« Sword Art: Online » [Inactive]


LVL - [ 1 ] HP - [ 71 / 100 ]

COL - [ 10 ] EXP - [ 17 / 50 ]


Shiro hears a beep and practically falls over in surprise. He hastily opens his menu and reads the message.

Oh gosh, so sorry! I just assumed you'd try to find me. So sorry! Me and Endrance, my partner, aren't near anyone in the field. I'm a kinda short blonde. If it helps, I'll hold up my straight sword?


Shiro reads the last part three times before he realizes he should probably actually look at the field if this is going to help him find her. He looks around. He sees people with bows felling boars, he sees warriors rushing some monsters, a blonde girl holding her sword up, some other peo-- Wait a second...

His eyes go back to the girl. She's blonde, and she's holding a sword up. She has somebody standing next to her. Yes, there is probably about a 99.9(repeating, of course)% chance of that being Atria, as people usually say when they are very sure of something. He looks back at his menu and closes it, keeping an eye on the girl so he doesn't lose her position. Then, he walks towards her and the other guy. As he does, he decides to wave and call out, "Hello~!"


??? Endrance ???

LVL - [ 2 ] HP - [ 75 / 100 ]

COL - [ 0 ] EXP - [ 25 / 200 ]


"I don't mind it. New members are a wonderful thing." Endrance stated wryly. He was glad they were bringing members, but just to be cautious, he let out a piece of information to Atria. "Invite as many people as you like, but when the guild starts, make sure that it's the exact opposite. No one is to know." Endrance started to treat it sort of like a secret society. Just like his old guild was. It was full of hackers who had tons of information to give out to players. Some he would actually charge real money if it came down to it. In this game, knowledge was power. That would be this guild's forte. Strength in numbers. And knowledge.


Endrance turned his attention to the brown-haired boy who had arrived, seemingly looking for Atria.
"Greetings. I take it you're here to join the party." It was as if it became Endrance's trademark to actually ask if others would join the party and if they were willing to take the small contract. The contract was official now, as he already asked at least two people. "If you join the party, you must also join the guild that will be made in the future." Once Endrance had at least 5 people he considered starting it by getting a guild charter. Endrance spoke out to the boy that had arrived.

"There is only one condition. Not anything to do with loot or experience but something quite different." To others it might have seemed completely harmless but with Endrance's voice, it came off as almost menacing. "If you join this party, you must also join the guild that it creates in the near future. If you comply with that, we guarantee you safety, power, and knowledge. What do you say?"

Endrance could care less if he "knew" the person, most people were already looking for a group anyway. If the person seemed malicious, Endrance would have them go through certain errands, disguised as small trials to earn their trust. Either way, the guild would not be tainted again by what happened before. Things were going to be different. Things were going to go right.



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LVL-[2] HP-[80/200]

COL-[20] EXP-[25/100]


Atria nodded, grinning up at Endrance.
"Got it!" she told him. "I think I understand what you're going for." she said, before looking away when she heard someone speak. Looking at the speaker she smiled.

"Hi! So you're Shiro?" she asked. "I'm Atria, and this is Endrance!" she told him happily before listening to Endrance as he brought up the idea to join their party. She was hoping he agreed. He seemed nice enough, and though so far she liked it just being her and Endrance, it would be nice with some others.

Even if it seemed like she was going to be the only female around. Holding back a sigh, she glanced at Endrance, noticing his serious expression. Making a note to ask him about it later, she turned to grin at Shiro again. "So, what do you think?" she asked excitedly. "You wanna join?"



LVL - [ 2]

HP - [ 100/ 200 ]

COL - [ 70 ]

EXP - [ 35 / 200 ]

(The Shrouded Swamp Arc)


Seeleon brought Kiki to a precarious position, sitting on a wobbly precipice jutting from the side of a swap-covered hill. "Look just over this ridge and you will see the cause of the disturbance." What she say shocked her. A mine chock-full of walking, talking, reptiles. Looking back towards the chameleon, she fell into even more confusion; he was no longer there. Oh great. Now you're gone too. In and out of the underground cavern, reptilians walked back and forth. Off to the side were massive machines boring huge holes into the ground, their spinning tongues quickly snatching up anything of value. There is no way I can do this by myself. Checking over her stats, her face fell. It looks like I'll have to take them on one at a time then. Being sneaky? Ugh, this is going to be such a drag. Counting about 7 of them milling about the left entrance, Kiki begrudgingly set her "sneaky" plan into motion.

