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Fandom Sword art online: tree of dreams

ok then next time i post i will post as if time passed though i think i will avoid the possibility of my character being rendered unable to fight at all
wow that really can screw you over should your weapon or armor be selected say bye bye to being effective
Yea it just the items not equiped. But it still sucks. There a special trade called bounty hunter. Their job is to help players get their item back if they are being targeted by players and then report them.
so dose this game not use the bind or equip system or bind on pick up system?
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I just said Item equipped aren't effected and there storage in town. Towns are safe from PvP.
no bind on blank items are common among mmos as a way to control item distribution basically make players get items themselves it is where when you use or pick up an item it is bound to you so no trading it basically so some super high level group can't grind out super ultra rare items then sell them to other players

with this i get that for long as it isn't equipped it is fair game
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Like some items like Excalibur or legendary items wont bind unless equiped because simply there one of them. They come from boss fight from the last 19 . They given to the last person to land to hit the boss.
so in theory with the last hit items you can just equip them then take them off and then even if they are the only thing you have on you when you die you will drop nothing?
There not a bound system unless you have it equiped . Unequip it unbounded.
so then if you die and you have the legendary last hit weapon kicking around in your inventory you could lose it if you get killed so in theory the second a boss is killed it is very man for himself as far as loot goes hoping that people will not have yet equipped their good stuff like the last hit item they just got
That even if that the item that drops. Second if I feel it going to be a issue I cancel it. Basically by the end of the game. I was hoping that everyone bounds. Like if I got a bow that I couldn't use I give it to an archer.

If your known as a player killer your unlikely to be accepted in teams
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have you played an mmo in every mmo there are these people called ninja looters their entire existence is stealing shit they can use from people that could just because they can these happen a lot in groups that you simply put together on the fly so yeah unless we are all joining 1 team we will either have to pretend this never happens like i suspect we will do with items

well the way you explain the system it makes it sound like pking right after a boss is a good idea if you want the best stuff you need to either land the last blow or kill the guy who did before they can equip it yeah its a dick move but it is a legendary item legendary one of a kind items are generally worth a red dot
This is getting annoying. I cant add something cool to this story without this million question and over analyze it. Item are legendary as in one of them not meaning it makes you a god or goddess. If you want to pk then your not going to score points with people. I be closing sign up. To me rping is about joining together and furthering the story.
Wow I give up. The whole ideas was to give the main cast aka us another threat to worry about. Not to have player killer in our team or that to become the nain story
i am not even complaining i haven't been i have been trying to understand the way this whole thing works with the losing items on death
The rp still active I didnt quit. I am tried of going on about this topic. I explain it.

I dont get it an easy concept to get. As they did it in vrmmo animes before. There a group.of people that like to kill for your money and any possible rare items this way they can get to the last boss for the wish. We are the heroes we dont do that
i get the killer pkers will be pkers they like it the item drop

my thoughts are more on the boss loot with a wish on the line and there being only one i see if you don't have a group of friends if you do something like a pick up group i see that as devolving into a free for all for boss loot because boss loot is really good and if they don't equip it that second you could get it and have and edge for next time this doesn't apply so much for us if we are all in one group

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