« Sword Art: Online » [Inactive]

« LVL - [ 1 ] HP - [ 100 / 100 ] COL - [ 0 ] EXP - [ 0 / 50 ] »

It was like a train in Hugh's head. It kept going and going, incessantly burning fuel and going chugga chugga chugga. Hugh's train, however, went gitgud gitgud gitgud. He stared at DD for a good minute before nodding. "Git gud" he answered, opening up a map of the floor. "Alright Daily, let's go do some quests, power level up to ten which should be able to take us up to this place, where we can grind on these trash mobs and avoid the trash mobs that everybody else is grinding on. Then once me, you, and the other guys are a sufficient level, we take on the boss and head on to the next level."
« LVL - [ 1 ] HP - [ 100 / 100 ] COL - [ 0 ] EXP - [ 0 / 50 ] »

As soon as he heard his name called up, as he waved at Ryan, "DD-San! Konichiwa! And yes the GM is a total Baka!" Ryu sighed, "My avatar was awesome a big burly dude in a Gi!" Ryu himself was a scrawny disheveled nerd with scraggly hair and a bit of peach fuzz. He glanced around, "Where is the rest of the crew Donte?" Ryu began pulling at his chin hairs, "We should get the whole crew for the grind! Oh and the stream...!"

The boy stood silently for some time, his gaze shifting to the girl who announced herself to him and then back to other male who stood before him, remaining silent even long after his question was answered..

Several moments went by before the boy's gaze lowered to the ground, his form shifting downward into what seemed a crouching position before throwing his hands upward, as well lunging upward in a leap as he exclaimed aloud in a seemingly excited state of mind.

I finally found one!

The boy cried out in excitement as he landed happily upon his feet after his leap. He returned his maroon gaze to that of Endrance, a hefty smile upon his lips as he suddenly extended a finger outward in a point toward him.

Endrance, honor me with a deal: I'll join your party, if you humor a spar with me. Nothing that is a matter of winning or losing, just to test each other's skills. Seeing as we are both still pretty low level, I'd imagine it'd be a good idea for us to get an idea as to how to best use our abilities. Or rather, at least for me, considering you're a beta tester. Heheh~

Lvl 1| col| xp 0/50|

Marco's cool kept him from being thoroughly panicked at the very dramatic revelation. Rather he tried remember the press release packets they got as well as consulted the in game manual to brush up on some things he needed to remember now. "Alright guys meet me at the armory in the shade or just auto walk to "-1233, 033".

Now at the armory with the rest of his crew they did their introduction thing which was a bit less humorous but not quite soul crushingly despairing either. He then narrated his plans, "Alright guys shit sucks and we're in crazyland now. Anyway we should go hit on some slightly higher level critter to help kick start our levels and learn how to not fight like retards and grind quests for that easy XP, gold, and items to sell. So basically our usual mmo, except we got mental waggling for the combat.

He took a pause as he let his thoughts and words collect before continuing. "Anyway I know Daily was hyped about the crafting and how this would be handled and how we had our roles, but this game has some backwards ass skill handling so we're gonna need multiple smiths instead of just laying it on me like usual so we can actually function, especially since I heard we can jsut customize our gear as opposed to the usual raid gear grind..."

« LVL - [ 1 ] HP - [ 100 / 100 ] COL - [ 0 ] EXP - [ 0 / 50 ] »

As he stared at the rest of his team, Hugh realized that everybody on Twitch was watching him. He turned to the two of them. "Crap!" he thought. A look of panic flushed across his face and non-existant sweat drops formed over him. It was then when he realized: nobody cared. Hugh breathed a sigh of relief, as he told himself that no one was expecting any different anyways.

Hugh opened up his friends list. "DaTinMan, KicksterFour, MasterMoney54, Store_Front" he read aloud. Hugh looked around, introducing all those in the stream to the team. "And this here is Git Gud Inc." he said, introducing their Steam names as well as their usernames.

"I'm not rejecting that plan" Hugh said, looking up at his tall, dark friend.


