« Sword Art: Online » [Inactive]


Lvl: 1 - HP: 100/100

Col: 0 -Exp: 0/50


More time progressed and finally Ravita couldn't take it much longer. If she kept this up she'd have an emotional breakdown, and crying in public was humiliating enough as it was. She had to get her anger out some way. Yes, despite all of her bawling and anxiety-prone trembling, she was all the same very much angry. Angry at this sick little joke played out by Kyaba. What was he thinking? What was his purpose in this? Did he just think it'd be cool to try and play god and turn thousands of people into pawns? It was sickening, if she could Ravita would be sure her breakfast would've been long gone by now...but that probably doesn't apply in this game.

She began to stomp down the town square aimlessly and mindlessly- it wasn't like she even knew her way around the place anyways. Even so, her sense of direction was simply awful. But she managed to fortunately enough find the exit of the town and was greeted by grassy feilds that broadened in vast directions- it was a beautiful site to behold, honestly. It gave you that false image of peace and freedom. But wasn't that just ironic? And that irony did nothing but piss her off even more.

Ravita made sure she knew how to open up her menu before she moved any more. It wasn't hard- just a slide of the finger and there was the menu. She moved over to her inventory and easily found her beginner's rapier and equipped it. It was foreign in her hand- but it gave her a strange sense of comfort..and maybe because it was a weapon. But it only surged a sorts of adrenaline within her body.

Now, moving through the fields she saw random players here and there trying to learn their way of fighting by killing boars and the like.

She could do it too right? No problem! She could certainly kill a boar! She was sure of it! It wasn't that hard!

From a distance she saw one that was off to itself, with not really any players around that seemed to go out of their way to kill it.

It was now or never. This was the inevitable. Ravita was going to have to figure who she was going to be in this game. Was she going to struggle for her freedom or was she going to cower in the safe zone and let everybody die for her petty, pitiful sake. No! That wasn't going o happen.

Deep breath.

Ravita readied herself and charged forward- ready to kill the boar. She slashed at the boar with her rapier- though it was sloppy and it was obvious she had never held such a weapon in her life yet the swing still did damage to the boar.

Aggravated, the boar swung around and whipped it's head at her, where she was lucky enough to jump backwards only to stumble backwards some more and trip. The boar charged for her and she forced herself to roll to the side- barely able to miss its attack. She was getting lucky. The boar was quick to turn back around and charge after her- and Ravita wasn't quick enough to stand up fast enough and she was knocked back by the boar, losing healthpoints in the process.

"Ah! D-dammit!" she gasped as she hit the ground again. The boar stopped and stood it's ground- which she assumed it gave it's opponent some waiting time seeing at how it was a beginner's monster.

Ravita scrambled up to her feet, frightened now...already beginning to regret her decision.
There's no possible way I can do this! she screamed to herself but it was all futile. There's no way she could actually run from that boar so she had to fight it- that was the only option now. Trembling she raised her rapier forward once again.


Lvl: 1 - HP: 86/100

Col: 0 -Exp: 0/50


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« LVL - [ 3] HP - [ 220 / 300 ] COL - [ 40 ] EXP - [ 6 / 400 ] »

Hugh panted heavily as he stuck his sword into another boar. It was much too big to be called a sword. Too massive, too thick, too heavy and far too rough. It was more like a huge slab of iron. Virtual blood sleeked off of the blade's surface, dissipating into code as Hugh's heavy metal blade landed onto the digital floor. Equipped to Hugh was no longer a metal skirt, but a heavy metal suit of armor. He stood proudly in spite of his noticeably large build. Hugh was the party's tank.

He wiped the sweat from his brow. "You know..." Hugh panted "I haven't worked out... ever..." As he continued to stand, Hugh realized he did not actually get tired. Indeed, living in the data base was far different from the real world. He opened up his party window, checking the levels of the rest of his team. "I think we're making good progress" he noted.
« LVL - [ 3] HP - [ 285 / 300 ] COL - [ 22 ] EXP - [ 6 / 400 ] »

"Yo, Cap'n! Got us some more ingots!", Ryan said as he dumped the pile of bronze bars in front of Marco. He leaned up against the forge.

