no longer a choking hazard, we can do this. How exactly does one start this would you rather game?”
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; Oregon

Alex looked at Nate as he finished his own last bite. He knew they had to eat a little more and take some time to rest. Otherwise they’d never make it to Wyoming. Tired meant missing something and missing something could be deadly in this life. So it was safer in the end to take a day and rest. Alex looked at Nate as he cleaned off his utensil and put it in the bag. “It’s pretty simple to start. So these are all hypothetical situations too. Like I’ll start. Nate. Would you rather face a shambler or eat nothing but beans for the rest of your life? And now you have to pick one of those options that you’d rather do.”
Nathaniel Matthews
Former Firefly| 21 | Current location ;; Oregon

Nate sat back and leaned against the bed as he took in these scenarios. He scrunched his face at the first one and then it got worse at the second. “These are both terrible options!” He complained. “Why would anyone want either one? Hypothetical. Okay.” He narrowed his eyes. “Am I all alone in this? Because if it’s the both of us, we could probably take now a shambler. You did a lot of that damage last time. But if it’s just me?” He weighed the options. “But beans are so gross.” He sighed. “I would probably have to take the beans. The shambler would squash my little body.”
Alexander Brennan
Former Seraphite | 19 | Current location ;; Oregon

Alex watched Nate's reaction his scenarios and chuckled at the face he made. "That's the whole point." Alex said with a laugh, hearing him. He shook his head as he heard him. "You are all alone, just you against a big guy." Alex replied, and then he chuckled hearing him. "Oh? The beans are the winner, though I'd prefer you picked the beans, I quite like having you around." Alex said with a smile, before he hummed. "Okay, so now you get to propose two scenarios to me and I have to pick one."

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