Sliding down the left side of the hill on her back, she stalked her way to an outlying machine dutifully drilling away into the solid earth. She patted the steel monster.
Noise to cover their deaths, check. Thanking the gods for the thick smoke, she peeked her head out from behind the machine and let out a noise she loved hearing the most: "Meow." Out of the seven guards, only two became alert and to her luck, only one of them came to investigate. As #1 rounded the corner of the machine to see what made the noise, she wrapped an arm around his neck and activated her newest skill #Suffocate. Slowly, the lizard's HP ticked down towards zero. At about a quarter life left, the headlock suddenly broke.

-Insufficient stamina-

Popped up on her screen.

Freed, the lizard swiped a taloned claw at Kiki's face. Parrying the blow at the cost of half her health, she #Counter Hay-Maker defeated the monster by jamming a sweeping straight into the side its skull.

-You have earned 35 exp and 25 col-

*Thunk* She slammed her back against the wall of the drill and slid down to the floor.
Half my health gone in one hit. I'm going to die. I'm going to die. I'm going to die. Swallowing hard, Kiki worked up the nerve to take a peek and found herself staring face to face with reptilian number two. She had forgotten. There were two. Utterly stunned and with barely any stamina left, all the girl could do was gape in horror. I'm so sorry. With tears streaming down her face as she waited for the final blow, #2 did an about-face and walked back to where its comrades were gathered. Kiki could not understand what happened. How could it not see her? She looked down. How could SHE not see her? "Yoo-hoo. You looked like you needed help." It was the little old chameleon wrapped around her leg; toothless grin and all. "Back to the hill shall we?"



LVL - [ 2]

HP - [ 200/ 200 ]

COL - [ 110 ]

EXP - [ 105 / 200 ]

(The Shrouded Swamp Arc)


"I didn't know you NPCs could do that," Kiki said in disbelief. Seeleon paused and thought a moment before he answered. "What's an NPC?" Oh my. "Forget it. "Thanks for saving my life back there Seely." Not a problem child. I was glad I could be of some use at this age. Smiling at the chameleon, she glanced up at her life bar regenerating and sat staring at it idly, knee-deep in subject-less thought. Genau. Kiki dusted off her backside and got up to try her hand again at the left entrance. Hearing light pads of feet on the murky ground behind her, King turned around and noticed the little chameleon still bounding along behind her. "Is something the matter?" she said aloud. "Nope." "Is there something you want for me to do for you?" she inquired further. "No my dear." Half-way to the drill at the left entrance, Kiki turned around fully and stared at the animal. "Why are you following me?" "Do you want me to stop?" Blushing at her brief irritation with Seely, she sheepishly replied "No." "Good."

Now at the drill, Kiki checked her stats and made sure everything was good to go. Check. I'm all set. Taking one last look at Seely calmly sitting behind her, Kiki let out another cute little "Meow." Watching as #2 came up to investigate the source of the noise, she felt the little chameleon climb onto her leg and wrap its tail around her kneecap. Appearing in front of the girl, #2 stared for a second before it started to turn back towards its mates. In one swift motion, Kiki locked arms around the lizard's neck and activated #Suffocate. Kiki had learned her lesson. At about half-way health, she let go and punched the guard square in the back. He whirled and looked to see what it was but, his eyes registered nothing. After kicking the lizard in the abdomen, head, leg and neck, Kiki let out a childish laugh. Hearing this, the lizard quickly turned towards her direction and swung its claw. Unfortunately, that's exactly what Kiki wanted it to do. Parrying by catching its arm by the wrist with her left, she #Counter Hay-Maker bashed a clench fist into the jaw with her right, breaking it apart into a confetti of pixelled particles.

-You have earned 35 exp and 20 Col-

"Seely," she laughed, "I think I'm in love you." Five to go and we are in! Genau. I can do this! Kayaba, little by little I'm coming for you. Peeking around the corner with renewed resolve, Kiki wondered how she should attack the last 5. She decided to try out the Meow trick again. But this time, three guards came over to investigate the noise. Deciding to turn back to the hill and regroup, she tripped over herself and fell on the floor because she couldn't move her legs. Seely had his tail wrapped around them tight. "Trust me." As the guards rounded the corner of the machine, Seely shimmered back into view. The chameleon then darted off in the other direction towards the hill causing two of the three guards to follow in tow. I got it. Please wait for me Seely. With the invisibility quickly fading away, Kiki jumped to her feet and kneed #3 in the stomach, doubling it over. She quickly followed up with an elbow to its face and kept the blows coming in quick succession. A swift kick to the knee-cap, a quick jab to the throat, she made sure the lizard had no opening for a counter-attack. I need to get to its back. Standing still for a few seconds too long, she allowed the lizard to set itself and make a strike towards her person. #Side-Step Dodging the blow and appearing behind the monster, she slipped her arm around its neck for another bout of #Suffocate. Keeping in the lock tight until the lizard dissipated into nothingness,

-You have earned 35 exp and 20 Col-

her thoughts drifted towards the brave chameleon.