LVL - [ 1 ]

HP - [ 100 / 100 ]

COL - [ 0 ]

EXP - [ 0 / 50 ]


After the incident Odd knew he would have to work as hard as he could to level up. He Instantly ran to the Outer-City Great Fields were lowly creatures roamed. He ended up slaying about 10 Slimes, and 3 Large lizards. Odd was down to 76 HP when he left the field, he also gained 25 EXP. By slaying the monsters in the field he earned just enough COL to buy himself a health potion to rejuvenate him(100 HP). Odd went to the first NPC he saw with a question mark above his head. "Hi, Id like to accept your quest?" Odd said pressing the accept button on his Menu screen. "I need someone to deliver this satchel to Bark Hammer. He resides at the closest Blacksmith. This Quest will grant you 50 EXP and 25 COL." Said the NPC. "Alright thanks." Odd said running to the nearest Smith.

When Odd arrived at the smith Bark Hammer as leaning on a wooden post by a beaten anvil. Odd walked up to him and completed his quest. A swish of air whirled around Odd signifying the completion of his first Quest. "Sweet. I think I'm done for today." Odd said tiredly, I'm actually tired.. This really is amazing, Even though were trapped.. But man this a great prison! Odd thought excitedly as he walked to the Inn down the cobblestone street.

The Inn was alive with NPC and players alike, Odd was probably the most lively person in the tavern considering the fact that they may never see there family's again. Then it hit Odd, My sister.. It felt like reality had smacked him across the face. "Um sir hello?" The woman at the bar said, Odd hadn't realized she was talking to him. "Sorry Id like to rent for one night." Odd said his earlier mood a distant memory. "Alright!" Said the perky bartender. "That will be 10 COL." She said holding out her hand. Odd made the transaction and headed up to his room. Once he was in the room he went straight to the bed and fell asleep.


LVL - [ 2 ]

HP - [ 100 / 100 ]

COL - [ 15 ]

EXP - [ 0 / 75 ]


« LVL - [ 1 ] HP - [ 100 / 100 ] COL - [ 0 ] EXP - [ 0 / 50 ] »

"So the first thing after all the tutorial quests are finished is that you look for actual quests" Hugh explained to the stream, facing Git Gud Inc and nodding to them awkwardly. He looked at the minimap for exclaimation marks which denoted quest givers and immediately located them. "Okay guys. Follow me." He said, gesturing to everybody else.




Dave heard his username being called out, he looked up.

"Hey its the rest of GetGud, whats up? Don't forget to like, favorite, subscribe, follow, and tweet this. Because were worth it." Dave turned to where he assumed the camera was. "So whats our plan? Maximum grinding?"

Dave felt a bit nervous, he didn't like the idea of being trapped in a game, but he couldn't let his fans know.

« LVL - [ 3] HP - [ 80 / 100 ] COL - [ 40 ] EXP - [ 22 / 400 ] »


Ryan peeked around the corner at the small gathering of monsters. "The hell? First we spend half an hour killing wolves and boars, and now we get to fight some sort of-", he looked back at the thing, "-retarded... chicken-frog.... thing. This blows. Soon as we hit, what, level four or five I say we kill those stupid looking pitcher plant dealies and get ourselves some nice gear- oh, right, stream."

Ryan peeked around the corner, making sure to get a good look at the monsters. "So here we have an example of the brilliant-", he snickered, "-brilliant monster design found in pffffhahaha.", He wiped his eye as he pulled himself together, "I- I can't do this, guys. It's just so fucking stupid-looking! Like, seriously? Chickenfrog? That's what they went with? I just- Christ, you know?"
« LVL - [ 3] HP - [ 69 / 100 ] COL - [ 40 ] EXP - [ 22 / 400 ] »

With a trial of sheer patience and relentless slaughter of the very random wildlife. They had collectively gotten one step closer away from being novices and into the path of mastery. The first set of monsters were some boars and wolves. Bringing down a wolf with a bunch of hacking, then repeating the same hacks but with a stab mixed in to bring it down. Eventually he started to yell, "COME AT ME FLEABAGS!" drawing their aggro and making combat longer but more stimulating with dealing damage to more than one targets. Sometimes he and the others would get sloppy and smacked but they weren't terribly worried. Forty five minutes up and then were loads of particle effects hovering over the corpse ridden ground .

