Supernatural beings. [Inactive]

Robby shrugged.

"I don't like judging people." He grinned at her. "Unless they throw fire at me, that is." He shrugged. "I won't make fun of you for your musical preference."
Robby nodded.

"Country can be good. I mean, Hay Fever is a terrible band. But then there are ones like the Galloping Banjos." Robby tapped his earbud. "Is who I am listening to right now. Despite their corny name, they have good music."

(BTW, all songs and bands I reference are fake. I made them up on the spot)
Robby looked at her. Odd question. He shrugged, and looked off into the horizon again. "We got nothin' better to be, have we? I mean, even if I said no, I would have to deal with you. Then it would be bad, as neither of us would enjoy each other's company much." He looked back down at her again. "Not that I want to say no. I mean, sure you kinda threw fire at me, but you don't seem that bad."
She giggled "well I can make fake fire you know?" she held up her hand and fire glowed in her hand "go ahead, touch it" she held out her hand "It should just feel warm, like the sun on a nice summer day"
Robby raised an eyebrow. "Even the sun begins to burn if you stay in it's rays long enough. Besides, I, uh, have problem with touching people. Even on accident." He shifted. "The idea of putting my hand that close to yours is, uh, yeah." He rubbed the back of his head. "Thanks though, I guess."
He breathed deeply, and slowly exhaled. It was certainly pleasant. He chuckled softly to himself. He began to quote one of his favorite songs.

"I often hear of the fire of hate. That thirst which no one act can slate. But is a fire simply playing along, what with it's dancing about and it's swaying with the song? But perhaps it is passionless, and I have imagined it all." He looked up at her, his eyes lit with a smile. "Flame, by Joseph Magnin."
The smile quickly disappeared. He looked away. After a while he spoke.

"That form is not one fitting of one such as myself. It ruins the name of the family to have a freak in the bloodline. I can't even bee seen in public without becoming a beast." He recited quietly. Those words he had heard many times over dinner, as his father berating him for being... That thing.
"Hey.. come on now... don't make that smile go away...I'm the only one in my family who had powers, then ran away from home when I accidentally killed my best might have seen me in the newspapers..." she shrugs
Robby watches her for a moment, then decides that now is not the time to freak out about proximity. He scoots closer and puts an arm around her. He sits like this for a it, then takes out one earbud, and passes it to her.

"It's country."
She opened her eyes and looked at him, the slowly takes the earbud and puts it in her ear listening to it for a bit in silence "you know the saying if looks could kill, you'd be dead? I actually k-killed her... and she was my best friend. I learnt to control that power but it's just the guilt hanging onto my heart by a rope" she whispered
Robby tightened his arm around her.

"I understand. Back when I was ten, I saw a prisoner escape, and when the police came up to me asking where he went, I told them. Later, I saw his name on the news, saying he was dead. I- Maybe I did the right thing, but knowing that I was the reason they found him and killed him has always made me feel... Like a monster." He shifted his arm and squeezed again. "It's okay. I understand your pain. I know of guilt."
Robby smiled slightly.

"At that point, I had a choice that wouldn't have that wouldn't have that big of an effect. But this..." He looked down at her. "Well, you needed it."

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