« Sword Art: Online » [Inactive]

"Let us head to this raid meetup and see what we can do there. Besides with the game being like it is we should easily snag levels to boss and then more levels upon beating in." With a hand running through his virtual here flicked his right and pointed it outside the door as he walked out.

Arriving at the meetup it was predictably in the backroom of a bar with a bunch of random players. He quickly spotted the guy in charge. Looking like a knight with his kite shield and armor; he looked like had a funky hair color with the grungy lighting . Seemed to act like he was hot shit but Marco couldn't tell if he was that or just plain shit. Eyes locking with his Marco said, "Seems like you're in need of assistance and perhaps we could lend you a hand."


LVL-[2] HP-[200/200]

COL-[20] EXP-[25/100]


Once they were far enough away, Atria stopped and spun so she could face Ikomo, a large grin on her face.
"No idea who the heck they were." she laughed. "Endrance might know them. Or of them. I'm learning he has some enemies who are complete and utter idiots." she explained.

As they walked, the blonde looked at him confused. "All I got from that is that you admitted to be being a sociopath." she told him honestly. "Is that supposed to scare me or something? I was just planning on dragging you to a field to get some more training done." she shrugged. "You wanna join up with me while I wait for Endrance?"

« LVL - [ 5] HP - [ 500 / 500 ] COL - [768 ] EXP - [ 186 / 600 ] »

Ryan double checked his gear as the walked towards the others. Potions, Town Portal, new weapons... he even managed to score some health crystals. He walked up to the blue-haired man- Diablo or something.

"Yeah, we'd like in on this, too."

"[Who the hell are you?]", the man said in some strange foreign tongue- possibly Italian or French or something, Ryan wasn't quite sure.

"Oh.", Ryan thought for a second before answering, "...Yo no hablo Espanol?"

"[Great. I ask for backup and he sends me Americans.]", the blue-haired man said, "[Your group can come if you like, but after you we'll be full up, so you six will have to pull your weight. We're performing a gear check now.]"

"I have no idea what you just said so I'll assume you said yes.", Ryan responded as he followed the man to the labyrinth entrance.


LVL - [ 1 ]

HP - [ 100 / 100 ]

COL - [ 81 ]

EXP - [ 35 / 100 ]

As he traversed a small portion of the plains that existed before the both of them, Primo halted to the lady's words. He had obviously known that each floor contained harder monsters with each passing area, but he was sure that he could get experience from something other than one-hitting pigs. There had to have been... Right? Despite his woe of boredom, light blue hues peered back at her form. This was when he got a certain confirmation.


>> Kingstrum has accepted your friend request. <<


With that, Primo had his first friend. Without opening his mouth further to detest the idea of grinding on pigs, he turned to walk back to the woman. On his way, a pig just happened to spawn in front of his path. "I think..." All the young man had to do was cock his foot back slightly and kick forward as if he was punting a soccer ball, and it disintegrated into the air. Another 7 experience, another 15 col. "... That's fine."

He put his sword back in its natural place by his side, as he approached the woman. It was only typical that a boss boar and three more pigs. However, before he moved to destroy them, he spoke. "Let's hope that's not the best surprise I have in store for you, right?" He dropped her a party invite before running off to get rid of the area's boss monster.


Primo has invited you to join a party.

[ Accept ] - [ Decline ]


With the use of one of his passives, he quickly made his way over to the group of four minions. Immediately aiming for the largest one, he would spring himself up in the air, flipping once in the process. As his body spun in the air, he took the katana out of it's sheath once more. Spinning it in his hand, he held it slightly behind him as he came down onto the top of the big boar's head - his right foot smashing it's forehead in the process. Sticking the tip of his weapon into it's head to keep him steady, he began steadily smashing the heel of his foot into the boar's forehead repetitively until it finally faded into nothing.

He dropped down a couple of feet, hitting the ground as it faded away. With a couple of extra slashes, it was nothing but a mop-up job to get rid of the three smaller enemies. In total, it amounted to an extra 42 experience and 100 col.

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"That's what for the ingame translator is for." he said as he activated it and re-read over the transcript to see what it meant. "Damn if the translation isn't a bit stilted. Grade A job devs." He the turned to the man and let the translator try and do the talking, "What afraid of us carrying you like in WW2?"

The man scoffed right at him, "[At your level? absurd ! I already said you may join you must pull your own weight.]"