Next up would be these weird chicken frog things that while hurt a lot more than the previous animals were these dorky chicken-frog monsters. He used the same strategy as before with smacking them down with his cutlass. Occasionaly he'd get hit by their annoying tongue lash but most of the time he was taking hits for others when they'd get a bit sloppy from the general repetitiveness. They go their rhythm and their got better at fighting which was still a bit too weird for Marco's taste. "Is it me or this thing grindier than anything Korea has put out? Pretty sure in something like Aura of Wanzler we'd be at least getting close by twenty. Also healing, now. I already ate most of the damage for you guys and I'd rather get a board for now until our weapons aren't total ass.

He then then adressed their audience and said, "So for starters the leveling system is a bit odd, and the start is lackluster. Anyway keep watching and we'll see how this game really heats up, as for us we're gonna rest and then start grinding our craft and dicking on the fresh economy, DD will have the handle on that." He then paused it as it was quite frankly boring and not very important their trek back to town. He then got everyone to get their professions registered so they could start fueling their adventure by cranking out gear and saving better gear for them, and their upcoming guild.
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Dave was exausted, he wasn't used to this whole "physical exercise" thing, and he wasn't sure he was having fun. He had been grinding with the rest of GetGud. He wasn't too sure of his build either, parrying was more challenging then he expected. There was only one thing to do then... Get Gud. He glanced over to his chat overlay, which he had hacked into his VR devices UI. "Hey DD, a viewer wants to know what your build is like" He called out to Ryan, "you want to answer the question now?"
« LVL - [ 3] HP - [ 80 / 100 ] COL - [ 40 ] EXP - [ 22 / 400 ] »

"Eh, sure thing. Not like we can do a whole lot on the way back. Mine is pretty much the closest thing this game has to a ranged build. Pretty much, I either throw junk like these Broken Iron Swords we've been collecting-", he pulled what appeared to be a jagged metal chunk with a hilt from his bag, throwing it at a far-off boar and smacking it in the face, "-or I can use these crappy infinite knives, which I assume will be upgraded at some point, assuming the devs aren't complete idiots.", he punctuated his statement by flinging several more knives at the boar's face, killing it. He shrugged. "Not a whole lot else to say, at the moment. Anyone else want to give us the rundown on theirs?"
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LVL - [ 1 ]

HP - [ 10 / 100 ]

COL - [ 0 ]

EXP - [ 0 / 50 ]



Kiki was in love with Howl. Not only did it sound amazing, but she loved the amusing effect it had on the monsters around her too. She was now standing face to face with a wild boar. "Oh, you're pissed off? Well now, it seems you're in luck because I happen to be too." She lifted up a hand and motioned the monster forward. "Come and get me." Big mistake. The pig turned out to be even more pissed than she had thought. It bolted towards her with blinding speed and hit her square in the chest.

HP - [75/100]

Shoot. I have to be a little bit faster next time.

Gaining her composure, she pulled up her skills and let out another blood-curdling roar.
"RRRWWWAAAARGGGHHH!The pig began to snort and seethe with anger, contracting it's muscles to ready itself for another charge. On you go. Come on now. The boar charged towards Kiki's chest once again, but this time soared through the air hitting nothing as its target seemed to vanish before its eyes. Kiki smiled to herself. #Side-Step is lovely huh you little idiot.. But her joy did not last long. Taking advantage of her arrogant and pre-mature celebration, the pig quickly re-set itself and jumped up at Kiki, sinking it's alabaster tusks into the small of her back.

HP - [50/100]

Nein! Kiki, focus. This is not just a game. It is your life that's on the line.

Once more, regaining her composure, Kiki stood straight up and motioned for the pig to come again. As the pig, enraged by her continued arrogance, charged towards her, Kiki dropped her hands to the side, closed her eyes and listened. At that instant, time seemed to have slowed down. She could hear the pounding of hooves on the thick grass streaming towards her, the inhale and exhalations of air entering and exiting the body of the boar, the whooshing of the air whipping around the monster's ellipsoid body as it darted through the air and crashed into her chest once more.

HP - [25/100]

"Now I got you," she whispered. "I know your rhythm."

