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Fantasy Supernatural Academy (Reboot)


(You may just jump into the RP whenever you like. :>

The thread where you signed up is where we do Out Of Character Chat as well)
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Mary shrieked at Elena's sudden outburst, jumping back. Luckily, Akira got it under control before she had to do anything she wouldn't have liked. She watched Elena for a moment, before she broke from the binds and jumped on her. "Elen-!" she yelled, getting cut off. "Please.." she choked out, gasping for air. She looked at Akira, tears in her eyes. She didn't know if he should let Elena go, or try to protect her. She supposed she couldn't have much of an opinion anyways, since she was the one being choked out. Her eyes started to get black spots, and her breathing became shallower. "Please..." 

@GreyGremory @KaraRPMikaelsonFray
"Elena, if you kill her i will end you faster than you can press the button on your watch" he said with anger he didn't know humans could have. He started taking out tags but wasn't sure why. Before he could process what was happening he had both hands full of tags emanating with energy "I will eviscerate you if you hurt her" he started chanting, although he had no idea what, and by the time the chant was over he threw the tags all around Elena along with her pocket watch. With in seconds Elena was teleported out of the room leaving him and Mary a little bruised but not dead so he figured it was a plus. He rushed over to Mary as soon as he could and hugged her close "I'm so sorry i wont ever let that happen again, I was careless and thought she was a friend but i was wrong" he was mad not just at Elena, but also at himself for not being able to see her attack coming. 'For a god you are pathetic Watatsumi! You should have been faster than that' he thought as he pulled away from Mary "I promise ill get stronger and ill stop her from doing anything stupid" he said determined.

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Elena was way faster than Akira even though she was weak at the moment she knew Akira's every move so once she saw the tags she threw Mary into Akira's arms and jumped out the window in a matter of seconds. She opened a portal at the last minute on her way down then it closed quickly afterword, 'I warned them... It's not my fault that they don't know me and screwed everything up... Why is he always so damn persistent on saving me? Im not the one who needs saving here... They do.'  Elena's portal drops her off by the club with the humans just outside of it in the back alleyway and Elena lands on the ground. At first she stumbles abit but regains her balance then she tries to walk into her club but forgot about the barrier so she asks someone to let her in and they do. Then she orders a drink and uses her seductive charming skills to get a human man and lures him out back then once shes in the clear her eyes glow and she compels the man to not make a peep then bites his neck and drinks the humans blood.
Mary was on the brink of passing out full - on when she was thrown to Akira. She didn't see Elena jump out the window, but she heard the window open and the sounds of her climbing out. She gasped for breath, choking on the air she was breathing in as Akira held her.  She gribbed Akira's shoulder, shaking. Her wings quivered and dropped. When she finally caught her breath she stood back from Akira, wrapping her arms around herself. She looked to the side, catching a glimpse of herself in the mirror. Bruises were starting to form around her neck. "Oh no..." she whispered, touching them. It didn't hurt too badly to the touch, but it didn't feel good either. "How am I going to cover this up?" she asked, looking at Akira. Her eyes were watery from not being able to breathe. She looked back at the mirror and put her hands where Elena's had been, trying to call the divine magic to heal her, but when she took her hands away, nothing had changed. She tried again, but still there was no change. "Akira, I can't use the divine power!" she cried. "Why isn't it working?!" she said, panicking a bit. 


Once Elena had finished her food she left him alive just barely and she covered the bruise up and compelled him to just act "Normal". Elena then was starting to heal normally. Then she went back inside.
Akira looked at Mary as she cried "Now I see. I'm guessing you haven't been able to use your magic for the last few days huh" he walked closer to her and grabbed her hand "Your magic is directly linked to a god, all divine magic is" he smiled and looked at her neck. He brought his right hand and placed his index finger at the base of her neck where the bruising touched "This is why it didn't work. I had called to much of it for you to use any" he said as he focused and his hand began to glow a bright golden light. He pulled his hand away and stepped back from Mary "You were drawing power from gods but you didn't know which god" he said as he looked back at his hand. He focused again and his hands light dimmed until it disappeared. He looked back at Mary "Looks like I still am a god even if it only means my inner power" he sighed and sat back down on a bunk in his room. Akira looked at Mary with amazement 'She had been the one asking for divine blessings. Small world. She was always the most thankful of any priestesses' his thoughts were all about memories of when a human would call on his power but he back then didn't care about humans so he didn't care to see who it was. "Your power had come from me, even when you patched the ground or healed the lycan boy, I felt something familiar about that power" he walked closer to her again "You were the Second mortal to use my powers and you are doing amazing and good things with them. Thank you" he said as he knelt and bowed to the girl in front of him.