"Alright we're in, so what's the game plan?"

"[Like I said before, we are currently doing a gear along with levels to assign people into groups . Speaking of gear let me see what you lot is carrying.]" His eyes widened upon gazing on the group's gear. Although his language was not know to them it didn't need a translation to see what he was feeling. He quickly asked, "[Those weapons are steel how did you even obtain them?]"

"Let us say we just got lucky in a quest and it pays to have smiths in the party." Marco responded quite smugly with a smile. Just drinking in the obvious envy and surprise from the man.

"[You crazy bastards... Very well then but let it be said such gear will be enough to save you if you lack skills or levels. As for the plan, the strongest will do the main attacking and defense while those who are lacking will play an axillary role. For now we are still checking and waiting for others to come before we head out. Feel free to do more quests in the meantime. You will be needing those levels and items"] he said to them before bidding them goodbye.
« LVL - [ 5] HP - [ 500 / 500 ] COL - [964 ] EXP - [ 234 / 600 ] »

"Did someone say the STRONGEST?" Hugh hefted his new steel great sword over his shoulders. He turned over to Marco, looking up. "So, should we pump out a few more levels before heading on, or should we just go? You know what- why'd I even ask that. Git gud" Hugh said, pointing his sword out the door and heading in the same direction. He chanted his mantra, "git gud" as he marched outside the town.
"I guess, but also if this thing is this tough that it's gonna be like some sort of late game raid boss from other mmos despite this being the first floor..." he said taking a pause as brought up the quest screen before talking again. "Then it must mean the dungeon is gonna be just the like the rest of the game; a slog. Before we fight the damn thing. Let's just just get our stuff ready and get going."

Some time later they got a notice telling them about the raid being ready to organize. This time they would be meeting at the entrance of the dungeon. Heading there the same foreigner from the basement giving out the plan. It was pretty standard raid stuff anyone who's played late game MMO's would be familiar. The only real relevant piece of information would be that there would be twenty floors worth of fighting before the boss.

The speech delivered the handful of other players poured en masse into the dungeon. Entering the dungeon the words Labyrinth floor 1/20. Torches and stone everything made up the general look of this dungeon. Looking around the other players were fighting off some lizard things. "Oh boy twenty levels of this. At least we should be more than level ten by the time we fight the boss."
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LVL - [ 4]

HP - [ 400/ 400 ]

COL - [ 290]

EXP - [ 294/ 500 ]

(The Temporary Apprentice)



Primo has invited you to join a party.

[ Accept ]- [ Decline ]


"I see," Kiki said aloud as she accepted the party request. "You have skill but you fight like a savage. You fight like me. What do you have katanas for? Two at that." Kiki eyed the second one still sheathed, adjoined to trousers on his right hip. "No matter. Good job; you have excellent form. It seems that this area may be beneath you though. You've already taken out the field boss. With ease I might add," she said with a tinge of admiration.

"Tell you what then. You pick where we go next. I have very little knowledge of the areas outside this point except for the Shrouded Bog, and that is one place I want to stay away from for a bit." Kiki's thoughts drifted momentarily to Seely, but immediately snapped back to the situation at hand. "Don't be afraid if things get a little bit hairy, wherever we're off to. I promise not to let you die," she said with a wink.

Now looking out across the grassy plains, she put both hands on her hips.
"So tell me. Where to Primo?"

Let's see what you can really do.



LVL - [ 1 ]

HP - [ 100 / 100 ]

COL - [ 181 ]

EXP - [ 77 / 100 ]

A woman who likes to be in charge... Primo could definitely get used to it. That light colored hair of his blew around at the wind's command, as he stopped to peer over in her general direction. Moving so that he stood beside her, he maintained a relaxed position while pulling up his menu. Accessing his map, he replied to Kingstrum. "We're at the southern most part of the first floor. The next town we're going to is Horunka Village, which is northeast. We're going to have to go through a bunch of forest." And with that, he closed his menu, making sure to note the location they were traveling to.

"All right." Those blue hues of his shifted to look back into hers, the ends of his lips curving upward into a smile. Then, Primo began walking toward the northwest part of the map. First they would have to get through the forest; something he didn't doubt that they would be able to do with ease. Any pigs on the way out, he would easily take out. This meant that the four which littered his walkway were nothing more but experience points waiting to be exploited, and exploited they were. Each one that he passed would be met with the edge of his blade

When he collected his experience points, it amounted to
28 experience points and 60 col.