Opening her eyes, Kiki lifted herself off the ground and shifted into a defensive posture with both arms out in front ready to intercept. It all comes down to this. "RRRWWWAAAARGGGHHH!A bone-rattling roar shook the surrounding area, and as if by instinct, the boar charged straight for her, and leaped high into the air for the finishing blow. She parried the attack by taking the brunt of the force with her left arm, and #Counter Hay-Maker delivered a jaw-crushing punch into the face of the boar with her right. With the pig momentarily stunned, a timed prompt popped up in front of Kiki's face. Not knowing what the heck was going on, she blindly tapped the blinking yellow light emanating from a skill she's never seen before. In a moment, #HammerFist her right hand blazed blue as if it was charging, and then came crashing down on the boar's head, flattening it into oblivion.

HP - [10/100]

Oh my god. And she sank to the floor.

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"I think I'm gonna try and to the zippy damage dealer type dude instead of tanking like last game. But I doubt it'll happen till we reach the teens and get better gear. Anyway you know how I like my kung-fu movies and funky weapons they got. So I went with curved weps cuz they got all sorts of Chinese swords and I'm thinking of getting one of them with the crooked handle."

He watched in amusement at DailyDose's chucking of random items as it brought down the boar to zero health. He then showed off his weapon: a rather plain looking cutlass with a spiked guard. His armor was also rather plain being some generically fantasy hodgepodge of plate and chainmail. "Right so if everyone remembers the last two years when this was in development and during the E3 showings. One of the big things they emphasized was the lack of traditional classes in exchange for weapon types and how those styles would differ and handled with the Virtual reality controls. And I'm curious to see how these skill lines evolve beyond new flashy moves. Still weird they have no actual ranged type class like a wizard or archer as I'm not seeing anything in the controls preventing that. Also katanas being their own class is pretty damn stupid but I guess JAAAPAAAAN doesn't want it's glorious thousandfolded blades to be associated with filthy gaijin weapons."

??? Endrance ???

LVL - [ 1 ] HP - [ 100 / 100 ]

COL - [ 0 ] EXP - [ 0 / 50 ]


A duel? Sounded fine, they were both seemingly equal so it seemed as if it wasn't too hard to just go ahead and accept what the boy had to offer. The boy seemed to be taking the game seriously and so was Atria so he couldn't really afford to lose them. Others could obviously be taking this game for granted, trying to scurry their way up to the top without thinking. There was a time when sword art online was an actual game. It was a game.

Now it isn't. Those who thought it was a game, Edaniel would hopefully show them the truth. It's not a game anymore. It's a trap. A murdering beast. It's something that will certainly psychologically destroy you. And others would treat it like a game? Fighting these monsters to impress others or to send themselves to the top. That wasn't the case. It's about survival now. Survival of the fittest. Edaniel would make sure that this guild was one person. Each member together to become on entity, the survivor.

"I accept your challenge."

He then put up the screen in front of him to show the duel request. It then flashed in front of the white haired boy. Edaniel smiled. There was no way he would let this valuable player get out of his grasp.



Ryu cracked his knuckles, and wiped a bit of virtual blood off. "While we are here... Hi viewers out there! Anyway we can clearly see early game is lack-luster. Granted we aren't glorified Pie Deliverers, such as in the Final Fantasy MMO. As for the monsters they have okay texture models, and decent hit-boxes. There is little story line overall, though this is just judging from early game. Maybe the quests will connect to a real storyline later on." He raised his index finger, "As for builds I'm making a Healer-esque character. Well at least as close as this game will let me. You know it is strange that it is hard to make a good healer right off the bat. It makes it harder to establish a good group dynamic of Tank, DPS and Heals. It is a noticeable flaw in this "classless system", at least in my opinion. But that won't stop us at GetGud Inc! Oh! As for weapons, I'm using the martial arts weapon. The combat is truly the focus of this game, as we saw in E3 examples of combat. They promised us combat that is so much more realistic than games in the past. I'm sad to say the Martial Arts skill makes the combat a tad flighty, I don't truly feel like I am actually punching real things, granted this is only early game. I can only hope the more heavy-hitting moves come soon, and makes the combat "meaty". But I will say combat overall feels responsive, though I can only wonder if that responsivenes will continue. Also how the server will handle lag? I mean what if the game just crashed? But now for later game I'm wondering how the Bosses will function, and whether or not they'll have an impressive AI." KicksterFour turned to the others, "So what do you think the Profession system will provide. While it hasn't looked like much was added since the showing of it at E3, it appears the devs put some-time into it. But the question is how much thought, and do certain professions mesh well together or is it just a mess? Do you think it'll disappoint or will actually live up to the stadards of the player-base?" Ryu did flicked his left hand with his index finger extended. "And to everyone watching Like, Comment, Subscribe and Share!"
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LVL-[1] HP-[100/100]

