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Realistic or Modern Surreal Estate || OOC

I am staring at house 3 and 4 and rubbing my hands together
house 5 is calling my name
scrunkly scrunkly isolated house by the woods
I am staring at house 3 and 4 and rubbing my hands together
Same house 3 gives me the one episode of supernatural where the dead ghost boy drowned in the lake kept trying to drown everyone
i'm deff feeling house 2 & 3, mm conjuring vs getting freaked out over water damage
Same house 3 gives me the one episode of supernatural where the dead ghost boy drowned in the lake kept trying to drown everyone

i love it so much. gonna be entering the bathroom and being shoved into the bathtub lol.
Lmaooo so I'm curious what are people's top house rn 👁️
I think for me it’s like 3, 4, 5 based on pure story alone. 4 needs some love and could be a funky fixer upper. Not that the rest arent hot sexy vibes but mmm… These speak
aaaaa. hard to decide. also i was wrong earlier lol, i was looking at 2 & 3 not 3 & 4. give me that murder. if it happened recently - he prob performed the damn autopsy on it lol. or buried them.
houses 2 & 3 for me, but leaning into 3 because i think it'd play well with the mystery vibes (:
tbh 2 and 5 are really callin’ my name because 1. Story potential and 2. spOooky
Jotting this down mhm mhm mhm so 2 is reigning supreme...ultimately it WILL be up to you guys so think/chat about what house(s) you want and how many jobs you want to take! At this moment I'm not looking to deny any of the non-psychic roles and am thinking about accepting two psychics if it's cool with everyone! If everyone is cool with sharing roles with other people (aka having, say, two architects and stuff), then that'll happen. Please let me know if anyone is uncomfortable with that!
I am totally down for more than one ghost hunter (AKA people Enoch can steal information from)
Having two or so of each role seems good fun, can go for sharing responsibilities or having conflicting interests, plus then we can tackle more houses
yup! im down for multiple of the same role.
more people = more houses at once = more HAUNTINGS at once = really getting the most trauma possible for each weekly meeting for the agency

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