« Sword Art: Online » [Inactive]


Lvl: 1 - HP: 100/100

Col: 9 -Exp: 16/50


Ravita couldn't help but to stand there and listen to the loud music the others were listening to as they mined away. How could she not though? It was so loud. She sighed...she had to hand it to them though, it was a smart move- putting in their desired music so they'd be able to listen to it in the game.. Ravita sighed as she knew she wouldn't be hearing her own music for a very long time. She remembered when she started to be friends with a girl in real life and she used to hate the techno, rave music and sugary denpa that she always played. But...after being around her for so long, she got used to all that music and even started listening to it herself.

She listened in to the music the mining group was blasting. Oi.. what if she gets 'converted' to this music too after listening to it for so long. She shook her head. Guess loving a variety never hurt anyone.

She began to collect ores as asked. It was quite the tedious process but nothing difficult. She wondered if in game doing something like mining was actually tiring. As she picked up the ores she would glance at some of them mining. It didn't seem like it was too hard for them. Plus the music seemed to help them. She stayed quiet and continued collecting ores that they would mine.

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LVL - [ 1 ] HP - [ 71 / 100 ]

COL - [ 10 ] EXP - [ 17 / 50 ]


Shiro stops walking. Isn't there something most MMOs have that...? He opens the menu and looks. He guesses as to where it is, and then finds it. His hand slowly raises upwards so it's level with his eyes, and then his palm rotates to point at his face. The hand quickly hits him in the face, a Grade A face-palm. "Once again, I've managed to be a ten out of ten perfect retard." He opens the LFG, and looks at all of the party and guild offers, but he figures they might be traps, so he should make his own. Then again, somebody might make a trap with Shiro's message, but that's just over-thinking it. And Shiro hates over-thinking things. He wonders what to put, then decides on something.


Looking for a party, or just a friend or two.

He frowns. It makes him seem like some old cat lady, but he presses send anyways, and as he walks, he waits for a reply. He decides later he'll see if you can choose a nickname or title for yourself, and if so, if he can make it "10/10 Perfect Retard".

"Back, back and forth and forth

Back, back and forth and forth

Back, back and forth and forth

As we go...

Back, back and forth and forth

Back, back and forth and forth

Back, back and forth and forth

As we go..."

The mining was going alright if a little tedious, but that would be the result for mass mining to get their plans in gear. Dave having just walked in telling them about spaces to sell their wares. "Hey Dirt! Just say here and help haul these rocks back to the forge. Once I got them all into daggers then you can start selling." he said to him as he then went to another node this time of a different ore type.

<1 Tin ore added><1 Tin ore added><1 Tin ore added><2 Tin ore added><2 Tin ore added><2 Tin ore added><3 Tin ore added><1 Tin ore added>

"E with the English, extinguish styles extremist/Bald head beamers run wild/It's the kid with the gold cup

Stepped out like what/ What's poppin, and y'all I'm uncultured dobo/Blastin shae shae, chocolate shortae"

<3 Tin ore added><3 Tin ore added><3 Tin ore added><1 Tin ore added><1 Tin ore added><1 Tin ore added><1 Tin ore added><2 Tin ore added>

"Rich color mocks, rock those all day/1960 shit I'm Goldie/That's right motherfucker don't hold me"

<1 Tin ore added><1 Tin ore added><1 Tin ore added><1 Tin ore added><1 Tin ore added>

"The world's greatest, Las Vegas, paid as rock/Skin painted on my face look ageless/ Perfect combos, Ghost bang out condos/Jeff from Hamo, ex three bangos"

The node soon exhausted itself for the time being and Marco's pickaxe once again hit another node.

"Bancos, stank hoes in plain clothes/ Change those, bang those, same old, same old"

<2 Tin ore added><1 Tin ore added><1 Tin ore added><2 Tin ore added><3 Tin ore added>
« LVL - [ 3] HP - [ 300 / 300 ] COL - [ 30 ] EXP - [ 6 / 400 ] »

"Pardon me, guys. I know this is boring to watch- three dudes picking away at some rocks. But bear with us, once we get enough materials, we're going to sell all of this. Once it's all sold, we can be on our way with superior equipment" Hugh explained.

<1 copper added>

Yeah y'all, straight up this the jump off right here

<1 copper added>

The gravel pit, word up represent, rock the boulders

<1 copper added>

All my rich gangsta style, killers, y'all know what time it is

<1 copper added>

Shorty do your thing, get up on that shit right now boo, do you

<1 copper added>

That's what I'm talkin 'bout

<1 copper added>

<1 copper added>

<1 copper added>

<1 copper added>

<1 copper added>

<1 copper added>

<1 copper added>

<1 copper added>

<1 copper added>

<1 copper added>

<1 copper added>

<1 copper added>

<1 copper added>

<1 copper added>

<1 copper added>

<1 copper added>

<1 copper added>

<1 copper added>

<1 copper added>

"Not like this isn't as boring as grinding right? Well, if you guys are still watching, go ahead and take a nap. Maybe sleep. Maybe once you come back, we'll be ready and out of here. Also, remember to like, favorite, and subscribe once we're done... this could take a while."