COL-[0] EXP-[0/50]


Watching the two, Atria smiled, taking a few steps back.
"I'm just going to stay back here alright?" she called out. "Don't want to get in your way."

So far from what she'd seen based on Endrance's character that he really did care about trying to make sure she stays alive, and that anyone else who joined them stayed safe too. Not coddled and safe from the world, but able to defend themselves safe. She liked that. She liked that even though he was classified as a 'Beater' he didn't try to stay away from people to much.

Though in terms of the 'Beaters', Atria just saw that as stupid. So they were in the beta-test, yippee! She didn't believe that that meant that they knew what was going to happen. They had to start over just like the rest of us, no special stats or anything. She thought it was stupid.

"Have fun you two!" she called out, a smile on her face.


[it has come to my attention that things are looking a bit crazy at the moment, and current events have taken place that are causing confusion. To clarify as was originally stated; the rules do specify (more or less in a self-explanatory fashion) that all leveling, COL and EXP earned should be specified through roleplay. If you wish to confirm, please revisit the Rules/Regulations, I highlighted the section that this is stated in red. Which means I would prefer that there is no; "One hour later" and suddenly you are a couple levels ahead of everyone else by simply stating you killed your share, rather than showing it.

The point behind my asking this of everyone is so that there shall be a fair setting for everyone, that no one may get too far ahead by the snap of a finger, and that the system isn't abused which I have seen very clearly occur before.

Now yes, there will come times and points in the plot that I will permit EVERYONE the opportunity to do a time skip here and again, and at that point I shall set a range that the players are allowed to jump to and between (Ex: Time skip starts with player level 1; player may choose to time skip anywhere between levels 5-10), as I am aware that some people may see that the way it is currently set up would take a drastic amount of time and effort, and simply turn it into a chore, which I wish to avoid. But I also do not want to cut out any possible roleplay whatsoever, this includes details of Mob encounters.

I feel it unnecessary to state this, but I just want to point out that no one is "in trouble", no one shall be getting any form of repercussions and no one will suffer future issues because of this incident, for I feel to blame for not structuring the rules more clearly and understandably, so for that I apologize for this inconvenience. But now that it has been discussed, hopefully everything is clean and clear now!

For those who are currently claiming that they are LVL 3 or higher, I have no problems with letting you go back into your old posts and structure scenes where you are encountering the enemies you claimed to slay. And to make it fair considering it was my fault this occurred, I shall allow you and everyone else so that they may catch up (should they so choose to do so) to skip around the rules a little bit and structure a detailed scene of your slaying several mobs, but I will not currently expect of you to point out every single enemy you slay. (Ex: In normal circumstance, if you were thinking to kill 10 monsters, then I would expect you to structure a scene
detailing how you kill each of these monsters. In this confusion however, I am allowing everyone to say that they kill 10 monsters but you are only expected to detail 3 of the 10 kills.)

I apologize once again, and I hope everything is clear once more! If there are any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me in a private conversation, otherwise: back to the fun times!~]






LVL - [ 1 ] HP - [ 100/ 100 ]

COL - [ 0 ] EXP - [ 0 / 50 ]





"Duel Request from; Endrance

Accept - Deny

The screen flashed before the boys face and resulted in his expression lighting up with excitement. He closed his eyes, took a breath and slowly raised his hand, reopening only his right maroon eye to allow himself sensual guidance toward swiping his finger across the "accept" button, of which registered without second thought and caused the screen in front of him to disappear momentarily, only to return along with the restructuring of the scenery around them into the formatting of a dueling arena. Though it was nothing too fancy; a simple thin layer of a dome that covered the boundaries of the duel perimeters, along with the two imaged Avatars of the players appearing along the wall of the dome, along with a timer that clicked down from two minutes, along with a screen appearing in front of both the boy and Endrance with the same timer and the same visual of the two images side-by-side showing "Endrance V.S. Kelik". It would be interesting, but it seemed the boy's excitement from a moment ago had been replaced with what seemed a form of meditation; his fingered crossed together in front of his person, while his eyes remained locked contently upon his newly structured opponent, or in his mind; "sparring pal".