"So, I did the math a little while ago-", he scratched his nose absentmindedly, "-and, well, there's a couple of things I want to look into, but I'm not totally sure yet. Anyways, I was looking at the prices, and it looks like, at least until Blue ups his sales skill, we'll be taking a small deficit on all our sales. Now, interestingly, while our margins are going to be in the negative while we're using bronze, iron masterwork gives us a margin of 0.76 Gil- sorry, COL to a dagger, assuming we buy and sell in stacks of 20. I still want to run the numbers on enchanting and the like, but I'm thinking once we can start on Tier 4 or so weapons, that's about when we should start seriously grinding out cash until we have enough to get- well, I'm thinking tier four basic gear and tier six weapons from that Nepent quest and after that I think we'll be good for a couple levels. It'll take some doing, and at the rate skills increase we'll definitely have to do some farming before we get to that point, but I think if we can do this we'll still be moving fast enough to keep the viewers on while not being blatantly suicidal."
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« LVL - [ 3] HP - [ 220 / 300 ] COL - [ 40 ] EXP - [ 6 / 400 ] »

Ryu took out a dingy fishing-pole, it was a standard grey but it allowed for fishing. And fish he did, as he returned to the group with fish-parts, "Donte-dono!" Ryu saluted to Hugh as he opened up his inventory and pulled out a few pots. "I've managed to score enough fish parts to make some pots, so we can keep the ones we need.". Ryu glanced at some potions he made, "So I got few buffs, though I was mostly focused on making tons of Healing Pots. Hey DD-San, did you check out the price of pots as well or just weapons? And ah that sweet COL, why is it called COL?" Ryu began plucking at his chin-hairs, "Anyway, it seems like we'll be good. Anyone else got anything to share?"
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LVL - [ 1 ]

HP - [ 100/ 100 ]

COL - [ 18 ]

EXP - [ 7 / 50 ]


Seeing the little kid hold his own against the purple-haired one calmed Kiki's nerves. I hope you kick his butt. She turned to survey the rest of her surroundings and came across a few more happenings that caught her eye. Far to her left, was a black-haired boy, lounging around on the grass, apparently deep in thought. Uh-huh. Good luck staying alive buddy. Cocking her head and looking off to the far right, she squinted and saw what looked like a young girl in her early teens, taking on two boars. Oh gosh...Her form is terrible..stand up straighter and put your arms out more...c'mon, keep your feet apart; it makes it easier for you to dodge. Kiki rubbed her temples. If she keeps this up, she's going to get herself killed.

Looking back towards the fight between the cloaked one and the purple-haired one, she glanced at the little blondie holding her own against a couple monsters; deftly using her sword to make quick work of them.
Hmm. So what? She thought to herself, slightly agitated. I would have killed them in half the time.

Kiki stopped the internal nagging and sighed to herself. She wondered in which direction SAO would push her to go. Changing her chat menu to [shout], she turned in the direction of the girl dressed in pink with rapier held tight in opposition the boar.

"Take a deep breath, clear your mind, and focus on the target. You don't want to die your first day here now do you?"

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"Hold up dee-dee, we talking NPCS or player market. If it's the latter I already know selling them the daggers isn't going to make the most bank here. But way I'm thinking is we just fill our inventories with ore and then get Donte her to melt them down and stack me a brick fortress by the smithy area and we'll be able to make like an easy two thousand five hundred with five hundred daggers that got a price of five. Which when split will earn us five hundred col each. Anyway I managed to find this cave with enough nodes for us to round robin around to get bronze."

Having said that he pretty much pinged the location to his friends as they once again went off to grind for money and eventually being able to make better gear. The location itself was a little out of the way compared to the more nearer locations but they needed the nodes to easily gain the quantities of materials for this. leaving through the south they went through the idyllic pastoral meadows. Slowing down and eventually pausing in his walking he saw some female player trying to fight a boar rather badly. Her entire body language was showing off how distraught and nervous she was especially by how her attacking was. Eventually some other female showed up to give advice. His mind was already on the next plan, for although the five of them were capable of working well. The fact remained that extra man power was always useful. "Guys, go ahead of me." He said rather calmly and detached.


LVL - [ 1 ] HP - [ 95 / 100 ]

COL - [ 0 ] EXP - [ 5 / 50 ]


Shiro smiles and stands up as he realizes what it was. He adjusts his grip on his rapier, which is by his side, now and for a while. He knows why he is so fazed, and how to fix it.

