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Fantasy Supernatural Academy (Reboot)

Akira was curious about the doppelgänger issue that seemed to be plaguing the academy students "I wonder if there is a doppelgänger for myself" he said under his breath as he got food with Mary and went to sit at one of the tables "Hmm of Mary has Belladonna, that Luke fellow having Lucas, and Elena having one who ever she may be I wonder if a god would even have one" he was fascinated by the idea but hoped he didn't for his friends sake and safety. He was amazed at how hungry he had become after sleeping for as long as he did "This mortal food could not get any better than it is right now" he said as he dug into his meal "Elena let me tell you that you are not forgiven for what you did to Mary, but that doesn't mean I'm not willing to help you" he wasn't happy about helping Elena but he knew he had to figure out a way back to becoming a god and this seemed like a decent start. He continued eating "On my honour and on my fathers honour I will not let anyone who needs help go without it. I may not have forgiven you but you still need my help and I'm here when you need it" he finished his meal completely satisfied "Mary I want to show you something tonight if you'll meet me on the roof, only this time I promise I won't be risking my life against wolves and gods and witches" he wanted to be alone with Mary more so now to repay her for taking care of him while he was unconscious.

@JustAlexandra @KaraRPMikaelsonFray
As Alex entered the school he became intimidated as the school was huge.  Nervously, he walked down the corridor, heading to somewhere more private and secluded. He found a bench in a not so crowded area and sat down, pulling his phone out of his pocket. He plugged his headphones in, turning on his music. @AnyoneAtAll
"What part of I don't need help don't you understand!" Elena rolled her eyes, "You can't help me with this... It's a hybrid thing... And you are not a Hybrid." Elena went to her room and layed down on her bed and was thinking about Luke's and her own doppelganger. 'They could be working together... It would make more sense than anything else... And they are keeping a low profile which is not good.'
Mary shook her head at Elenas "outburst". "I know this may sound mean, but she just asked for your help and now she doesn't want it? I am so confused," she said, frowning as she sat at the table with Akira. She was feeling quite weird after what Elena had done. A bit bitter. A bit...meaner? It wasn't like her. "I don't feel very good," she said to Akira rubbing her forehead. "I'll be okay, though, I think." 

Mary listened to Akira. "Sure, I'll meet you! But you don't need to make it up to me, Akira, I know you were just trying to do the right thing. Plus, you made me this necklace," she said, wrapping her fingers around the talon. "And the butterfly..." she said, thinking about the orb that was in her room. She had made a pretty glass case for it, so it wouldn't stay in the ugly brown bag. She smiled thinking about it. "I'll be there, though," she said, taking a bite of her food. "Give me a hint!" 


Akira wasn't sure about what hint he should give since he wanted to surprise her "I'm sorry but tonight's show will be a surprise, one that even the other gods would be jealous of" he said as he finished eating. He took out his pocket watch and looked at the time "What classes do we have this afternoon? I'd like to go" he said softly toward Mary as he psyched himself up for school "These will be my first classes ever as a mortal so I'm slightly excited to see what happens" he said as he put his watch away. He picked up his garbage and burned it away as usual although this time he made sure there was nothing left to clean. He took the left over napkins and folded them up into an origami crane and brought it to life "And that is a gift to Suzaku, she likes origami presents as much as you" he said smiling. 

Elena got bored and went out of her room and back to the Cafeteria but as soon as she got back some stupid jocks got in her way and she glared at them, "Get out of my way... Or I'll eat you." The jocks laughed as they grabbed her arm and the leader of the Jocks were circling around her examining her body and smiling, "Nice... Now whats a pretty thing like you doing with someone as good as those people? Why don't you rock with us for awhile...? It's not like they will miss you right? They don't trust you? Don't waste your time with good people like that."
Mary pouted. "You can't make it sound all awesome and exciting and not tell me!" she said, throwing her hands up in the air exasperatedly. She took another bite of her food, giving him a sad look with her eyes. She only began to talk once she had swallowed. "Ummmm," she said, trying to remember. "We have math and environmental medicines, I don't like math," she frowned. "At least you will be there this time. I can't help you with this class , though. I don't even know what is going on," she giggled. Mary watched  Akira burn away his garbage. That would never get old. Then, he made an origami crane. She smiled at it, as it reminded her of her own little butterfly. "That's such a nice gift!" she said, her wings twitching happily. 

She hadn't finished even half her plate when Mary leaned back in her seat. "I'm soooo full! Why did you let me eat that much, Akira?" she said. As she was rubbing her tummy, she heard something from outside the cafeteria. "Did you hear that?" she asked, looking at the doors. 