<1 copper added>

<1 copper added>

<1 copper added>

<1 copper added>

<1 copper added>
« LVL - [ 3] HP - [ 285 / 300 ] COL - [ 22 ] EXP - [ 6 / 400 ] »

Ryan moved on to a copper node as U-God came in, mumbling along clumsily.

<3 copper ore added><1 copper ore added><2 copper ore added>

Yo, step to my groove, move like this

<2 copper ore added><2 copper ore added><2 copper ore added>

When we shoot the gift of course it's ruthless

<3 copper ore added><1 copper ore added><1 copper ore added>

Grab the mic with no excuses

<3 copper ore added><1 copper ore added><3 copper ore added>

In a sec, grab the techs and loot this

<3 copper ore added><1 copper ore added><3 copper ore added>

Executin, shakin all sets, and I'm breakin all hecks

<3 copper ore added><1 copper ore added><2 copper ore added>

I'm takin all bets, move all best, who want the dram' next

<3 copper ore added><2 copper ore added><1 copper ore added>

You all stank, we got the bigger bank

<3 copper ore added><2 copper ore added><2 copper ore added>

Bigger shank to fill your tank

<3 copper ore added><1 copper ore added><1 copper ore added>

Still the same kill you for real, while you crank

<1 copper ore added><1 copper ore added><1 copper ore added>

Ryan waved for the others to get working. "Dirt, Rav! You guys gonna mine? More of us work, the faster we're getting done. Don't worry about getting tired, these picks are some kinda styrofoam stuff or whatever. Guess they didn't plan on people doing much mining, huh?" With that, he moved on to a nearby vein of tin.

<3 tin ore added><3 tin ore added><1 tin ore added>

Slide, do or die, fry to bake

<3 tin ore added><2 tin ore added><2 tin ore added>

Admire the greats, on fire wit a heart of hate

<3 tin ore added><1 tin ore added><2 tin ore added>

Bitter shark, every part I take, heavy darts that quake

<2 tin ore added><2 tin ore added><1 tin ore added>

It's okay, all fakes, get caught by the dropkicks

<2 tin ore added><1 tin ore added><2 tin ore added>

You know the thrill, yes it's Park Hill

<3 tin ore added><3 tin ore added><3 tin ore added>

Yo we hit 'em with the hot grits...

<1 tin ore added><2 tin ore added><1 tin ore added>

On the go, check the flow, sayin Wu don't rock shit...

<1 tin ore added><2 tin ore added><3 tin ore added>

Stop quick, hold the gossip, stop sweatin my pockets

<3 tin ore added><3 tin ore added><3 tin ore added>

I hear the hot shit

<3 tin ore added><1 tin ore added><1 tin ore added>

"...Say fuck in front of your mum, go to school naked", Ryan finished, "So what do we got queued next?"
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Lvl: 1 - HP: 100/100

Col: 9 -
Exp: 16/50


Ravita wasn't quite sure who that one guy was talking to but the way he talked made it seemed like he was live streaming..? whoa no way! Could they really have found a way to do that in the game? Were others in the real world able to watch the course of these people's lives for the next- however long they'd be able to survive!? Ravita wanted to ask but she wasn't so comfortable with asking questions yet. She snapped out of her thoughts when Double D called her by her new pet name.

"...Rav! You guys gonna mine? More of us work, the faster we're getting done. Don't worry about getting tired, these picks are some kinda styrofoam stuff or whatever. Guess they didn't plan on people doing much mining, huh?"

Ravita blinked.
Oh...Well, I thought I was supposed to do the gathering. Oh well this was all fine too. Whatever she could do to help. She'd dare not complain after being so wonderfully accepted into the group. She nodded and stood up straight, stretching out her limbs. "Yes sir!" she said, that same politeness in her voice. "Um...do you have an extra pickaxe?" she asked with a nervous smile. She didn't have one. At least, she didn't think there was a default one in her inventory. She hadn't seen it earlier.



LVL-[1] HP-[90/100]

COL-[15] EXP-[30/50]


Figuring she could take a break, Atria opened her menu, smiling at the progress she's made so far.
"Not much longer then I should be at level two..." she muttered to herself happily. Not wanting to go back to fighting just yet, she opened up the LFG board, thinking about trying to find anyone else that could join her and Endrance and possibly this new boy.

Username: Shiro

Looking for a party, or just a friend or two.

Seeing the message Atria grinned happily. Quickly she worked on typing up a message, sending Shiro a response.