Back home, my death would be noticed, but I doubt many people from my class would mourn me, because they never knew me.

He looks around for a new target.

Here, my death wouldn't even be noticed, if I were to die right now...

He sees a boar a ways away and starts walking slowly in its direction.

But if I make friends, if I do something important or cool or impressive, if I even kill one boar...

He begins running towards it faster, gripping his rapier tightly and raising it to the side, preparing for a slash. He sees the boar notice him, but he doesn't stop or slow down. If he's hit, he'll just keep at it until he wins. That's just who he is.

...I'll have a chance of being remembered in this world!

He is slammed hard in the stomach before he can get in an attack on the boar. He puts his right hand to his stomach, grunting. He looks up at the boar, standing there, mocking him. Or maybe it's sitting there for a bit because it's programmed to ... No, it's definitely mocking him.

And nobody mocks Shiro Kiyomori.

Shiro gets up and steps forward, lunging at the boar's shoulder. It squeals and retreats, then charges him once more. This time, he sidesteps it and slashes at the boar's side, but he misses, having underestimated its speed. He curses himself and prepares for another charging attack from the boar. It runs towards him, and he holds out his rapier, impaling it on the blade as it charges him. He smiles as it turns red and shatters, then reads the notification this time.

Shiro smiles at himself. He's so dramatic.


LVL - [ 1 ] HP - [ 80 / 100 ]

COL - [ 4 ] EXP - [ 13 / 50 ]



Lvl: 1 - HP: 86/100

Col: 0 -Exp: 0/50


"Take a deep breath, clear your mind, and focus on the target. You don't want to die your first day here now do you?"

She heard a shout towards...it was her, right? They were shouting at at her?
Ah dammit that didn't matter right now did it? She took a deep breath as told. That boar would be charging after her any minute now and so would the other. If she could just focus, maybe she could get this. These were boars for crying out loud! The equivalent of slimes in other games! So if she could just muster up the courage and focus.

Dammit, if only she knew how to wield a rapier right.

The first boar charged after her and Ravita made herself step out of the way and managed to stab into the boar. Once she found her weapon deep into the boar with all her might she sliced through it and created a long and deep slice within in the boar- before it shattered into hundreds of particle pieces.

"I- I did it!" she breathed, a surge of accomplishment filled within her, her guard down instantly and she didn't notice the second boar ram into her until the last minute.

"Ah!" she fell down on her rear, and mentally cursed herself for letting that happen to her. She glanced at her HP, it went down about another 10 points. Not good..it only made her tremble even more.

I really should've thought more about this before I jumped into this!

Desperate to keep her life though- she jumped back on her feet and barely missed the boar this time- it only grazing her and costing her just a few of her HP. She twirled around and slashed at the boar again- pulled out quickly and did the same deep cut damage she did with the first...she managed to kill that one as well.

"D-Did I really just do it...?" she breathed in disbelief, ready to cry at the knowledge that she was still alive.


Lvl: 1 - HP: 72/100

Col: 9 -Exp: 16/50


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« LVL - [ 3] HP - [ 285 / 300 ] COL - [ 22 ] EXP - [ 6 / 400 ] »

"Christ almighty, Captain, you going all whiteknight on us?" Ryan was attempting to juggle his knives- failing miserably, of course, but he was getting better. "Look, if you want to help those chicks out at least take one or two of us with you. Don't want you dying because some crazy kicked your ass while we were off mining, you know? Camaraderie and all that."
« LVL - [ 3] HP - [ 285 / 300 ] COL - [ 22 ] EXP - [ 6 / 400 ] »

"Well Captain-san appears to be trying to unlock those girls route. But the question is is Captain-san using the guide to help out in pursuing the route?" Ryu glanced around as he cracked his knuckles, as he stared at DaTinMan, "And yeah, you should at least take one or two of us with you if you want to go unlock that route! Visual Novels are a challenging game." Ryu rolled his neck around as he glanced at the rest of the crew, "Let's get those nodes."


