Supernatural beings. [Inactive]

Robby looked at her, a frown on his face.

"Not really. I just... I guess that I wish I was back there. Back with James and Nadia, Kenny and Quini. I mean, the others were fine, but I guess I miss James the most, and needed Nadia the most." He sighed. "Nadia was the only one that could help me control my shifting. It's like being around her was just... Calming. Like anything that was said or done that would make me Turn wasn't as big of a deal." He looked out, the from still on his face. "That and she always knew what was bugging me. Like she was in my head."
Robby flushes.

"No. I honestly think she was in my head. And not just me, either. It was everybody. She could tell you exactly what you were thinking, and you could sometimes hear her voice in there." He shook his head. "I am honestly not sure why I was nabbed and she wasn't." Robby sat there for a moment. "Never mind. I know."
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Robby tensed. Earlier, he had been the one to initiate the physical contact, despite how awkward it was due to the fact that this girl was still in a bikini. But when she reached out for his hand, Robby nearly had a heart attack at the tender age of 17. Robby pulled his arm away from her shoulders slowly, and his hand away from hers.

"Thanks." He mumbled nervously. Hadn't even known her for an hour and she was grabbing him. That didn't usually happen to him unless they figured out his last name. Then they tended to stalk him, actually. He shifted in the sand.

"Name's Robby, by the way."
Some time later, another tenant in the house, Yolanda Kang, a Korean-American Youth that possesses inhumane reflexes, photographic memory and enhanced senses, was just keeping to herself. Because she was different, and thanks to her photographic memory, she constantly relived her days before she came to the place of residence she is in now, only being able to see her mother once a month. While sitting down by a Fireplace, she looked back briefly to see Robby conversing with the other tenants. The memories she relived were painful for the most part, because she was often bullied, being put down and insulted for her Inhumane Reflexes and Photographic Memory.
"Im Ky" she frowned a bit then shifted away from him "sorry..." She stood up and started heading back to the house

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Yolanda was watching from the window. After Ky walked away, she herself decided to approach Robby. She just put her boots on and walked outside as Ky went inside. She quietly walked towards him. As she got closer and closer, her eyes changed color. Since childhood, her eye color always changed depending on how she felt at any given time. Her eyes changed from a dull (dingy) yellow (A moment ago, she was feeling both Cautious and Sick, as she was having a headache earlier that day) to Brown (As she was now more stable). "Is everything alright?" she asked as she approached the young man.
Okay, now Robby feels like a jerk. He had offended Ky, and now someone else thought that something was wrong because of the way he had acted. Robby hung his head, and replaced his earbud. Robby didn't answer the question, but instead began to hum a tune. After a bit, he stopped.

"Drowning In Air, by The Deep. I always did like their songs. Often, they even seemed appropriate. Like they made it just for the moment that I needed it." He turned towards the girl. "Like now. The last few lines of this song say 'with broken hearts and thickening air I wonder what was wrong. I wonder what would have been if only I were gone.'" Robby sat there for a moment longer, then turned back to look to the horizon once more. "Seems to fit, eh? Drowning in air. Seems like I will be doing that a lot while I am here." He sat in silence for a moment longer, then began to stand. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to apologize to Ky for being a complete douche." Robby gave the girl a quick smile, then started to walk towards the house, fur alternatively growing and shrinking back under his sleeves.
Her eyes changed from Brown to Light Blue, as she now felt more tranquil. Although she would have liked to start a conversation with him, it did seem that he was more interested in Ky. Things like these were considered normal for Yolanda, as not very many people really liked interacting with her. Whether it was her Reflexes, Senses, Photographic Memory or her eyes changing color depending on how she feels, she did not know. She decided to enjoy the outside breeze for a bit before making her back inside and to her favorite spot in the house, by the Fireplace in the Living Room.
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Ky is in the kitchen in the house, going through the fridge, she has baggy clothes on now and her really long hair is up in a bun
A call comes through the house.