Hiya~! Another user and I are planning on making a guild once we get to the right floor! My partners in a duel with another possible member, but I'm just in the beginners field on this floor. Want to meet up?


With a nod, she sent the message, hoping he responded positively. With a sigh, she closed her menu, looking around the field again. Glancing at her health bar, she still had plenty of health to try and fight another boar or two, so she shrugged, intent on finding another battle.



LVL - [ 1 ] HP - [ 71 / 100 ]

COL - [ 10 ] EXP - [ 17 / 50 ]


Shiro continues walking aimlessly throughout the Town of Beginnings, staring at the LFG as he goes. Before too long, he realizes he should probably go to the town plaza if he wants to find a group. Lots of people are training or out questing, but they have to return to town at some point, and if they do, there's a good chance they'll stop by or at least cut through town plaza. So he either has to find a group of people here, or wait for somebody to reply to his LFG message, which doesn't seem likely at the moment.

Shiro arrives at the town plaza, and stands by the tower in the center, leaning his back against it. He closes his eyes for a few minutes, then remembers what he's doing, and opens them again. He realizes he'll look weird if he just has his menu open all the time, so he closes the menu and shifts positions against the tower. Then, he continues to scope the area for any groups he could potentially join.

Shiro wonders if anybody will even actually accept him. He's less than halfway towards level one, and there's probably lots of people who are at least level two by now, possibly even three. He isn't really very well on his way to being level three, but hopefully he'll find a group of people who are closer to his level? Maybe he should go back to field for now. No, he doesn't really have the HP to do that safely right now. What if a huge pack of boars swarms him and his brain melts? That would be horrible.

He realizes he'll also have to look at the expressions and body languages of whoever he wants to team up with. If their arms are straight by their sides or crossed over their chests and they have serious or angry faces, they're probably either player-killers or just really mean dudes. If their faces have a slight smile and their hands are behind their backs, then either they're hiding something dangerous behind their backs, or they're stuck-up snobs, the ones who pretend to be all high and polite. If they're looking down or crying, then either they're pessimists, they're some of the people still in shock from Kayaba's message, or they need comfor--

He hears a beep. "Huh?"

He notices somebody replied to his LFG message. He looks at the message.

Hiya~! Another user and I are planning on making a guild once we get to the right floor! My partners in a duel with another possible member, but I'm just in the beginners field on this floor. Want to meet up?


He smiles at the message. At least he didn't have to scan people's faces and body language all day. He types a quick response and sends it.

Hello, Atria! Thanks for responding. I'll meet you by the entrance to the fields in ... I hope five minutes. See you there.


He closes the menu and walks towards the fields, smiling.

"Sorry I don't got an extra one, but you can help by holding the ores when I finish mining." he said to Ravita while mining. <1 Tin ore added><1 Tin ore added><3 Tin ore added><3 Tin ore added><1 Tin ore added><1 Tin ore added><2 Tin ore added><1 Tin ore added><2 Tin ore added><1 Tin ore added><3 Tin ore added><3 Tin ore added><2 Tin ore added>

The node being emptied he moved on to the next one in this cavern. Checking his inventory he was almost full in regards to tin; his copper slightly lower but getting there. Either way he'd stop and dump hit tin to Ravita then give her his copper and start the process all over again. he was making good pace and besides with the next tier of materials they'd be using next wouldn't as annoying to get as the items would be worth more and therefore they wouldn't need to gather so much, that is unless they wanted to make a ridiculous amount and flood the market.

<1 Tin ore added><1 Tin ore added><1 Tin ore added><1 Tin ore added><3 Tin ore added><3 Tin ore added><1 Tin ore added><1 Tin ore added><2 Tin ore added><3 Tin ore added> Yet another node emptied he moved to the next one.<3 Tin ore added><3 Tin ore added><3 Tin ore added><3 Tin ore added><3 Tin ore added><3 Tin ore added>

Just then then was an alert telling him he couldn't carry any more tin and a list of choices. He just dropped the dull looking grey rock and alerted Ravita with a trade offer. Sending her all hundred of his tin he then picked up the lone tin and mined again. <2 Tin ore added>

And seems that lucky mine had added the first batch of ore they needed and exhausted it. Moving to one of the replenished nodes deciding to max out his tin before finishing off the copper they needed.

<2 Tin ore added><2 Tin ore added><1 Tin ore added><1 Tin ore added><3 Tin ore added><3 Tin ore added><1 Tin ore added><1 Tin ore added><2 Tin ore added><3 Tin ore added> <2 Tin ore added><2 Tin ore added><1 Tin ore added><1 Tin ore added>

"Guy's what's your progress so far?" he asked aloud as he began mining on another node.