Before the two entered the southern most part of the forest, Primo got an alert.


>> Congratulations! You are now level 2. <<


At least that was done relatively quickly.

"I use a katana because that's what i'm the best with. The most efficient and quickest weapon in my arsenal. And there's two, because I never know when I might need a back-up." Truthfully, one had been given to him by a player who decided that she just wasn't fit to fight in this generated type of eat-or-be-eaten world.

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(Eck apologies. Hopefully for now on I'll be able to keep on track v~v)


Lvl: 5 - HP: 500/500

Col: 500 -
Exp: 2/600


"Twenty?" Ravita repeated, baffled as she observed the dungeon. This would certainly prove as tedious and for Ravita, probably even challenging. However, as challenging and tedious as it may be- this may very well be the perfect opportunity for her to get some good practice in. She was still very sloppy with fighting and she had to learn to get the hang of things especially if she was going to dare try to survive things like boss battles and the like.

Crazy...how I'm actually fighting like this. Am I actually brave? No I doubt that..it just doesn't fit right. Maybe I'm just stupid. Stupid nonetheless, she wanted to aim to survive. She re-equipped her weapon; this weapon being the nice new one Captain got for her which she was certainly thankful for. So that means she would also feel plenty obligated to put this weapon in good use. And not waste it by dying so early. Yeah, not dying sounded wonderful.

She took a few deep breaths- back in reality that's what she was told to do to help with her anxiety. It was only now that she actually decided to test out that advice, but it only made her slightly dizzy. Maybe she wasn't breathing correctly? No that was obscure.

Weapon firm in hand, she looked around at the group. She certainly wasn't going to be the first one to step forward and so she waited, being the tag-a-long type that she is.


LVL - [ 1 ] HP - [ 71 / 100 ]

COL - [ 10 ] EXP - [ 17 / 50 ]


Shiro, being the person he is, smiles and grips his rapier tighter the second he saw a boar a small ways away. Instead of planning it out thoroughly, he is being himself this time around. No more plans. No more thinking. Just doing. You waste too much time if you hide and think out the safest way to tackle something. The best you can do, Shiro thinks, is to rush forward and give it your all. He raises his rapier in the air, leaving his torso open, and doesn't notice the boar spin around to face him. He continues running, but only until he falls over as the boar rams into his stomach at full speed. He was at full speed, too. He looks up and watches his health bar drop.

Shiro looks at the boar. This boar is stupid. The boar is arrogant, too. Just like the other boars it fought. After charging, it just stands there, with those eyes that say, 'I suppose I'll give you a few seconds to stand up, since you suck so much at this.' Shiro smiles at the boar as he stands up. "If that's what you think, then you've got another thing coming." He runs to the side, and as he does so, the boar charges him once again, but he is already to the side of where the boar was running, and he holds out his rapier to have it slice a long cut along the boar's ribs. The boar squeals as it retreats a few feet and turns to face Shiro.

Shiro smiles at the boar. "Don't worry," he says, "I'll give you a few seconds to recover. Since you suck so much at this." As he says that, Shiro wonders if the boar can understand him. Then he wonders if the boar actually has the ability to react to such things. As he is thinking this, the boar begins its charge. He hears ... What's that? Sounds like hoov-- Oh, crap, not again. He yelps and then grunts as the boar collides with his ribs and sends him sprawling. He looks at the boar. Its eyes now say, 'My turn again.' Shiro gets up slowly, and readies his rapier for his signature boar-slaying move. Time to get this stupid thing out of Aincrad for good. The boar tenses slightly, raises its hoof, and propels itself forward, hooves clawing at the ground rhythmically as it races towards Shiro. Shiro holds his rapier, his right hand holding his left forearm as the boar advances.

When the boar is within range, he quickly raises his rapier, and watches as the boar impales itself, only to shatter into thousands of red particles. Shiro smiles. He finds that move amusing - in a somewhat morbid way. He looks at his HP bar, and sighs, then looks for another boar while awaiting the promised message from Endrance on where he's supposed to go.


LVL - [ 1 ] HP - [ 58 / 100 ]

COL - [ 14 ] EXP - [ 22 / 50 ]

LVL - [ 5] HP - [500 / 500 ] COL - [643 ] EXP - [ 87 / 600 ]

"So guys I think it would be a good idea to take advantage of these floors and shared party xp to boost our levels for the boss. Especially since the raid groups is focusing on rushing through the floors meaning the other rooms are going to be filled with critters and loot." he said to the group as they continued walking through rooms following the others. As fights between the seemingly sole mob monster broke out.

