Supernatural beings. [Inactive]

"watch this" he says as the cat runs at the newcomer and jumps. right before it hits him it falls apart into a blob splashing his face with roughly a liter of blood 
" hee hee hee" he giggles lightly before exploding into laughter
"... You... This..." Robby's muscles flex unconsciously. This was a very special jacket. It came from the only person that ever really cared for him. The only one who understood. And now it was bloodstained? BLOODSTAINED??? Robby's transformation sped up tenfold as the song reached it's chorus.

"You little piece of gerower-ar!" Robby's exclamation was cut off short as his face changed. He let out a low guttural snarl, his shirt and pants ripping as he grew. He could now hear the kid's breathing clearly. He could smell his blood so well. He could see him better than ever. He could see the enemy. He would hurt him for defiling his mother's gift. He would hurt him a lot.
"Woah! Robby, calm" she scooted over to him "he can get the blood off of it, shh just breath Robby" She sat in front of him so he can't see the kid. She wasn't about to let him kill a little boy, "he's just a boy, a little boy" she spoke calmly, letting her hands heat up to a warm comforting type of warm, just incase

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Robby was not interested in Ky right now. Stupid. She had no idea. He may be a stupid little kid, but this was unpardonable. She had been the ONLY one. Not even Nadia cared. James didn't care. Quini certainly didn't care. She had been the only one.

Robby's head whipped down to look at Ky, a low growl coming from his now lupine lips. He couldn't feel the heat, but he could see her hands glowing. That wouldn't stop him. It would hurt, but not that much. Besides, he wasn't going to kill him. Just REALLY hurt him. Hurt him so bad that either Norman pulled him out, or he would avoid Robby for as long as he lived.
"Get the blood out of the jacket!" She screamed at the boy and made the fire burn hotter than ever. "Robby calm down please" she begged, "he can get the blood out, he can control it, he'll get it out." She rambled on "please calm down"

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(Very sorry I fell asleep at my computer) 
Alex still giggling slightly waved at the boy and the blood crept off of his jacket and face before he passed out from too much alcohol.
Robby snorted. He wasn't sure how to react to this. The boy had passed out? Stupid kid. Couldn't even handle red wine. But he couldn't beat him when he was out cold. He wanted him to feel it. He wanted him to hurt.

Robby shook with rage, his body slowly shifting back to normal. As the transformation completed, Robby dropped to the ground with a shudder, this time out of fear. After some silence, Robby spoke up, still looking at the ground.

"What was that?" He slowly looked up at the boy. "That wasn't me. I would never want to hurt someone like that. I mean, I still hate him for that." Robby reached up with a shaking hand and grabbed the scarf. "But never have I REALLY wanted to hurt someone. Well, no one but Norman." He looked up at Ky, fear evident in the poor lighting of the fire.

"What was that?" Looking back down, Robby frowned. "And I am going to need to new clothes."
Ky frowned a bit at him "it's okay..." She bit her lip and grabbed a blanket that she was sitting on before "here" she held it out for him

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Robby reached up with a shaking hand to take the cloth. Wrapping it round him, he began to walk towards the house, muttering a quiet thank you to Ky. He stopped beside the other boy, and wanted to kick him hard in the ribs. With one more shudder and another reason to fear himself, Robby moved on. He carefully placed an earbud back in. The song was Whiplash by Molten Rain. Robby supposed he had been rather... Extreme. Despite hatting the man, Robby figured it was time to ask Norman for a favor.
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After quite some time, Yolanda awakened. Her eyes were Aqua by the time she woke up. She then found herself on a bed, which made her shoot straight up from laying down. 'What...happened?' she wondered, as all she remembered was the sharp pain in her heart.
Yolanda could hear a loud crash as the door downstairs slammed shut. She could hear footsteps come up the stairs, and someone stop just outside in the hallway.
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Alex woke up a few minutes later after purging the alcohol in his blood. he sat up looking around and spotted ky lying on the sand. then he was hit by double the hangover he should have had, it was the downside of purging his blood.
Yolanda was startled by the noises. She cracked the door open and took a peek before saying out loud "Hello?". Her eyes changed to Dark Blue. She slowly exited the room to investigate.
Alex noticing this made his way over to her before similar to earlier made a small cut above her breast and started purging her blood.
a few minutes later he was done and sealed the cut back up. "she should wake up soon although i doubt she will like the hangover"
(LOL) Before he cut above her breast she grabbed his wrist and heated up her hand, like touching a stove "what are you doing?"

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