« Sword Art: Online » [Inactive]


LVL - [ 1 ] HP - [ 71 / 100 ]

COL - [ 10 ] EXP - [ 17 / 50 ]


[[sorry, I was off the site for a bit >.< I'll try to catch up]]

Party Request


Accept - Decline

Shiro presses accept, and joins the party. It feels nice to finally join something. He's on a roll. Maybe next he could help them do something. Yes, that would be nice.

Shiro watches as the man named Aucris emerges, then goes back to back to them in a triangle, as instructed. He draws his rapier in his left hand and holds it with the point down, watching Endrance and Aucris out of the corner of his eye. From what they're saying, they were obviously in some sort of group at one point. He listens to the insults they're throwing at each-other, and notices Atria joining in as well. He feels like he should as well, but it's taking all of his willpower to not simply rush at this guy, so he can't exactly insult him right now.

"Atria, you take the left, and you take the right. We're gonna circle around him. While he is distracted. I'll run at him, when he opens for a counterattack, you'll be there to do a decent amount of damage. Don't kill him. I know him well. When he is weakened, he loses his morale." Shiro listens carefully to Endrance, then nods and gets his rapier ready. He makes small notes of what Endrance just said: Go right. Circle. Attack. Don't kill.

Shiro waits for the word as Aucris starts to get angry, now with his sword out. Then--


Shiro runs to the right, rapier at the ready for an attack, following the plan to circle him.

[[Again, sorry ;-;]]

Marco's gaze glowered at the events unfolding before the group. "So... Should we do something? Like KO them send them to the jail or something? Kinda hate to have senseless waste of life happening. Also having these crazies running about is less than optimal for our journey." His fingers rapping on the grip of his cutlass as he meditated this.
LVL - [ 5] HP - [ 500 / 500 ] COL - [22 ] EXP - [ 2 / 600 ]

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Dave stopped his mindless grinding and ran to catch up with the rest of GetGud, he was officially done with mining for a while. Maybe forever, probably not though. There was something therapeutic about the whole thing.

When he caught up to the rest of the gang, he saw the ongoing duel, and was blown away. "What the fuck are they doing?" He asked the rest of GetGud, "don't they know this game has literal permadeath? I think that counts as murder."

??? Endrance ???

LVL - [ 2 ] HP - [ 140 / 200 ]

COL - [ 0 ] EXP - [ 25 / 200 ]


The large sword came down, but the rapier was no match for a parry. Endrance glided off of the sword and slid down the other end of the blade, it cleaved his shoulder...Hard. Endrance took 60 damage.

HP - [ 140 / 200 ]

"Augh!" Endrance felt in pain and then was slid back, the two who circled him were closing in for attack and met on him with grace, sending their attacks into his side and doing a decent amount of damage to him. Endrance pulled his rapier back in front of him and went into the center, as Aucris was attacked. Then pulled his rapier up his chest, sending him to the ground.

As he fell, Endrance placed his rapier in front of Aucris' face.

"Do not move. If you want to live, give us your teleport crystals."

"What the hell. C'mon, Endrance, you know you want to do it. Just like you killed em all, damnit!"

"Just give me the crystals, lest you'd rather feel more pain"

Endrance stuck the rapier into the side of his neck.

"Agh! Fine. Take em. I got plenty"

Aucris threw them the teleport crystals out of his inventory.

"Thank you."

Endrance then put his foot on Aucris' chest. Keeping him on the ground.

"Here" Then handing them the crystals, he said to the others whispering, "Others are coming, probably thinking we're trying to kill em. If we want to get away from this guy and hopefully avoid reputation problems, I suppose we teleport back to a safe area."

"Hey, what are you guys saying? I swear to god, Endrance, I'm coming back for you."

"I'll make sure to message you guys if you can't hear where I'm going."

And with that, Endrance said, "To the nearest inn" as he held the teleport crystal. Then with a spark, he disappeared.