<1 Tin ore added><1 Tin ore added><1 Tin ore added><1 Tin ore added><1 Tin ore added><1 Tin ore added><1 Tin ore added><1 Tin ore added><1 Tin ore added><1 Tin ore added><1 Tin ore added><1 Tin ore added><2Tin ore added>


LVL-[1] HP-[90/100]

COL-[15] EXP-[0/50]



Opening her menu, Atria smiled as she read the message.

Hello, Atria! Thanks for responding. I'll meet you by the entrance to the fields in ... I hope five minutes. See you there.


A grin on her face, Atria went back to looking for another boar to attack. Turning slowly, she smirked finding another two opponents. Tightening her grip on her sword slightly, she stalked forward, lifting her sword arm.

Taking a deep breath, she stepped forward slightly before she charged, stabbing the closest boar in the leg. Twisting, trying to dodge the first boars counter attack, she accidently spun into the second's attack. Feeling the monster slam into her side, mid turn, Atria let out a small cry, stumbling before she righted herself.

With a quick glance at her health, she winced at the sight. She'd just lost 10 health points. She'd need to be more careful. Focusing on her battle once more, she charged, stabbing the first boar on it's back, brutally ripping the blade out and twirling to slash at the second, not even paying attention to the pieces of code or whatever they were, alerting that she'd killed a creature.

After delivering the first slice to the second boar, Atria jumped back and to the side, barely avoiding it's second charge. As it ran past she quickly jammed her sword into it's side, wincing at the sight of her blade running through it's side as it finished it's charge.

Lowering her sword as the second boar burst into pieces, she sighed in relief before she jumped, startled at the loud alert in front of her. "Eep!" she shrieked, raising her sword in front of her in a defensive pose.

Blinking, she flushed when she saw it was only an alert. "Haha..." she mumbled, embarrassedly, before reading.

'Congratulations! You are now level 2!'

"Yes!" she cried out, jumping up. "I did it!" she cheered happily, sheathing her sword. Grinning, she looked at her health stats, trying not to start dancing as she looked over her new limits.


LVL-[2] HP-[80/200]

COL-[20] EXP-[0/100]



LVL - [ 1 ] HP - [ 71 / 100 ]

COL - [ 10 ] EXP - [ 17 / 50 ]


Shiro walks through the streets of the Town of Beginnings, hoping he's going the right way. If he was going the wrong direction ... That would suck. Then, he would have to go all the way back to the plaza and take a different path, which would probably be wrong, and then he would probably take this path again and not get to the field for like an hour... That would really suck. Then, he would have to answer lots of que--

His thoughts stop, and he looks around. Huh? Oh, right. He's all alone without any monsters nearby. He's so used to his thoughts being interrupted by monsters by now that he'd thought it had happened again just now. Funny how that works, because now his thoughts really had been interrupted again, by himself, so really he was just being silly again. He shakes his head at himself and keeps walking again. He needs to stop doing that.

As Shiro walks, he realizes that he is, in fact, on the right path. After a few minutes, he arrives at the fields, and stands by the entrance, looking at all of the people and monsters in the field. Wondering which one is the person he was about to meet. Then, he looks at the sky again. The fake sky. This sky is even more fake than the other skies in this world because of his fore-mentioned realization that Aincrad was encased in steel, and thus the sky should not be visible from this floor. Unless the floors aren't actually floors and are all actually on the same level? No, that would be pointless. Kayaba probably just didn't want his pets to be afraid of the dark.

He sits down by the entrance, and waits.



LVL - [ 1 ]

HP - [ 100/ 100 ]

COL - [ 33 ]

EXP - [ 43 / 50 ]


Materializing in the middle of the Town Plaza, Kingstrum quickly made her way to the closest shop. "5 antidotes please." "That will be 15 col ma'am," replied the shopkeeper. Kiki initiated the transfer and gulped down the bluish-looking liquid.

HP - [20/100]

She breathed a sigh of relief, as her HP finally stopped dipping down towards zero. Kiki waited a bit and browsed the merchant's wares, as the town slowly restored her life bar to full health. Walking out of the shop and exchanging waves with the nice old man, she checked her recent battle's notification: 36 exp and 30 col.
Not too shabby Kiki. I'd sure like see little blondie try to do that. "I'll even wager she's still level one," Kiki chortled under her breath. "All I need is one more boar to level up so let's DO IT!" she yelled. Worried faces all across the plaza, turned to her as she said it, but she didn't care. I'm not crazy, she thought, as she kept her eyes forward.

Finally reaching the entrance to the fields, she saw the lazy one again. He was still lounging around. Just like before. Except in a different place this time.
What is his deal? Kiki placed a hand on her hip and stood there watching the boy, eyeing him in complete silence.

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((Sorry for being gone, I'm back now.))

