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Fantasy Supernatural Academy (Reboot)

"You mortal bastard I'm going to smite you until there is not even an atom left" he was furious with the man tending to Elena "Don't you dare step any closer to that portal! And I'll expect you to return her pocket watch" he said as he steeled his nerve and pulled out some character tags. Akira threw the two tags in front of him and in an instant two more of him appeared "Now I said let her go" he wasn't going to take no for an answer "Mary I need you to keep the students away from this fight if you can. Don't worry I'll be fine" he said to the winged girl beside him with three voices speaking in unison.

@JustAlexandra @KaraRPMikaelsonFray
Mary frowned. "Why is he bad? What is going on??" she asked frantically, but went to the other students anyways. "Everyone! Go to your dorms, please! This is life or death!" she said. When no one moved, she started screaming. "EVERYONE GO TO YOUR DORMS DO YOU HEAR ME? YOU WILL DIE IF YOU STAY HERE!!!!" She screamed, hoping she wasn't causing a scene for nothing. There would surely be repercussions for this. Mary wasn't used to yelling, and was panting just from lack of breathing in between her words. She took a deep breath and flew back to Akira, wings full spread. Everyone was leaving or moving out of her way. "Akira, I don't think anyone else is going to leave," she said, putting a hand on her arm. "Akira we should leave. This is not your fight, you're going to get hurt!"
"Then come with if you have to... But she can't stay here in this form... She needs to be with her pack... All of them are waiting for her... Shes running out of time so please just let us go." Luke pulls the arrow out and Elena twitches just a bit but then cuddles up in his arms, "Glad you finally trust me... Now lets get you patched up then with your pack." Luke runs through the portal to a bayou that has herbs for healing and whatnot. 
Akiras spell failed and disappeared  as the man walked through the portal "Damn! Just a little longer and I could have...." he could only speak a little before going unconscious and collapsing on the ground. While he was out he had dreams or at least what he could assume were dreams. In his dream he saw a bunch of people standing around a single person as though they were bowing to the individual. Akira decided to linger in his dream a little longer to see what was going on "What do we have here" he said as he walked around and saw the face of the man who had taken Elena just standing against a tree with a big grin on his face. He looked around some more and figured he knew none of the other faces in the group until he noticed the girl standing in the middle. He girl had been Elena. Realizing the he immediately went to try to stop what ever he was watching but no one was listening. Moments later he saw white and then nothing 'If only I could have saved her' was his only thought before waking up. 

Mary gasped as Akira collapsed. "Oh my gosh, Akira!" she said, kneeling by him. "What happened?" she asked, looking up at the man who was walking toward the wolf. She didn't understand what was going on. Again. Tears welled in Mary's eyes and she looked down, putting her face in her hands. "Akira why won't you listen to me!" she said through her tears. Her friend had gotten hurt, and there was a feral wolf on campus. Nothing was right! Nothing was going the way she wanted to. She gripped the necklace around her neck that Akira had given her. "Wake up..." she whispered. She was scared for him. 

When he came to Mary threw her arms around him, but said nothing. She was just glad he was awake. 

The portal stayed opened and Luke layed Elena down on the bed as he made some herbs to help Elena's wound and he sighed as Elena was fast asleep, "Im still looking after you all these years." Luke had spread the cream on her wound and awaited for her to change back or wake up or maybe some of her pack would return to the bayou.
Akira felt groggy and pissed when he awoke "He's trying to turn her into a hybrid queen for his pack! We have to stop him" he said as he sorely got up "I may be out of elemental power but I'm not out of star power" he held up his hands and concentrated on the stars. After a few moments the stars started to swirl in the almost light sky until the whole area was covered in star light "I've still got this trick up my sleeve" he said as he created a lasso out of stars and swung it at the portal "I'll be taking my friend back" he controlled the star string until it got near Elena and then had it wrap lol around her. When he knew he had her he made another string from the light in his control and snagged his pocket watch and tugged the line bringing the watch and Elena back to the school side of the portal "My name is Akira Ryujin" he was exhausted but he couldn't quit yet "I'm not going to let you be anywhere near my friends" he said sternly as the watch flew into his hand. After giving the Gentleman in the other side a smirk he pressed the button on the watch closing the portal. Afterward he went to Elena and gathered what little star light he could and wrapped her in it "I will you to change back and become that which you originated from! Come back Elena" he said as he watched her transform again. Akira completely spent walked over to Mary to check if she was okay before falling asleep next to her. As he fell he whispered into Mary's ear "Thanks for being there" and hen he was out snoring like he had no care in the world.