"We will help you... Us and only us... Now dose her." One of his goons injects vervain & wolfsbain in her neck as she pushes them away and she blurs into the doors as she falls and some of his goons grabs her and hides her as they walk outback and open a portal back into town, "She's hot when shes vulnerable like this... Are you sure we just can't keep her? Do we gotta return her man! She could be ours!" The leader shakes his head, "NO! He said to grab her and return her and thats what we are going to do."
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Akira put his attention to the commotion outside and pushed through a crowd of students that had been watching from a distance. After he got a good look he saw Elena being hauled away unconscious but a bunch of larger students "What do those fools think they are doing? They do now she could kill them right?" And then a flash of realization hit him, they probably do know and that's probably why they knocked her out. He looked back at Mary "I'll be back, it seems our dysfunctional friend is in trouble again" he said before rushing off to help Elena. Akira learned two hinges chasing after them, 1) for big dudes they were unbelievably fast, and 2) the men who had grabbed Elena were some of he people he had seen in his dream. He did his best to catch up before taking out two of his enchantment tags and using them on his legs and arms "String like iron! Break those impure with divine power! Enchant!" He yelled before throwing the tags in front of himself and sending the correct body parts through each tags array. He arms had become like those of a golden lizard mans and his lags were if the same type only they both looked slightly mechanical "Come back here with that vampire!" He screamed before joking forward and punching one if he goons in the back taking him out with a single blow "Don't move any further" he said before kicking the next one right after  by kicking out his legs and jumping past him just enough to land in front of the group of men. "I would let her go and you'll tell me who your boss is as well" he said as he waved his hands in a welcoming motion.

He was glad they all had short tempers because they all decided to attack him. After dodging and blocking kicks and punches and bites he started attacking himself. For he first one that had attacked, he punched in the gut and then chipped at his neck, hopefully not breaking it, to knock him out. The second and third were too easy. Akira just let them get close and they knocked each other out after Akira jumped out of the way. The last one was a little more tricky and tried to grapple then bite Akira "Hahaha nice try! You can't get through my golden scales, worm" he said before elbowing the man in the sternum and then chopping at his neck and punching him away. He looked toward the last man holding Elena "Looks like it's you and me buddy" he said before lunging at the guy and then using a spell tag to throw up a camouflage zone around him. When the man was confused he rushed behind the thug and knocked him out and grabbed Elena before she could fall "You seriously need my help if they can catch you this easily" he said hoisting her over his shoulder. "Now what to do about you he said before using tags to tie up the men he had rounded up. 

@KaraRPMikaelsonFray @JustAlexandra
"We go here idiot... We were just following orders." They struggled panting heavily, "Come on man let us go! Its not like you care about her anyways."
Akira looked down at he panting jocks on the floor "Oh but you're wrong about that, I care about her just as much as any demigod would care about his friends" he said as he held Elena over his shoulder "Now who told you to kidnap her and where can I find them" he asked hoping the men would be willing to give up the information. After changing her carrying position in his arms he used a spell tag and began to chant "Become well for wellbeing. Purify the impure. Astral soul cleansing come forth!" He held the tag close to her chest and watched as it changed into a large glowing array and then turn into green light and envelope Elena. He turned back to the men "Now tell me before I rip off your ears and then you can't follow orders anymore" he was ready to be done with them but he needed their info.

"You won't get anything doing things like that my dear Watatsumi" said a wistful Belladonna watching from the distance with in the forest. Byakko stood behind her in slight irritation "Don't wast your time with him Bella, he isn't worth time or effort!" He said angrily as he leaned against a tree with his arms crossed. The two stood watching while Akira saved Elena from another kidnapping.
"The four of them will kill me if I say anything! They have eyes everywhere man! All I know is that they were interested in both you and her but thats all Im saying!"

((Do you mind if your enemies team-up with mine?))
Mary sighed as Akira got up to chase after Elena. She couldn't say no because, well, Elena really did seem to need help. She may not be friendly towards her, but she wasn't a monster either. She got up, throwing her leftovers in the trash and following behind Akira. She had to jog to keep up. She wasn't very fast on foot, and the halls weren't big enough for her to fly through. Even if they were, she would probably have taken someone out with her wings. When she finally had caught up, Akiras arms had turned repite-esque and the men were already pummeled. She cringed looking at them. 

As Akira jumped in front of them, Mary stood firmly behind them, spreading her wings just slightly so that it would be hard for them to pass. She wasn't really doing anything, but maybe if she could pretend that she was big and scary they would think she was. Unfortunately, her act of bravery went unnoticed because all of them decided to take Akira at the same time, ignoring her completely. He beat them to a pulp, of course. 