LVL - [ 2 ]

HP - [ 100 / 100 ]

COL - [ 15]

EXP - [ 0 / 75 ]


Odd had been exploring for the past day, He killed a few mobs and gained (+10 EXP, and +20 COL).

Odd Decided that he wanted to start a guild. Solo players could only go so far. He walked around the town of beginnings looking for some quests. To start a guild I need to level up to show my authority. A group without a good and strong leader is doomed to fail. Then Odd spotted a figure hunched over at an entrance to an alley. The figure had the distinctive quest mark above his/her head. Odd approached the figure, It turned out to be a woman. Her quest was to be her body guard and take her to the other side of the city. She said that bad men were after her. It had an unusualy large reward, 200 EXP 125COL and The One-handed blade Feral. The weapon's stats were hidden, the woman said it would become clear once the quest was complete. Odd accepted.

The duo were halfway through the city when they turned down a market alley. "This is where we part, Thank you for your services. Here is your rewa-" Her sentence was cut short when several men carrying maces and swords alike appeared at the entrances to the alley. They were trapped. "You must protect me!" The woman cried as the men advanced down the alley. This quest is turning out to be more trouble than its worth. Odd thought. But were in a safe zone, not even NPC can hurt me here. Unless.. Its part of a quest.. I could be in trouble here. Odd unsheathed his blade. Odd focused his energy into his blade, Then odd kicked off his foot releasing the energy. a blue trail followed Odd's blade as he single-slashed the men at breakneck speed. They broke apart into triangle shards. (+10 EXP +15COL). However this Sword skill came natural. Odd didn't know he could do that. Cool. the men at the other end were almost to the woman who was cowering. Odd did the same Sword skill, only this time they were ready. Right as Odd slashed one of them parried. This sent Odd flying back. (-15HP). Odd stumbled to his feet. Odd looked up and saw that his HP bar was an eighth gone. One of the men grabbed the woman, and another one was going for the kill. Odd rushed toward them, then parried the mans blow to the woman. The woman scrambled behind Odd. Odd engaged the other 3 men, defeating one in a upward slash. One landed a blow on Odd's shoulder. (-45 HP) Odd finished another with a stab to the gut. Then parried the last man's attack. Odd executed the final blow. Odd had defeated the men somehow. "Thank you!" the woman said gratefully. "Here is your reward." The woman said as Odd completed the quest. (+200 Exp 125 COL and The One-Handed Blade Feral). "I told my friend that I would meet her at the Muffin&Mutton Restaurant." The woman said. So this is a chain quest.. Odd thought. "Will you deliver this letter to her stating that I won't be able to make it?" The woman asked. The quest was 0EXP 25COL. Odd accepted. "Thank you sir." Said the woman.

Odd completed the quest in a matter of 10 minutes. (+0EXP +25COL). I need to find a potion shop.. Then I will look for people to join my guild. Odd thought as he passed a girl who had just materialized in the town plaza. Odd noticed her but didn't say anything.


(+220 EXP +185 COL -60 HP)


LVL - [ 3 ]

HP - [ 40 / 100 ]

COL - [ 220 ]

EXP - [ 70 / 200 ]

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« LVL - [ 3] HP - [ 300 / 300 ] COL - [ 30 ] EXP - [ 6 / 400 ] »

Ryu glanced up, as he took his fishing rod and flicked it back into the water of a nice sized pond. He watched the graphics of the water, and took great care of how it was rendered. "So hello everyone out there who may be watching, if anyone is watching the fishing instead of the mining! We can see that the water is rendered rather well, it has this reali-" From the water came some splashing as Ryu began quickly pulling his reel as he jerked his fishing pole. He managed to catch the fish

<Caught 1 Trout> Ryu tossed his line back into the water as he waited for another fish to bite, "Anyway, these trouts are used as part of the crafti-" Ryu narrowed his eyes as he began pulling in the newest catch, <Caught 1 Driftwood>, "As you can see, you may not always collect fish, but you may instead get vendor trash." Ryu put it back into his inventory as he cast the line out. He coughed as he began singing while he continued his fishing.

"Hirogaru yami no naka kawashiatta kakumei no chigiri/

Aishita yue ni mebaeta aku no hana/

Kore kara saki otozureru de arou subete o/" During this song Ryu made several
mispronunciation errors, which caused him to lose his rhythm. Eventually he managed to get the pronunciation correct, though after much trial and error. But the entire thing was incredibly tone-deaf. And all the while he was fishing away.