Belladonna watched from the trees with an angered Byakko standing behind her "Well that was quite the show. I hope we got to cross paths again Watatsumi" she smiled a little as she said that then began walking toward a portal in the forest. Byakko stayed a while longer to stare at Akira "I will slash out that pathetic heart of yours and rip off your head. Only then will I be satisfied" said an angry tiger god before following Belladonna into the portal. 

@JustAlexandra @KaraRPMikaelsonFray
After a few days past Elena wakes up with her clothes to shreds and she sits up slowly then groans in pain looking down at her leg wrapped, "What the hell happened?" Elena then swinged her legs over and started to limp, "Akira! Where are you?! I need to have a talk with you! Like now!" Elena was both pissed at him but yet happy. Happy because he cared alot about her, But pissed because she had it all under control.
(that's fine! Sorry, I kind of played you two a little bit in this part. If you mind a lot you can just say so and we can pretend like it didn't happen) 

After Akira had fallen asleep, Mary had had someone from the school carry him and Elena back to their dorm rooms. Luckily, none of them were in a ton of trouble. They had mostly gotten a very severe warning. Akira and Elena had been sleeping for several days, barely waking up to use the bathroom and eat. They probably didn't even remember. She had been checking on them regularly and leaving water by their beds, when she wasn't going to her classes or going to the mess hall. She had hardly slept, worrying about them. The nurse had said they would be fine, but she wouldn't feel better until they woke up. 

Mary had fallen asleep in a chair in Akira's room when Elena woke up. She heard her yelling from down the hall. Mary rushed out the door, running down to Elenas room. "Elena!" she said, hugging her, even though she barely knew her. "I'm so glad you're okay! Akira is still sleeping, but he should wake up soon," she said, smiling with happy tears in her eyes. 
"Where is he?" Elena felt weird when Mary hugged her, "I remember the full moon... And me turning... And thats about it..." Elena closed her eyes and held her head, "Do they have any blood bags here? I need to drink either human blood or animal blood... To regenerate." Elena leaned against the wall and was sweating pin-balls all over her body, "I'm so gonna kill him."
Mary smacked her forehead with her hand. "Oh my god, bloodbags! I should have known!" she said, shaking her head. She felt horrible. "I thought I was doing a good job taking care of you two this whole time, but I didn't even think about blood bags!" she said, getting upset. She swallowed hard, trying to not get too upset. "I will go get the blood bags. Akira is down the hall but..." she bit her lip. "I don't think you should go there by yourself yet. Especially if you're mad at him. Plus, you're injured. Just...stay here," she said, standing up and moving to the door. "I will get you some blood bags, be back in just a few minutes. Please, stay here!" she said before closing the door. She was getting special treatment lately and she knew she would be allowed to get the blood bags. The people who worked at the school didn't really care for taking care of students like this, so they were more than happy to let Mary do it. 
Elena scoffed then started to walk to Akira's room, "I've been through much worse... This is nothing compared to the rest of my life." She mumbled under her breath and was using the wall to walk. Elena was always used to acting so tough and keeping her humanity switch off, but she knew that no matter how hard she tried to keep it off, there would always be something that would make her want to turn it back on, but she didn't want to, not now not ever. When Elena finally got to his room she looked back at the blood trail she left behind, "Great." The more Elena used her leg the more weak she would be and more blood would be flowing out of her body. Elena griped Akira's bed and got on it then her eyes started to close and she passed out on top of him.
Mary was coming back from the nurse's a few minutes later, blood bags in hand, when she saw the trail of blood. "Oh no..." she thought. She should have known Elena would try to go anyways. And now she was hurt, even more than before! She followed the trail, running to Akira's room and opened the door to find Elena ontop of Akira. "Oh my!" Mary said, slamming the door shut. "Um, should I come back later? Are you okay?" she said loudly through the door. 
(Its fine i was going with that consensus anyway)