Hold on, I'm coming for ya.

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LVL - [ 1 ] HP - [ 71 / 100 ]

COL - [ 10 ] EXP - [ 17 / 50 ]


Shiro stops in front of the two and listens to them talk.

"There is only one condition. Not anything to do with loot or experience but something quite different. If you join this party, you must also join the guild that it creates in the near future. If you comply with that, we guarantee you safety, power, and knowledge. What do you say?" The man, Endrance, said. Shiro evaluates the condition and its reward, and realizes he'll need to pay them back with his own safety, power, and knowledge, as only an idiot would give that for only joining a guild in return. Safety - he can protect people pretty well, he seems to be good at rushing in and fighting things that threaten others, as he does it whether they're threatening him or not. Power - he can't give that at the moment, because he's still a mere level 1. He hears Atria say something. It sounds like a question, but he's too concentrated to respond to her question right now. It was his mistake for lounging around while waiting for a group, so that's his own fault, and he will make up for it tonight. He'll put in a little extra time tonight for training. Knowledge - that's one thing he can't give back, but it's a nice thing to have. As are the rest of the things. But, the condition... He wants friends, but he barely knows these people ... Could he really trust them enough to join a guild with them? He looks at them. The man Endrance looks very serious, and given the fact he was dueling earlier, he must be confident in his abilities with the rapier, which is the same weapon Shiro uses, and so much so that he prevailed. Yes, abilities are no use if you have no confidence in them ... He looks at Atria. She seems like a nice enough person so far, and she's been training, so she's probably as determined as the rest of them. Yes, they seem like dependable people...

"I accept your offer. I may not be of much use at this very moment, because I sort of slacked off while looking for a group, but I promise to put aside extra time tonight to make up for the training time I lost." He expresses his distaste for how formal he made himself sound in the first sentence in his mind, but smiles on the outside. It wasn't a forced smile ... No, this was a real one.



LVL-[2] HP-[80/200]

COL-[20] EXP-[25/100]


With a happy squeal, she'll deny it if repeated, Atria tackled Shiro in a hug, cheering, before letting go of him and bouncing in place slightly.
"Yes!" she cheered, grinning at both males before her. "This is awesome! Even if I'm the only girl." she said with a laugh.

With a grin still attached to her face, Atria opened her menu before sending Shiro a friend request. She would send him a party invite, but with Endrance as the leader, she figured she should have him do that. Though she doubted it mattered too much.

Username: Shiro

Friend Request from Atria

Accept - Decline

"Oh, don't worry about slacking! We were just thinking about training some more. You can never train enough, you know?" she asked, silently thinking about the death trap they were in. Shrugging it off slightly, she caught sight of her health stats. "Oh shoot! I forgot, I need to find..." she trailed off, muttering to herself as she dug in her pack.

"Aha!" she cried out happily, holding up a crystal. "Heal." she said, crushing the stone, watching as her HP filled back up to it's new max of two hundred. "Figured I should heal up. Don't want to take any chances." she smiled.



LVL - [ 1 ] HP - [ 71 / 100 ]

COL - [ 10 ] EXP - [ 17 / 50 ]


Shiro is tackle-hugged. He yelps in surprise. I've never been hugged by a stranger before ... It feels nice, but... He waits for her to finish her attack, and then he looks at himself, trying to figure out of she did something to him. Did she inject venom into him? Did she put a bomb on him? That would suck. Bombs aren't fun. Maybe she didn't do anything to him. That was probably the most plausible explanation. He thinks for another second, then looks up and sees he has a message.

Friend Request from Atria

Accept - Decline

Well, that's ... Then again, we're going to be in a party, so it's a pretty obvious thing to send a friend request. Duh. Get a grip, Shiro. He smiles and presses Accept. Maybe Sword Art Online, this ... Death game ... Won't be so bad after all. All they have to do is fight and survive, and they can do this. He looks at Endrance and Atria, waiting for a plan or course of action to be said. They had said they would be training more, but it would be rude to just run off and do it.