As they were all laying on the floor and Akira was talking to the leader, Mary went up to the few that were lying on the floor, all broken. "What is wrong with you guys! I was standing right behind you and you didn't even look at me! Am I not scary enough for you?!" she said, pouting.


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(Belladonna and Byakko were watching from the forest just examining Akiras actions while formulating a plan against him @JustAlexandra

Akira looked at the men on the floor "Who would tell young semi-immortal students to kidnap a girl, with no conscience" he was curious about who could have asked to some students to do something as bad as kidnapping "Tell me who you work for and I'll let you off with slight concussions" he was cracking his knuckles as he spoke and glared at them while he did. He wasn't happy that someone was using fellow students for something bad but he also knew he couldn't just do anything without reason "Maybe I should go and get the principle and get him to make you talk" he said a tad amused as he said it.

єlєnα wαkєѕ up ѕlσwlч ín αkírα'ѕ αrmѕ thєn ѕhє lσσkѕ tσ hєr ѕídє thєn вαck αt αkírα,  "lєt mє hαndlє thíѕ... thєrє'ѕ α єαѕíєr wαч tσ dσ thíѕ. "
(ah, okay. I just took out the whole bit about them) 

Mary had finished fussing the men out, which didn't seem to make a difference to them but made her feel much better anyways. She walked over to where Akira was talking to the leader still, and stood next to him. She didn't say anything, she had nothing to give to the conversation really. Elena woke up shortly, asking for Akira to let her handle it. "I think you are not in a position to handle it right now," Mary said to her, quietly. It was true. She was half drugged in Akira's arm. Mary doubted that she would be ok enough so soon to even stand up on her own. "We can come up with something later," Mary said reluctantly. She knew Elena needed help, but she wasn't super fond about giving it right now.


"Fine... But I think I already have a idea actually on who ordered it..." Elena held onto Akira and stood up, "It was probably Lucas... And my doppelganger... A doppelgangers goal is to make their other doppelganger suffer... And seeing how they both probably knew that me and Luke would be together... They wanted to kill two birds with one stone."
Akira wasn't quite sure who Lucas was other than what he had been told but he knew that there must have been another reason he would have wanted Elena kidnapped "Im sure there is another reason and to find out I say we give them a little bait" he said as he walked up to the leader of the group "I want to know where you were supposed to bring her and what time you were going to meet with them" he was very stern in his wording and put out an aura of killing intent to hopefully scare them into cooperating. He turned to Elena "Maybe with this we can finally end your troubles once and for all" he smiled while still intimidating the thugs "Now tell me or I'll have to do something you won't like, like breaking your legs or severing all of your tendons" he said in a sarcastic tone as he walked behind the leader of the goons and placed his hand on the mans shoulder. "Now tell me before more of this happens" he quickly pushed down in he shoulder and dislocated it as painfully as he could causing the man to scream "Tic toc I'm not as patient as you might be hoping" he smiled and whispered into the mans ear before pulling away and going back to standing with Mary.

@JustAlexandra @KaraRPMikaelsonFray
"STOP!" Elena grabbed Akira's arm panting heavily, "If we resort to violence we are no better than our enemies... Please just let me handle this before it gets more out of hand." Elena looked at Akira with sad eyes.
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Mary cringed at the way Akira was acting. The sound of him dislocating the mans arm was sickening. She and Elena did seem the agree on one thing, though. Hurting them would not help. But she did not believe Elena was better than them, either. She was the one who tried to kill Mary. She said nothing, though. She had a feeling it would start a fight, and Mary was not a fighter in the slightest. 

Mary folded her arms as Akira stood next to her. "I'm not sure about all this," she muttered under her breath, watching the men in the hallway. Why weren't they speaking? Were they not afraid of being hurt? Did they really think Elena would save them? She was fairly sure Akira had his own plans when it came to things like this, but she might be wrong. He did seem awfully evil about this whole thing, though... 


"I know a better way to find out the truth..." Elena knelled down to them and looked them in the eyes using her compulsion ability, "Who told you to kidnap me? And why bring Akira into this? Who are the 4 people you were talking about?" Soon after Elena finished her questions the men talked, "The guy said his name was Lucas... And 2 of them weren't interested in your friend only you... And one of them looked like you but she was called a different name... Kat... And the people that were after your friend one of them looked like her to... She said her name was Belladonna." The men pointed to Mary. Elena looked over at Akira crossing her arms, "Im guessing those 2 then are YOUR enemies?" 

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