There was no doubt that he was eager to get started, but it was also obvious that he seemed ready to take this seriously, despite the conditions that there would be nothing more than a few exchanges of blows, no damage to be intentionally inflicted, and most certainly, no killing...

For a boy his age, it was odd to see him so composed and collected, especially considering his attitude about it all but a few moments ago, hyper, energetic and excited, but now changed to calm, collected and seemingly aware. Perhaps this boy had a means to adapt to situations as they unfold? Or he simply wanted to put on his "poker face" to avoid his sparring pal from not taking him seriously..



LVL - [ 1 ]

HP - [ 100/ 100 ]

COL - [ 18 ]

EXP - [ 7 / 50 ]


After drinking a health potion from her starting set of beginner items, Kiki laid back on the grass, and replayed the events of her first real battle, over again, in her mind. Just as she was getting to the part where she crushed the boar, a high-pitched *ping* rang in her ears, interrupting her day-dream. A message of white text on a black background appeared in front of her. It read as follows:

[Congratulations, you have defeated a wild boar. Because of your achievement, you have earned 7 experience and 18 Col]

"Jeez, I almost had a heart-attack," she said with a drawn-out exhale. *Bloop* Her menu popped up, and she fingered through to check out if there was anything she missed. X-ray vision? X-ray vision?? I can't believe it. She sat up straight, pressed down on the skill, and opened her eyes wide. Kiki looked around and what she saw took her breath away. She could see through everything. Walls, trees, mountains, and rocks, no longer obscured her vision. She could clearly see everything around her. As she swiveled her head to the right, her gaze alighted on something interestingly familiar. The purple-haired one and his little stalker sidekick. Hmmm. I wonder what they're up to. It was then Kiki noticed the purple-haired one draw his sword, and stood towards a much younger looking kid, clad in an mysterious looking robe.

"So you're just a big bully then," she muttered to herself in disgust. "The nerve! I will not stand for it. I swear I'm going to fix you up real good." And with that, Kiki clenched her fists and marched towards the clearing where all three people were gathered.

But then she stopped. She didn't know what it was, but something told her to wait and watch. Her eyes narrowed as she placed a hand on her hip, then bit her lip in anticipation as she waited for the match to begin.

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Lvl: 1 - HP: 100/100

Col: 0 -Exp: 0/50


"D-dammit...you just have to calm down!" the girl whom is to now to be known as Ravita, scolded herself yet again as she struggled to hold back tears that just didn't want to end. She envied the people that could so easily accept this new found future brought upon them but Ravita was not one of those exceptions. On the contrary- she had been completely overwhelmed since hearing that she was trapped into the world within the game. Sure, the virtual reality wasn't bad- sure she was sure she could enjoy it much more so than the real world. However, that just wasn't the main concern that resulted in her her now seemingly-omnipresent anxiety.

It was the death. The death that could ultimately be lead from solely this game alone was what overwhelmed Ravita to no apparent end since the announcement. Maybe others thought she was being ridiculous with this- seeing how you could just as easily die in the real world. But for some reason or another, in the real world did most people not think about how every little thing could kill you. But after the announcement- that was really all she could think about. This game had now become a game of survival- and the feeling of you could be killed any minute for just struggling for your freedom to go back your normal and dull life had done nothing but added on layer after layer of burden. Again, this was probably so petty, as this happened in the real world but no matter how many times Ravita tried to tell herself this, it never made her feel any better. Why was this so different? Well, with all the muddled thoughts Ravita currently had just denied her the ability to think straight so maybe that was why she couldn't make any sense out of herself..

Now she was one of the many in town square- hectic or of zero worries about their new lives and trying to figure out some kind of course of action. She overheard some people talking about if they hid out in the safe zones while the other people did the dirty work they'd be able to be granted certain guarantee of living. All they would have to do was wait.