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« LVL - [ 3] HP - [ 300 / 300 ] COL - [ 30 ] EXP - [ 6 / 400 ] »

Hugh moved on to look for another ore node.

I was born one morning when the sun didn't shine

<2 copper added><1 copper added><3 copper added><1 copper added>

I picked up my shovel and I walked to the mine

<1 copper added><1 copper added>

I loaded sixteen tons of number nine coal

<1 copper added><3 copper added><1 copper added>

And the straw boss said (well a bless my soul)

<1 copper added><2 copper added><2 copper added>

<1 copper added><2 copper added><2 copper added>

<1 copper added><2 copper added><2 copper added>

<1 copper added><2 copper added><2 copper added><3 copper added><2 copper added><2 copper added><3 copper added><2 copper added><2 copper added><1 copper added><2 copper added><2 copper added><1 copper added><2 copper added><2 copper added><1 copper added><2 copper added><2 copper added><1 copper added><1 copper added><2 copper added><1 copper added><2 copper added><2 copper added><1 copper added><2 copper added><2 copper added><1 copper added><3 copper added><2 copper added><1 copper added><2 copper added><1 copper added><1 copper added><2 copper added><3 copper added>
Dave sighed, picking up a pick-ax. This was going to be so boring for the viewers to watch. But, oh well, they could manage. He walked over to the node and began mining.

<1 copper added><1 copper added><1 copper added><1 copper added><1 copper added>

How tedious.

<1 copper added><2 copper added><1 copper added><1 copper added><1 copper added><1 copper added><1 copper added><1 copper added><1 copper added><1 copper added><1 copper added><1 copper added><2 copper added><1 copper added><1 copper added><1 copper added><1 copper added><1 copper added><1 copper added><1 copper added><1 copper added><1 copper added><1 copper added><1 copper added><1 copper added><2 copper added><1 copper added><3 copper added><1 copper added><1 copper added><1 copper added><1 copper added>

Daves wind wandered, he looked at his chat overlay. Hoping to alleviate his boredom, apperantly a local news station had done a story on the stream, neat.

<1 copper added><1 copper added><1 copper added><1 copper added><1 copper added><2 copper added><1 copper added><1 copper added><1 copper added><1 copper added><1 copper added><1 copper added><1 copper added><1 copper added><1 copper added><1 copper added><1 copper added><1 copper added><1 copper added><2 copper added><1 copper added><1 copper added><1 copper added><1 copper added><1 copper added><1 copper added><2 copper added><1 copper added><1 copper added><1 copper added><2 copper added><1 copper added><3 copper added><1 copper added><1 copper added><1 copper added><1 copper added><1 copper added><1 copper added><1 copper added><1 copper added><1 copper added><1 copper added><2 copper added><1 copper added><1 copper added><1 copper added><1 copper added><1 copper added><1 copper added><2 copper added><1 copper added><1 copper added><2 copper added><2 copper added><1 copper added>
<3 tin ore added><3 tin ore added><2 tin ore added><1 tin ore added><1 tin ore added><1 tin ore added><1 tin ore added><2tin ore added><2 tin ore added> Marco had finished up with collecting his tin and now was to start gathering his copper again.

"You load sixteen tons, what do you get?"

<2 Copper ore added><1 Copper ore added><2 Copper ore added><1 Copper ore added><2 Copper ore added><3 Copper ore added><2 Copper ore added>

"Another day older and deeper in debt"

<1 Copper ore added><1 Copper ore added><1 Copper ore added><1 Copper ore added><2 Copper ore added><2 Copper ore added><2 Copper ore added><2 Copper ore added><2 Copper ore added><2 Copper ore added> "Saint Peter don't you call me 'cause I can't go. I owe my soul to the company store"

<1 Copper ore added><1 Copper ore added><1 Copper ore added><1 Copper ore added><2 Copper ore added><2 Copper ore added><1 Copper ore added><1 Copper ore added><1 Copper ore added><1 Copper ore added><2 Copper ore added><2 Copper ore added>

"Hey Ravita! Get ready for another load." he said to her to no doubt wake her from her boredom induced stupor . <1 Copper ore added><1 Copper ore added><1 Copper ore added><3Copper ore added><3 Copper ore added><2 Copper ore added><3Copper ore added><3 Copper ore added><2 copper ore added><1Copper ore added><1Copper ore added><1Copper ore added><1Copper ore added><1Copper ore added>

Opening his trade window he dumped his copper ore to hers and then happily went back to mining as he was close to finishing his quota.