Akira started waking up in the worst way possible, being hammered by visions of the future before being shoved right out of them. "What the hell......How did i end up in my room?" he said sitting up, feeling much better than he had before he fell asleep only now he had a girl lying down on top of him bleeding. He immediately went into alert mode and scanned the campus for any evil aura "Nothing. Then why is there a.....Oh its Elena" he said as he got up and covered her in his blankets "Oh its okay to come in. She just passed out i think" he said noticing Mary slamming his door. He grabbed some clothes and strapped on his talisman holster and filled it with some talisman "Mary you're free to enter when you like" he said happily as he sat on the other bunk unoccupied in his room.
Mary heard Akira speak from the inside, but couldn't hear what he said. She did, however, hear him say that she could come in. She opened the door, blood bags in hand. "I HAVE THE BLOOD BAGS!" she said, holding them up in the air and running up to Elena. She was about to give them to her, but she didn't know how to feed a passed out person. Especially from a blood bag. She looked from her hand to Elena, and then to Akira. "Um, I don't know what to do," she said. "But I'm so glad you're awake, Akira!" she said, smiling widely at him. 
Elena's eyes were shut and her nose started to bleed. Since Elena was very weak and she was pushing it, her body was falling apart, And her wound seemed to only get worse and spread like a virus or a plague. Meanwhile in her head she was having flashbacks of her life since she was a child. All the terrible memories coming back and the pain. Elena's body started to twitch whenever she got the memories of her getting hurt and tortured.
"Here try doing it like this" he took one of the bags from Mary and turned Elena onto her back "This should help" he said as he held her mouth open and began to squirt some of the blood into it. He looked at Mary "How long was i out?" he asked as he unloaded the rest of the blood down Elena's throat "I really hope you arent missing class for this" he said apologetically toward the winged girl. Akira looked at her and felt his heart skip a beat 'What the hell was that?' he thought as he put Elena's head on a pillow and sat back down on the other bunk "We must have worried you. I'm sorry" he hated himself for what happened but for some reason he felt as though he was forgetting something "Right what happened before i passed out? After i pulled Elena back from the other side of the portal, something happened but i dont quite remember" he couldn't place his finger on what he was missing but he knew he was missing something.
"Only a few days," Mary said, leaning against the bed frame, her wings tucked safely against her back. "No, I haven't. But you two have missed a lot of class," she said, giving him a dissapointed look, then giggling. "It's okay, though. I could have missed time if I wanted, they would have let me. I almost did the first day you two were out, but I thought that I should be there for the first day. One of the nurses watched you, but she said that nothing happened and didn't seem very pleased to have sat in here, so I just checked on you two as often as I could," she said, looking down at her fingers. "Yeah, I was really worried," she twiddled her thumbs. Mary avoided his last question, pretending she didn't hear. "So, um, you're in classes with me! So is Elena. They put us together so that I could help you two catch up, since they didn't know who else knew you," she said, pacing back and forth in the room. "We haven't done too much so far, so it shouldn't be very hard to catch up."
Elena's eyes spike open as she charged at Akira with full force and grabbed his neck pinning it on the wall and slamming it as she growled and her eyes were glowing and her claws out. All she saw was the people who hurt her and she was pissed and wanted to rip him apart piece by piece. Elena started to tighten her grip and stepped closer to him roaring and hissing. She was clouded by anger and full of hurt, and in her defense she wasn't thinking straight or thinking clearly for that matter.
(This is my last post ofr the night but i will be back on tomorrow)

Akira held onto Elena's arm as she pinned him to the wall "Elena....its...me Akira, im not going to hurt you but i need you to let go" he said as he fought the pain she was causing. While pinned to the wall he started to remember a vision he had seen of Elena and the large group of Hybrids around her "Elena im not the guy you hate so much. He's gone for now im not going to hurt you so ....please let go of my neck before i die" he said hastily "Bind and restrain! Astra.....astral binding!" he said as he took out a tag and touched Elena's arm with it wrapping her arms together behind her back, dropping her to the floor. With his neck free he took a breath and waited for her to regain consciousness "I think i know who that guy was. Not a name or anything but i might know why she hates him so much" he said looking at a struggling Elena.
"You son of a bitch! You leave him alone! Its not him!" Elena struggled panting heavily, "If you touch him I will rip you to shreds! You don't gets anything! You don't know me! You don't know him and you most definitely don't know our history or our past so why don't you leave us be!" Elena closes her eyes and concentrates then breaks free out of the restraints and in a second shes holding Mary by her throat with her claws inches away from slicing her throat open, "If you make one move... I WILL end your little girlfriend here... Do you understand!? Now your gonna let me go back through the portal and your not gonna follow me... Your gonna stay right here... With her..." If Elena's humanity switch was on she would not be doing this and she would never kill a innocent person, but with it off she would. Elena is a completely different person with it off. All she wanted to do was go feed on someone. She was sick and tired of the blood bags and wanted a real person to feed on this time. She didn't want to do this but Akira gave her no other choice, "You gave me a ultimatum Akira... Now I'm giving you yours... Who do you REALLY wanna save... Me? Or her?" Elena pressed a little bit on Mary's throat, "You can't have it both ways... Next time you should really listen to your girlfriend instead of following some girl you just met... Now do we have a deal? No coming after me until I COME back... Oh and I'll be needing my pocket watch back... And I really do like you Mary but it's Akira's fault your in this position... I REALLY didn't WANT to do this."

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