"Can you even nonlethal people? I don't think that's a thing outside of APB.", he thought for a moment, "I mean, yeah, they're both crazies, but even so- not really up for killing people. I mean, that's REALLY fucked up. Definitely PMing myself a reminder to avoid...", he squinted, "Endrance, Aucris, and Atria. Definitely posting about it on the bulletin- did he just mug that guy? I think he just nearly killed that dude and stole his shit. What a penis."
"Let's just get hell out of dodge and into the forge. If we face some of crap like this I'm pretty sure we can knock em out and get em jailed." The walk back to town was rather uneventful after that weirdness. Arriving at the forge who's lighting had a nice cozy warm glow; they then soon gave all the ores to Donte and waited for him to finish up so that he could move the nearby smithing workspace to begin the weapon making process. "Anyway guys, he said to the group, "I'm thinking we should be strong enough to beat this floor's boss and get to the second and then third to get our guild going. Although maybe we can make a quickie stop at a mine for some materials for steel and help us tech up for the floors ahead."
« LVL - [ 5] HP - [ 500 / 500 ] COL - [ 67 ] EXP - [ 2 / 600 ] »

1000 ores all in one inventory. Hugh walked back to town and finished his quest before taking off to the nearest forge. There, he located an area to melt said ores. It didn't take long for Hugh to end up with 500 bronze. "Alright. I don't have a weapon smithing ability and I don't actually think too many people wear heavy plate armor like I do. You know what everybody does need? Weapons. I'm gonna take this to Captain and he's gonna magically turn these all into knives. Then we mark up the price and make loads of money." he explained. "Git gud" he added.

Hugh marched back over tot see Captain and DD watching two others battle it out. Hugh paid no attention, though the fight was in his peripheral for his live streaming audience to see. "Captain, open up your trading menu. I got the bars."


LVL-[2] HP-[200/200]

COL-[20] EXP-[25/100]


Moving quick, Atria caught the teleport crystal, glaring at Aucris.
"You come near him again, I'll poke your eye out." she growled, holding her sword up threateningly. She went to crush the device but stopped, hurrying over to Aucris. She spit on him before kicking him in the gut, crushing the crystal. "Karaji Inn." she muttered.

With that, she disappeared, soon reappearing next to Endrance. Upon seeing him she hurried over. "Are you okay?" she asked him worriedly.

In a flash Marco did the waggling to accept all those shiny bricks. "Yeah, yeah I got it. This shouldn't be too long compared to the mining." A hammer materializing into his hand he pantomimed the act of heating and then banging the bricks into shape. He must admit the VR aspect did give a nice satisfying feel of productivity and the illusion of tangibility to this act of creation.

CLANG! CLANG! CLANG! SIZZLE! was the rhythm of the forging of these weapons. One by one he saw how the bricks were turning into sparkling new daggers in his inventory. "Alright guys, just a little bit more and the fruits of our labors should be... DONE!

He then then opened up a trade to MasterMoney54 and sent him all the daggers. "Hey dirt hustle hustle for that coin."


LVL - [ 2]

HP - [ 100/ 200 ]

COL - [ 160 ]

EXP - [ 175 / 200 ]

(The Shrouded Swamp Arc)



There was no end to our chase, the reptilians kept on coming and coming no matter how far I ran. These things really want to kill me! But you'll have to catch me first you whipper-snappers! Kekekeke. They were mimicking my every move. When I turned left, they turned left. When I turned right, they turned right as well. What am I going to do with you guys. Ah la la la la. If only I could kill you. But alas, I don't have the strength. Ill just have to keep on running! Run! Run! Run! Run! Run! So off I went running to god knows where. I just know that I wanted to not-die. Yes. Not-dying is exactly what I wanted to do. I wonder how long it's been? 5, 10 minutes? Should be enough time right? Yes. Yes. Most definitely. It should be enough time. Let's start slowly veering to the left. Follow me my little pretties! Yes. Yes. That's it follow me. I slowly began turning left as I ran forward. And on and on it went, turning left and even more left with each passing minute. And they continued to follow. I stuck my tongue out and look back at the reptiles as they continued to run after me with eyes full of rage. Humm. You guys don't quit do you? PICK UP THOSE KNEES BOYS! Hahahahaha.