LVL-[1] HP-[90/100]

COL-[10] EXP-[20/50]


Looking back at her party member and the boy he was dueling, she sighed. Seems they weren't done yet. Shrugging, she looked around, trying to find another boar or two. She figured she could use the practice, she wanted to stay alive after all, and the EXP. Atria wanted to start a guild with Endrance. She respected the fact that he wanted to help the people like her that had no clue where to start exactly. She wanted to help him. And to do that, she would have to work harder and get stronger. And stay alive.

Unsheathing her straight sword once again, she grinned when she spotted a single boar munching on some grass. Slowly, Atria started towards it, waiting for the monster to notice her. As she stepped, she must have stepped a bit harder than expected, seeing as the boar suddenly looked up, locking its gaze on the blonde in front of it.

At the sight of her, the boar charged, leading Atria to twirl instantly, dodging the charge. Moving quickly, she recovered raising her sword hand and stabbing down on the back end of the creature. Hearing it's squeal, she grinned, before charging, her sword raised. As she reached the boar, she stabbed, hitting the creature in the neck. Twisting her wrist slightly, she watched as her blade moved, still impaling the boar.

With a smile, she ripped her sword away from the boar, watching it explode into many small crystals. Standing up straight, Atria watched as the notification popped up, telling her, her reward.


LVL-[1] HP-[90/100]

COL-[15] EXP-[30/50]

Ignoring the rabble from his comrade he strode over to the girl who managed to kill the boar and to a lesser extent the other girl that yelled at her. He simply said, "Congrats on not spazzing out. Listen I can tell you're nervous and that's fine. But those that survive must fight, and to survive you must... get good."

Sending her them both his ID he then continued, "Anyway me any buddies here got a plan to just grind the hell out of this game and play smart to survive, we got our sights aimed at moving to third floor as soon as possible and setting a guild up. If you want you can join us as an unofficial guild until we get to said floor; do as you wish but we're heading to some mines." And with that he went off to rejoin his friends as they trekked to the mines.
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Lvl: 1 - HP: 72/100

Col: 9 -Exp: 16/50


Ravita was startled by the man's appearance when he walked forward but she was careful on listening to the man intently on all that he had to say. He sent her his ID, at which she quickly glanced at so she wouldn't miss any important information that the man had to offer, but that glance wasn't long enough and the name quickly left her mind.

He began to talk to her about him and some others planned to stick together, grind like crazy and then form a guild together and that if she wanted to, she'd be able to join them. He didn't give her much of a thinking chance as right after telling her all this he left for his friends. No questions to be asked, no thinking chance nothing. So any decision she had to make should best be done now so she wouldn't have to try and hunt this person down later.

She thought for a moment. She looked back over at the name of the ID: DaTinMan. She thought about whether or not she should really go for this plan. Any other time, she probably would back down from such an offer instantly simply because she'd be surrounded by nothing but strangers and that thought intimidated her to no end but... she looked over to her own information. Looked at her health that was already a quarter depleted and she furrowed her brow. Just putting her trust in herself and her alone would certainly be the end of her. She was too dependent- she couldn't rely on herself when in came to survival and that was the sad and honest truth.

She looked back over at DaTinMan, in whom was already a distance away and would soon disappear and vanish from her vision. She took a deep breath. It was now or never- or at least she needed to tell herself that. She needed to just give herself a spur of moment and let it all go from there. With that thought she ran as fast as her legs had ever allowed her to do before and miraculously she was able to catch up with him.
"I-I'll go with you then!" she breathed, not even believing she was actually doing this. "If you'll really have me!" she said, already about to shy up from interaction with a stranger.



LVL - [ 1 ] HP - [ 80 / 100 ]

COL - [ 4 ] EXP - [ 13 / 50 ]


Shiro stands for a second, before scoping out his next prey. As he looks around, he sees other people together in groups. Laughing. Working together. Helping each-other. He frowns to himself. What the heck...? Why the heck wasn't he in one of those groups already? He would have expected himself to have met at least one person by n--

He yelps as he is knocked back by something. He quickly struggles to his feet and sees a boar, standing there, pawing the ground with one of its
fore-hooves. He glares at it. His thoughts are always being interrupted by these idiotic b--

He sidesteps, his side being grazed by the next charge. He curses himself in his mind. He'll never get anywhere if he keeps getting hit around by these things. He yells out,
"What a RUDE thing to do!" as he runs forward and slashes at the boar, but misses. He checks his HP bar, as he hasn't looked at it in a while. What in the...? Already down to around 70 HP?