??? Endrance ???

LVL - [ 2 ] HP - [ 200 / 200 ]

COL - [ 0 ] EXP - [ 25 / 200 ]


"I accept your offer. I may not be of much use at this very moment, because I sort of slacked off while looking for a group, but I promise to put aside extra time tonight to make up for the training time I lost."

At that moment, Endrance sent the party request. It flashed up on the screen and the accept was clear. Endrance knew if he declined now, what was the use of that? Second thoughts? Cold feet? There couldn't possibly be any turning back now. This contract was sealed with the "Accept" button. He had to make his choice.

Party Request


Accept - Decline

Endrance also made sure to send the boy a friend request so that he may keep up with him on the field if they ever got lost. As soon as it came, Endrance heard something. It felt like stone sliding on stone, but his hearing skill wasn't high enough yet. He then tried to make it out more. It was some one unsheathing their swords? Most of the players had moved on from this area. Endrance looked around. Nothing but creatures.

"Why don't we move on to the next area? I'm sure there are more leveled creatures that way. And don't worry about yours. You'll level up right beside us in no time. Besides, you're almost there"



« LVL - [ 3] HP - [ 300 / 300 ] COL - [ 30 ] EXP - [ 6 / 400 ] »

<2 copper added><3 copper added><2 copper added><3 copper added><2 copper added><2 copper added><3 copper added><2 copper added><1 copper added><1 copper added><2 copper added><2 copper added><1 copper added><2 copper added><2 copper added><1 copper added><2 copper added><2 copper added><1 copper added><1 copper added><2 copper added><3 copper added><2 copper added><2 copper added><1 copper added><3 copper added><1 copper added><1 copper added><3 copper added><2 copper added><1 copper added><2 copper added><1 copper added><1 copper added><2 copper added><3 copper added><1 copper added><2 copper added><2 copper added><3 copper added><2 copper added><2 copper added><3 copper added><2 copper added><3 copper added><1 copper added><2 copper added><2 copper added><1 copper added><3 copper added><2 copper added><1 copper added><2 copper added><2 copper added><1 copper added><1 copper added><2 copper added><1 copper added><2 copper added><2 copper added><1 copper added><2 copper added><2 copper added><1 copper added><3 copper added><2 copper added><1 copper added><1 copper added><3 copper added><1 copper added><2 copper added><3 copper added>

Hugh watched as his inventory filled up with ore before moving on to another node.

<1 tin ore added><2 tin ore added><1 tin ore added><1 tin ore added><2 tin ore added><1 tin ore added><3 tin ore added><2 tin ore added><1 tin ore added><1 tin ore added><2 tin ore added><1 tin ore added><1 tin ore added><2 tin ore added><1 tin ore added><1 tin ore added><2 tin ore added><1 tin ore added><1 tin ore added><2 tin ore added><1 tin ore added><1 tin ore added><2 tin ore added><1 tin ore added><1 tin ore added><2 tin ore added><3 tin ore added><1 tin ore added><2 tin ore added><1 tin ore added><1 tin ore added><2 tin ore added><1 tin ore added><1 tin ore added><2 tin ore added><1 tin ore added><1 tin ore added><2 tin ore added><1 tin ore added><1 tin ore added><2 tin ore added><1 tin ore added><1 tin ore added><2 tin ore added><1 tin ore added><1 tin ore added><2 tin ore added><1 tin ore added><1 tin ore added><2 tin ore added><3 tin ore added><1 tin ore added><2 tin ore added><3 tin ore added><1 tin ore added><2 tin ore added><1 tin ore added><1 tin ore added><2 tin ore added><1 tin ore added><1 tin ore added><2 tin ore added><1 tin ore added><1 tin ore added><3 tin ore added><3 tin ore added><1 tin ore added><2 tin ore added><1 tin ore added><1 tin ore added><2 tin ore added><1 tin ore added><1 tin ore added><2 tin ore added><3 tin ore added>


LVL-[2] HP-[200/200]

COL-[20] EXP-[25/100]


Atria blinked, looking at Endrance.
"Sure we can go." she said. "What, did you hear something? My listening skill isn't too high yet, but it's one I'm planning on working on! So is cooking!" she said, feeling the need to say she'll be the cook. Plus, she doubted either one of them would want to be the Cook of their small group.