It was time. I stopped on a dime and faded from view. The two lizards stopped and looked at each other, then at the floor. Then they did it again. *Shwoom* My legs shot to life as I rammed myself into the left one's legs, causing him to fall down into the floor face-first. He was stunned. Hoohoohoo! And right on cue, I saw my little helper crashing down through the air with a glowing blue fist, and drive it deep into the skull of the beast, killing it. Turning to the other reptile, she motioned it forward. Ho ho ho cheeky little brat. It jumped at her and she parried the blow by blocking its claw with her bare flesh. ..Why does she wear no armor? She then knocked the lizard's jaw hard with her right sending it staggering back. "RRRWWWAAAARGGGHHH!” She let out a scream a young, refined girl shouldn't be capable of and the monster came galloping at her like a madman. It was sad to see. She easily side-stepped and ended up behind it. With an arm around its neck, she choked it death.


HP - [100/200]

[You have earned 70 exp and 50 col]

"Seely, let's get married after this." "Sorry, you're not my type little missy." Kiki fell down to the floor in a fit of laughter. This game might not be so bad after all.

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LVL - [ 5] HP - [ 500 / 500 ] COL - [22 ] EXP - [ 2 / 600 ]

Dave opened up his trade menu and received the brass daggers. He opened up his appraise menu, and examined them. The information revealed that the daggers maximum sell value was 5 col each.

"Yo, these daggers sell for 5 bucks a pop, and we have 600 of them." He quickly did the math in his head, "We can expect about 3000 col from this deal."

He went over to the market and found the weapons merchant, "Hey, I'd like to sell please." The sell menu opened popped up almost immediately, he deposited his 600 brass daggers; and took out the 3000 col.

Happy with the amount of coin GG had made in a day, he began walking towards the forge.

LVL - [ 5] HP - [ 500 / 500 ] COL - [3022 ] EXP - [ 2 / 600 ]
"Alright." he said as he got the money from zeke and started distributing it equally amongst the group in the forge. "I'm splitting it equally so that everyone can have a good amount of coin. Hey Rav you're first and thanks for the help, and now you're free to do as you want. "

After handling out the money he then started speaking again, "Alright guys we need to make a plan on what to do next. Obviously survival and getting out of this place is our goal but we're on floor one and we need a damn plan to carry us far. I was thinking we could do a less retarded armor run and ditch the noob gear, but fuck if I don't want to touch mining after doing this shit. So any ideas?"

LVL - [ 5] HP - [ 500 / 500 ] COL - [537 ] EXP - [ 6 / 600 ]
LVL - [ 5] HP - [ 500 / 500 ] COL - [522 ] EXP - [ 2 / 600 ]

"I think we should see what quests were open, someone in the chat claimed to be beta, said this one quest was totally OP, can't remember it's name though. I'm sure chat remembers." He opened up chat, hoping to find the name of the quest in question. after a the chat delay caught up, he found the name. "Nipents is its name, there is some bug with its loot scaling or something. I think its worth a shot. What do you guys think?"


Lvl: 5 - HP: 500/500

Col: 500 -
Exp: 2/600


Ravita took the money and gave her shy and formal thanks but afterwards he said she was free to do whatever she wanted which kinda taken Ravita aback a bit. She could be rather slow with things, so maybe she hadn't caught on to the fact they only simply needed her for the mine work. Dammit, what on earth was I thinking? she scolded herself as she glanced quietly at the rest, whom were getting their respected gold. She frowned, not really sure what it was she was going to do for now. Sure, they helped her level up an extra 4 levels and hardly had she done anything and she should be plenty thankful for that, hands down. But..being alone, even if she was originally with strangers she felt little to no comfort in talking to, helped a great deal. But now she was going to have to strive to be independent and that bugged at her to no end though she didn't want to show it..or say anything because of course that'd be right out selfish of her.

As the men discussed their next course of action, Ravita sighed lightly.
What the hell am I going to do now..? But what answer was there but the obvious. Quietly, she forced herself to turn around. She was just going to have to walk away first. That was the first course of action, defiantly but even that was painful. I'm just being ridiculous she scolded at herself again before taking small steps away from the group, anxiety getting ready to eat at her once again simply because she didn't know what to do if she wasn't guided. Much like a child.