<Caught 1 Trout> <Caught 1 Trout> <Caught 1 Trout> <Caught 1 Trout> <Caught 1 Trout> <Caught 1 Trout>

"Wait, no, I can't sing this now! It is too early game, okay hm, uh..." Ryu nodded his head as he began singing a new song, as he continued fishing. <Caught 1 Trout> <Caught 1 Trout>

"I smoke on the mic like smokin' Joe Frazier/

The hell-raiser, raising hell with the flavor/

Terrorize the jam like troops in Pakistan/

Swinging through your town like your neighborhood Spiderman/

So uhh, tick tock and keep ticking"

<Caught 1 Driftwood> <Caught 1 Used Fishing Line> <Caught 1 Rusted Metal Shard> <Caught 1 Trout>


LVL - [ 2]

HP - [ 200/ 200 ]

COL - [ 45 ]

EXP - [ 0 / 200 ]

(The Shrouded Swamp Arc)


Kiki's eyes drooped as she continued staring at the lazy one. Unbelievable. I hope you have a nice life. With that, her X-ray vision was flipped on and she searched around for a lone boar. Her eyes rested upon one happily munching down on a patch of beautifully fabricated grass. Kiki slowly walked up the pig and calmly dodged the first charge by dipping her right shoulder back. Too easy. Elbowing the monster in the gut while in midair sent it careening into a nearby bush. It got up, shook its head and charged again towards the blossoming martial artist. This time, dipping her left shoulder back, she dodged again and buried her palm into the boar's forehead; saving it from its forgery of a life. Trust me, I did you a favor. Earning 7 exp and 12 col, Kiki blinked in a flash of light, and ascended to the next level. She brought up her menu and allocated the points into strength, agility, and stamina. She would make herself a force to be reckoned with by the time this was over.

With the upgrade to level 2, a new quest popped up on her log screen reading
"What's In The Swamp." It was in a location far beyond the outskirts of the field of beginners. She closed her eyes and said a silent prayer; one of protection for the path she was about to set out upon. She knew that if she wanted to make it out of this game alive, she'd have to get stronger. Get stronger. Those words were the only ones echoing through her head as she followed the highlighted path to the Shrouded Bog. Motioning out a ritual of commitment, she flexed her arms, kicked her feet, and jumped up and down to get her blood going. Not that any of it did anything. But it did seem to have a calming effect on her nerves. Flipping her text onto [Notice], she typed out a message for any passing through.

-There is someone here inside this bog. Someone who's facing their fears for any chance at life. If you feel the same way, seek them out.-

Flipping to a new message, she sent one to her friend Ravita saying:

-Hey Rav. I'll be gone for a little while so watch yourself. If TinMan bothers you, do't be afraid to use that sword =P.-

Opening the log of the quest, she opened the details and checked what she had to do first. Find Seeleon the Chameleon. With one last look towards the Field Of Beginnings, she set off into the darkness of the swamp, her fading visage being enveloped in thick white smoke.

It felt like hours passed. Her knees and hands were dirty from breaking falls after tripping atop rock after rock after rock. She had to find Seeleon the Chameleon to even begin the quest, but the thick smoke was making it any easier. Scouring the area with her X-ray vision, she groaned a groan of exasperation, as nothing even resembling a chameleon, crossed into her line of sight.
"Seeleon the Chameleon, where are you?!" she yelled. "Right in front of you my dear. All you need to do is open your eyes" the darkness replied. What? "Oh Seeleon, my eyes are open but I can barely see a thing! Won't you have mercy and reveal yourself to me? She heard a rustle a little off to the right, as something small and low to the ground crept its way on over to her. Finally seeing the chameleon she's spent hours searching for shimmering into view, she sat with a plop onto her backside as the green-eyed lizard slowed to a stop. "Are you ready to hear my story young one?" Kiki nodded. "Twenty years ago, this bog used to be a clear and beautiful fertile crescent with vast, winding rivers, sprawled all throughout the region. It was a good time for our land. But now nature cries. I can hear the water and trees cry out to me in pain. After many years of searching, I finally came across the source of the pollution. Reptilians." Shivers went down Kiki's spine. "I've tried to take them on by myself, but each and every encounter, I've only narrowly been able to escape with my life. I want to restore this land to it's former glory. Young adventurer, will you aid me in this?"

She hit accept.

"Then I shall take you to them." Kiki got up and followed as the old chameleon slogged its way deeper into the mist. She gritted her teeth in a vain attempt to keep down the fear welling up inside of her. Okay. Let's see what these crocodile men look like.