Looking around though, Atria felt herself tense just slightly, ready for anything. If Endrance was worried, she most likely should be. "So," she asked, starting to feel a bit anxious. "Where we headed?" she asked. She wasn't sure if she was just tense now or if she was starting to hear these things. She could've sworn she heard someone unsheathing something....


??? Endrance ???

LVL - [ 2 ] HP - [ 200 / 200 ]

COL - [ 0 ] EXP - [ 25 / 200 ]


Endrance started to think. If anyone was unsheathing their sword, they were getting ready to fight. But to fight what? Was it the old guild members? Were they after him again? This was an open area, so there was no deal in murdering other players. Aucris, Kragen, and Leah. Those were the surviving players in the old guild. But had they already recruited more? Endrance knew that the old guild was probably already still open and the only way to destroy it would be to kill every last member.

Aucris used a 2-handed sword, but Endrance didn't have to worry about him. He was kind to him.

Kragen used a blunt- hammer like weapon. It was almost unique.

Then there was Leah. Who used a rapier. She was obsessed with Endrance, falling in love with him, and finding ways to be just to be like him. She was the one who killed the boss that was supposed to kill her. Leah, knowing that Endrance was in love with the vice leader- made sure not to protect her in the boss battle, getting her killed. It must have been her.

Atria had said something but Endrance was too focused on nearby sounds and movements.

"Leah! I know you're there! Come out. Now!"

Endrance looked to the other two.

"Take your stances, we're in danger."

In that instance, Endrance turned his back to the other two, giving the signal to make it where each member was looking in one direction. He then readied his weapon to whatever would attack.

"Now now, Endrance. No need to get hasty. I just want to talk."

A brown haired, blue armored, two-handed sword user came out from behind one of the trees and put his hands up in front of his chest to signify no harm. His weapon was on his back.

"Aucris? You led me out here! You betrayed me!"

"I think we know who is really betraying each other here, Endrance. My girlfriend is dead because of you. I'm going to have to kill you, you know."

Endrance couldn't see his level from here, but he was certainly no match by himself. he had no teleport crystals so it seemed it was a bit hard to run at the moment. Endrance looked back to the other two.

"Sorry for bringing you two into this. There might be others. Brace yourselves."





LVL-[2] HP-[200/200]

COL-[20] EXP-[25/100]


Atria tensed even more, automatically sliding into a battle position, her sword unsheathed in seconds, when Endrance shouted out. Moving quickly but barely noticeable she angled herself so that her, Endrance, and Shiro could form a triangle with ease, making sure no one could suddenly stab them in the back. She didn't know how many others were here but she wanted to be ready.

Listening to Endrance and this new guy, Aucris, who she vaguely remembered seeing from the Inn earlier, Atria wanted to smack someone. Preferably Aucris. "So," she said, narrowing her eyes, scanning the area in front of her before shooting Aucris a glance. "You're planning on becoming a PKer this early? Just because of something that everyone knew could happen?" she asked.

"This is a death game. Did your girlfriend know that risk? She should've." Atria told him. "Whether Endrance had anything to do with it or not, I bet she knew the risks to fighting. How stupid can you get?" she asked, knowing she was starting to taunt him. She blamed her tendency to be sarcastic at un-helpful moments.

"-I was born one morning when the sun didn't shine-"

<3 copper ore added><1 copper ore added><2 copper ore added><3 copper ore added><1 copper ore added><2 copper ore added>

"-I picked up my shovel and I walked to the mine-"

<3 copper ore added><1 copper ore added><2 copper ore added><3 copper ore added><1 copper ore added><2 copper ore added>

"-I loaded sixteen tons-"

<3 copper ore added><1 copper ore added><2 copper ore added>

"-Of number nine coal-"

<3 copper ore added><1 copper ore added><2 copper ore added>

"-And the straw boss said well a-bless my soul-"

<3 copper ore added><1 copper ore added><2 copper ore added><3 copper ore added><1 copper ore added><2 copper ore added>

Ryan moved onto the next node

<3 tin ore added><1 tin ore added><3 tin ore added><3 tin ore added><1 tin ore added><3 tin ore added>

"-You load sixteen tons, whaddaya get-"

<3 tin ore added><1 tin ore added><3 tin ore added><3 tin ore added><1 tin ore added><3 tin ore added>

"-another day older and deeper in debt-"

<3 tin ore added><1 tin ore added><3 tin ore added><3 tin ore added><1 tin ore added><3 tin ore added>