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Mary's eyes were wide. "Wh...what?" she said quietly. She was surprised. As he spoke it slowly began to make sense, all the connections being made in her head, "I got my powers from you?" she asked, thinking. She looked down at him, bowing on the ground. She smiled at him, sitting on her knees in front of him. "Don't bow to me!" she said, laughing. "I should be the one bowing to you! Here I am, snatching  your powers, and you're in bed half dead! That can't be good," she said, but she still giggled. It seemed so silly to her, that she would become friends with the very god that let her use her powers. "Akira, thank you," she said, meaning it. "Without you I wouldn't have been able to give people all the help I have in my life," she said, smiling at him. She stood up then. "Okay, no more bowing to me. That's just nonsense. Let's get something to eat!" She looked back at herself in the mirror. "Um... I don't mean to be greedy, but, could you fix these?" she said, looking at the bruises around her neck. "If you can't its okay. I probably have a turtle neck somewhere." 

(@GreyGremory I wasn't sure if you already healed her. I reread what you said but you didn't specifically say if you did or not, lol. )
Elena was contemplating on whether or not she should go back to the academy and whether or not she will get in trouble. Elena knew that if she didn't heal Mary she would die. So after she checked in on her pack and on Luke a portal opened in Akira's room and Elena stepped out fully rejuvenated, "She can't heal unless I give her my blood... And I need to explain something to you... Before you judge me that is."
Akira had tags ready before he could blink when Elena walked in "Im a god I can heal her just fine" he said as he pulled Mary behind him "What do you want? After what you pulled why come back?" He wasn't sure what to think about the vampire girl but he wasn't happy. He turned around to Mary and put his hand up to her neck "This will feel a little uncomfortable" he said before his hand started glowing a gold light. Within seconds the bruising was gone and any other injury that might have been there were also healed "There, now explain before I lose my patience and smite you" he felt stupid for trusting her but he could only blame himself for filling his emotions "I thought of you as a friend and then you go and defend the man who kidnapped you and shot you in the leg with an arrow so who's side are you on" he wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt but he didn't know if he could trust her again.

(I did heal it but I just included it again in his post as well @JustAlexandra. I was going to come after your character but I was trying to finish the moment at hand, although seeing as how you put her back into my room, it's no longer an issue @KaraRPMikaelsonFray)
"Im sorry but you don't know the whole story... And you most definitely do not know me... He has a doppleganger... HES the one we need to be afraid of... Not Luke... His name is Lucas and he is pure evil... If he wanted to hurt me when he kidnapped me then he would've done it or Lucas would have... But he was not lieing to me... I can guarantee you that LUKE is not the enemy here... LUCAS is... He looks exactly like Luke from head to toe and sounds like him... Just give him a chance to tell the truth... Please."
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(@GreyGremory ah, okay sorry for not understand earlier :)  ) @KaraRPMikaelsonFray

Mary gasped as Elena suddenly came back, and was happy to be pulled behind Akira. She wanted nothing to do with Elena. She had no forgiveness to someone who had purposefully nearly killed her. She fidgeted with the necklace Akira had given her, watching the interaction from behind Akira. She had to lean over a bit to see, but that was fine by her. 

Mary's neck had a weird tingling sensation, almost like the kind when you're foot or hand falls asleep, but she was glad for the bruises to be gone so it was worth it. 