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Ryu kept fishing as he paused for a moment. <Caught 1 Trout> "Anyway fish parts alongside herbs..." Ryu gestured to a large bush overlooking the pond, "Synergize for good pots. Now then.." Ryu wandered to the bush as he got down on his knees and began searching for herbs. <1 Lightbloom> <1 Lightbloom> <1 Lightbloom> Ryu continue poking through the bush, "Anyway so uh, yeah this is probably boring you guys to death." <1 Lightbloom> <1 Lightbloom> <1 Lightbloom>

Ryu glanced around as he began searching in a new bush. <1 Clover> <1 Clover> <1 Clover> "So viewers out there, like, comment and subscribe. Uh as I'll be grinding for awhile, let's discuss some up-coming games. Level-5 and Capcom have recently announced the Third in the Professor Layton vs Phoenix Wright games. They've only announced the fact that they AREN'T teaming up, and one of their assistants are dead." <1 Clover> <1 Clover> <1 Clover> "Truly it will be a mystery. Oh and this is not part of the "official series", so maybe we'll see either Layton or Wright dead by the end of it." Ryu moved over to a Lightbloom bush as he began scavenging in it. <1 Lightbloom> <1 Lightbloom> <1 Lightbloom> <1 Lightbloom> "In other news there WILL be another Space Dandy Visual Novel. You'll play the inter-galactic alien hunter trying to get as many babes as possible! Plus there will be a secret character who you can meet during your travels, as for who... Well they've kept that hidden, even data-mining has failed to gleam results on who the cameo will be." <1 Lightbloom> <1 Lightbloom> <1 Lightbloom> <1 Lightbloom> "And again, Like, Comment and Subscribe!"
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??? Endrance ???

LVL - [ 1 ] HP - [ 100 / 100 ]

COL - [ 0 ] EXP - [ 0 / 50 ]


And so the duel ended in a flash. Kelik and Endrance both flashed out at what seemed like the same time. Endrance was dazed by an attack so it was hard to see exactly what had happened. Was it a draw? Who knew, either way, when the dust cleared, Kelik put out his hand in front of Endrance and stated about joining the party and moving forward with them. It seemed he had another place to be though. No matter, Endrance would be able to contact him later on. "That is fine by me. I'll give you this so that we may contact later."

Endrance sent Kelik a friend request and they exchanged their information carefully. There was another added on. Who knew how many more there would be. Anyway, Atria seemed somewhere further behind. Somewhere along here. Endrance looked into the party meter that he was receiving experience from her past battles. Then eventually a notification popped up onto his screen notifying him of his level up.

"Good work"

Though, Endrance wasn't going to allow her to just do it all by herself. He unsheathed his rapier and rushed at a lvl 2 creature, commencing battle. First a blow to the side of the creature to commence the combat.

Like a dancer, Endrance dodged a certain attack that would have cost him a debilitating amount of health. He then jumped to unleash a skill upon the creature, Performing a Batterie, where each of his feet crossed behind and in front of each other. Creating a "beating" effect. Then, again the skill was unleashed to attack the creature. Leaving a large mark unto it's body. The creature thrust forward with it's weapon. Gliding across the rapier, Endrance was truck by the end of the weapon and suffered 25 points of damage. With the creature so close to him, it was open for a counterattack. He thrust up, slicing the beast and destroying it.

[25 exp awarded to Atria and Endrance]


LVL - [ 2] HP - [ 100 / 100 ]

COL - [ 0 ] EXP - [ 25 / 200 ]



Lvl: 1 - HP: 100/100

Col: 9 -Exp: 16/50


Ravita accepted the trade request and watched as a hundred tin ores crowded her inventory. Holy shit...she accepted the trade request and there went all the ores- all in her inventory giving her little to no more space. Was that all I really had to do? she wondered as she continued to watch everybody mine. She kinda felt bad, seeing how she had no input in helping them but..what could she really do? Not like she had a pickaxe or anything. Sighing lightly she listened to their music as they mined, not entirely sure what she should really be doing..feeling a bit bad because she wasn't. Me being a female doesn't help cases...now I just look like the female who can't get her hands dirty or do a little work. Dammit..

(pitifully short post...please forgive me.)

Marco simply smiled as he cued the next track and began singing to it, "Soooooooooome people say a man is made outta mud, a poor man's made outta muscle and blood"

< 2 tin ore added>< 2 tin ore added>< 2 tin ore added>< 1 tin ore added>< 2 tin ore added>< 2 tin ore added>< 1 tin ore added>< 3 tin ore added>< 1 tin ore added>< 2 tin ore added>< 2 tin ore added>< 3 tin ore added>

His pickaxe then clanged against yet another node as he continued singing, "Muscle and blood and skin and bones. A mind that's a-weak and a back that's stroooooong."

< 3 tin ore added>< 3 tin ore added>< 3 tin ore added>< 1 tin ore added>< 2 tin ore added>< 2 tin ore added>< 1 tin ore added>< 1 tin ore added>< 1 tin ore added>< 2 tin ore added>< 2 tin ore added>< 1 tin ore added>< 3 tin ore added><1 tin ore added>< 3 tin ore added>
Ryan sang along as Ernie Ford continued, "-You load 16 tons and whaddaya get-"

<2 copper ore added><3 copper ore added><3 copper ore added>

"-another day older and deeper in debt-"

<2 copper ore added><2 copper ore added><3 copper ore added>

"-Saint Peter don'tcha call me 'cause I can't go-"

<2 copper ore added><2 copper ore added><3 copper ore added>

"-I owe my soul to the company stoooooore-"

<1 copper ore added><3 copper ore added><1 copper ore added>


LVL-[2] HP-[80/200]

COL-[20] EXP-[25/100]


Blinking at the notification that popped up in front of her, Atria grinned. Upon reading the notice she gained 25 EXP. So Endrance must be done with the duel. Looking around the blonde realized she still hadn't seen Shiro. With a frown, she started typing up a message to him.