« LVL - [ 5] HP - [ 500 / 500 ] COL - [ 67 ] EXP - [ 2 / 600 ] »

Ryu continued fishing, <1 trout> <1 trout> <1 trout> <1 trout> <1 trout> <1 trout> <1 trout> <1 trout> <1 trout> <1 trout> <1 trout> <1 trout> <1 trout> <1 trout> <1 trout> <1 trout> <1 trout> <1 trout> <1 trout> <1 trout> <1 trout> <1 trout> <1 trout> <1 trout> <1 trout> Ryu's eyes were glazing over as he entered the grinding trance, <1 trout> <1 Driftwood> <1 trout> <1 trout> <1 trout> <1 trout> <1 trout> <1 trout> <1 trout> <1 trout> <1 trout> <1 trout> <1 trout><1 trout> <1 trout> <1 trout> <1 trout> <1 trout> <1 trout> <1 trout> <1 trout> <1 trout> <1 trout> <1 trout> <1 trout> <1 trout> <1 trout> <1 trout> <1 trout> <1 trout> <1 trout> Ryu did realize the progress the rest of the team made, and the sharing exp, in fact he received some interesting messages, but all he knew was that of fishing, and he had to do it.<1 trout> <1 trout> <1 trout> <1 trout> <1 trout> <1 trout> <1 trout> <1 trout> A message suddenly for Ryu and the rest of the group to read, under Ryu's name,

Ryu blinked for the first time in his fishing as he read the detail of the achievement, "Really, just fishing, and just in a trout area? Well, uh congratulations! DON'T YOU THINK YOU SHOULD LOG OFF AND TELL PEOPLE BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!? ... We just went there." Ryu glared, "... Fuckin' Devs." Ryu glanced at his inventory and stats, "I could use much more lightbloo- OH jeez, THE GUYS! I need to show up with the rest of the guys! But I've got some more grinding to do!" Ryu quickly dashed into a bush and began grinding <1 Lightbloom> <1 Lightbloom>

<1 Lightbloom> <1 Lightbloom>
One of the bushes vanished away, "Devs that's cheap, pulling the instant vanishing node. Aren't we beyond that?" He ran to another one,<1 Lightbloom> <1 Lightbloom><1 Lightbloom> <1 Lightbloom><1 Lightbloom> <1 Lightbloom><1 Lightbloom> Ryu continued rummaging through the bush. <1 Lightbloom><1 Lightbloom> <1 Lightbloom> This bush disappeared as well as he returned to grinding in a different bush. <1 Lightbloom> <1 Lightbloom><1 Lightbloom> <1 Lightbloom><1 Lightbloom> <1 Lightbloom><1 Lightbloom> <1 Lightbloom><1 Lightbloom> This bush vanished, and again Ryu ran to another bush. <1 Lightbloom><1 Lightbloom> <1 Lightbloom><1 Lightbloom> <1 Lightbloom><1 Lightbloom> <1 Lightbloom>Ryu went to one last bush as he began digging through it. <1 Lightbloom> <1 Lightbloom><1 Lightbloom> <1 Lightbloom><1 Lightbloom> <1 Lightbloom><1 Lightbloom> <1 Lightbloom> <1 Lightbloom> <1 Lightbloom> <1 Lightbloom> <1 Lightbloom> <1 Lightbloom> <1 Lightbloom> <1 Lightbloom> With that Ryu ran off to the Forge, as he waved frantically, "GUYS, guys! Are you still smelting? Also what kind of pots do you need, just standard healing?"
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LVL - [ 3]

HP - [ 300/ 300 ]

COL - [ 210 ]

EXP - [ 45/ 400 ]

(The Shrouded Swamp Arc)


Back behind the running machine at the left entrance, Kiki nodded to Seely as they went in opposite directions around the drill. They appeared to the two remaining reptiles simultaneously. "Take it away Seely," Kiki sang. The little old chameleon wagged its tail and ran back towards the hill. The guards split with one chasing Seely, and the other staying to handle Kiki. Just how I like it. #Side-Step Kiki vanished under the lizard's strike and ended up behind it. Immediately she activated #Suffocate. This time, she held it in as long as her stamina would allow, taking out a significant portion of the monster's HP. Once the lock broke, she delivered two swift kicks and a punch to the stomach, sending it to the digital graveyard.