That idea was just selfish though. No matter how much of a coward Ravita was, she just couldn't be one of those people. That sounded absolutely awful. She would never be able to live with herself if she just sat around while others died for her sake. She wasn't that kind of a person- it'd make her feel absolutely awful and that kind of depression would probably result in the death of her.


'No', Ravita shook that thought from her mind. She didn't need to think about that! She spent enough time crying though in the virtual world...it didn't look it. Seeing how in the game it reflected an image of you and kept it as her face- her make up had now become a permanent feature within the game and even though she cried it didn't seem to smear or anything and her nose never went red or her eyes never got puffy. Those weren't programmed to happen in the game. Yet crying was..well at least they allowed you to show some emotion in the game. To spend her time here emotionless, she didn't think she'd even be able to handle that.

Taking a deep breath, Ravita began to try to think of a game-plan of her own...though she didn't see anything working out for her. She was too dependent and thanks to her anxiety and hesitation capability that never failed her, she surely would be the death of her own self...and with that thought in mind the tears happened again. She rubbed at her eyes hastily, cursing at herself for being such a baby. If she kept this up, how in the hell would she ever last this game?

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LVL - [ 1 ] HP - [ 100/ 100 ]

COL - [ 0 ] EXP - [ 0 / 50 ]


[[Well, it seems I'm a bit behind, and I missed a lot last night. Hopefully it won't happen again.]]

Shiro is standing at the edge of the Town of Beginnings, looking at the Beginner Field. He grunts and grasps the hilt of his sheathed rapier. If only he'd started training before the incident ... He could be stronger than some of the others by now. But ... He shakes his head.

He remembers being teleported into the plaza, hearing the dreadful words from the insane, evil man known as Akihiko Kayaba. What a retard. He could've had it all, that man. Yet he threw it all away ... For what? Just to have some fun with the idiots who bought his game? I bet he thinks anybody stupid enough to actually immerse themselves in a video game completely is an idiot, and thus not worthy of coming out. At least he gave them a fair chance. But, what an idiot! He said himself it's all over the news - the police will be after him. If he makes it out of this without being killed for his crimes, he's a lucky guy.

Well, at least he didn't just kill us.

Well, at least Shiro didn't have many friends in the real world anyways. He'll miss his parents, of course, but lately he hasn't spent much time with them aside from being scolded for doing stupid things like chasing an ice-cream truck because he's still a kid at heart and he missed it, and so he almost got ran over by another car. At least in this world he has a chance to make some friends.

If you die in this world, the NerveGear will emit waves that will melt your brain, killing you in the real world.

Probably the most dreadful of all the words Kayaba had said that day. However, this gives Shiro a motive. Maybe he can suppress his idiotic ways, and if he's going to make friends as well, that makes this almost like a new life in Aincrad. He smiles. Kayaba just made the game as real as possible, and that has made the game even better, even if it was still an evil thing to do.

Shiro takes his right hand off of his rapier, then grips it with his left instead. He's left-handed. He raises the rapier up, watching as it gleams in the Aincrad sun. He smiles once more. That's the one unrealistic thing about the game - it's a huge iron castle with one hundred floors, yet you can see the sun from the first floor. He shakes his head, then draws the rest of his rapier, bringing it down to his side with a flourish. He decides to let his thoughts be known, even if they are vague to those who can't read thoughts, as he runs into the fields, locking his gaze on to a boar.

"Your mistake..." he yells as he slashes the boar's ribs, loses some HP from just barely being unable to dodge the counter attack, and then brings his rapier down on the boar's neck, killing it.


Maybe it's a bit stupid, but in his mind, a mistake like leaving the sun visible here ... is worth mentioning.


LVL - [ 1 ] HP - [ 95 / 100 ]

COL - [ 0 ] EXP - [ 5 / 50 ]

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??? Endrance ???

LVL - [ 1 ] HP - [ 100 / 100 ]

COL - [ 0 ] EXP - [ 0 / 50 ]


As the timer started, Endrance already had his rapier in front of him. Shining in the sunlight.