"-Saint Peter don'tcha call me 'cause I can't go-"

<3 tin ore added><1 tin ore added><3 tin ore added><3 tin ore added><1 tin ore added><3 tin ore added>

"-I owe my soul to the company store-"

<3 tin ore added><1 tin ore added><3 tin ore added><3 tin ore added><1 tin ore added><3 tin ore added>
<3 copper ore added><1 copper ore added><2 copper ore added><3 copper ore added><1 copper ore added><2 copper ore added><1 copper ore added><1 copper ore added><2 copper ore added><3 copper ore added><1 copper ore added>"I was born one mornin', it was drizzlin' rain"<1 copper ore added><3 copper ore added><3 copper ore added><2 copper ore added><1copper ore added><1 copper ore added><2 copper ore added>

Fightin' and trouble are my middle name"

<1 copper ore added><1 copper ore added><2 copper ore added><1 copper ore added><1 copper ore added><1 copper ore added><3 copper ore added><3 copper ore added><3 copper ore added><1 copper ore added><1 copper ore added><2 copper ore added><2 copper ore added><1 copper ore added>

"I was raised in the canebrake by an ol' mama lion"

CLANG! Marco hit another node

<1 copper ore added><2 copper ore added><1 copper ore added><2 copper ore added><1 copper ore added><2 copper ore added><1 copper ore added><2 copper ore added><1 copper ore added><2 copper ore added><1 copper ore added><2 copper ore added>

CLANG! Marco hit another node "Cain't no-a high-toned woman make me walk the line"

<1 copper ore added><1 copper ore added><1 copper ore added><1 copper ore added><1 copper ore added><2 copper ore added><2 copper ore added><1 copper ore added><2 copper ore added><1 copper ore added><1 copper ore added><1copper ore added>

"You load sixteen tons, what do you get"

<1copper ore added><1copper ore added><1copper ore added><1copper ore added><1copper ore added><3copper ore added><1copper ore added><Achievement unlocked:waste of mine ><1copper ore added><1copper ore added>

"Alright guys! Let's go unless you're not quite done, thankfully the next parts will be much faster and easier." Marco yelled rather happily. Signalling for everyone to get out of the cave he re-checked his map and saw some glowing icon he didn't pay attention to while tracing back the trail to the town and pinging everyone in the cave to wake them up.
« LVL - [ 3] HP - [ 300 / 300 ] COL - [ 30 ] EXP - [ 354 / 400 ] »

<3 copper ore added>

As Hugh continued to mine ores, he noticed an item named «Testimonial» appeared in his inventory. With much curiosity, Hugh opened up his inventory to investigate what the item was. He selected it and a note showed up- apparently, it was the item. "Alright guys" he said, addressing his audience "let's see what this is." Hugh began to read aloud:

"This certifies that you have gathered no less than one thousand ores. Please spend your time in a manner more amusing with the game. Your achievement is noteworthy for its utter lack of meaning, please have these levels and go forth and do something interesting.

With much dissaproval,

The Devs"

"What a troll" he remarked. Hugh moved onto the village, dumped several items onto an NPC and finished a quest.

« LVL - [4] HP - [ 400 / 400 ] COL - [ 55 ] EXP - [ 80 / 500 ] »

After completed it, he picked up a different quest from a different NPC. With a sigh of "git gud", Hugh moved on. He hefted his heavy body and sword over to the clearing and found several wolves. Hugh reached his hand to his back and drew his sword. His body glowed with an awesome power.

With one fell strike, Hugh skewered three wolves. His blade glowed again. It was another sword art, a unique one used with great swords. Hugh got it as soon as he was high enough level. He slammed his sword onto the ground, smacking even more wolves with the wolves already in his sword.

« LVL - [ 5] HP - [ 500 / 500 ] COL - [ 67 ] EXP - [ 2 / 600 ] »
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??? Endrance ???

LVL - [ 2 ] HP - [ 200 / 200 ]

COL - [ 0 ] EXP - [ 25 / 200 ]


"How stupid can you get?"

Endranced listened to Atria well and smirked a bit. She was an interesting character. Certainly brave enough for the future. As they all brandished their weapons at him, Aucris spat more words at them.

"Ah Endrance, got yourself more lackeys. What you gonna do? Kill them off too?"

"I never did anything of the sort, Aucr-"

"Bull sh*t"

Endrance stepped back at the sudden swear. This shew to him that there was clearly some tension and anger in his voice.

