Supernatural beings. [Inactive]

Robby was shocked as to what she said. The rapid question, then a confession that he didn't think was possibly, and now she wanted to know his name? Odd person.

"Kill them? I mean, I understand why you would want to, but if they have force fields that will kill upon contact, then wouldn't they have more? I think that you probably wouldn't make it far." He was making sure not to pull his hands out of his deep pockets, because he could stil feel the claws growing. Time to song. He fumbled in his pocket for a moment, finding the player and hitting the fast forward button. Oh, great. Even the song was disagreeing with him. He had stumbled upon the song Mad Dash, by One Life.

"Erm, name's Robby." He said, pointedly avoiding his last name as always.
"I can't be here and stay lenient. You're awfully calm for this kind of situation. Besides... I'm stronger than them." Tytan said, almost softly. "I'm stronger than anyone, if I trust my abilities." She didn't really listen, too caught up in her own thoughts of how she'd bust out of here, or the defenses awaiting her if she gets past that force field that was mentioned. " The oddest names here." Tytan muttered, raising an eyebrow. "I am Tytan." She thought almost every other name that was normal was really odd, when really, her name was literally Titan.
Robby frowned. The next song wasn't any better. Battle Hymn, by Fighter. Stupid music. He shook his head.

"I guess you could call me Robert. I just figured Robby would be easier. Whatever." He took a step closer. "I kinda wanna hear what you had in mind. I mean, it still sounds crazy, but you seem pretty confident. However... This isn't the best place to talk about it. They may be listening, you know? How about..." Robby thought for a moment. He shrugged. "I dunno. Somewhere open so they can't hide listening devices. Was one of my dad's favorite tricks. Beach maybe?" He felt kinda weird. He had just left there after all. But still... They needed a non observable spot. A place where whoever put them here couldn't hear.
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Tytan raised an eyebrow but got where he was coming from. She was scared of a lot of things, but these humans and their petty force fields, she didn't feel a ounce of fear. "Crazy? I believe I make perfect sense, Ro-bby. Let's go." Tytan said, starting to walk off. She suddenly stopped, but turned around, very serious. "... Where is the beach?"
Ky just stood in the kitchen and smiled to herself. She sat down on the counter an ate her sandwich contently

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When Ky was close to finishing off her meal, Yolanda entered the kitchen, her eyes changing from Dark Purple to Light Blue, which at the moment, represented tranquility. She then decided to try and strike up a friendly conversation with Ky. "Hey, how's it goin'?"
Yolanda felt a strange vibe coming from Ky. Because she was feeling something off, her tranquility faded and so her eyes again changed color, from Light Blue to a Dull, Dingy Yellow, which at the moment represented caution.
"Uhm...something okay with your eyes?" She raised an eyebrow and tilted her head slightly

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It changed color again, from Yellow to Aqua as she had been startled by the question. "They're fine. Its been like this since I was a child. Matter of fact." she said, commenting on how her eyes change color every so often. Very few people understood what each color represented, as they change depending on her emotion, but each color also meant more then one feeling, so it was hard to associate each color with a single emotion.
She smiled warmly "thats cool. Wanna see my power?" She started a little fire in her hand

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"So you can control Fire...That's sweet." Yolanda commented. "I have nothing special; just Photographic Memory, Inhumane Reflexes and Enhanced Senses. Then my eyes change color depending on my emotions."
She smiles and makes the fire go out "i can also make people go in deadly pain just by giving them a look

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When Ky finished that sentence, Yolanda felt troubled. "Do you have to make eye contact with them for it to work...?" she asked out of curiosity. It went back to a Dull, Dingy Yellow, as she was starting to feel cautious and afraid.
No" she shook her head "why are you scared of me..." She frowned a bit and went to walk out

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"No, its not that. I didn't mean it that way..." Yolanda's eyes went from Yellow to Dark Purple. Suddenly, she felt a sharp pain in her heart, a downside to her Enhanced Senses.
Ky frowned, she didn't wanna feel like a freak here but apperently she is. She felt like she was going to cry.

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Her senses and photographic memory were acting up. A very bad combination as her senses would amplify any form of mental pain that she is feeling at any given time while her photographic memory causes her to suffer flashbacks of painful memories that she is remembering at any moment. As Yolanda collapsed in agonizing pain, her eyes changed to dark purple as she held her chest.
Ky heard a sound like someone falling. She quickly went back into the kitchen and saw Yolanda on the floor, "oh my god are you okay?" She knelt beside her, she made her hand a nice relaxing type warm and touched Yolandas skin gently

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By the time Ky had arrived, the pain became too unbearable. As a result, Yolanda lost consciousness. As she passed out, one of her earrings made clashing noise as they hit they made contact with the floor and it sounded as if glass was breaking or silverware was dropped.
Ky started panicking and tried to wake her up...but the only way she could think of was to burn her. She heated up her hands slowly as they are still on the girls arms

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Alex was currently sitting cross-legged on the floor of his room. He was practicing his abilities by making his blood flow in the wrong direction. Unfortunately it was quite taxing to do this so he decided to head down to the kitchen for something to eat. As he walked he thought he heard a glass smash and sped up his pace to see what was happening. He arrived in the kitchen to see a girl on the ground with another girl over her with her hands on the girls arms. "Excuse me but what are you doing" He asked in a emotionless tone.
"I dont know" she looked back at the back then stood up quickly, her hands glowing a bit red still

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" Perhaps i can help her" He says before kneeling down and placing his hands over her torso. "Something is wrong with her heart the blood is flowing eradically, i shall attempt to slow it down" He makes a small cut just above her breast with his ring before correcting the course of her blood flow" That should help lessen any pain she might be feeling but she might not wake up for a while" He moves away after clotting the blood in the cut so it will heal properly. "I suggest we take her to her room"

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