He grunts and swings down at the boar, but it's already run behind him. He spins around, his rapier in a defensive position. And just in time, too. The boar ran forward at him but was met by the blade. He growls at the boar and simply slashes the rapier straight upwards from its position, cutting the boar across the snout. The boar squeals and retreats a few steps. Shiro makes the first move and runs forward, lunging at the boar's shoulder. The boar, however, runs slightly to the side, and he ends up falling forwards, but still managing to cut the boar's side. His HP bar goes down slightly again. He sticks his rapier in the ground and pulls himself up with it.

"No way I'm lettign some retarded level one monster like you take me down! Come on! Charge at me! Show me what you can do!"

The boar snorts, tossing its head, and rushes at him once more. Shiro slashes down at it, cutting it in the eye and across the snout once more. It was a deep slash, and the boar shatters into red particles. Shiro checks his health bar, which sadly, he was not imagining being down to about 70 HP. He ignores the notification of his earnings again.


LVL - [ 1 ] HP - [ 71 / 100 ]

COL - [ 10 ] EXP - [ 17 / 50 ]



LVL - [ 1 ]

HP - [ 100/ 100 ]

COL - [ 18 ]

EXP - [ 7 / 50 ]


This listening skill sure comes in handy! Kiki glanced down at the ID name listed in her contacts. Haha. DaTinMan? Is he serious? In a rare moment of pure giddiness, she fell to the floor laughing, hands on her stomach, and rolled around in circles for what seemed like hours.

Bringing up her messaging menu, she simultaneously created two messages and labeled the first to DaTinMan. It read as follows:

-Take advantage of her, and I'll come calling for you-

The second of her
messages was labeled to Ravita. It read:

-Grats on staying alive back there. It only gets harder from here. But don't worry. I'll be keeping an eye on you. *wink*-

And with that, she sent friend requests to both parties: DaTinMan and Ravita. She decided to send another message to DaTinMan.

-Nice name by the way-

And with a snap her menus were shut.

Ugh, I've been sooo lazy lately. I think it's time I got to level 2.

« LVL - [ 3] HP - [ 285 / 300 ] COL - [ 22 ] EXP - [ 6 / 400 ] »

"Well, welcome aboard, I guess. So, Rav- you don't mind If I call you Rav, do you? I'mma go with Rav-" Ryan gestured at the group. as they neared the cave, "-Anyways, Rav, you've already met Captain Boulder- we just call him Captain, for short. The big guy up in front is Donte, to your left is Inuyasha and Dirt McGirt, and I'm Daily Dose- DD for short. So, pretty much we're going to go to this cave, clean out any stray mobs, and just grind like motherfuckers until the Captain can make us some fancy-ass knives. After that happens we're gonna powerdive- or powerclimb or whatever the term is- up to level three, and at that point we can get ourselves a little clubhouse base-camp whatchamacallit and finally start getting shit done. Standard iron man procedure, really."


LVL - [ 1 ] HP - [ 71 / 100 ]

COL - [ 10 ] EXP - [ 17 / 50 ]


Shiro looks at his HP bar again. He could probably go a bit longer and still be safe, but in this death game, he doesn't want to take those chances just yet. It'll be a bit sad if he doesn't start thinking things through a bit - it might get him killed if he doesn't. After looking around once more, he sheathes his rapier and starts walking back towards town.

"Gah. My HP is already at around 70 and I've only killed like three boars ..." He opens his menu. "And I only have 17 measly experience points to show for it. How pathetic is that?! Wow, I'm such a wimp, walking back into town over just 29 lost health points. What the heck has this game done to me? Wow, and yet I'm still walking towards town. This would probably be easier with a party or a friend or something but no, I somehow happen to only run into things in every instance except making friends. What an idiot am I? Wow, I disgust myself..." He continues to do this somewhat loudly as he enters town and walks down the streets, not quite sure where he's going.


LVL-[3] HP-[300/100]

COL-[37] EXP-[44/400


Stopping at the sight of the girl running after them he gave her a spare potion and said, "Fine just heal up and follow us to the mines, I"ll explain when we get there." He then sent her the location so it could be marked on her mini-map. The walk was rather uneventful as they managed to avoid gaining agro as well as the mobs not being attack of sight yet at this level.