He then turned to Atria and the boy in a whisper.

"Atria, you take the left, and you take the right. We're gonna circle around him. While he is distracted. I'll run at him, when he opens for a counterattack, you'll be there to do a decent amount of damage."

"What the hell are you babbling about over there?"

"Don't kill him. I know him well. When he is weakened, he loses his morale."

"Shut up and listen to me, Endrance!"

Aucris then pulled out his large blade and showed it to the small party. It was quite large and looked very menacing. He then held it up in the sky and rushed towards the party. Endrance knew it was time.






LVL-[2] HP-[200/200]

COL-[20] EXP-[25/100]


"Who're you calling a lackey, you dumb a** piece of s*** crybaby?!" Atria spat, glaring at him. She honestly did not care what this guy said, thought, or did. Unless it involved her new friends and when he degraded her. She was not going to be insulted by some loser who was looking for someone to blame his problems on.

Listening to Endrance, the blonde gave a subtle nod, activating her Listening skill discreetly. Who knew if it would help, but it'd best be prepared. Especially since he was a Beater. Not that she cared, but he'd obviously have more experience on fighting than she would.

At the shout, Atria quickly started to slide to the left, never taking her eyes off of Aucris. She was sorely tempted to make more snarky remarks at the male, but figured she shouldn't. Well. Unless he taunted her first...

As they walked past the beautiful and serene forests and back into the town. Marco's curiosity was slowly aroused to that blinking icon. An icon he had not seen before in this game and which got his attention after blinking for a good bit. Activating it he saw got a «Testimonial»; which upon activating it read:

"This certifies that you have gathered no less than one thousand copper ores. Please spend your time in a manner more amusing with the game. Your achievement is noteworthy for its utter lack of meaning, please have these levels and go forth and do something interesting.

With much disapproval,

The Devs"

<900 Xp given>

"What the hell?" was all that Marco could utter. "So did everyone else get this message?" he immediately asked. However his eyes were then transfixed on the evens happening in the field, a no holds barred attack it seemed which was really odd considered the situation.

"Seriously," he said almost exasperatedly, "What the hell man."

« LVL - [ 5] HP - [ 500 / 500 ] COL - [ 37 ] EXP - [ 3 / 600 ] »
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« LVL - [ 5] HP - [ 500 / 500 ] COL - [ 67 ] EXP - [ 2 / 600 ] »

"Yep" Hugh said to Marco. He opened up his inventory. 623 copper and 477 tin. He could hear a voice in his head saying "WHAT ORE?" after mentally retorting "a-aluminum?"

"Aight guys. I think I have smelting" Hugh checked his skills "if you guys can dump your ores on me, I could make bronze."


Lvl: 5 - HP: 500/500

Col: 0 -Exp: 2/600


As captain began to get slightly irritated over some random message that seemingly the lot of the group received, Ravita couldn't help but to wonder what it was they got. She double checked her messages and woe behold there was actually a message.

"This certifies that you have gathered no less than one thousand copper ores. Please spend your time in a manner more amusing with the game. Your achievement is noteworthy for its utter lack of meaning, please have these levels and go forth and do something interesting.

With much disapproval,

The Devs"

"Eh-wha?" she uttered in confusion. What was going on here? Was this supposed to be some kind of achievement? Because if it was it would certainly make one feel like complete shit. Damn as if keeping us prisoner inside of a game wasn't enough, she moped.

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Dave wasn't even paying attention to anything but the chat now. Apperantly almost every other streamer was killed already, most of them died trying to show off to the chat, or by scrubbing up hard. Oh well, more viewer for us then. Dave thought to himself as he switched to another node.

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Dave noticed a small popup appear on his achievements screen. He would check that later.
« LVL - [ 5] HP - [ 500 / 500 ] COL - [22 ] EXP - [ 2 / 600 ] »

Ryan stared at the pair dueling, "They- they do realize that if one of them gets killed it's for real, right? Man, a lack of accountability really brings out the worst in people, you know? One minute everyone is having fun and the next minute you're willing to straight-up kill a dude over- what, a couple of insults?" He switched to a mock-dramatic tone. "This, viewers, is a look into the depths of depravity to which your average player has sunk. It is only a matter of time until our fellow players turn on Git Gud Inc.", he chuckled quietly to himself, "But seriously, these guys are team-killing fucktards and should be treated as such. Like, one of these guys is going to be a literal murderer at the end of this. Not cool."

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