Hey! Where you at? My partner finished his duel, so I'm going to meet up with him. You want to meet us?


After signing her name, she sent the message, before glancing around for Endrance. Sure she could use the map option, but she knew he was around here somewhere. After a moment she finally spotted him and grinned, jogging over. "Endrance!" she called, waving her arm.



LVL - [ 1 ] HP - [ 71 / 100 ]

COL - [ 10 ] EXP - [ 17 / 50 ]


Shiro jolts back into reality after hearing a beep. He opens his menu, and navigates to his messages, opening up the message from Atria.

Hey! Where you at? My partner finished his duel, so I'm going to meet up with him. You want to meet us?


He looks around, surprised. Then, he sends her a response.

Oh! Sorry! Thought we were meeting by the entrance to the town. Just, uhh, tell me what to look for and I'll find you guys. Sorry!


Shiro looks around, shaking, acting all hyper. Or maybe he's nervous. He looks around. Is that them? Or is that them? Maybe it's them. No, just calm down and wait for a reply, Shiro. It'll be fine, Shiro. Just calm down, calm down, it wasn't your fault. You aren't in trouble, Shiro. Calm down, Shiro. He grips the hilt of his rapier tightly with his right hand to steady himself and calm down. He closes his eyes for a few seconds, then opens them, looking around calmly. From the name, this Atria person is most likely a girl. Also, she is probably already on her way to meet her two partners, so he just has to look for a girl walking towards two other people ... No the chances are too high there is more than one girl walking towards two other people. He'll just have to wait for a response from Atria.



LVL-[2] HP-[80/200]

COL-[20] EXP-[25/100]



At the noise, Atria slowed, opening her menu and accessing the message.

Oh! Sorry! Thought we were meeting by the entrance to the town. Just, uhh, tell me what to look for and I'll find you guys. Sorry!


Atria's eyes widened as she realized her mistake. With a frown she started to reply immediately. She had just automatically assumed he'd try to find her. Shame on her!

Oh gosh, so sorry! I just assumed you'd try to find me. So sorry! Me and Endrance, my partner, aren't near anyone in the field. I'm a kinda short blonde. If it helps, I'll hold up my straight sword?


Sending the message, Atria looked towards the Town Entrance. Not waiting for a response, the blonde quickly unsheathed her sword from it's position on her back, and held it in the air, giving it a small wave, indicating where she was.

Hopefully that would work.


??? Endrance ???

LVL - [ 1 ] HP - [ 100 / 100 ]

COL - [ 0 ] EXP - [ 0 / 50 ]


He saw something out of the corner of his eye move rapidly. It was Atria waving her hand. Ah. There she is. He thought. He then got up from his relaxed position and sheathed his rapier. Then tightening the belt around his waist. Eventually he met with the blonde haired girl. Then greeting her, he said, "That was smart of you,using that time to your advantage." Endrance said as he pointed to the level 2 text on his status.

He then saw that she had received a message from what seemed like a friend.
"Is that user going to be joining us? Maybe you can tell him I'm next to you. I'm pretty tall." He said, then patted Atria's head because of her shortness under him. It was a bit strange at first, but it did seem like they were getting closer so it felt comfortable for Endrance. Atria reminded him a bit of their mother with her shortness, and how he would always put his elbow on her head, while she cooked. Endrance then looked behind him.

"Should we fight something else while we wait?"





LVL-[2] HP-[80/200]

COL-[20] EXP-[25/100]


Pouting, Atria glared up at Endrance playfully.
"Har har, yes I'm short. And thanks." she muttered, but a grin soon spread across her face. She lifted her sword. "That's why I held up my sword. Figured it'd be easy to find the short blonde girl with a blade." she said with a laugh, before answering his first question.

"I saw a new post on the LFG," she started. "So I read it, and this user, Shiro, said he was looking for a party, or a friend or two. Figured we could meet up, see if he wanted to work with us?" she offered, looking up at him with a small amount of hesitance. She hoped she did the right thing, since she thought Endrance wanted to get users together. She hoped he wasn't mad or anything. She didn't think he was.

Shrugging though, she nodded towards his last question. "I'm fine with fighting again. Just need to make sure I don't drop anymore." she said, glancing at her HP.


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