Supernatural beings. [Inactive]

"to humans perhaps" he begins cutting his wrist underneath his coat "to me your normal" he says as blood flows out of his coat and starts circling him in the air.
" i do not think we should worry about that, worry about important things. like this alcohol" he says finishing his glass and pouring another
Robby walked up towards the fire. He recognized Ky, but the other one was new. He also knew the look of good quality wine when he saw it.

"WOAH WOAH WOAH!" He walked up and picked up one of the bottles. "This is good wine! And you are drinking it like it's beer!" Robby shook his head. "This is for cooking."
"Why should we worry about it?" She raised an eyebrow and took a large drink from the bottle she had before

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She giggled a bit "they wouldn't let us starve. It keeps us in but it doesn't keep what they drop out" she shrugged "my mom warned me all this would happen, and they're monitoring us."

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Robby looked down at the cat. He made a face.

"Is that... Uh, blood?" The idea of a full cat made of blood made Robby feel a bit... Nervous. Whatever it was freaked him out. Robby's training at the hands of one of his old friends caused him to hold the bottle differently. If this one caused any trouble...

Looking back up to Ky, he asked the only question he could think to ask about the seemingly random statements.

"of course it is blood what else would a cat be made of" he said before making a face and giggling "hey girly wanna see something funny?"
She replied to robbys question "my mom was part of us being trapped here. Human and mutants cant cant get out of here. So they'll be dropping crates with food and supplies. The human on our side will rebel if they let us die."

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Robby has gotten to the point that he has begun to transform. The fur creeps up his arm, and he can feel the claws growing. But this is different. He feels he will need it. That kid unnerves him. Robby changes song. Kill Kode, by Molten Rain. That will do well. If it comes down to it, he will have to let Quini and the wolf do the metaphorical talking.

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