Unsheathing his new blade he picked out a stragler and gave it a one-two swipe as he tested out his newest work. It seemed doing what they did was a wise move as he saw the damage being put out. However the kobold was feisty and had its own weapon; a rather crude looking machete looking blade. Blocking an overhead chop with his scimitar produced a satisfying clang. Spinning out of its reach he then cut at it with broad strokes eventually downing it. <25 xp> <45 col>

LVL - [ 5] HP - [500 / 500 ] COL - [688 ] EXP - [ 112 / 600 ]


LVL - [ 4]

HP - [ 400/ 400 ]

COL - [ 350]

EXP - [ 322/ 500 ]

(The Temporary Apprentice)


-You have earned 28 experience points and 60 col. -

Her gaze flickered from the back of Primo's head, to the notification, then back again. "I use a katana because that's what i'm the best with. The most efficient and quickest weapon in my arsenal. And there's two, because I never know when I might need a back-up."

"So you say," murmred Kiki, as she peered even deeper into the back of his head. "I have a skill where I can repair metal items so you don't need to worry about that then." She scrunched up her face, upping her tempo just bit so that she'd be able to see at least a part of Primo's face. Hmm. "Hmm." She put her face in her hands and shook her head. Arrrggghh! Something about you pisses me off. It pisses me off there's nothing to be pissed off about. Her eyes transformed into slits as they fell upon the Katanas jiggling around on his waist. "I bet he thinks he's cool walking around with two long-swords." Kiki coughed and said sorry.

It's weird walking with a guy like this. Like we're on friendly terms. She breathed out heavily through her nose and wondered why she was acting so stupid. She stopped for a second, and looked up and around at the canopy; it seemed like it was hanging 50 miles in the air above their heads. I wonder if there are any monsters here. Maybe spiders? It looks like a nice place for spiders to gather...No, no no. Don't be dumb. Hmm. Okay, what about Tree Monsters? Immediately, Kiki threw a suspicious glance towards the nearest Oak and flipped on her X-ray vision. No... No beating heart here. As they continued to walk through the forest, Kiki felt a light tap on her shoulder.

You really don't have to touch me to ask a question Primo. What is it? Seconds passed by with no response. Uggh. Primo. You don't have to- Wait. She looked in front of her and to the left, seeing Primo looking right back at her. Confused, she turned around and came face to face with a monster that had no skin.

Ah, how could I forget that one. Skeletons.



║Level 2 ★ 241 Col║

║(XP)105/200 ★ (HP)200/200║

This woman was interesting.

It was apparent that Kingstrum had been distraught over him, in some sort of fashion. Maybe not to him at the time, given the fact that Primo was a man (and yes, we're all pretty unattentive for the most part) he wasn't completely caught on as to why, nor had he tried to understand. Considering they had just met, it was a bit of a preliminary period for the both of them. Maybe less so for Primo, considering that he was a pretty open person in general, but he could only speak for himself in the end. She was probably still trying to feel him out, despite giving him the benefit of the doubt.

When she spoke, he rolled his eyes. Yeah, he totally felt extremely cool wearing the two. Honestly, he just didn't want to be caught having an off day. With the newfound knowledge gained from her telling him that she could repair swords, it probably made his second one obsolete, but when it came to mid-battle, there was no way he could just have no katana to fight with. If one broke, he'd have to switch to the other as fast as possible. Usually, most fighters who fought with two weapons had two of different sizes. Primo was the odd exception to this fact... All simply to eliminate that small window of time where he could be outclassed and killed for not having a weapon.

When the skeleton-thing showed up behind her, the young man didn't notice at first. She stated that he didn't need to touch her to ask a question, but he hadn't. Nor had he even said anything, whatsoever. Was she really so annoyed by him, that she felt he would act so awkwardly? When she turned to see what was behind her, Primo didn't exactly give her time to react. Her eyes were placed onto it's facial features at the exact same time as she felt a bit of pressure on the top of her head.

Primo had used it continue his momentum. Wat? Well, when she turned her back from him and she saw what was going on behind her, Primo immediately jumped forward - toward it. Obviously, his teammate was in the way, so he had to hop over her. His left hand was placed onto her head to keep his momentum pushing forward, his legs tucked out to the right side. Primo's right hand was on the hilt of his sword.