Mary listened to Elena, but she was confused. "So... one of them is evil and one is good?" she asked, biting her lip. "That still doesn't explain why you tried to kill me !" she said, stamping her foot and ruffling her feathers. "I didn't deserve that!" she pouted. She did not like where this was going. It seemed that Elena was going to ask for their help again, or at least Akiras. And she wasn't going to let Akira go off with Elena alone, especially not after what happened last time. 
"Look I didn't come here to fight... And I don't need Akira's help... I can do it myself..." Elena looked down mumbling, "I think." Elena looked at Mary, "We all have Doppelgangers... I even have one... The point is I didn't purposely try to kill you guys... I just... Had to leave... And I knew that you wouldn't let me go if you knew what I did... And I knew that if I had you he would stop and not follow me... Im sorry Mary."
(Just so you know @burnbro5566 we are all in my characters dorm so unless you are my room mate your comment makes no sense) @KaraRPMikaelsonFray @JustAlexandra

Akira looked at Elena "Mortal dopplegangers aren't that big a deal unless magic is involved which is very unlikely except in very special conditions. I only know of one mortal with a doppelgänger and I also know he doppelgänger so your story seems very unlikely" he said as he put his tags down and undid his spiritual defence "Sorry but if you panicked like that I think you need my help otherwise why would you have come back" a smirk formed on his face when he said that. He looked around his now messy room and began to clean it up "Well seeing as how I've been asleep for a while, I'm going to clean this up and get food. This could go much faster if you, the person who made this mess, could help me out" he said to Elena as he picked up some of his spell tags and other shamanic materials "Ah thank gods, you didn't make me pull out this sword" he said as he pulled out a gold handled katana from its sheath to reveal a black blade with little sparkling lights running along the length. "This blade is the god slayer sword Kusanagi, one of the most dangerous weapons in the universe and an artifact hat could kill anything it touches" he said as he sheathed it and morphed it back into an amulet "Fortunately I still have this weapon but i still have to be wary about the two people who walk he earth who can also wield this blade" he said as he finished cleaning. He looked to Elena, then Mary "Well there isn't any point standing here, let's get some food while we discuss the details of this 'Lucas' fellow" he wasn't hungrier than he thought and couldn't wait to replenish his energy.
"Well lets just say I have friends in high places... And Ive done my share of magic deals." Elena blurred around the room then standed next to Mary with her arms crossed, "There can we go now?" Akira's room was spotless, "You have your enemies and I have mine." Elena headed for the door, "And I lost people too ok? I have to protect my pack or die trying... Everyone I have ever loved or care for has died... And I can't let that happen again... So if there's a chance to save everyone then I'll take it in a heartbeat."
Mary did not accepted Elena's apology, she just looked away from her. It was unlike Mary to be unforgiving, but she didn't think she would ever be able to get over someone trying to kill her. That was just too far. Mary frowned as Akira spoke, it sounded like he was almost offering his help. Again. Even after all that Elena had done, he still seemed to want to help. Mary bit her lip, upset by this, but she respected Akira and could not make his decisions for him, so she didn't say anything. She wasn't really sure if he should be telling Elena about this magical sword, either, but he didn't seem to be concerned about it. 

Mary tried to help clean the room, but Elena and Akira were pretty quick, and she was mostly just putting things were she assumed they should go, but probably not where they belonged. Mary opened the door, walking out first and waiting a moment for Akira and Elena. She walked purposefully on the other side of Akira, not next to Elena. She flipped the tips of her wings idly as she walked, listening to them talk. She didn't know if she believed what Elena was saying. She seemed to be a little back and forth. Like she was vicious but at the same time trying to seem like she really just cared about her people, but Mary wasn't sure which to believe. She was obviously leaning toward the former, but she may be a bit bias, admittedly. She wasn't sure what to say, so she decided not to say anything. Mary didn't really want to come off too rude, despite what just happened in the room.

As they got closer to the Cafeteria she could smell food cooking, and wondered how long it had been since she had had a real meal. She had eaten the last few days, but they were small, quick meals so she could get back to the other two. Her stomach growled and she blushed. "Sorry..." she murmered.

@GreyGremory @KaraRPMikaelsonFray 
my apologies for not being active for so long, school is hectic and I can't really be on this site for long. Someone can take charge of this RP and I thank whoever has
"Thats ok... You can go ahead... I ate before I got here." Elena stayed back and was thinking about her doppelganger Kat. Kat was pure evil and had her ways of being seductive and when Elena's humanity switch is off she tends to act like Kat but the difference in appearance wise is Elena's hair is straight and Kat's is wavy. Kat was cruel and doesn't like to help Elena but sometimes she has to.

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