Robby pokes his head in the door, and when he sees her, he stops. Robby steps in, rubbing his head sheepishly. The song changed. It was oddly appropriate. Besides, Rewind was a good song anyway.

"Hey Ky. I- Uh, yeah. Look, I am sorry. That was a jerk move on my part. You probably needed that. Is there, uh..." He shook his head. "Is there anything I can do to make it up to you? I don't like the idea of having upset you." He looked at her apologetically.
She looked back at him, "it's uhm....fine...." she shrugged and went back to grabbing the ingredients for a sandwich "I don't like interacting...." she started to make the sandwich without looking at him, she looked a bit sad
Robby sighed and walked up, gently taking the knife from her. He spread the stuff on the bread, then handed the sandwich to her. He looked her in the eye.

"Some things are more important than my personal comfort."
Robby shook his head.

"I am sorry for disappointing you. I don't like seeing anyone disappointed or sad. Mostly because I have had to deal with those all too much."
She smiled slightly "well, there's no reason to be afraid of me...I just wanna help you control the wolf" she looked up at him, since she was really short like 4'11 (lmao don't judge me, I'm just once inch above the midget height)
Robby smiled at the tabletop as he sat.

"You know, the last person that said that was James. And before him, only one other person wanted to help. Nadia. Before that it was just Norma- I mean, father, ordering me to fix it because it was 'embarrassing'." He looked up at her face. "Thank you." The song had changed again. Cloud Hopper, by Bard.
She figured, if she was stuck in this house, she didn't want to mess with others until she busted herself out.

Tytan had no idea how she got here, but she wanted out, and all she could do the whole time she's been here was scowl and become highly frustrated, pacing around furiously in her private spot. She hasn't interacted with anyone yet, and she didn't feel the need too unless they were willing to be allies. Tytan tied her hair in a loose ponytail to get her hair off of her neck. She strode out the room, closing it behind her before shoving her hands in her pockets.
Robby was relieved by how well that conversation had gone. But now he had to find out where the blanket he took belonged. He walked into a hallway and spotted another girl down the way. He stopped and did a double take.

"Quini?" As he looked at the girl for a moment longer, he realized that this one seemed more like they were Eastern European. Robby rubbed his head in embarrassment.

"Sorry. I thought you were someone I knew. Yeah..." Robby shifted on one foot. "Was there, uh, any blankets in that room back there?" She was definitely Russian. He could see that now. Explains why he thought she was Quini.
'Quini?' Tytan thought, hearing a voice not too far from her. She was neck deep in her thoughts of possible combat combos. She scanned the male, almost glaring, but to herself, she was gazing intently. She was perplexed, the guy could fit as an equally strengthed ally. Time to intestigate. "Do you fight?" She asked in a deep tone, her words laced thickly in her accent. She crossed her arms, eyes narrowed.

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The question caught Robby off guard.

"Fight? Um, well..." Anticipating something bad, Robby began to get nervous. Fur growing on his arms caused him to shove his hands in his pockets. In an attempt to calm down, he tried to joke.

"Man, you really do sound like Quini, minus the accent." Seeing that it didn't go over well, he decided to answer the question.

"I guess that I fought with the others. Not as much as Quini. Guess she missed the gang fights. But yeah. She had us all learn to use knifes, guns, broken bottles, our fists, other people. I mean, I don't do it often, but I can." He shrugged. "Why do you ask?"
Tytan didn't even smile as he joked about, she did noticed some difference in his arms, but was drawn any from it from the male's answer. "Qui-ni? This Quini you mention of... Is she here?" She asked, seeing as she could be potential ally. "Actually, disregard my question. I ask because I'm planning to murder our captors and go home." The female wouldn't say it, but she had a feeling it wouldn't go well if she did do that. Would she rather be here or be dead? She was sure there wasn't any other options. "Tell your name." Tytan asked, but it sounded more of an command.
Yolanda was starting to feel a bit lonely. Figuring that she should interact with the other tenants more, she went to go look for Ky. Her eyes started changing color again, this time from Light Blue to Dark Purple.

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