When he pushed off, he immediately bashed his entire body shoulder-first into the skeleton, pushing it back. Landing into a roll, he would spring to his feet within the same fluid movement. The next move from now was to switch his standing stance so that his left foot was inched more toward the skeleton, allowing him to bring his right back slightly and swing it forward into the left calf belonging to the skeleton.

Starting from the Patella, the Tibia completely flew off, causing the monster to collapse onto the ground. It let out a rather large growl as its fingers dug into the dirt, pulling it's body toward his feet.

"Any last words?" He asked, turning his head back to Kingstrum and letting off another one of those million-dollar smiles.

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LVL - [ 4]

HP - [ 400/ 400 ]

COL - [ 400]

EXP - [ 352/ 500 ]

(The Temporary Apprentice)


"Any last words?" He asked, turning his head back to Kingstrum and letting off another one of those million-dollar smiles.

The fool. Kiki surged forward and brushed past Primo, making sure to ram her shoulder into his arm. "Never turn your attention away from a monster," she said as she stomped on the remaining parts of the skeleton, killing it.

-You have earned 30 exp and 50 Col-

Crossing her arms, she glared at him, directly looking into his eyes.
"Something like that can get you killed. I will not tolerate anyone dying on my watch," she hissed, turning away. She opened up her map and checked how far it was to Horunka Village. "We're not too far away." With X-ray vision turned on, she could make out the tips of buildings; though they were very far off into the horizon. "We're not too close either. Come on let's go."

She walked forward and motioned the boy to follow. She felt her shoulders were tight and she was clenching her jaw so she knew something was wrong. She knew this was one of those times she may have gone overboard. She softened her voice and exhaled, "I'm not mad at you. I just don't want you killing yourself. Yes. I know you're pretty good with a Katana, but lose concentration for just a moment and you'll be gone, just like that, in an instant." She looked back at Primo but this time there was no eye contact. Great. Now he won't even look at me. With hands clasped together, she placed them behind her head, effectively giving her a moving headrest. With X-ray vision still open, she scanned the immediate area for any skeletons that might be trying to creep up on them.

While scrolling through her menus, she wondered where everybody she's met were. Ravita, DaTinMan, the purple-haired one and his stalker. The lazy-one. I really do hope they're still alive and kicking. Walking forward and not looking back, she said a-loud "I got attached to a chameleon. It sounds dumb but he was one of the first friends I ever made here. I would have never thought that possible. It was actually from him that I got a skill that lets me camouflage." Maybe opening up to him will make things a little easier for us. "His name was Seely. Seely the Chameely... Chameleon... I mean."

A few more seconds passed by and she continued, "Was there anyone you cared for or had a connection with since you've came here? I know it's just a game but there was a day I sat on a bench in town and just watched what went on around me. What I saw and felt surprised me. I felt like it was a real world. With people doing their own things, talking to each other, laughing and having a good time. I even thought of buying a house here for myself some time in the future." She giggled. "It's weird. That's for sure. It's like anyone I meet here, I'd like to continue to have a relationship with out in the real world. It's like I would know them already."

Kiki stopped and decided to adopt one of her partner's odd quirks. She turned around and grinned, bearing all 32 of her pearly white teeth. "Were you planning on training here, or moving on as fast as possible to Horunka? Either way, it's okay with me. Though these skeletons don't seem like they'll do us much good. Plus, in areas like these, I'm sure there are a few player killers lurking around, ready to pick off a few unsuspecting players."

*Ding* A notification popped up in her messaging box. Oh it's about time. "A group of players have started attacking the level floor 1 boss as well. But the layout is showing that is has 20 floors." That is crazy. Maybe when we get to Horunka, we can get more information about it from players in the local Inn. What do you think?

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║Level 2 ★ 241 Col║

║(XP)105/200 ★ (HP)200/200║

She walked past him, causing his torso to slightly be pushed forward in the process. Primo figured she would have been a bit more grateful, but it was probably too much to ask for. When she spoke, she sounded like his mother - always telling him how to do things in a more correct fashion. Despite Primo enjoying the way he handled things, others still felt differently. Oh well, can't please everyone. Simple as that.