Seeing Seely running back towards her with the last monster trailing a short distance behind, Kiki waited there unable to use any skills for the message. A second later it came.

-You have earned 35 exp and 25 col. You are now level 3.-

Leveling replenished everything.
Full stamina, check.

As the lizard ran past her in pursuit of Seely, Kiki caught its neck in her arms and activated
#Suffocate. This time, it lasted until the very end.

-You have earned 35 exp and 25 col-

Kiki was finally getting the hang of this game. She was learning the ins and outs of dodging as well as figuring how best to use her skills. Seeing it all come together brought Kiki to tears. She was getting stronger and with each victory, she felt herself getting closer and closer to having the stuff needed to make it out of this game alive.
I didn't believe it but I'm really doing it....from this point on, there's no reason to fear. I will make it through.

"Come on Seely," said Kiki in a deep and powerful tone that reverberated throughout her body. "Somethings changed with you," the lizard said aloud. "Yes," she replied without looking back. "I"m not afraid anymore." And with that, the two entered the underground cavern.

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"Fine let's give that a shot, maybe we can use the money to buy some steel or something." Opening up the menu he then scrolled the quest list until he found it. It was the quest called "The sick little daughter". Suddenly an exclamation mark appeared over the blacksmith's head. Wasting no time he triggered the dialogue.

"Oh what am I to do.., Oh you there, you look big strong adventuring types. My little daughter is sick with chronic daxelitis and a Little Nepent Ovule aught makes the best cure. Unfortunatly I am unable to competently slay a nepent for its ovule. Pray tell me, if you were to help an old man with his request I could recompense you greatly."

"I"ll do it." said Marco after watching the npc speak and emote all very dramatically.

"Good sir, I pray for you safe and hasty arrival"

A quest marker was added to his map and the mission objective of : Obtain a Nepent ovule 0/1.

"Alright lets go this forest and fight whatever the fuck a Nepent is and gain its 'ovule'."
Ryu tilted his head, "Ovule? What is an ovule? Also what is a Nepent? Judging from the dramatic speech from the NPC, it has to be something scary and horrifying!" Ryu cracked his knuckles as he raised both of his hands in the air, "LET US GO FORTH AND DO THIS QUEST FOR GEAR AND SO THE VIEWERS HAVE SOMETHING INTERESTING TO WATCH!"

Ryu flicked both hands as he extended his thumb upwards and pointed his index fingers, "Like comment and subscribe. Also we are going to need to turn up the Battle Tunes..."
« LVL - [ 5] HP - [ 500 / 500 ] COL - [522 ] EXP - [ 2 / 600 ] »

Ryan smirked as he received his share of the COL, "You know, it really is too bad that I'm literally incapable of wearing armor for some stupid reason. Sure I'll find something to spend this on.", Ryan said as they received the quest, "Anyways, do you plan to stay on with us, miss? Lotta crazies out there; safety in numbers and all that. Whaddaya say?"
Ryu blinked, "Did you share the COL from the grinding already? And..." Ryu stepped back as his eyes widened, "Wait, that person isn't just an NPC!? I uh..." Ryu's face grew pale as he went to the very back of the wall and began breathing in and out. Ryu's face began growing red. It was a -girl-, in the living flesh, or at least as close to the living flesh Ryu had ever saw one. Well that wasn't entirely true, but the point was Ryu was rather uncomfortable in this new situation. And to make it even more unerving, she actually had interacted with the group! Ryu was used to having girls ignore, but this..."Uhm, I uh. Apologize, for uh, not realizing you were part of the PCs! I should have realized that! But I uh..." Ryu glanced at her as he trembled a bit, "But uh, g-group... s-s-safety in numbers, feel free uh to stay." Ryu hung his head down, he wasn't smooth at all.