He readied his stance, letting his hat animation do it's work by dropping a rose petal on the battlefield


Endrance smiled. There was no losing now, the boy had his stance grounded and so did Endrance. He felt the sword's hilt grow hot and the ground under him seemed to move itself.


Endrance smiled.


Then he ran, with a swift strike, A whole battle commenced, following parry's and gentle moves of the sword. Endrance parried and set himself back. The blow of the block had sent himself back, even then. Endrance then moved his rapier in for a concentrated blow. Protecting his unguarded side, with a swift spin. And with a trick move, Endrance was behind the boy. Going in for a back-stabbing boy.

He's good.

The cloak surrounding the boy had slowed Endrance's movements, sending him in a tight spot.



"Well see here's where you're wrong Storefront, I don't mind if it's kinda weightless if it means at later levels we'll be able to do all sort of wire-fu or dbz type shit. Hoping at later levels we can start to hybridize our skills because given the how they structured the VR system and combat being able to do that moon jump and running on water and walls would totally be useful and open new ways fighting."

He then gestured to the others to come follow him so they could show off the crafting where's they buy their gear at a cheap enough price. "Right," he said after everyone got ready for the crafting, "Now we're gonna show off crafting. It's gonna be boring as fuck honestly as we're gonna be mulling mass mats to actually then start the crafting so I'm gonna see if I can cue the custom soundtrack option this game has."
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LVL-[1] HP-[100/100]

COL-[0] EXP-[0/50]


At first Atria had been planning on watching the two duel, but she got bored fairly quickly. With a shrug the blonde wandered of a little bit, planning on seeing if she could find some boars to kill and start leveling up.

Stopping when she was far enough away that she wouldn't disturb the duel, but could still see them, she looked around, seeing if there was anything she could target. As she turned, she pulled out her straight sword from it's resting place on her back. Doing a 360, she grinned as she saw a two boars nearby.

Moving quickly, Atria ran at them, surprising them. She was able to slice one along it's side as she turned, avoiding her prey's charge. She started to grin but winced as the second boar rammed into her side, sending her back a few steps. Taking a quick glance at her bar she sighed in relief slightly, seeing she'd only lost five health points.

Fixing her stance, Atria narrowed her eyes before charging again, this time stabbing the first boar in the face, twisting her blade, killing the monster instantly. She grinned at the notice that popped up in peripheral vision alerting her that she'd received 5 COL and 10 EXP.

Happy at her accomplishment, Atria cursed as the second boar rammed into her again, making her loose another five health points. Adjusting herself again, she raised her sword and charged, slicing the boars side before turning on her toes and stabbing it in the back, killing it.

Taking a deep breath, Atria brushed her hair out of her face before focusing on the new alert in front of her. She smiled happily, looking at her stats. "Yes!" she cheered, jumping up. So far she was doing things right! And it was easy at the moment.

With another grin, Atria sheathed her sword, before glancing back at the two who were dueling to see how far along they were.


LVL-[1] HP-[90/100]

COL-[10] EXP-[20/50]



LVL - [ 1 ] HP - [ 95 / 100 ]

COL - [ 0 ] EXP - [ 5 / 50 ]


Shiro ignores the pop-up that notifies him of his earnings. He'll check them out soon enough. With the adrenaline he had and the energy he had felt coursing through his body as he yelled out his thoughts on Kayaba's mistake, he had thought he would be in the running to be cutting down an entire horde. However, for some strange reason, he didn't feel like running through the field for once. He puts a hand to his face, feeling tired. Maybe he'll just sit here and ... Wait for some monsters to come around ... Yes, that's what he'll do. Just sit and have the monsters come to him. No reason to rush to death, ri--

Shiro frowns and looks at his reflection in the blade of his rapier. "Oh, so I am still the same person ... Weird ... It doesn't seem like it..."

I suppose I'm just still in shock from it all ... But that's weird ... I don't ... Why should I care about ...

Discouraged, he drops to the ground and sits, rapier still in hand, gazing out into the distance. He clutches his rapier tightly, wondering ... Wondering why the intensity of the situation is just now hitting him. Then, he applies his prior logic and quells his silly thoughts. However ... He still can't find the willpower to stand up right now. He'll only stand up if something attacks. Until then, he'll just sit here and think, and hope his alertness will help him sense if an attack is incoming.


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