>> 30 XP, 50 Col <<

Obviously, this girl was flustered. "On your watch?" As if. The role reversal was crazy, considering he was the older male and she was the younger female. Primo hadn't exactly figured that much out yet, though; when it comes to a certain age, people tend to look the same. Adulthood was just one of those stages - you're either a young adult, or an older one. The difference is easy to spot.

He put one of his hands on his shoulders, staring her right back in the face.When she began to walk off, he followed, of course. As they traversed onward, Primo's eyes wandered from area to area. At some points, he found his focus fixated on small snakes that scurried through the various strains of grass. The sky. Honestly, he was bored as hell from the walk. When she turned to explain herself, Primo didn't find it necessary to explain anything.

We're all human. We all get worked up sometimes.

An easy concept, to say the least for him. She didn't get a response for her sentence, they just continued moving on. Primo didn't want to address it, he wanted to keep moving. Get stronger. The whole nine yards. It was another couple of minutes before she spoke again, this time to tell him a bit about herself.
"I can't see you being friendly with a social chameleon. Then again, I suppose that's the reason you gave me the time of day in the first place." Yeah. That and my amazing face, of course.

Her story was nice, but Primo really would have sufficed with her name. "I spent the first couple hours helping people calm down, and what not. Some girl gave me this second katana, too. Didn't have it in her to fight. I always have it in me to fight for others, especially myself." He could have went on, but he wanted to keep it rather short. "You're the first person that i've added to my friends list, or even partied with." Typically, the young man preferred to solo, but he did love interacting with others nonetheless.

When she stopped to turn and give him a smile, those light hues were immediately brought down to it - as if the toothy grin was like a magnet.
"We need to get to the level one boss." Primo murmured, slowly continuing to walk past her. "Come on, beautiful. We're going to go to Horunka Inn and figure out where that dungeon is immediately."

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« LVL - [ 5] HP - [ 500 / 500 ] COL - [814 ] EXP - [ 180 / 600 ] »

Ryu glanced around, "So floor 1 huh? OH WE ARE GOING TO GRIND THIS PLACE SO HARD!" Ryu waved as he shouted out, "KONICHIWA! We are in one of the early Raids of the game." Ryu glanced at the group, "Whatcha think the Boss of this Raid is gonna be? I sure hope it isn't an ugly plant monster!" Ryu narrowed his eyes as he shook his left hand, adorned with his new knuckle angrily. "Anyway, we need to kick up the tunes for this! Say uh, hn, which ones to go with though?"
« LVL - [ 5] HP - [ 500 / 500 ] COL - [768 ] EXP - [ 186 / 600 ] »

"With as lazy as these devs are? I'd put money on "slightly larger kobold"."

Ryan flicked his wrist, confused when the knives seemed to stick for a moment midair- looked like he had some lag issues. He tried a few more times when an advancing Kobold suddenly exploded, the massive cloud of lagged-out knives killing it thrice over. <25 xp> <45 col>

"Holy dicks! Guys, did you see that? That was like the coolest thing! It's like some kinda Za Warudo shit! I mean that was just like- whoa!"

« LVL - [ 5] HP - [ 500 / 500 ] COL - [813 ] EXP - [ 211 / 600 ] »
Ryu glanced at the poofing cloud with lagged-out knives killing the kobold thrice-fold. "That, was epic!" and while he said that a Kobold got a really good sneak attack on him. <50> health lost. Ryu glared at the Kobold as he dramatically struck him with an incredible series of sweeping kicks and jabs. Ryu howled out at the top of his lungs, "ATATATTATATATATATATA YOU ARE ALREADY DEAD!", as the Kobold poofed into nothingness <25 xp> <45 col>

Ryu glanced around, "Anyway viewers out there, like, comment, and subscribe!" Ryu dramatically raised his left hand in the air and gave a thumbs up, "Oooh Viewer Request. One wants to see if it is possible to rip a Kobold's tongue and use it as a makeshift weapon. Well I'm not sure if the Devs made it possible, but I assure you! I WILL TRY!" Ryu glanced at the others, "Let's see... So buncha Kobolds huh? DO THESE BASTARDS HAVE THE SAME EXACT TEXTURES? ... They just copied and pasted these guys didn't they!?"