Lvl: 5 - HP: 500/500

Col: 500 -
Exp: 2/600


Ravita began to keep walking, almost in tears for not knowing what to do. She kept scolding at herself not to cry, that crying was such a weak and pathetic move on her part but that just made her feel worse. Then suddenly a voice from the group asked her a golden question.

"Anyways, do you plan to stay on with us, miss? Lotta crazies out there; safety in numbers and all that. Whaddaya say?"

Ravita froze in her footsteps at that question.
He's talking to me right? Referring to me? Why wouldn't he be? But if he didn't mean me then... slowly, she turned around and looked over at Double D- whom was indeed looking at her and referring to her. Relief and happiness welled up within her and she took a step forward and began to answer when-

"Wait, that person isn't just an NPC!?"

She looked over at another male- Inuyasha, whom suddenly began to freak out as he began to cower at the back wall.

"Uhm, I uh. Apologize, for uh, not realizing you were part of the PCS!" he said, hardly looking at her, flustered and his voice trembling. "But uh, g-group... s-s-safety in numbers, feel free uh to stay." he said before hanging his head.

Ravita wasn't quite what all to say to that but...in a way, it was still accepting and that made her happier than ever. To know she wasn't going to have to be dependent on herself- it was wonderful.

She gave a million dollar smile (or rather, in this case- a million COL smile) and bowed in delight, brushing her tears away hastily before they were even to be noticed.

"Th-thank you very much! I'll do my best!" she said firmly. Sure her voice was still in that formal tone but that didn't really matter right now. At least she said something.

"If I remember correctly from that botany class I took, an ovule is the part of the plant's reproductive system that will produce the seed when successfully fertilized and then be surrounded by a fruit or not depending if the plant is an angiosperm or gymnosperm. Probably a mistranslation and wants to get a fruit or seed, cuz ovules are pretty tiny."

Seeing that was thinking aloud to no on in particular he then noticed the girl staying with them. "Alright let's get that damn fruit for some crap dagger." The group then left the forge but not before stopping as Marco grabbed bought a warp crystal so that this could be finished quick . They then proceeded to march to another forest. This one much more darker and dense and a lot more moodier as the artificial weather started to make the sky darken an drizzle.

« LVL - [ 5] HP - [ 500 / 500 ] COL - [514 ] EXP - [ 6 / 600 ] »
« LVL - [ 5] HP - [ 500 / 500 ] COL - [522 ] EXP - [ 2 / 600 ] »

"I dunno, man. Maybe the flowers are really huge or something so- wait, what's that?", he squinted, watching a as a man dressed in all black and using a single straight sword tried to run from some sort of... parfait monster? Whatever it was, it had a big red ball on its head. Probably a weak spot.

"Looks like that guy could use a hand.", Ryan mumbled as flicked his wrist backwards, sending his #Homing Blades after the creature and dropping the much-weakened mob in a couple of hits. "There we go, that should buy him some time to heal up and-", an enormous crowd of monsters suddenly swarmed the man, his health bar dropping rapidly, "-Oh. Oh dear. That's... not good. Guys, let's keep moving, okay?"

« LVL - [ 5] HP - [ 500 / 500 ] COL - [522 ] EXP - [ 10 / 600 ] »
« LVL - [ 5] HP - [ 500 / 500 ] COL - [514 ] EXP - [ 2 / 600 ] »

He pondered as he followed the group, "Well DD-san makes a good poin-" Ryu blinked as he saw the vast swarm of monsters attacking the man, watching as his health drained. Ryu glanced at Ryan and nodded, "Yes DD-san, let's jet. Those... can't possibly be the quest mob anyway!" Ryu shook his head as he narrowed his eyes staring. "No those can't possibly be the plant monsters..."
« LVL - [ 5] HP - [ 500 / 500 ] COL - [523 ] EXP - [ 12 / 600 ] »

"GIT GUD!" Hugh screamed at the top of his lungs as he readied his sword. He held the immense blade at his side and swung it, plunging it deep into a nepent. The plant-monster was easily truncated by Hugh's tremendous blade. He drew his sword back for the nepent to disappear in a veil of blue data. "Nope. No rare drops here" he said to the team.

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