Eventually they'd go through a rather moody yet very well created forest zone passing by a stream leading to a pond of sorts. He took note as Inu would be using it for his fishing for components preferably potions and other stuff . Beneath a cover of vines and moss there was a cave that would descend them into the cave. It was already lit with permanently lit torches that would flicker. Predictably enough there were some low level mobs; spiders in this case, but they were level one and their only threat was poison. Attack one he managed to get a crit hit with a red streak notifying him of such a feet allowing him to on shot it . Then turned to another nearby one using his acrobatics to jump and slash over it before stabbing it and killing it off. At the end of combat his screen gave out: 24 Xp, 17 Col, and 2x spider venom.

"Right so here's the deal," he said, "I'm the blacksmith of the group kinda. We're gonna spend a lot time mining this nodes and filling our inventory with bronze ore which we'll later give to Donte to smelt into bars so I can make a bunch of crappy daggers to be sold for some decent starting cash and xp to actually make good gear. So Ravita, I'm gonna need you to basically mule in place of Inu who's gonna be busy fishing and gathering herbs for healing items to seriously gather ore. In exchange for your help you'll get some money and maybe a free armor and weapon to replace your newb gear."
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« LVL - [ 3] HP - [ 300 / 300 ] COL - [ 30 ] EXP - [ 6 / 400 ] »

That was it. Standing before Hugh was something he had never seen before- a girl. He backed away in disbelief that he was in the presence of one in person. It was much stronger than anything he had ever faced before, but he couldn't let that show, not in front of all his subscribers. "Oh yeah, I'm Donte. QUE TE JODAN!" he shouted, slightly nervously.

Que te jodan was Donte's catch phrase. He used it in his first live stream and many people commented it, so much that it stuck with him. In every live streaming event he did since, Donte had tried to shoe horn the phrase in at least one, whether or not it would kill him in game.

"The best synergy you'll see in a game, you'll get from Git Gud" Hugh explained. He nervously held his hand out to shake hands with the new female.


Lvl: 1 - HP: 100/100

Col: 9 -
Exp: 16/50


Captain Boulder? Inyasha? Dirt McGirt? Daily Dose? Those names were enough to lighten up the mood big time and leave her giggling slightly. It was nice how the guy talking to her- sorry Daily Dose or AKA double D- just went right along with introductions and gameplan. He didn't look over her, try to test her, didn't out right judge her (or at least, out loud) and just let her stick with the rest. He even was quick to give her a little name for herself and that oddly enough made eased her into comfort. Of course that was just this one. She looked around at the others. She wasn't sure what to think of them and they all seemed way comfortable for meeting only today...or maybe that wasn't the case? Perhaps they all already knew each other outside of the game? If that was the case, she would feel odd about joining up with them. Much like the odd one out. In fact, closer observation at them- these males- she also seemed to be the youngest. Oh well, in a game of survival what did that really even matter? And judging from some of her reality's past she really had no room to talk.

After Double D discussed the gameplan, she nodded and followed with a determined
"yes sir." he showed her acceptance and she didn't want to let them down, even though she was scared shitless that she would.

Another member from the group faced her. He was the one introduced to as Donte. He re-introduced himself and then yelled out something foreign, which Ravita had taken back a little in surprise but then he returned back to a normal tone. "
The best synergy you'll see in a game, you'll get from Git Gud" he said as he offered his hand. She had no idea what he meant by the whole Git Gud thing, but if she had to guess it would be the name of the little posse they had going on there. Though he was friendly and Ravita was more than thankful for just that. She took his hand and shook it gently, offering a timid yet thankful smile. "Ravita. Pleased to make acquaintance with you!" It was an awful habit of Ravita's - the whole formal tone and talk when she was new with somebody. But hey, at least she was trying.

On the walk there, sudden notifications popped up to her surprise. The first thing was a friend request. Username: Kingstrum.
Kingstrum... she looked around at the group around her but none of them matched that username.

Then who was that?

Deciding to just go with it, she accepted the request and checked her other notification- which was a message: from Kingstrum.