« LVL - [ 5] HP - [ 450 / 500 ] COL - [839 ] EXP - [ 205 / 600 ] »
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LVL - [ 5] HP - [500 / 500 ] COL - [688 ] EXP - [ 162 / 600 ]

Following the other player's movements on the mini-maps he lead the others into some nooks that were ignored. In one of them he found a treasure chest protected by two kobolds that almost immediately set out to attack him. Being caught off guard by the dual strike he suffered a nasty hit <74 damage>. He then focused on cutting up one of the kobolds before leading it to die against being impaled on Donte's massive blade. The other kobold deprived of it's surprise attack and partner was taken down with 3 strike hit and downward stab. "Shit I need to keep my guard up... Oh well I wonder what's inside that box? Knowing the game it's 50/50 crap or something useful. " he said aloud.

<50xp><60 col>

He then kicked open the chest and received oat of midnight. Not even a light armor user, Marco just let it hang in his inventory to be sold and destroyed for something more useful. "What a gyp." he said as they left that one room and headed closer to the others who were getting closer to the second floor. Yelling at a group of three kobolds to get their aggro. He then then charged at them swinging his blades at each one while playing keep away with them. When they started getting too close he simply did, but not before activating his spin and moving towards one and knocking him away from the other two. With one kobold down he then attacked another one with a jumping chop that put it one the floor defenseless letting him slash at it and killing it. Last one was a cakewalk as he dashes and slashed it before spinning to win. <75 xp> <34 col>

Checking his minimap he saw as the blob of players were passing by them to the get tot he next areas. Time was obviously of the essence but they still had quite a lot of space to traverse. Better yet for them if they stuck around they could get easy levels during the climb. But if they lingered around too long they wouldn't be helpful for the boss. "So guys should we linger or just hurry up for the next floor?" he said asking the group.

LVL - [ 5] HP - [426 / 500 ] COL - [722 ] EXP - [ 237 / 600 ]
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« LVL - [ 5] HP - [ 450 / 500 ] COL - [839 ] EXP - [ 237 / 600 ] »

Ryu pondered, "We could always ask the stream what they want to see! Viewers, do you want us to hurry to floor Number 2, or keep murdering these little kobolds?! Granted, Blue-kun will probably want us to hurry. But these mobs, so much exp that can be gained! But ah, I am curious on your opinions."
« LVL - [ 5] HP - [ 500 / 500 ] COL - [964 ] EXP - [ 234 / 600 ] »

Hugh knocked Ryu over the virtual head. "Git gud" he declared. Hugh reached for the handle of his huge sword, flinging it outwards as the flat of its blade hit the ground with a loud thud. He brought the handle in, closer to his body, gripping it in both hands before raising it like a baseball bat. He looked at the kobolds and glared for a good minute. "Git... gud..." he muttered.

Quickly, Hugh ran towards the kobolds and swung his sword. "FULL SPEED AHEAD! THERE ARE NO BRAKES ON THE GIT GUD TRAIN! #LIKE A HURRICANE!" Hugh's blade glowed as he swung it outward towards the kobolds. He smacked a large group, sending the kobolds back with his wide swing. "#BLADE ATTACK!" he declared as he pounded his blade against the ground. A shock wave shot from the tip of his sword, knocking the kobold over, dissipating into items, money, and delicious EXP.

« LVL - [ 5] HP - [ 500 / 500 ] COL - [1065 ] EXP - [ 434 / 600 ] »

Hugh lifted the sword over his shoulders and declared one more time. "Git..."

LVL - [ 5] HP - [426/ 500 ] COL - [722 ] EXP - [ 237 / 600 ]

"We gotta go upstairs some time, sides there's twenty levels of this not like we're gonna miss too much xp. "

Marco said as they went towards the room that was marked as having the exit to the next level. However their travel was impeded by some simple traps in a corridor with a timed spike run. Marco managed to get by bunny hopping off the walls with his acrobatics and then waited for the others to make it. Along the way more kobolds were killed. Twenty of them all standing in the way of progresses both for the boss and their next move.

Marco used his spinning attack to twirl through a group of five damaging them randomly as they tried and split up. Spinning over he then used another move that let him hit multiple targets with his cutlass once again rending their virtual flesh killing all but two. Parrying their attacks he then used spin to kill them off .

This strategy would prove useful for the others if they were clustered together.

<500x><420 col>

After so much spinning he found the stair way where the others were resting up. "Alright lets do this shit for eighteen more times!" he said aloud and very sarcastically.

Floor 2/20

LVL - [ 6] HP - [600/600] COL - [722 ] EXP - [ 137 / 3200 ]

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