-Grats on staying alive back there. It only gets harder from here. But don't worry. I'll be keeping an eye on you. *wink*-

What? Really now...who was that? She thought for a moment and it came to her. Was she the one that yelled at her? Ah...she quickly began to message back, tripping in the process of multi-tasking walking and messaging. Ha, funny her.

-You're the one who shouted at me earlier, weren't you? You totally saved my life back there. I'm truly grateful! I'm so sorry I was rude to run off like that before thanking you properly. But I totally owe you one!-

and...send. She wasn't sure if she'd ever really meet Kingstrum again but for now- let's just imagine.

Once they arrived at their destination, Captain layed down on the information to her. She was going to have to be a mule for the Inuyasha guy..simple enough. And he even promised things such as Col and items in return. But honestly just not being alone was enough for her. She nodded.
"Yes sir." she said and turned around to walk over to the one with the nickname of Inuyasha. Well, she knew the show so maybe she could get along with him..?

Fiddling with his menus he saw a blinking envelope icon indicating some sort of message sent to him. It was that other girl who apparently didn't trust them and sent a threat. His response was short and to the point: u avin a giggle m8? "This is gonna be a bit boring without it." he said as he fiddled with his apps and settings integrated to the game.

Music started playing with the intro : 1,2, 1,2, yo check this out, it's the jump off right now/I want everybody, to put your work down, put your guns down/And report to the pit, the gravel pit/Leave your problems at home, leave your children at home/We gon' take it back underground, I be Bobby Boulders/Wu-Tang Clan on yo' mind one time/It's the jump off, so just jump off my I'm uncultured...

He then began mining at the nearby node as he got notifications of:

<2 copper ore added>

<2 copper ore added>

<1 copper ore added>

<1copper ore added>

<2 copper ore added>

<3 copper ore added>

<1 copper ore added>

<1 copper ore added>

<3 copper ore added>

The sound of his pickaxe was thankfully muted by the much more enjoyable jaunty music playing in the cave."Check out my gravel pit a mystery unraveling. Wu-Tang is the CD that I travel with. Don't go against the grain if you can't handle it" <3 copper ore added> <3copper ore added> <1 copper ore added> <2copper ore added> <2 copper ore added> <2 copper ore added> <1 copper ore added> <1 copper ore added>

"Ha, holocaust from the land of the lost. Behold the pale horse, off course/ Follow me, Wu-Tang gotta be/The best thing since Starks and Clark Wallabees /African killer bees/Blackwatch'/On your radio, blowin out yo' watts"
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« LVL - [ 3] HP - [ 285 / 300 ] COL - [ 22 ] EXP - [ 6 / 400 ] »

-From Park Hill, to House on Haunted Hill

<1 tin ore added><2 tin ore added>

Every time you walk by your back get a chill [bLBLBH!]

<3 tin ore added><1 tin ore added>

Let's peel, who want to talk rap skills

<1 tin ore added><1 tin ore added>

I spit like a semi-automatic to the grill [bOOM!]

<1 tin ore added><2 tin ore added>

Ryan brought his pick down in time with the beat, humming along a Method Man's voice rang through the cavern.

Elbow grease, and elbow room

<1 tin ore added><2 tin ore added>

Baby play me, baby fall down, go boom [bOOM!]

<2 tin ore added><2 tin ore added>

Party people gather round, count down to apocalypse [3, 2, 1...]

<1 tin ore added><1 tin ore added>
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« LVL - [ 3] HP - [ 300 / 300 ] COL - [ 30 ] EXP - [ 6 / 400 ] »

"Y-you too" Hugh answered. Immediately, he let go, going back to his gang. Hugh sat and watched as his friend Captain mined away. Hugh leaned over before dropping down with a loud clunk, the pieces of his armor hitting against each other. It was one of the features he thought was interesting about the game; there were so many things missing from the standard. If there was anything Hugh knew, it was video games, and Aincrad actually missed a few things from where the bar was even set.

"I'M THE KID WITH THE GOLDEN ARMS!" Hugh chanted with the music. He had nothing much to do, other then listening to what his team mates were playing.

And I'm the motherfuckin hott nikks (AAAAH!) pass the blunt/My I'm uncultured don't front/You had it for a minute but it seem like a month [COUGH]/Now I'm chokin, smokin, hopin/I don't croakin, from overdosin.../Hey kid, (walk straight as a I...)/Wu and Meth got you open (open), let's ride/Can't stand I'm uncultured that floss too much/Can't stand Bentleys they cost too much/Kid wanna get up then kid get touched/Kid wanna stick up then kid get stuck/I'm the one that called your bluff/When your boy tried to act tough.../Remember what Old Dirty said, I'll fuck yo' ass up!/Now listen!

LVL - [ 1 ]

HP - [ 26/ 100 ]

COL - [ 18 ]

EXP - [ 7 / 50 ]


*Ding* Ding*. Two messages popped up into her inbox. The first was from Ravita:

-You're the one who shouted at me earlier, weren't you? You totally saved my life back there. I'm truly grateful! I'm so sorry I was rude to run off like that before thanking you properly. But I totally owe you one!-

Just watch yourself, she thought. I don't want anybody dying in front of me. She flipped to the second message from DaTinMan and let out a chuckle.

-u avin a giggle m8?-

Haha, this guy is too weird! Funny though, I'll definitely give him that. Using her X-ray vision, she followed the group Ravita joined at a distance, through forests and ponds, to a secluded little area that led to an underground cave. Staying out of site from anybody near the entrance, she thumbed through her menu and hit her favorite skill: Howl. "RRRWWWAAAARGGGHHH!” Oh Howl, how I've missed you. Three spiders dropped from the trees on silken webs and surrounded Kiki. Just the way I like it. She charged directly towards the one in the middle and punched it square in the face. As the one on the right spit out a greenish-looking liquid, she ducked and threw another punch with her left, connecting with the spider's jaw. Immediately she turned around and was hit by the 3rd spider's poison spit.

HP - [85/100]

Don't tell me..Kiki's health began to slowly tick downwards and she realized she was poisoned.

HP - [82/100]

As the prospect of dying flashed across her mind, Kiki centered herself and assumed a defensive position with arms out in front. She'd studied her skills for hours, mentally practiced dodging attacks at just the right time, and figuring the best way to put it all together.

HP - [78/100] It was pain-staking work, but hardship was nothing new to Kiki. With courage and determination, she always made it through.
"Hold onto your teeth boys," she said to the spiders. "This here is why I love martial arts."

HP - [75/100]

As the middle spider lunged at her, Kiki finally executed a perfect parry and grabbed the face of the spider with her left hand. With the right,
#Counter Hay-Maker she delivered knock-out punch to the spider leaving it stunned on the floor. As the right spider spit another green blob at Kiki, she #Side-Step dodged the poison completely, vanished, and ended up appearing in back of it. HP - [72/100] She cocked back and threw and devastating punch from behind, shattering the insect with one punch.

The remaining spider on the left took the opportunity to launch another poison blob at Kiki, scoring a direct hit. HP - [57/100]

She shook it off and turned her attention to the middle spider still dazed from her counter-strike. She thumbed open her skill menu and pressed down on the skill that took her by surprise before.
#Hammerfist Slamming her azure-colored fist down on the spider's abdomen, the spider was sent breaking apart into nothingness. HP - [51/100]

Turning her attention to the remaining spider, they locked gazes for what seemed like minutes. Kiki was waiting for an attack to counter..but it never came.

HP - [32/100]

She knew what it was doing. It was trying to bleed her dry.

"RRRWWWAAAARGGGHHH!” As the spider streaked towards her against its will, she could already see that the battle was over. She parried the blow with her left hand and #Counter Hay-Maker crushed the spider's face in with her right. As if by second-nature, she followed up #Hammerfist with a clenched hand blazing blue, and flattened the last arachnid into billowing pieces of data.

HP - [26/100]

Quickly, she the swiped over to the inventory, and used a return crystal to teleport herself back into town.

I hate poison.





Dave returned from the town square to Get Gud Inc's hangout, the mines. He looked around at all the enterprise that was going on, and smiled. Things were going smoothly. Dave's roll would come soon enough, it was only a matter of time. He stopped to admire the music for a moment, Wu-Tang, excellent choice. He walked over to the crew,

"Yo, I checked out the town square, totally saw some good spots to sell. Is there anything you need me to push?" He asked
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